Marry You - Part 4

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin smiled widely seeing how Minjeong entered her office casually, saying hi to her before throwing herself onto the sofa and make herself feels like home. 

"You're treating my office like your home already." Jimin said.

"I am just getting used to what I will be having in the future."

Jimin raised her eyebrows and flipped closed the file that she was reading.

"Are you finally accepting the fact that we are going to marry?" Jimin asked.

"I can't escape anyway. Might as well live my life to the fullest without worrying much. You are way too stubborn to marry me, so... Yeah."

"Glad that you know that."

Jimin raised from her seat to approach Minjeong. She went to kneel down beside the sofa and caressed Minjeong's hair which makes her yawn.

"Don't do thaaaat. You know it'll affect me and you'll make me want to sleep." Minjeong whined.

"Then sleep. We'll go out soon, I just need to attend one meeting then we can leave." Jimin said, still caressing Minjeong's hair softly.

"but don't take too long." Minjeong said.

"I won't. Sleepwell." Jimin mumbled and kissed Minjeong's cheek. It's a new habit of her after Minjeong gave her a permission to kiss her anytime since Minjeong have grown comfortable with her after 2 months of dating.

Jimin smiled when Minjeong immediately fell asleep. She was just joking when she asked Minjeong to come early but it's doing things to her heart when Minjeong really did come early for her.

Who would've thought that she would fall this fast. Certainly not Jimin. She's surprised herself, of how easy it is for Minjeong to crash into her life and stole her heart right away without even doing much.

Jimin then went to get her extra blazer to put on Minjeong. She took a picture of her sleeping first before she left her office, making sure Minjeong is sleeping well when she's going to the meeting.




"Do I have anything else later today?" Jimin asked her secretary.

"No, ma'am." Sunny answered.

"Good. I'll leave early today. Great work today." Jimin said then nodded at her before quickened her pace to her office.

"She's still asleep." Jimin mumbled when she looked at Minjeong on her sofa.

She fixed her stuff first on her desk and shut down her laptop. After she's done, she approached Minjeong again. She sits at the small space beside Minjeong and shook her shoulder gently.

"Minjeong? It's time to go now."

No response.

Jimin leaned in and caressed Minjeong's cheek using her thumb softly.

"Baby, wake up. We're leaving." Jimin whispered and smiled when she saw Minjeong frowned.

"I'm tired." Minjeong muttered.

"I know. You can sleep some more in my car later." Jimin said.

"Let's go?" Jimin just rested her palm on Minjeong's cheek. When Minjeong finally opened her eyes, Jimin tilted her head and chuckled seeing how she looks very sleepy.

"Shall we go now?" Jimin asked.

"Hmm okay."


Jimin kissed her forehead first before standing up and reached out her hand to pull Minjeong up. Jimin's arm automatically settled around Minjeong's waist, as usual.

"How was the meeting?" Minjeong asked, leaning her body on Jimin.

One thing Jimin noticed about her is that Minjeong loves to snuggle and Jimin love it too much when Minjeong does that to her.

"It went great." Jimin said. They stopped in front of Sunny's desk as Jimin told her not to leave too late.

"Byebye Sunny unnie." Minjeong grinned sleepily at her causing Sunny to giggle.

"Oh I should say bye to the others too-"

"No need. My employees are busy." Jimin said and quickly pulled Minjeong to the elevator. Sunny only shakes her head and laughed seeing the pout on Minjeong's face.

"I only wanted to say bye." Minjeong said once they were inside the elevator.

"I know but you'll distract them from their work. You know how much they like you, right?"


Jimin looked down at the sight of Minjeong pouting and sighed. Sometimes, Minjeong's cuteness is just too much for her to handle.

"Stop pouting or I'll kiss you." Jimin said.

Minjeong glared at her but Jimin only smiled. 

"You have nothing else to think about aside from kissing me?"

"I have. Maybe like, we can go get married right now and then... Make love?"

"You're really- ugh." Minjeong pinched Jimin's side while Jimin only stopped her and laughed.




"Where's the food? I'm hungry already." Minjeong whined and rubs her stomach. She then rested her head on Jimin's shoulder, another habit of her ever since she's getting used to being spoiled by Jimin.

"Wait a little. It'll be here soon, we've just ordered 5 minutes ago." Jimin said.

"Why are we eating here?" Minjeong asked, feeling annoyed to see some girls throwing glares at her direction but she still hugs Jimin's arm close to her and smiled happily to provoke them. She knows Jimin got herself a lot of delusional fans. 

"Because the food is good and I'm sure you'll like it." Jimin said.

Jimin then glanced at Minjeong when she doesn't say anything. She saw how Minjeong was glaring back at the girls while hugging her arm. Jimin chuckled and shook her head. Minjeong can be childish when she wants to but Jimin doesn't mind at all, especially when Minjeong's trying to make the other girls jealous by being with her. 

Jimin then decided to play along, her intention was to tease Minjeong at the same time. Jimin pulled Minjeong's hands off of her then grabbed her waist and pulled her against her own body. Minjeong stiffened when Jimin's face is also leaning too close at her. 

"You adorable baby. What are you trying to do hm?" Jimin whispered and brushed her nose on Minjeong's cheek. She smiled seeing how Minjeong gets easily shy when she's being bold in the public eyes. 


"Are you sure? I saw it, you know." Jimin said. 

Minjeong sighed and pouted again before facing Jimin. Jimin raised her eyebrows at her. 

"Why?" Jimin asked. 

"The girls started it first so I glared back. They kept looking at you and glaring at me. It's not my fault that you chose me out of everyone else. I mean, I get that they are jealous but you are not theirs. Why they gotta act like that? It's annoying that they can't stop looking at you. I feel like plucking out their eyeballs if I can..."

Jimin blinked her eyes, listening to Minjeong's complain about the girls. She slowly smiled once she realised that Minjeong is feeling annoyed mainly because the girls were looking at her shamelessly in front of her. 

"And they-" Minjeong paused when Jimin kissed her cheek. 

"Hey, I'm talking here." Minjeong said. 

"I know but you're just too cute, baby." Jimin smiled. 

"Don't you think it's a good idea though?" Jimin asked. 


"Me, giving you kisses. I mean, look at them." Jimin said then Minjeong looked at the girls and noticed they looked even more annoyed now. 

"Oh." Minjeong smiled smugly. Satisfied to see their reaction. 

Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong's smug face. She caressed her waist and pulled her even more close. She just can't get enough of Minjeong.

"Can I do something? Please?" Minjeong asked. 

Jimin hummed but nodded. She laughed seeing Minjeong's mischievous grin. She knows her girl is up for something but, she didn't expect that Minjeong would cup her face and gave her a slow and gentle kiss on the corner of just right on her beauty mark, her mole that Minjeong likes to stare at when she wasn't looking.

Minjeong only realised her action after that. She didn't think about it when she wanted to do it. She just went for it and only after kissing Jimin, she felt the heat on her cheeks. Oh my god. 

Minjeong blushed harder seeing Jimin got caught off guard. She buried her face into Jimin's neck and mumbled "don't say anything." 

Jimin took a deep breathe and grabbed Minjeong's hand, humming as her lips touched Minjeong's hand. 

"Okay, baby. Won't say anything." Jimin just smiled and tried to calm her pounding heart after what Minjeong did.

"But can I just say one thing?" Jimin asked.

"What is it?" Minjeong asked slowly.

"I love it so much. Thank you, baby." Jimin tried to hold her laugh when Minjeong only hummed shyly.

I got my first kiss from her! Jimin cheers in her head. It boost more of her confidence to show more of her affection to Minjeong now.










Hi? Here's a new but short update for yall before I'm back with a longer one. Hehehe. 




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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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Chapter 146: 🥳