
Winrina = Jiminjeong


Love is for eternity. 

Well, that's what my mother told me before she passed away. My father left when I was still in my mother's womb. He left because he was a coward, my grandfather said. He cannot handle of finding out that my mother is an important heiress. He felt useless and weak, so he left. 

Did I hate him for leaving my mother? Did I hate him for leaving me? Did I hate him for being a coward? Or did I blame my grandfather for putting such a huge pressure on him, because he dared to marry my mother despite of him being just an ordinary man coming from an ordinary family? 

The answer is no. I do not hate anyone. I never. 

My mother raised me well. Living with her for my whole 17 years had taught me a lot about life and people. We have different capabilities, opinions, strengths and mindsets. We cannot blame people for thinking differently. We cannot blame people for choosing a path that we does not like. 

Maybe my father was a big coward for backing out from taking a huge responsibility upon finding out my mother is a Kim, one of the most influential family. My grandfather, Kim Junmyeon was the founder and director of Kim Empire. 

He worked hard to be where he was now, to bring up the empire to the top. Now his Empire was known to be the top company internationally. We have shopping malls, restaurants and hotels in many different countries. We kept branching out and expanding. 

People would love to be a part of our family. However, there are a risk too. The public will always keep their eyes on you especially your haters and enemies. Whatever you do, people will judge. Good or bad, they will talk. 

So, being in such a tight spotlight was what my father wanted to avoid so much. Thus, he left my mother facing such criticism and hate from the public for being left alone even just before I was born. Again, did I hate my father because of this? No. 

My mother told me that I should not and should never. She said my father was still the best man. He was there to teach her how to love. He was there through her teenage years. He was there to love her when my grandfather was busy with the empire. My father was still the one who's the reason that I am here now. 

I asked, once, if she ever hate him for leaving? She said no. She understands or at least, she's trying to. My mother said she was a strong woman but not my father. She can handle a lot of things but not my father. That's a flaw that she had known even before she accepted my father. 

So I asked her again, why did she choose a weak man like my father? She smiled and told me, it was because of love. She wasn't able to see and love anyone else but my father. There were a lot of amazing men out there but she still chose my father because of love. That's when she told me that love is for eternity. No matter how lacking the person you love is, when you love them, it will not matter. That's just what love is to her. 






Beep beep. 


A groan could be heard under the duvet. A hand stretched out of it to mindlessly grab a phone on the bed table. 

"Yes, hello?" answered a sleepy, hoarse voice.

"Good morning, sunshine. I just want to remind you that I'll be there in half an hour so you better be done by then. Okay? See ya!"

"Ugh. Ning Yizhuo!" 

The person finally sits up straight and stretched her body with eyes still closed. She only opened her eyes to check the time and sighed when she knows she really need to get up.

She did her routine as usual and once she's all done, she went downstairs to greet her grandfather who was reading a newspaper in the living room.

"Good morning, Minjeong."


"Heard Ning will fetch you today."

"Yes, grandpa."

"Good. Oh, make sure to clear your schedule tomorrow. We're going to visit your mother and grandmother."

"Okay, grandpa."

Their helper, Ms Choi came to let Minjeong know that Ning has arrived. Her grandfather told her that he sent his regards to Ning which Minjeong nodded in return before excusing herself.

Minjeong rolled her eyes hearing a loud music even from outside as she gets closer to Ning's car.

"I swear, you better be a DJ instead. How the hell did you get to be a CEO of your mother's company again?" Minjeong said as soon as she entered the car.

"Because I'm just amazing the way I am!" Ning laughed when Minjeong rolled her eyes again.

"So, we are going to this place I've been telling you. They serve good breakfast I tell you! Like, for real!"

"Okay, Ning. Now drive."

"All right!"

The place was 20 minutes away from Winterland shopping mall, the one that Minjeong handled by herself from the scratch. It's a proof of her hard work and she managed to be a successful CEO at the age of 24 when Winterland was announced as one of the best place to shop.

She refused to take over Kim Empire but instead, requesting to open up her own subsidiary company under Kim Empire to build Winterland under her wings. Her grandfather supported her throughout everything and encouraged her to do it. He is very proud of her when she finally made it. He's glad that Minjeong turned out to be a strong and successful woman.

"How was it?"

Minjeong only hummed as she munched the food that Ning has recommended her to order.

"Not bad."

"Told ya!"

"Yeah." Minjeong chuckled.

"So, you're not going to come in to work tomorrow?"

"Yes. I'll be with grandpa the whole day. Like always."

"Okay, just call me if anything?"







"Would you like to have a lunch with me, Minjeong?"

"Of course, grandpa. You don't have to ask."

"Have to. I know that you have your own life even if you are my granddaughter."

"You know that I'll always make sure to spend time with you."

"I know."

Minjeong and her grandfather has just arrived at their favourite restaurant to eat together, her grandfather immediately requested a private room for them. They ignored the eyes that were watching them until they disappeared behind the door.

"Finally." Minjeong sighed.

"Can't help it when I have such a beautiful granddaughter, right?" Her grandfather teased.

"They just had to take their chance to stare." He added.

"Ah, what are you saying grandpa?" Minjeong laughed.

They talked about work, giving advice and updating each other about what's happening lately at work. Only when they were done eating that her grandfather opened up a topic that they have never talked about.

"Are you seeing someone right now, my dear?"

Minjeong looks up and wipes using a napkin slowly.

"No, grandpa. Not now." Minjeong answered honestly.

"No one you like? I'm sure people are dying to be with you. So?"

Minjeong chuckled and shakes her head.

"Well, yeah. No one's interesting enough to get my attention, I guess."

Her grandfather laughed with her. As expected. Her granddaughter never fails to amuse him. She's a smart kid and she is very careful in choosing her circle. It's a no wonder that even until now, she's still single. She's choosy.

Because unlike her mother, she finds love is dangerous. She must choose carefully not to be a fool for love. She does not want the same thing happen to her. She doesn't want to be left by her own partner. She certainly doesn't want someone weak.

"You'll be 28 soon and I'm not getting any younger."

Minjeong took a deep breath. Yes, she got the hint. She knows where this conversation is going.

"You know that I care a lot about you, right?"

"Yes, grandpa."

"Minjeong, I would like to introduce you to my friend's granddaughter. Only if you agree." Her grandfather said carefully.

"When will it be?" Minjeong asked.

"Well, if you agree to meet, I can contact them first and set the date."

"Okay, grandpa."

Kim Junmyeon looks at her with care and love. He cleared his throat before smiling.

"Okay? Great. I will update you again."






"So, I've talked to my friend. His family is ecstatic to meet you personally. Also because his granddaughter will finally coming back for good."

Minjeong nods as she listens to her grandfather. She's at his office now after a meeting.

"They sent her to study abroad and manage their branch at New York. Now she's coming back and will take over her father's position as he wanted to finally step down from the CEO position."

"How old is she?" Minjeong asked. 

"Just a year older than you."

"Ah. I see."

"I think you know her."

"Do I?"

"She's the only granddaughter of my friend. Her name is Yoo Jimin."

Minjeong tilted her head before clicking her tongue.


"Right. She used to do modelling at the beginning of her career but now she's focusing more onto the business world as she's preparing to take over The Yoo Airlines."

"Hm." Minjeong just nodded.

"We will meet them when she's finally settling down."

"Okay, grandpa."



Minjeong spent another hour bonding with her grandfather before she went out to meet up with Ning. She told Ning about everything and her friend is more excited than she is. 

"Girl! We're talking about Karina here. Yoo Jimin! Oh my god, that girl is too good to be real!" Ning exclaimed dramatically.

"Well, she is real. What are you talking about?" Minjeong rests her chin on her palm. She's now at Ning's apartment.

"But she is Karina!"

"Yeah, and?"

"And?!! Yah. Kim Minjeong. I would trade anything to be you right now. Your grandpa, does he ever think of adopting another grandchild?"

Minjeong laughed and pushed Ning who was grinning cheekily at her.

"But come on. You are so lucky. When are you meeting her?" Ning asked.

"I don't know. For now, I'll just wait until grandpa update me."

"Oh. Don't forget to update me too!"

"Have I ever not?"



The both of them laughed and decided to talk about something else. Ning can tell that it does not really matter to Minjeong, it was not a big deal of meeting Yoo Jimin. She shakes her head, wishing that one day Minjeong will find interest in love.






A limousine entered the Kim's mansion as soon as the gate was opened for them. It stops just right in front of the front door. Four people coming out of the limousine, looking elegant and fine. Especially the youngest of all.

The door then was opened and Kim Junmyeon greeted them warmly. 

"Welcome, my friend!"

"Junmyeon hyung!"

"Oh. It has been so long, isn't it?" Junmyeon laughed  and hugged his friend.

"Look at you. Still handsome as ever. Indeed, Yoo Sehun never disappoints." Junmyeon teased.

"Are you talking about yourself here?" They all laughed at Yoo Sehun's reply.

"Oh ya. Here's my son, Taeyong and my daughter in law, Irene."

"They are so handsome and pretty." Junmyeon praised and hugged them too.

"This is my granddaughter, Jimin." Sehun pulled Jimin closer and smiled proudly.

"Hello, Sir." Jimin bowed politely.

"Oh, please. Don't treat me like a stranger. Just call me grandpa." Junmyeon said then invited them in.

"My granddaughter will be here soon but let's go and have a drink first." He added.

Junmyeon was catching up with Sehun after not meeting for a long time. They even talked about their company. Junmyeon did talk to Taeyong and Irene about how were they doing. Jimin mostly just listened but sometimes she answered to questions thrown at her by Junmyeon too.

"I'm sure you will do great." Junmyeon said when they told him that Jimin has taken the CEO position already.

"Thank you." Jimin bowed her head.

"Hello everyone. Grandpa, I'm so sorry. The meeting took longer than I thought."

Jimin turned her head to look at Minjeong who was bowing already.

"My dear. It's okay. Come here, meet my friend and the family."

Minjeong took her time greeting Sehun, Taeyong and Irene before she's standing beside Jimin who also stands up to greet her properly.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you. I'm Minjeong."

"Likewise. Jimin."

Minjeong raised her eyebrows. Feeling intrigued with how short Jimin's greeting was.

"Have a seat, Minjeong. We were waiting for you. Everyone, please enjoy your food. I hope this won't be the last time we'll have a dinner together." Junmyeon said and gestured the helpers there to uncover all of the food served.

"Minjeong, I heard Winterland is doing very good. You did good, kid."

"Thank you. It is all thanks to grandpa for teaching me a lot."

"I hope your grandpa isn't pushing you too much, no?"

"No, he spoiled me actually."

Sehun laughed while Junmyeon only agreed in silence.

"I can imagine. He always bragged about you." Sehun said.

"I hope all the good things?"

"Never a bad one."

"I'm glad."

Everyone just laughed at Minjeong's honest response while Jimin kept quiet. Minjeong then let the elders talked among themselves while she enjoyed the food. She's hungry anyways.

"Jimin ah, talk to her too." Minjeong heard Taeyong said.

"Hi." Jimin greeted, but not looking at her.


"How's work?"

"Hm. Okay."


Sehun and Junmyeon sighed silently seeing how cold their granddaughter's interaction was.

"Ahem. Minjeong, tell Jimin about the new playground that you were planning to build. I'm sure maybe Jimin can help giving some ideas." Junmyeon said.

"Oh. Yeah, we're still discussing about it actually but umm..." Minjeong paused to glance at Jimin who stops eating to listen to her but still not looking at her.

"The plan is to start the project earliest by next 5 months." Minjeong continues.

"What has been in the discussion so far?" Jimin asked.

The elders smiled in relief that Jimin finally tried more to talk to Minjeong and continues with their conversation, letting the girls have their own conversation. 

"The location, we are still working on the location. My team is working hard on it."

"Are you thinking of the property near Winterland? I think it's a good spot."

"Ah, yes, actually. We were thinking about it too. But the owner seems hard to please. He kept rejecting to meet us when we requested for a meet up to discuss about the price of the land. We just need half of his property to combine with the other land just beside them."

"Who's the guy again?" Jimin asked.

"His name is Mr Joe."

"Well, do you need my help?"

"Oh. I don't want to be a bother."

"I'm sure I offered this myself. You're not a bother."

"It's okay. Thank you but it's okay. I'll be sure to claim your help for another time, maybe?"

Jimin looks at Minjeong's calm face.

Hm. Hardworking and stubborn. But a smart one indeed. 

"Okay then. You know where to find me. Don't hesitate to contact me." 







It has been 4 months since Jimin's first meeting with Minjeong. A week after the meeting, Jimin was announced as the new CEO of The Yoo Airlines. The news spread worldwide. Jimin is a well known as her family members and is very well respected.

After seeing how she had managed to achieve so much in a short period of time, Sehun decided to proceed with his plan without any more delays.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

Sehun smiled and gestured her to join him on the couch in his office.

"Why did you call me, grandpa?" She asked again once she sat down.

"Jimin. I've been observing of how you do your work and manage the company. I have no complaints and no regrets in choosing you to be our next successor, replacing your father now."

"Thank you. It's all thanks to the knowledge that you, mom and dad has shared to me as well." Jimin said.

"Well. Smart brain runs in the family." Sehun laughed.

"So, Jimin. I am sure you can do so much more." Sehun said.

"What is it, grandpa?" Jimin asked.

Sehun stands up and grabbed a file on his desk nefore going back to sit beside Jimin and handed her the file.

"Here, go on. Have a read."

Jimin took it and flipped it open. She raised her eyebrows as soon as she saw the Kim Empire's official stamp.

"Kim Junmyeon, my friend, he asked for your hands."


Sehun smiled and looked at Jimin carefully.

"He likes you for his granddaughter and he wants you to take part in managing his empire."

"What about Minjeong?"

"She refused."


"Minjeong is very- hm, how do I say it? She's kind of stubborn but she knows what she's doing. She only want to do what she wants to do and that is to focus on Winterland and her next new project. She has zero interest in taking over the empire completely."

"Well, does she know that her grandfather is asking for me?"


"What did she say?"

"She said she will follow you."

"She will follow me?"

"Yes, Jimin. Minjeong will be okay with everything, only if you're okay with it too. But if you don't, then that's fine for her too."

"I'll have to think about this first, grandpa."

"Of course. You have all the time to think about it. We won't be forcing you."

"Thanks grandpa. I'll have to leave and finish some work now."

Sehun hums and sighs as Jimin left his office. He grabbed his phone to update Junmyeon about his talk with Jimin.







Shocked. In disbelief. Crazy.

Yes. That's what Minjeong was feeling as soon as she received a text from her grandfather that she will become Jimin's fiancee once the date is set. Jimin finally gave her answer after a month of thinking.

Minjeong's frown grew deeper as she read the last sentence.

Jimin will be coming to see you to discuss further. 


"Ms Kim. Ms Yoo is here to see you."

Minjeong widened her eyes when she heard her secretary's voice from outside her office room. 

"Ahem. Yes, let her in please."

Minjeong put aside the scattered papers on her desk neatly as she welcomed Jimin in. She heard her secretary asked Jimin politely if she needs anything but Jimin said it's all right and that she came to talk to Minjeong only.

"Hello. Please have a seat." Minjeong said.

"Hi. I hope my visit doesn't catch you off guard." Jimin said.

"A little bit, actually. My grandpa had just informed me a minute ago." Minjeong said honestly.

"Ah. I see. So, you know to what's the reason that I am here then?"


Jimin crossed her legs and stares at Minjeong daringly.

"I am a single woman, Kim Minjeong."

"Uh, sorry?"

"I'm available for you to get engage with me."

Minjeong blinks her eyes, it seems that as if she's the one who want Jimin.

"I'm sure you know that it's actually my grandfather's idea and not me." Minjeong said.

"Of course. But I was informed that you have nothing against it, yes?"

"Well, you're right. Because I am too, a single woman."

"Great and I'm here to make sure that you won't be hating me or accusing me of trying to take your family empire."

"I won't. I'm not interested to manage the empire." Minjeong frowned.

"May I ask you why, Kim Minjeong?"

"I love Winterland, it's like a part of me already and I don't want to get busy managing anything else other than Winterland."

"So, you don't have anything against me working for your grandfather for the empire?"

"No. Just make sure you don't disappoint him. I wouldn't like that."

Jimin chuckled and scratched her temple. Minjeong tilted her head, taking in Jimin's perfection.

"I am Yoo Jimin. Yoo Jimin never disappoints."

"Okay. I hope you'll continue to live up to your name, Yoo Jimin."

Jimin raised her eyebrows. Somehow, hearing Minjeong calling her name that way sounds lovely to her ears.

"Then, is it safe to say that you agree to get engage with me?"

"Why not? You are a strong and successful woman too."

"I... Don't think I get what you mean."

"I told grandpa that I will agree to get engaged with someone he choose for me, only if the person is not weak. Because I don't want someone weak."

Jimin grinned slightly and nodded her head.

"I see." Jimin stands up.

"I hope you know then, that I agree with all of this because I am not just a strong and successful person but I am also a greedy person, Kim Minjeong. You've agreed and there is no chance for you to stop me after this."

"You do whatever you want and keep my grandpa's trust in you and do not ever provoke me by trying to cross the line like eyeing my Winterland, then we will be all good."

"Deal." Jimin said firmly.






The news of The Yoo and The Kim holding a private engagement event for Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong shook the country once more. Kim Junmyeon also announced that Jimin is now a part of Kim empire, for being Minjeong's future wife.

Jimin has now become the most rich and successful young business woman. She gained more respect for climbing up to the top in a short time.

Now, Jimin just left her office to attend Uchinaga's annual dinner which the CEO happens to be the girlfriend of Minjeong's friend.

Jimin kept her poker face and ignored the reporters calling for her name desperately to get inside as soon as possible.

Unknown to Minjeong, Jimin has arrived and gained attention from everyone right away. Minjeong was busy talking to Jaemin, Mr Joe's niece.

"I heard about your offer. Its unfortunate that uncle Joe rejected it."

"It happened, I am fine with it."

"I think you still have time to change his mind before you start your new project."


"I can talk to my uncle for you if you want."

Jaemin's eyes are clearly checking Minjeong out. He stepped closer and tried to touch Minjeong's elbow but as soon as his finger graze her skin, Minjeong stepped back and raised her hand to stop him.

"Jaemin sshi. Thank you for your concern but I don't need your help and me and my team found a better spot for my new project already."

"Are you sure? That's too bad. It'll be amazing if you stick to the spot near my uncle's property."

"I'm okay with the current spot that we have secured now."

Jaemin's flirty smile never leaves his face as he tried to get closer to Minjeong again this time.

"What about a coffee with me tomorrow?" He asked. 

"A coffee with my lovely fiancee. Now, I wouldn't like that." 

Both Jaemin and Minjeong turned their head to Jimin who's now staring sharply at Jaemin, glancing at the small distance between him and Minjeong. 

"Ah. Yoo Jimin. An honored, to see you."

"Is it?" Jimin asked coldly. 

Jimin then looks at Minjeong and her face softened seeing how relief Minjeong look now. She reached out a hand to Minjeong which she accepted immediately, letting Jimin pulling her gently into her arm. 

Jimin then circled her arm around Minjeong's shoulder and kissed her head softly. It's a gesture she always does behind the closed door whenever she's alone with Minjeong, to assure her that Minjeong will always be safe with her. 

"Wow. I thought it was all on just a paper." Jaemin laughed. 

"What's on a paper?" Jimin asked. 

"You know, the two of you. The whole world knows that you are not in a real relationship, just got engaged because of your family's set up." 

Jimin hummed and rubbed her hand on Minjeong's shoulder. She saw Ning and Aeri nearby, the two are awared of the tension between Jimin and Jaemin so they stays close just in case. 

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to him alone? Be with Ning and Aeri first?" Jimin whispered to Minjeong. 

"Just don't make a scene okay." Minjeong whispered back and pecked Jimin's cheek out of habit. That happens ever since their grandfather complained about them not being affectionate with each other. 

"So. Jaemin right?"

Jimin walked forward with head held up as she glared at him in all seriousness.

"I see that you fancy my fiancee."

"She is a sweetheart and I think she deserve better." Jaemin winked, provoking Jimin more.

"Indeed, she is a sweetheart. But I don't think you know what's better for my fiancee. After all, the whole world knows that she is mine."

"Yeah. But I can give her more than you can give such as pure love."

"Bold of you to talk about pure love involving my fiancee."

"I am a brave man and I deserve her more than you."

Jimin chuckled darkly and her bottom lip. 

"Well, Mr brave man. Let me tell you something then."


"You weren't the one that she got engaged with. You weren't the one that she trust with everything. You weren't the one that she spends her nights with. You weren't the one that have all the right to get the privilege of getting a sweet kiss from her anytime."

"You're just bluffing-"

"Oh. I am not. I am Yoo Jimin and I never bluff. Yes, the whole world knows we got engaged because of our family. But Jaemin sshi..." Jimin stepped closer and pretending to fix his collar.

"The whole world does not need to know what do we do when we're alone in a room together. You certainly doesn't need to know for all the time I make her feel loved and show her how great I am as a lover. I'm sure I don't need to announce to the whole world that I wake up everyday holding her close to my chest after making a sweet sweet love with her." Jimin whispered clearly.

"So stop bothering her. She will always be mine. I'm not going to ever let her go." Jimin warned then stepped back. She throws Jaemin one last sharp stare before turning away to go back to Minjeong.

Jaemin scoffed and loosened his tie harshly. He glared at Jimin's back before leaving the area in anger.

"Is everything all right?" Aeri asked right away when Jimin finally joined them.

"Yeah. Just knocking some sense to a boy." Jimin shrugged. Ning shakes her head, holding her laugh while Aeri just smiled.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Jimin asked Minjeong softly and put her hand around her waist protectively which did not go unnoticed by Ning's and Aeri's eyes.

"I'm okay." Minjeong answered. Jimin hums and tucked Minjeong's hair behind her ear then hugs her waist again, keeping her close all the time.

"You two look... Cute." Ning said after watching how Jimin is around Minjeong now. 

"Okay, what do you want now?" Minjeong asked.

"Yah. What do you mean?"

"You always said something nice when you want something, Ning."

Aeri laughed when Ning whined at her as Minjeong was accusing her out of nowhere.

"I'm being honest here! It's not often to see you two being lovey dovey like this since you both were always away from each other and busy." Ning said.

"Well. We are trying to change that." Jimin said.

"Hm? We are?" Minjeong asked and turned her head to Jimin.

"I'm marrying you someday. We gotta change that. After all, I promised you that I won't disappoint your grandpa. He wants me to love you properly." Jimin said.

"Wait, l-love me?"


Aeri chuckled seeing Minjeong's adorable confused face. Sensing that the couple needs a time alone, she pulled Ning with her to leave the two.

"You know how I never say something I did not mean, right?"

"Uh huh. And?"

"Well, I said something to Jaemin guy earlier."

"Okay, and?"

"I want to make it all happen."

"Make what happen, Jimin?"

"Everything that I have said to him." Jimin smirked and tightened her hold on Minjeong's waist.

"All of it." Jimin whispered as her eyes set on Minjeong's pretty lips.

"Of course, with your consent. I respect you, okay." Jimin added.

"Okay. What is it that you need my consent?" Minjeong asked.

"To love you."

"Jimin. You're funny." Minjeong chuckled.


"We don't do love."

"We don't."


"But we can start."


"I want to love you, Kim Minjeong. Allow me to love you." Jimin said looking into her eyes directly.

"As you have known, I am greedy. I have you as my fiancee and now I want more from you, from this engagement. I want a relationship with love, with you."

"Wait, Jimin..." Minjeong put her palm on Jimin's forehead.

"You're not sick." Minjeong murmured.

Jimin sighed and grabbed her wrist as she pulled her into her front and leaned her face closer. Their noses were touching.

"I'm asking you, for the first time ever. Dear Kim Minjeong, be my real fiancee. Let's do this properly this time. Let me in." Jimin said, hands cradled Minjeong's face gently.

"You said you want someone strong, not a coward and someone trustworthy. I showed you me. You see me. I am all that. I be that person for you. Now I'm asking you, Minjeong. Be my real fiancee. A fiancee that I can love. A fiancee that will love me too."

"Jimin, what you're asking is really dangerous."

"I know. I'm willing to go through anything. Jump with me, jump with me into this roller coaster ride of a relationship. Let us try to love this time. I want it. I want you."

Minjeong looks into Jimin's sincere eyes. Her heart skips a beat for the first time because of her. She wanted to say no, she's scared. After what happened to her mother, she always pushes love away.

However, seeing Jimin's sincerity and all of her effort of showing how capable she is and how reliable she is, maybe... Minjeong can try to be brave enough to let herself experience the danger in letting herself drawn in love.

"You know Jimin."


"You have just one chance."

Jimin smiled and intertwined her hands with Minjeong.

"That's all I need."

And so, Minjeong finally allowed her heart to let Jimin in. She's still scared but at the same time, she trust Jimin. She let go of all the walls that she had build so hard for Jimin this time. Maybe this time, she will understand what her mother had told her before. That love is really for eternity. 

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳