Us Against the World - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Karina stepped inside the newly furnished cafe, her cafe to be exact. She walked around and checked everything. She will make sure Johnny will be checking on the every CCTV inside and outside of her cafe. She was surprised by how convincing Winter can be trying to make her agree to do a partnership with her. If she doesn't have to get through Kim, she wouldn't have listened to her though.

Winter did well in her presentation. Even Aeri was surprised and liked it. Karina ended up choosing her to be her business partner, obviously. She had no choice. However, she cannot deny that Winter was really good at it. True to her words, in only a month and 2 weeks, Karina's cafe has been built, just like how Karina would like it to be.

"I told you, we should have chosen the spot near the shopping centre."

Karina doesn't need to look behind to know who just entered. Winter Kim has arrived to check the cafe with her.

"You could've gotten more customers in that area."

"I only need a cover to stay here. I don't need many customers." Karina said.

"Yeah, but you might as well earn money while you're at it."

"I earn double in just a week with my original job."

Winter Kim shook her head at Karina's statement. Sometimes she forgot that this attractive woman is an assassin. A hot assassin.

"Do you like it? Do I need to change anything?" Winter asked.

"I'm okay with this." Karina said then got into the bar and checked the coffee machine. Winter joined her and watched her do the set up and tried out the coffee machine.

"I bought the best one." Winter said proudly.

"Hm." Karina nodded, satisfied with it.

"So, our deal, you make sure you won't hire any single, young and pretty woman." Winter said, tone became serious.

Karina wanted to scoff at Winter's silly condition, but she doesn't have a problem with that. She wouldn't hire someone like that as well since working for her can risk their life too.

"Yah, you hear me or not?" Winter hissed and tried to touch Karina's arm but Karina's quick reflex grabbed her wrist from touching her.

Karina turned to look at her with no emotion. Winter raised her eyebrows at her, challenging her. Karina stepped forward, still holding her wrist.

"Winter Kim. You can't control me. I do what I want to do and whatever deals we had, I keep my words. So you don't have to tell me twice about it."

"I can't control you, I know. And you can't stop me either, I do whatever I want to do too." Winter talked back, raised her chin to look up at Karina closely, showing that she's not afraid of her.

Karina didn't say anything else after that. She just let go of her wrist before walking out of the bar to send a text message to Johnny, sharing the few details about the cafe and asked him to prepare for the cafe's opening next week. Winter looked at her red wrist and glared at the back of Karina's head.

"I've to go." Karina said.

"You agreed to be my plus one whenever I need you." Winter quickly said.

"Yes. You can let me know when I need to do that extra job for you." 

"It's not an extra job! You're going to be my date."

"Sounds like a part time to me, to be your plus one that is."


"Lock the cafe, would you? I'm in a rush."

Winter scoffed and chuckled in annoyance. She groaned when Karina has already left.

"Damn you, Karina." Winter cursed.

While Karina had already sped off to a certain abandoned place to get her real job done. 










", Karina. This thing is much better than my previous toy."

Karina was crossing her arms as she watched Johnny tried the coffee machine. Yes, Johnny will be working at the new cafe as a Barista. He needs a cover too. It's easier that they both work together to avoid any difficulties.

"As expected from the Kim. They do the best, they give the best." Johnny laughed.

"We need one more person here, Johnny." Karina said.

"Mm, don't worry. I got you."

"You have someone already?"

"Someone who's familiar with everything we need to know. The one I've been hiring to find a lead. She's going to work here with us too." Johnny said.

"I need her details, Johnny."

"Kim Chaehyun, young and good. Very smart too. A good liar if she needs to be, she blends in well with any crowd. She can pass as a tiptop spy." Johnny grinned.

"Great, she's your girlfriend from now on." Karina said.


"That's her only requirement to work here."

"Wait, what?"

"No questions, Johnny. Just do as I say. We don't want any more problem." Karina said then went to the back to check their storage room.






"I am your other hidden boss, who are you?"

Karina just came in from the back door when she saw Winter tries to scare Chaehyun off while Johnny stands still, watching the scene in amusement.

"She's with Johnny." Karina said and Winter turned to glare at her.

"Who's Johnny?"

"The barista, Winter Kim. Keep up. You're the other hidden boss, you say. You need to know your employee."

"Oh. I would remember every single one if only my girlfriend shares with me the details."

"That's the reason then."


"You only have an imaginary girlfriend, wake up from your imagination then you will know the reality's details."

Karina then looked back at Johnny and Chaehyun, doesn't care about Winter's glare.

"Johnny and Chaehyun. They will be working here. They are a couple." Karina said casually, eyes staring seriously at them. Johnny gritted his teeth while Chaehyun smiled, finding the situation very exciting.

"How do I know if we can trust them?" Winter asked.

"I trust them." Karina answered.

"Why do you trust them?"

"Because I am sure they still want to live longer." Karina said.

Winter hummed and looked at both Johnny and Chaehyun from head to toe.

"So, they know about your real profession." Winter said.


"You two, no funny business. Protect your eyes too." Winter warned the fake couple.

"Our eyes?" Johnny asked.

"This hottie right here, is only mine to stare at." Winter said while pointing at Karina.

Johnny bit his bottom lip to hold himself from laughing and Karina saw that. 

"I've my gun with me all the time, Johnny." Karina suddenly said.

"I'll behave, boss." Johnny quickly raised his hands and winked at Karina.

"Boy is asking for it." Karina mumbled when Winter unexpectedly grabbed a glass near her and throw it towards him. Luckily, he got a good reflex like Karina and managed to cover his face with his arm and smashed the glass using the coffee brewing handle.

Johnny looked at Winter, being full on alert now. Winter stretched her neck and glaring coldly at him.

"I told you, protect your eyes." Winter growled. 

Winter took a slow and strong step towards Johnny. Johnny immediately stands up straight while his eyes never leave Winter's, afraid if Winter will throw something else. Winter brushed her hand on his shoulder before clutching at his collar, pulling him down so they were eye to eye level.

"I am not an assassin, but do not test me. Okay?" Winter whispered, smiling at him, but something about her smile made Johnny sweats, it's far from being kind and sweet at all.

"Are you sure they were together, Karina?" Winter asked out loud while still holding Johnny.

Karina only crossed her arms, eyes signalling them to fix the mess. Johnny was trying to be playful at the wrong timing anyway.

"This is why I kept breaking up with you." Chaehyun sighed.

"I will make sure to give him a good lesson, boss. Apologies for his stupidity." Chaehyun bowed.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Johnny told Winter.

"Better make sure of it." Winter said then finally released him.

As Winter turned around, she looked at Karina who was just leaning against the counter casually with arms crossed. She approached her and stops in front of her. Karina only looked back at her without saying anything.

"You belong to me, one way or another, Karina. You may not be, not now. But..." Winter moved closer until their face only inches away.

"You will be." Winter said.

"I'll text you the details of the party. Make sure to reply me on time." Winter said again.

When Winter shows no sign of moving away, Karina uncrossed her arms and stands properly.

"Anything else?" Karina asked.

"None." Winter then glared at Johnny one last time before leaving.

"She's the youngest Kim?" Johnny asked as soon as Winter was out of their sight.


"Feisty, crazy and cold. I like her." Chaehyun said with a poker face and Johnny squinted at her.

"What? she's known for being the charming Kim despite of her harsh attitude." Chaehyun told Johnny.

"Careful though, Karina. Winter Kim may be less scary than her family, but once she set her eyes on something- in this case, someone, she will make sure you won't slip out of her fingers." Chaehyun warned Karina.

"You seemed to know a lot." Johnny said.

"The Kim are not just anyone. Ah, if only I am a part of their Kim. Too bad, I am far from that Kim." Chaehyun winked at him while Johnny rolled his eyes.











The sound of a knife slashing through the air could be heard. Thud!

Karina wiped off the blood on her cheek using the back of her hand before taking out her phone, sending the usual cleaning code to Johnny. She sauntered away from the alley, taking off her gloves and put them inside her pocket while she looked around the building before she finally reached her bike.

She received a text message from Winter earlier, asking her to prepare for a party tonight. She told her that she would be there, but a little late. Johnny had to do a spot check about the place where the party was being held first, and Chaehyun helped to get the list of all the guests. They are finally going to start their real mission for Karina's revenge, Karina has been preparing herself for this and she will make no mistake at all.

While on the other hand, Winter was in a bad mood since Karina was late. She was annoyed that some heirs and heiress just couldn't take the hint that she was not interested in any of them.

"What got my sister to be this sulky?" Suho came to accompany her when he saw her standing alone in the corner.

"I am not sulking. I can beat someone at this point. I am angry." Winter replied and Suho chuckled at her.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Winter asked.

"Busy. I asked her to settle my business at Japan." Suho answered.

"No wonder that you came alone." Winter mumbled.

"It's okay. Then, I can accompany you instead."

"I wasn't supposed to come alone." Winter hissed.

"Oh? You got yourself a date?" Suho asked, slightly interested with the new information.

"I-" Winter stopped when she spotted Karina at the entrance.

Suho followed her gaze and was surprised to see Karina there. Winter left him right away to get to Karina. Karina attracts some attention as she entered the ballroom. She was wearing a black ladies suit, paired with a high heel. She tied her hair into a neat bun and wore a gold spec. It's Winter's first time seeing her like that, and Winter likes the new appearance.

"You were late for half an hour." Winter said as soon as she reached her.

"Ah. Yes."

Winter rolled her eyes at Karina's lack of words.

"You're here as my plus one, so please act like one." Winter told her.

Karina could feel some eyes staring curiously at them and she needs to do her best to blend in, to make people believe that she's harmless and she's there as Winter's date. So, she circled her arm around Winter's waist and pulled her close to her. Winter raised her eyebrows at Karina but enjoyed having Karina's arm around her.

"Then, you act like one too." Karina bowed her head slightly to whisper into Winter's ear. Winter turned her head to kiss Karina on the cheek causing Karina to freeze for a second before she quickly went back to her composure.

"You don't have to worry about me. Let's go." Winter put on a smile on her face for the first time tonight.

An hour into the party, Karina has already been feeling bored. She can't wait to go home. The only thing that keep her up was because she's scanning every person in the ballroom and trying to remember every single detail that she can find. Winter and her were just hanging around near the corner of the room, a little away from the crowds. Winter was resting her back against her front, taking her arm to wrap it on her. While Karina uses her other hand to hold a glass of drink and sipping on it while her eyes still looking at the people lazily.

"You're showing off. Are you sure about this?" Suho came to disturb them.


Karina ignored Suho when he looked at her.

"People need to know that I'm off limit. Tsk. How dumb of them to think of matching their child with me." Winter said smugly.

"It's because my younger sister is this charming." Suho grinned at her.

"Duh." Winter rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised that you managed to get Karina to be your date though. What's the deal?" Suho asked.

"Oppa. I am Winter Kim. No one says no to me." Winter replied in annoyance and Suho laughed again.

"Is that so, Karina?" Suho asked Karina this time.

"I don't think I need to confirm anything to you." Karina said coldly, she doesn't like him. Not after he tried to track her.

"I'm her brother."

"Doesn't matter to me." 

When Suho was about to come closer, Winter put her palm on Suho's chest to stop him. Winter looked at him disapprovingly.

"She's mine, oppa. No one touches her but me. No one bothers her but me." Winter said, in a threatening tone but still put on a small smile.

"Please, oppa." Winter said. Suho sighed, he always gave in to Winter. He just can't find the heart to go against her.

"You're lucky, my sister likes you." Suho said.

"No. You're lucky, I still don't find a reason to murder you." Karina said in all honesty.

"You're talking to one of the Kim here."

"And I am not scared."

Winter sighed heavily before pushing herself off Karina. She pulled her brother away after telling Karina to give them some space to talk. Karina decided to go to the restroom and sent another code to Johnny secretly. Once done, she put back her phone to wash her hands. She glanced through the mirror when someone entered the restroom. Karina was taking the tissue to wipe off her wet hands when the stranger suddenly locked the door. 

Karina throw away the tissue to the dustbin first before she faces the short hair woman.

"I finally get to meet you." The woman speaks.

"I'm Winter's personal trainer, Wendy Son." She introduced herself.

"I don't know what is it that you're trying to get by using Winter, but you've made a mistake." Wendy said again when Karina said nothing.

"I am only going to tell you once. Stop whatever you're trying to do, Karina. And leave, before it's too late." She added.

Knock knock! Knock knock!

"Karina?! Are you inside? Yah, why did you lock the door?!"

Karina and Wendy continued with their glaring battle for a few seconds before Wendy finally moved to unlock the door.

"Wendy unnie?"

"Hi, Win." Wendy smiled at her.

Winter was about to greet her back when her eyes found Karina. She frowned seeing them both inside the restroom together.

"Unnie, don't make me hate you too."


"Karina is mine, unnie."

Wendy burst out laughing at Winter's statement. She ruffled Winter's hair and ignored Winter's protest.

"Funny. I told you, I've got myself a girlfriend."

"Yeah, but you haven't introduced your girlfriend to me. Are you sure you're not lying?"

"I am not." Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I just give your Karina a warning not to hurt you. You're like a baby sister to me already." Wendy told her.

"Well, enjoy the party. I'll go now." Wendy said then left after looking at Karina once more.

Later that night, when Karina got back home, she quickly called Johnny and Chaehyun. They talked about all the names they managed to get and Chaehyun will do a background check on everyone.

"Wendy Son." Karina mentioned the name.

"Does her name ring a bell?" Karina asked.

"Wendy Son?"

"She's Winter's personal trainer. Apparently, the one who taught Winter how to fight."

"Chaehyun? Do you know anything about her?" Johnny asked.

"Wendy Son? I can't recall anything but I'll find something about her." Chaehyun said.

"Did something happen, Karina?" Johnny asked.

"I think she knows something. Chaehyun, please try to get any information about her." Karina said.

"Got it."

"Johnny, keep an eye on Winter for me."

"I will. So cute, you're being protective over your first girlfriend already."

"You know, I don't mind to come to your place at this time."

"Geez. I was just teasing, no need to be scary."

Karina heard Chaehyun's laugh after that. She ignored Johnny's words and hung up, her mind filled with a lot of things now.

"Wendy Son. Who are you?"










"Not bad for our first month, right?"

Karina looked at the few customers in the cafe and nodded her head.

"And I still can't believe that you agreed to name the cafe as Winter Cafe." Johnny said, still bitter that Karina agreed with Winter's choice of name instead of what he suggested.

"I thought I told you, I don't want any more problem. She's quite persistent and stubborn. I don't want to deal with her often." 

"A part of me regretted asking you to try and get close with the Kim, especially the youngest. I don't like dealing with them." Johnny sighed, thinking of all the glares Winter throws at him whenever she's around.

"It's too late to regret that now. We're in already and I never back out."

"I know. But remember, we still have to be careful."

"I am. Don't worry about me."


Johnny then excused himself to check on Chaehyun who continued doing her job to analyse some people Johnny and Karina asked her to in the storage room where they set up an internet connection for Chaehyun to do her job there whenever she got free time. So, now Karina was alone at the bar counter.

She has been relaxing as she observed her customers while on standby, covering Johnny and Chaehyun when Winter came from the back door.

"Ugh, it was raining outside." Winter grumbled as she fixed her hair while walking towards Karina who immediately alerted on her arrival.

"Hey, where are they?" Winter asked, frowning when she didn't see Johnny and Chaehyun.


"Don't tell me that they're slacking? Ugh, let me get them- Oh-"

Karina quickly grabbed Winter's hand and pulled her into her. Winter looked at her in confusion, but Karina kept her calm face.

"They are not here."

"Obviously, they must be in the storage room so I'll-"

"Let them be."


"They had been busy helping out in this cafe."


"Let them have some time alone. It has been too long for them."

"Wha- Oh..." Winter blinked her eyes before squinting at Karina.

Karina only shrugged off her shoulders when Winter looked at her in disbelief. Winter puffed her cheeks once Karina let go of her hand to cross her arms.

"You seriously let the staffs doing... things... in the storage room?" Winter asked, annoyed with the information that she just got.

Karina sighed before she got closer to Winter to corner her against the counter. Winter raised her head to look up at Karina who was towering over her, putting her both hands on each side of Winter. Karina leaned her face down and still looking at Winter with no emotion. 

"I trust them. I'm sure they will be done soon." Karina said.

"How would you know? Wait, is this not the first time???"

"I know they wouldn't take long especially that I'm here. I am not an ordinary boss and they know better not to piss me off. Right?"

"Well, then they should know better not to slack off even for a minute because I will visit the cafe often from now on."

"And!" Winter quickly said again to stop Karina from saying anything.

Winter tugged the hem of Karina's white shirt before leaning even close, she smirked when Karina didn't move.

"You can be bold too huh." Winter whispered.

"Do you finally realise that you want me too?" Winter asked.

"No." Karina answered coldly before abruptly pulling away from Winter and stepped back.

"And they are back." Karina said, pointing at Johnny and Chaehyun who finally appeared.

Karina secretly sent them a text message using her phone behind Winter earlier, that was the reason why she decided to pretend wanting to get close to Winter. Then, Karina moved to stand near the cashier and let Winter scolded the two. She glanced at them and found Johnny giving her a bored look. Karina lifted her shoulders once then looked away, ignoring Johnny's eyes asking for help.

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1194 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳