Us Against the World (Epilogue)

Winrina = Jiminjeong


Johnny took a sit in front of Karina who was just staring blankly. They were at a cafe near Karina's apartment. It was only after a month since the incident that Karina finally allowed herself to go out to start a new life with ease. Johnny asked to meet so here they were.

"How are you feeling now?" Johnny asked.

Karina looked outside the window and watched as people out there walked with friends or family or even alone, but smiles on their faces as they enjoyed the calm weather. Karina released a soft sigh before looking back at Johnny.

"I feel... Okay." Karina said softly.

"Irene have been asking to meet you to explain her part." Johnny said and Karina only nodded her head.

Yes, Irene. The only family member she has left. Irene and her have not yet talked about what happened to them before they met again. They need to meet, Karina knows. She just needs to take things slow. After all, she took time to allow herself to mourn for the last time of losing her loved ones. It was hard for her and she was only able to accept her fate after clearing off her mind for a month.

"I will meet her soon. Don't worry." Karina told Johnny.

"Okay." Johnny then ordered food for them both as they ate peacefully together for the first time after Johnny rescued Karina from her family's enemy.

"I have a question actually." Johnny suddenly said and glanced at Karina who dipped her chin, a gesture for him to continue.

"Why didn't you move away or avoid the shot?" Johnny asked. He still couldn't understand Karina's mind when Sehun tried to shoot her, she just stayed still when she could easily avoid it since her move was always fast and she always thinks fast too.

"It was... my intention." Karina started slowly.


"At that point, I felt a heavy exhaustion take over me then one by one, I can see my mom's face, Aeri's family and- yeah, Seulgi unnie."


"I just- I want to see them again, you know. So, I didn't move. Besides, you were there with Chaehyun too. I am sure you both will kill him for me if I were to die." Karina paused and a smile slowly spread on her face.

"Then there's Winter. It's crazy that I am so sure she will take a revenge for me. I believe she will make Sehun regret for shooting me. After all, she's obsessed with me." Karina chuckled.

Johnny was in awed. It has been years, Karina has been with him for years in hiding. Not once has he ever heard that beautiful laugh nor he has ever seen a glowing smile on Karina's face, not until now. Johnny smiled seeing Karina smiled. He's glad that now Karina is able to live without worries.

"But..." Karina frowned and sighed.

"I really didn't expect her to try and take the shot for me. I didn't expect her to sacrifice herself for my safety."

"Like you said, she's obsessed with you. I think she really likes you, genuinely." Johnny commented.

"Hmm." Karina nodded and played with her cup of tea.

She can still remember that scene vividly, how her heart almost burst out of her chest and how she was feeling scared for the first time after the incident with her family's murder.




Her heart was beating so fast and she roamed her hands around Winter's back.

"Winter?" She called for the younger girl in a whisper.


Johnny and Chaehyun reached them and were breathing heavily from running. They checked both Winter and Karina for the wound or the shot but found none while Karina was still looking at Winter with a frown on her face as Winter was confused as hell with what had just happened. 


Then they looked at Sehun whose eyes were wide and mouth moved ever so slightly as he fell to the ground and there was blood on him. Two shots in his stomach and one shot in his chest.

"Sorry, did I come late to the party? Suho called me at the very last minute. Aish, I told him not to do something stupid before I arrive." They turned and saw Kai strode towards them and immediately went to Suho's side.

"I didn't do the last shot though." Kai said again, he helped Suho up.

"Someone's there." Chaehyun told them and pointed at a hill nearby.

"Stay alert. We don't know who was over there." Johnny reminded them all and told Chaehyun to go check and find out.

Karina then turned to Winter again. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

"I told you to listen to me and do not get killed." Karina said, half growling at Winter, who looked at her.

"I listened and I am alive?"

"You almost-" Karina paused and sighed.

She opened her eyes and looked at Winter's eyes, she sees herself. She freaking sees herself in Winter's eyes. She hates it- she loves it. It makes her feel unfamiliar things, in a good way. Karina then stepped closer and glanced behind Winter to look at Sehun's dead body.

"It's over." Karina whispered and closed her eyes again.

Her hands pulled Winter until she crashed against her and hugged her. Karina opened her eyes to look at Sehun again before finally she burst out into tears silently. She was drained and in need of warmth. So, when she felt Winter's arms wrapped around her and giving her a soothing caress on her back, she just gave in and let her tears flow endlessly.

"Ah. It's really over now." Karina whispered again.

Johnny cried seeing Karina broke down for the second time after the death of her family. He got closer and patted Karina's head gently.

"You did well, Karina." He said and Karina's body shook even more with how much she was crying even if it's still a silent cry as she can't find her voice due to her exhaustion physically, mentally and emotionally.



Karina cleared as she snapped out of her thoughts. She looked at Johnny who was eating hungrily and chuckled, causing Johnny to look up at her and raised his eyebrows.


"Were you really that hungry?"

"Yes. I haven't eaten since last night. I think I prefer to work with you than with Taeyeon, that woman is strict and scary even if she looks like that, innocent and seems harmless."

Yes. Johnny and Chaehyun ended up signing a contract to work under Taeyeon. They refused to leave Karina at first, but Karina told them to leave the underworld and live normally and earn income prettily not by killing anymore as Karina decided to retire as an assassin too since her mission was completed now. They are now in charge as a part of the security team under Taeyeon's own organization for family that needs security, less killing obviously. They would only need to kill when necessary. 

"So, you were saying that I am not scary at all?" Karina asked and raised her eyebrows at Johnny who was now looking at her with wide eyes. He quickly waved his hands and shook his head vigorously.

"I don't- No, I mean-"

Karina burst out laughing at his panic reaction, and Johnny glared at her.

"That was not funny." He hissed.

"Sorry, I was only joking." Karina smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."










A week after her meet up with Johnny, Karina finally agreed to meet Irene. She invited her cousin to her apartment. Irene came at 7pm sharp, and Karina only let her in without words. Irene looked around, seeing how the apartment really neat and clean. There were fresh plants outside at the balcony too.

"Nice place." Irene commented once she joined Karina at the dining table as Karina moved around to prepare drinks for her.

Karina threw her a quick glance through her shoulder before going back to making the drinks and muttered a low "thanks".

"Can I sit?" Irene asked.


Irene then sat down and watched Karina until she set the drinks on the table and took a sit as well. Karina gestured her to have a drink while she, herself also take a glass of her own drinks. Irene looked at Karina who was sipping on her drinks in silence, eyes set on the table.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I know you're still mad at me, Jimin-"



"I thought we were not a family anymore for you to call me Jimin."

Irene gulped and looked at Karina properly. She remembered Johnny told her everything that Karina had to go through alone for the past few years and her heart hurts thinking of how hard it was for her back then.

"Jimin, I'm sorry." Irene whispered.

"I- I had to do what I had to do. I don't want you to get hurt. Please, listen to me." Irene pleaded.

Karina sighed and finally looked at her back. She nodded her head and Irene smiled in relief. Then she started telling Karina what really happened after she managed to escape from getting killed too. She explained the reason behind her attack previously to make her scared so she won't stay and leave. She can't be the cousin that she needs because she can't show her weakness when enemies were still around. She tried to stay away from Karina so Sehun can't find her through her. The truth is she still cares and always do, she did everything to make sure Karina won't get hurt.

"It's up to you if you don't want to believe me, but... I am still the same Irene. You are still my precious cousin, Jimin."

Karina nodded. Johnny had informed her a little of Irene's reason since Irene explained to him first. She just wasn't ready to face Irene yet.

"And I'm sorry too, for your loss." Karina said. She knows Irene had suffered just like her. After all, Irene was really close with her mother and there's Seulgi too, she knew Irene cares about her.

"Yeah." Irene whispered and looked down.

"C-Can I... hug you? Jimin? Please."

Karina looked at her before she slowly stood up.

"You do know I'll never reject your hug-" Karina paused and took a deep breathe.

"Unnie." Karina smiled and Irene cried as she got up to run into Karina's embrace.

The two shared their tears and hugged each other tightly as they have been craving for it for a long time, they only have each other as a family too. Irene held Karina closed, as tight as she can and kept crying when she heard Karina's cries too.

"It's been hard, isn't it?" Irene asked in between her cries and she felt Karina's shaking body along with nods.

"I'm here now, Jimin. Unnie is here. You won't be alone anymore." Irene told her and Karina nodded as she tightened her hug on Irene.

For a while, they just cried their heart out together and stayed in a tight embrace as they both really had gone through a lot without being there for each other.










"Irene told us that we can trust you."

"In terms of what?"

Mrs Kim raised her eyebrows at Karina's question. Taeyeon only stands up straight beside her. This would be the second time of their meeting. First was when they met at the jetty as it turned out Taeyeon was the one who shot Sehun in his chest using a sniper from the hill with Mrs Kim watching over her. 

"For my youngest, Minjeong."

Karina frowned. Minjeong?

"Ah. Pardon. I meant, Winter." Mrs Kim quickly said when she saw a confusion on Karina's face.

"You didn't know her real birth name, do you?" Mrs Kim asked.

"I don't dig into my client's detail." Karina said.

"So, she's just a client to you?"

Karina couldn't answer that. Winter wasn't a friend. They do not know much about each other.

"Winter is Minjeong, but since she was still a kid, she insisted that we called her Winter. She said, Winter is such a pretty name and she is pretty so, we should call her Winter."

Karina almost scoffs upon hearing that, but Taeyeon did not miss how tugged upward a little. Taeyeon smiled faintly seeing that, she thought that maybe Karina was also thinking of how stubborn yet adorable Winter was even when she was still just a child.

"My daughter. Karina, she seems to be so into you." Mrs Kim said, straight to the point.

"Are you aware of that?" She asked Karina.

"I am." Karina answered honestly.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" Mrs Kim asked and Karina frowned. Is she supposed to do something?

"I'm sorry, I don't think I follow." 

Taeyeon shook her head at Karina's clueless face. Just then, Irene announced her arrival with Suho. She came into the mansion with Suho beside her. They bowed at Mrs Kim and Taeyeon.

"Mom, you were calling for me?"

"Ah, yes. Son, can you wait in my office first?"


Suho then patted Irene's shoulder and excused himself, Irene only smiled and nodded at him before going to stand near Karina.

"Irene, your cousin seems... so lost." Mrs Kim said. Irene chuckled, and Karina looks even more confused.

"Ma'am, she hasn't done this before."

"Not even one relationship?"


Mrs Kim rubbed her temple and let out a sigh.

"You are welcome to the family, Karina. We take Irene as one, you are included." Mrs Kim said.


Irene smiled and bowed at Mrs Kim as she left them there in the living room to meet Suho.

"What does my wife want now? I was just- oh. We have guests."

Irene, Karina and Taeyeon looked at Mr Kim who had just entered.

"Well, hello everyone- I will talk to you guys once I'm done meeting with my demanding wife. She's so lucky that she's amazing and that I am crazily in love with her. Sigh."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at her father's random mumbling as he left them.

"Karina." Taeyeon called for her attention this time.


"Winter is... my precious baby. I just feel like I need to tell you that. Try and hurt her, you'll have to deal with me then." Taeyeon smiled at her but nothing looks friendly with her smile.

"Make sure you won't look for someone else if you're looking for a partner. Our Winter wouldn't like that and you're going to add up more problem to us." Taeyeon added.

"And welcome to the family. I have to go now. See you."

When Taeyeon was about to leave, Karina walked closer and stopped her. 

"Thank you." Karina thanked her as the last time she didn't get the chance to.

"I owe you." Karina bowed her head.

"I didn't do it just for you. Winter was there, I tried to save my baby sister. So, no. You don't owe me anything, Karina. Live, Karina. Live life to the fullest now. You deserve it." Taeyeon smiled and looked at Irene too.

"You both deserve it." Taeyeon said before she finally left.

Irene let out a sigh and grabbed Karina's arm.

"Hey." Irene called her softly when Karina's eyes got watery.

"It's still feels surreal, unnie. We are free from threats now." Karina said.

"Well, believe it. We're going to be fine, Jimin." Irene smiled at her.

"Now, let's go. I can't wait to introduce you to Wendy."

They went to the back of the mansion where Wendy usually trained Winter how to fight. Karina saw the two were in a sparring training. She crossed her arms as she observed Winter's movement. Hm, she's getting better. She's faster now too.

Karina took her time as she checked Winter out. She usually ignored the girl and never really look at her before, but now, she has no worries left and she can enjoy her life as much as she can. She used the chance to observe Winter properly. Karina took note of how Winter looks really good in a short hair. Suits her perfectly.

"Yah! That was cheating!" 

Karina snapped out of her thought when she heard Wendy's loud voice.

"It isn't!" Winter yelled back.

"It is!"

"No, unnie. It's a part of a trick. You see, when you're fighting your enemies, you can't be all fair. Why? Because if we don't cheat, the enemies would!"

"What nonsense is that?"

"It's true!"

Karina scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. Winter is really something.

Irene laughed which caught the attention of the two. 


"Hi, love." Irene approached her and Karina saw how Wendy's smile was so wide. She was about to watch more when Winter suddenly blocked her view.

So, Karina looked down and raised her eyebrows when Winter tilted her head, blinking at her. Winter then raised her right hand and put it on Karina's left cheek. Karina can feel her heart skipped a beat, but she ignored it and focus on Winter instead.

"You're here." Winter said and grinned. Karina only hummed, fighting the urge to smile at Winter's cute grin.

"I wanted to see you and be there for you, but I was grounded. Then, mom said I'm allowed to do all I want if you come and see me first instead of me seeing you first." Winter pouted.

"I thought you don't listen to anyone, not even me." Karina said.

"You're right. I don't." Winter chuckled.

Winter's hands now were pulling on Karina's jacket, and she stepped closer, raising her chin as she stared at Karina who was still looking at her. It has been like more than a month that they did not see each other and Karina actually feels glad to finally see her again.

"But, mom and Taeyeon unnie are the only exception." Winter told her.

"However, if you want me to listen to you too, you gotta be mine first. So, what do you say?" Winter smirked while Karina sighed before looking away instead.

Karina then looked at Irene and Wendy. Irene was wiping off Wendy's sweat while Wendy was drinking a bottle of mineral water. She saw how Wendy smiled at Irene and kissed her temple. Irene was blushing and giggling cutely. Her Irene unnie is happy and she's glad to see that.

"Yaaah, look at me." Winter holds Karina's face with both hands.

"What?" Karina asked.

"Don't you miss me?" Winter pouted.

Karina ignored the question and pulled her aside when she saw Irene and Wendy were approaching.

"Wendy, meet Jimin. My favourite cousin. And Jimin, this is my girlfriend." Irene introduced them. Wendy smiled and offered a handshake which Karina took without hesitation.

"Let's start anew, um... Jimin? Can I call you that too?" Wendy asked.

"Sure." Karina nodded.

"Jimin?" Winter asked. Irene then explained to Winter about Karina's real name.

"And I'm sorry for whatever happened between us before. I was trying to help Irene to warn you and save you." Wendy said.

"I understand, and please take care of Irene unnie." Karina said.

"I will."

"Jimin. Jimin Jimin."

Karina frowned and looked at Winter.

"I like it. Jimin. I will call you that from now on too."

"Then, I will stop calling you Winter." Karina replied.


"Because I also want to call you by your real name."

"But Winter is nice."

"But I like Minjeong."


Winter then hugged Karina's arm and smirked.

"Fine. Call me all your want. I'll be Minjeong when I'm with you as long as you agree to be mine."

"You know you can't force someone to be with you."

"That's true, but you are not someone. You are Jimin, and I can force Jimin to be with me. Right, Wendy unnie?"

Karina looked at Irene and mouthed to her for a help. Irene quickly shook her head and went a little behind Wendy. There's no way she wants to deal with Winter. She saw how the family has their struggles in handling her. She simply does not want to get a headache because of Winter, so it's best that she avoids being on her bad side.

"Uh, well, yeah. Right." Wendy laughed nervously as she also wants out. She doesn't want to interfere when it comes to this kind of situation. God knows how stubborn Winter is and how obsessed she is with Karina.

"Come on, girlfriend. Follow me." Winter said and pulled Karina with her while Irene and Wendy chuckling looking at them.

"Since you came to see me first. I can now do anything I want. Means! I can finally go out of this home. I will come and see you everyday from now on." 

"Don't you have work to do?" Karina asked while looking at the mansion's design. She looked at every formal photos of the Kim family on the walls.

"You are more important than work."

Karina looked at Winter when she said that. Winter pulled her into her room and asked her to sit on her bed and waited for her to finish freshen up. Karina just stay seated and waited for her while checking her phone.

After 15 minutes, Winter came out fresh from the shower and wearing new clothes.

"Okay, let's go."


"Taeyeon unnie said you were trying to find a job. We're going to open back our cafe and we will work together!" Winter exclaimed in excitement and clapped her hands.

"But you have a job already, with your family." Karina frowned.

Winter rolled her eyes before making herself comfortable on Karina's laps and she holds her smile when Karina's hands wrapped around her naturally. She cupped Karina's face and pouted seeing Karina's poker face.

"I told my family about it already, and they agreed. From now on, I will be a barista and work with you instead."

"Barista? Can you even make a coffee?"

"Pft. Of course. I have been trained by your friend, Johnny."



"How come I didn't know about this."

"Oh, that. I told him not to tell you." Winter giggled.

Karina scoffed and closed her eyes. Really Johnny? She for sure will bully him for hiding this information from her. So much for being loyal to me. Tsk.

"I can't work yet though. I need to fly to LA. There's something I need to settle."

"Okay, I'll follow you."

"No." Karina then held Winter properly to stand up before taking her off of her.

"Why?" Winter frowned.

"Because I said so."

"Well, too bad. I will still follow you, because I said so." Winter crossed her arms.

Karina looked at Winter and the girl squinted her eyes at Karina, trying to look intimidating but Karina just find her silly. Then, Karina remembered Irene's advice to her. To let herself feel normal and to feel loved, to stop pushing everyone away.

"Hm." Karina then bends and their faces now were close.

"What if you listen to me this time. Behave and don't be a brat. And when I come back to see that you can prove me that you can listen well to me, then I'll be your girlfriend."

Winter raised her eyebrows and Karina did the same. Then Winter narrowed her eyes at her but Karina only stands up straight before shrugging.

"How can I trust you?"

"Oh." Karina stepped closer to lean into her ear.

"I am Yoo Jimin. I keep my words, Kim Minjeong." Karina whispered and uses one hand to hold onto Winter's waist, her grip was tight but Winter does not mind. No, she does not mind at all.

"Master your boxing skill too. If you can win against me, I'll do anything you ask me to do." Karina said.

"You're challenging a wrong person here, Jimin. I never back away from a challenge and I always get what I want." Winter warned her.

Karina clicked her tongue. Gotcha, just like me. We're a match, I guess.

"We shall see that first."

"Mm, you'll be surprised." Winter winked.

"Sure, surprise me then." Karina smirked and Winter blinked her eyes before gasping.

"Did you just smirk at me? Because that was so hot."

Karina rolled her eyes before going to the door to leave. Winter laughed and was clinging onto her arm as she followed Karina.

"You're stuck with me, Yoo Jimin. No one can tear us apart. It'll be us against the world from now on." Winter said.

"Whatever." Karina mumbled but deep in her heart, she likes it. She likes the certainty in Winter's words. It's making her to have a hope again in life, that it won't be so bad at all and that she won't be alone anymore. She will be going through this new journey of her life with Irene now and also, Winter.





The End.










Here's an epilogue for yall lovely readers! Hope you guys like it. I've a new storyline ready and been working on it already, stay tuned for my next oneshot and mini series as well. Good day everyone, love ya!




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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳