She's My Wife? - Part 1

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin stared coldly at every member of the board directors. Ever since she took over Yoo Airlines, she has been targeted by most of them as they said she was not capable to be the CEO. They kept trying to find every possible mistake Jimin would make, yet there was nothing they can complain about. Jimin is perfect in whatever she does. Jimin does not allow a room for a single mistake at all. She grew up being strict with her achievement and her surroundings, taking care of her reputation as the youngest daughter of The Yoo while living her life without restriction from her family.

So, in order to bring her down, as they were unwilling to have Jimin gets the upper hand for so long, they started to use her personal life to create an issue within the board of directors.

"We value family. Here, everyone have own family to feed and to care for. What if one day, you would make a decision that would affect the company just because you're being selfish." One of the members said.

"We must highlight that family is the reason why we're working hard."

"You don't know how it feels like to have a family to take care of. You are even the youngest Yoo, what do you know about having to bear a huge responsibility?"

Jimin raised her hand to stop her loyal personal assistant, Aeri Uchinaga from defending her when she saw from her peripheral view that she was about to step forward to protest to their reasonings.

"Okay, I get it. What do you suggest me to do to gain your trust?" Jimin asked without worrying much about their complaints just now.

All the men inside started to get panic when Jimin was still being calm. They tried to think of a stronger reason to support their complaints about her being the CEO.

"All of you agreed that I will take the CEO position. The vote was fair and there was not a single complaint before this. So, what made you change your mind?" Jimin asked again.

"Was it because of a few changes I make? Was it because some rules that I had applied in the company that you don't like?" Jimin asked further when no one said anything.

"Saying that I don't have a family to take care of, to be the reason why I would make a mistake in the future is- hm, a foolish statement if I must say." Jimin said with a straight face, not even afraid of the board directors.

However, Jimin is smart enough not to piss them off completely if she does not want to create chaos. After all, her father put his trust in her in handling the company as well as all the idiots in the board of the directors. Jimin would not make a reckless decision that will hurt her father or the company. She needs to be careful with the people, especially now that they don't like her.

"We are all a family person, Ms Yoo." One of the members said and cleared his throat when Jimin looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Being greedy and too ambitious is not good. It can give bad effect to the company's growth. What we're saying is you need a family, your own family to humble yourself despite of holding a higher position here." He said.

"You mean that all of you want me to get married, is that it?" Jimin asked directly.

Everyone started to fidget at their seat and nodded their head slowly.

"Will we all come to an agreement to never bring up this issue again if I were to get married?" Jimin asked.

"Well, if you can prove to us that you can take care of your spouse without affecting the company under your wings, then by all means, Ms Yoo. We will give you our full support."






Jimin found out then the board of directors sent their son and daughter to seduce Jimin, trying to get her interest in marrying them. They were going after more power, obviously. Jimin scoffed upon reading the reports from Aeri, and they dared to say Jimin is greedy for power.

The news reached her parents, which was why they called Jimin to meet them at their family mansion. Jimin took note of how all of her family members were there as well. Her sister, Irene, who married to the CEO of W Entertainment, Wendy Son which automatically make her the second in line after Wendy in the company since Wendy's parents passed away few years ago and she was the only family member left. Irene was holding the CFO position in W Entertainment too. Her brother, Sehun who was a top model in the country and likes to enjoy his freedom instead of having the responsibility with their family's business, the reason why Jimin was trained to take over Yoo Airlines instead of him.

"Have a seat, Jimin."

Jimin bowed to show her respect before taking a seat on the single sofa.

"We heard about what's going on with the board of directors, and I'm glad that you handled the situation calmly." Her father said.

"However, you proposed them to give you 2 months before you will finally find your future spouse." He added.

"So, you're really going to get married?" Sehun asked, while eating a lollipop happily. Irene only shook her head seeing Sehun's unbothered face.

"I shall prove myself, dad." Jimin said.

"Hm, but marriage isn't something simple. You know that we care about who we will let into our family, right?" Her father asked.

"Yes, I know. I won't marry someone who will tarnish our family's reputation."

"Do you already have someone in mind?" Irene asked this time.

Now, everyone was looking at her with curiousity. Jimin looked at her parents and raised her head.

"I don't."

Her family members sighed and were shaking their head at Jimin's innocent face. 

"God, she's really still our baby Jimin." Irene mumbled and Jimin frowned.

"2 months will be enough for me to find someone suitable." Jimin assured them.

"No, we will find someone for you. I know someone who might be the right one." Her father said.

'Who?" Sehun asked.

"I will talk to them first, and if they agree to marry off their daughter to Jimin, then I will let you all know."

"I need to know who would it be first, then I will decide." Jimin said seriously.

"Of course."






"Minjeong? Kim Minjeong? Really?"

Jimin looked up at Aeri who just entered her office room and put down the file of information she asked for. She quickly took the file and put on her spec to scan through the file.

"Your parents want you to marry Kim Minjeong?" Aeri asked in disbelief while Jimin only hummed.

She checked every detail and Minjeong's background for the past 4 years.

"Has she dated anyone or in a serious relationship recently?" Jimin asked.

"No. She does not even have flings." Aeri answered.

"Hm, good."

Aeri then took a seat in front of Jimin, looking at her with a serious face.

"Will she agree though?" Aeri asked.

"I mean, even in the past, she was so hard to get. She doesn't date, Jimin." Aeri said.

"I'm not sure about that, but her parents said yes." Jimin said.

"Well, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"You're okay with marrying her?"

Jimin then closed the file and took off her spec. 

"I think I'm okay since I kind of know her already. Besides, I'm curious now, why she has never dated anyone?" Jimin replied to Aeri.

She pulled out a picture of Minjeong attached in the file before and stared at it.

"She's still cute though." Jimin said, still looking at the picture while Aeri raised her eyebrows at her.






So, that was how Jimin ended up marrying Minjeong. She couldn't find someone else better than Minjeong to be her wife, and she agreed to marry her even if there will be no wedding reception since their family said it's best to get married first and get to know each other more. The wedding can wait, they just avoided the whole wedding so Jimin and Minjeong wouldn't have to pretend in front of everyone when it was a sudden decision from both family.

After settling down some issues abroad, Jimin came back as soon as she can to finally introduce herself as Minjeong's wife. She is going to release the news soon, of her being married to Minjeong. So, she needs to meet Minjeong and makes sure she's okay with the whole thing. She knows that Minjeong's parents told her not to worry about it, but she wants to make sure of it by herself. Besides, she will not be an irresponsible spouse for Minjeong. 

"Hello there, Minjeong. Long time no see." Jimin smirked a little seeing Minjeong's shocked face. Minjeong's adorable reaction has always been entertaining to witness for Jimin, and she notes that Minjeong was still the same after all these years.










Woah. I didn't expect that you guys would be this excited for SMW, but I'm glad! Here's the first update for SMW. Enjoy!



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0 points #1
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #5
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #6
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #8
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story
dpphppy 0 points #9
Chapter 146: i alwaysssss get a goosebumps while reading this vampire fiction
Psykotato 23 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: Chapter 146: I'm happy that the story didn't end with Minjeong being a wuss😭, also 9/10 for the brutality it was good asf
ps. This is the story with the most various idols appearance