I Want You - Part 7

Winrina = Jiminjeong

For the past 2 months, Minjeong have grown closer to Jimin to the point that she's getting used to see Jimin almost every day of her life and talked to her every morning and night. Jimin have been respectful enough with Minjeong to know their boundary.

Although Jimin appears to be a friend to Minjeong, she also never fails to remind Minjeong that she's there not just as a friend but as a serious suitor of her.

The trust, respect, attention and love. Minjeong got it all from Jimin. Jimin have been in her best behaviour around Minjeong so Minjeong wasn't complaining at all to have Jimin with her all the time.

Jimin never ask about Minjeong's feelings. They talked about it before but Jimin made it clear that Minjeong can always bring up the topic whenever she's ready and that she will wait until Minjeong is ready. Minjeong appreciate Jimin for that, for being patient with her.


Where are you?     8:21am.


Minjeong smiled, reading the text message twice and was typing a reply when she stopped as she was about to open the restroom's door because she heard voices inside, mentioning her name. 

"Yeah. I agreed. Yoo Jimin will break up with her as soon as Kim Minjeong agreed to finally be her girlfriend."

"I think the bet is still on. It makes no sense that Jimin break the deal that fast."

"I know right and Jimin even have a high standard, so I'm sure she's just playing around with Minjeong since Minjeong is kind of hard to crack."

Minjeong frowned and stepped back. She thought about what the gossip girls have said few times before she agreed to go out on a date with Jimin, but Jimin managed to convince her that she's sincere.

However, now Minjeong was doubting Jimin's advance again. She knows she shouldn't. Jimin have been treating her well and being a good friend to her too while courting her. Yet, she can't help but to overthink about it.

So she changed her mind and decided not to enter the restroom. She turned around and went towards the hallways, eyes searching for Jimin as the older usually hangs around near her locker with her friends before their first class.

As she thought, Jimin was really there near her locker. She was just laughing to whatever her friends were saying, ignoring her admirers' stares who didn't even hide the fact that they were staring shamelessly at her.

Minjeong took a deep breathe before she quickened her pace. Ryujin noticed her first and stopped laughing then patted Jimin's arm before gesturing towards Minjeong.

Jimin turned around and smiled seeing Minjeong, but her expression faltered seeing Minjeong's troubled face.

"Hey." Jimin greeted her softly and Minjeong almost melt right there and then. Minjeong tried to shake off her thoughts about that first.

"Jimin, can we talk?" Minjeong asked, glancing at Jimin's friends before looking back at Jimin again.

"Please?" Minjeong whispered.

"Sure. We'll go to somewhere else and talk. Okay?"

Minjeong only nodded then watches as Jimim excused themselves from her friends. Minjeong gave a small wave and smiled at them before walking ahead. Jimin immediately walked beside her. Usually, she would open up about any topic just to talk to her but maybe Jimin can sense that something isn't right so she just kept quiet.

Minjeong led them to the garden where they usually just chill and hang out together when they don't have classes. Minjeong put down her bag and crossed her arms, trying to gather up her thoughts and words.

Jimin put down her bag as well, sitting down as she looked up at Minjeong's side view to wait until she starts talking.

"The bet. Is it really still about the bet?" Minjeong asked.

Jimin stands immediately, stepping in front of Minjeong to look at her. She frowned when she saw Minjeong's hurting expression.

"Why were you asking about this? All of the sudden?" Jimin asked but before Minjeong could reply, she continued again.

"And I thought I made it clear to you that the bet was off as soon as I wanted to begin."

"You did tell me that." Minjeong mumbled and looked down. Seeing how Jimin was frowning and concerned about her makes her feel guilty for doubting her. 

"Why did you suddenly ask about it again? Did I make you think that I'm still after you because of the bet?" Jimin asked in the most soft tone. 

"I- I heard people talked about it." 

Jimin frowned even more, her face hardened at the thought of people's nonsense and careless talk that might hurt Minjeong. 

"Who?" Jimin asked. 

"Just- Some girls at the restroom earlier." 

Jimin nodded and was still frowning. If its up to her, she would rush to the restroom to knock some sense into the girls' head for talking about it but at the same time, she can't really fully blame it all on them. It all started because of her stupid mistake too. 

"Would you listen to me instead?" Jimin asked, right hand reaching to hold Minjeong's left hand. 

"From the bottom of my heart, I regret for even having the slightest idea of the bet. I'm ashamed of myself for thinking like that about you. It's understandable for you to doubt me." Jimin said. 

"But, Minjeong ah." Jimin called out her name with love, tugging her hand so Minjeong would come closer. 

"Sweet Minjeong. When I told you that I like you, I really mean it. I don't just say it to make you flutter." Jimin paused to put her left palm on Minjeong's cheek, making her looked at her. 

"You have no idea about the things that you make me feel. How I could get drown just by looking into your eyes, your beautiful eyes that I like to stare at for hours. Your warm smile that have been printed permanently in my mind, definitely my favourite smile because I feel at ease whenever I see you smile. Don't even get me started about your kindness and down to earth personality, you intrigued me with that. Then your presence, even just by being able to stand by your side creates chaos inside my heart." 

"..." Minjeong only stares into Jimin's eyes as Jimin confessed. 

"But that's not even the reasons for me to like you. It was only all the feelings that you make me feel, the feelings that I love to feel. And I don't think I can give you a reason of why I really like you, because I don't have any. It happens, and I just do." Jimin said.

"I don't know how can I make it go away. Your fear, your doubts. But I'm glad that you talk about it with me so I can reassure you all over again, that you are important to me and I genuinely like you." Jimin added. 

Minjeong sighed and pulled Jimin's shirt as she rest her head on Jimin's shoulder. She kept overthinking about Jimin's real intention ever since she slowly starts to open up her heart for her and it's tiring her out. It's not that hard to like Jimin after all. Especially when Jimin is being the sweetest with her. 

"Can I really trust you, Jimin?"

"Well-" Jimin wrapped her one arm around Minjeong's shoulder, rubbing the younger gently while her other hand is still holding Minjeong's hand and softly rubbing her thumb on Minjeong's skin.

"You can and you can't. It is all up to you, Minjeong. I can't force you to trust me if you don't. But I'm here to make sure that I won't do anything to lose your trust in me. I'm here to earn your trust."

"I know that you like me."


"But I'm still having a hard time to... You know, let it sink in. That you like me."


"Because-" Minjeong remembered how Jimin doesn't just like anyone. Like what the gossip girls have mentioned too, Jimin have a high standard.

"You have a high standard."


Jimin pushed Minjeong off slightly to look af her.

"Me? Really?" Jimin asked again.

"Don't you?"

"I don't. I don't even have a specific standard." Jimin told her and Minjeong just blinked.

"Is this another thing that you've heard from people too?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Minjeong scratches her nape.

"Okay, hold on." Jimin pushed Minjeong carefully to make her sit on the bench, then she kneels in front of Minjeong and hold her hands on her lap.

"Sweetheart, I don't care about the standard. Okay?" Minjeong only nodded.

"And I want you to try to forget about the bet. I don't want you to think that I'm here now because of it again. Please stop hurting yourself with that thought." Jimin said.

"Okay." Minjeong mumbled.

"And please remember, that I like you for who you are. You don't have to think about the standard and all. Just be yourself with me like you always do."


Jimin smiled and patted her hands before standing up to take a seat beside her.

"Feeling better now?" Jimin asked, circling an arm around Minjeong's shoulder and letting Minjeong to snuggle closer into her.

"Yeah, thank you." Minjeong smiled and rest her head on Jimin's shoulder.

"What time is it now?" Minjeong asked.

"Hmm..." Jimin checked her phone and sees the time.

"We have about 8 minutes before your class." Jimin said.



"We'll go in 5 then."


So for 5 minutes, Jimin and Minjeong only enjoyed each others presence without saying anything. Minjeong listened to Jimin's soft humming while closing her eyes. She likes this, she likes the peacefulness that she feels when Jimin's with her. She hopes that she can have this for a long time.






"Did you tell Jimin about us?"

Minjeong glanced behind before sighing. Jimin's obsessed fangirls have been getting on her nerve nowadays. It's not that she's scared of them but she just doesn't have enough energy to tell them off since she's busy with her assignments and all.

"Jimin came to find us and even threatened us. We thought you're brave enough to face us on your own." One of the girls said.

"I don't know about that and it's not my business." Minjeong said, putting her books inside the locker neatly.

"You-" The girl grabbed Minjeong's hair but before she could hit Minjeong, Jimin yelled at her from afar.

The girl stopped and was shocked to see Jimin, they thought Jimin was still having a class. Minjeong pushed the girl strongly before fixing her hair.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to stay away from her?" Jimin growled once she's near.

Jimin was about to come face to face with the girl when Minjeong quickly pulled her by the waist.

"First, I don't know who you are but you have to know that you're nothing to Jimin." Minjeong said, smirking seeing the girl's gritting her teeth in annoyance.

"Second, stop your delusional mind. Jimin isn't yours for you to stop me from being with her." Minjeong said again.

"Besides, can't you see?" Minjeong then pulled Jimin hard, causing them to almost collide. Jimin widened her eyes in surprised as she put her both palms on the locker behind Minjeong to avoid crashing on Minjeong.

Minjeong glanced briefly at Jimin's figure as she wore a black fitted shirt covered by her white ed long sleeves shirt that she folded until her arms. Minjeong was grabbing on each side of Jimin's collar, pulling her even closer as she looked into Jimin's shining eyes.

Minjeong chuckled lowly, satisfied seeing Jimin's reaction after what she just did. She leaned her face more into Jimin until their noses touched, then she tilted her head slightly to look at the girl who seemed to be furious and jealous of her.

"You can look, you can dream, but you should know that Jimin only have her eyes on me. Just like now." Minjeong said smugly, glancing back at Jimin who were still staring at her in surprised.

"Am I right, Jimin?" Minjeong asked, now circling her arms around Jimin's neck before pulling her more into her. Jimin's feet stumbled forward but she managed to still make sure not to crash into Minjeong by putting her hands on Minjeong's waist to hold her. 

"Yes." Jimin whispered dreamily. It was always her who initiated any skinship or hugging so this was rare to her. 

"They just won't leave me alone." Minjeong said, pouting. Jimin swears, Minjeong is testing her. She had to fight the urge to kiss her.

"Would you prefer me to kick your or I let Jimin to do it instead?" Minjeong asked the girls.

"Because no, I'm not scared of you nor any of you. I just feel like it's a waste of time to deal with a bunch of... Delusional people like you." Minjeong added.

"And if we hear one more time that you guys are bothering our friend, you will have to deal with us next time." Johnny said sternly, who just appeared out of nowhere with Jaehyun, Ning and Aeri. They all looked coldly at the girls who tried to hurt Minjeong.

The girls grew conscious about the whole attention now that was on them and how Minjeong's friends looked scary than their usual friendly vibe.

The leader of the group then murmured that they will just leave. They ignored the stares directed at them and bit their lips in embarrassment as they left the scene. They were careless to confront Minjeong at the University, knowing how protective Jimin and her friends are towards her.

"You should've told us if they come to hurt you again." Jaehyun squinted at Minjeong who were now fixing Jimin's collar while looking at her friends.

"I thought they will stop if I just ignore them." Minjeong shrugged.

"We will make sure they won't come to you anymore." Johnny said.


"And Jimin, why aren't you moving?" Ning asked Jimin who was still dumbfounded about the whole situation.

"Huh?" Jimin blinked and slowly looked at Minjeong's friends who were now raising their eyebrows at her.

"God, she's hopeless." Ning whispered to Aeri and shook her head while Aeri only giggled.

"We'll get going first, see you outside." Jaehyun laughed then started to leave with the others.

Minjeong then looked at Jimin again and smiled.

"I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?"

"Huh? Oh. Well, it's um- it's fine." Jimin stuttered.

Minjeong chuckled then caressed Jimin's cheek before she pulled off Jimin's hands from her waist.

"I have plans with my friends today so don't wait for me later. I'm not sure what time we'll go home though." Minjeong told her, knowing how Jimin would always wait for her call or would call her when they reached home.

"Ah. I see. Okay, have fun with them." 

"But let me know once you're home?"

"Always." Jimin grinned.

"I'll do the same."

"Okay, sweetheart." Jimin said softly then patted Minjeong's head gently.

Jimin told Minjeong to go ahead as she will wait for her friends instead. She keeps staring and let out a shaky sigh once Minjeong was out of her sight.

"Heart, you gotta be strong from now on. Kim Minjeong is going to be the death of you someday." Jimin told herself and patted her chest.

"I'm in love. Oh, I'm definitely deeply in love." Jimin groaned and hit her head on the locker in frustration. She doesn't know what to do with Minjeong anymore. The younger girl has really drive Jimin insane day by day and yet she likes it.






Jimin have been thinking, if she should ask Minjeong out officially already. Each day she can feel that her feelings grow stronger. Minjeong occupied her mind every day and night. She just can't get the girl out of her head at all.

She can't focus on her studies now. Her mind keeps wandering around. She wants to make Minjeong hers so bad but at the same time, she wants to give Minjeong as much time she needed until she's ready like she promised her before.

"What got you thinking so deeply?"

Jimin closed her eyes and gathered her courage before closing the book in her hands that she wasn't reading at all, then looked at Minjeong who were raising an eyebrow at her.

"You." Jimin answered in all honesty.

"Me?" Minjeong asked, pointing at herself.


Jimin then sauntered towards her while staring into her eyes earnestly causing Minjeong to unconsciously stepping back a little. Jimin grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into her front, caressing her back before looking at behind her.

"This is a library, young man. You don't run in a library." Jimin said in a serious tone.

A student wearing a spec, looking through a paper in hand and running towards their direction, almost bump into Minjeong if Jimin didn't pull her on time before he even stopped.

"S-Sorry. I was in a rush." He apologised then proceed mumbling how he needed to find the book he was looking for as fast as he can for his almost due assignment.

"Go." Jimin said coldly then he bowed few times before almost running again when Jimin clicked her tongue and warned him one more time to not run. He turned to bow again before finally settled with just speed walking.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Jimin asked before moving Minjeong's body swiftly to make her back facing the bookshelves behind her.

"About what?" Minjeong asked back and leaned her head until she felt the bookshelves at the back of her head when Jimin gets too close.

"That I'm thinking deeply, about you." Jimin replied with her eyes steadied on her while putting back the book in her hand on the shelf.

"Oh." Minjeong only blinked.

"Hm?" Jimin tucked Minjeong's hair behind her ear, caressing her earlobe tenderly with her fore finger and thumb while looking into Minjeong's eyes lovingly.

"Well..." Minjeong tried to stand up straight to look at Jimin's properly.

Jimin put her other hand on the bookshelves, tilting her head while waiting for Minjeong to continue.

"Just keep going." Minjeong said.

"What? You have to be clear with me, sweetheart. What do I need to keep going?" Jimin asked, smirking when Minjeong blinked nervously in front of her now.

"Thinking of me." Minjeong mumbled softly.

"Hm. Do you think of me too?" Jimin asked in a whisper, her other hand now settles on Minjeong's waist.


"How often?"


"Consistently huh?"


Jimin chuckled lowly then rested her head on Minjeong's shoulder, her both hands are now hugging Minjeong's small waist, squeezing her gently.

"Sweetheart, I feel crazy. You drive me crazy."

"Crazy about?"

Jimin sighed. Minjeong still dared to ask her that. How rude.

"You. Crazy about you."

Jimin lifted her head to look at Minjeong again.

"Kim Minjeong, I am crazily in love with you."

And there, Jimin couldn't hold herself back anymore and said the words that have been filling her mind and heart. The words that she's dying to let out of her chest. The words that she needs Minjeong to hear and know. 










Good day everyone! I wasn't in a good mood these past few days (somenthing happened) so I can't write when my mood was down but hey, I'm all good now. At least, It's getting better hehe. So yeah, I'm back with another update now. Hope yall still interested to continue reading this series.

Take care always, my lovely readers. If anyone haven't told you that you're amazing and all, then lemme be the one to tell you guys. You are all amazing and I love you guys so much. Thank you for your endless support and comments! I read them all, and I love every single of it. 




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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳