Us Against the World - Part 1

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It was cold. The weather was cold. One would be shivering because of how cold it was. Everyone was wearing enough to cover up, thick coat and boots. 

Ring Ding!

A tall and slim woman had just entered the quiet bar just right in the basement behind an old apartment. She was wearing a black long coat that reached her knees, paired with a tight black leather pants, her ankle black boots clicked against the floor as she walked inside. Her long black hair falls flawlessly on her shoulders and she paid no mind to anyone as she took a seat on an empty stool right in front of the barista who were back facing her, wiping a glass carefully.

"You're still the same." The barista said. 

He was wearing a casual oversize black shirt with a blue jeans, hair being styled neatly. 

"Always on time." He said again before turning around to give a smile to the woman. 

The woman nodded her head and crossed her legs. She took out an envelope from her coat's inner pocket before putting it on the counter and swiftly pushed it towards him. 

He glanced at the envelope before turning away to make a drink for her. Once done, he leaned his arms on the counter and stares at her who did not even bother to look at him as she just drink calmly. 

"What do you think about going home?" He asked. 

She turned to look at him with her bored face, still saying nothing. 

"Okay. I've a favour to ask actually. An important figure is seeking for a help." He said, taking the envelope and ripped it opened. 

"He was asking to send the best one to do the job." He continued and checking the photos from the envelope. 

"A very pretty one." He hummed, his lips as he stares at the photos. 

"I said you will be there." He said and this time he earned a glare from the woman. 

"Saturday, 2pm sharp. Your flight is ready. I'll send you the location." 

The woman then grabbed his collar and pulled him harshly across the counter. 

"I don't like a last minute job, Johnny." 

Johnny chuckled then put one of the photos for her to see. 

"Just this one." He said. 

She looked down and stared at the photo. 

"What am I supposed to do with this kid?" 

"She's 27." Johnny said and saw an eyebrow being raised on her face. 

"The youngest daughter of a powerful man in your home country."



"Speak." The woman finally let him go. 

Johnny coughed and fixed his collar, still smiling at her. 

"The pay is good, better than anything we've ever got. You just need to bring her back safely." 

"How much is the split?"

"The usual. 50/50."



"60/40. You're sending me to that country again, where I hate my past. so 60 for me then I'll go."

Johnny sighed heavily and looked at her with his upset face.

"You know you can't force me if I don't want to do it."

"I know, Karina. That's why, you're making me frustrated right now."

"I don't care." Karina said, sipping her drinks without worries.

Johnny groaned and ruffled his hair before clicking his tongue. He looked at her again and shook his head.

"Fine. 60/40."

"Kay." Karina then put down the glass after finishing up her drinks. She grabbed one photo before leaving silently.

"Ah. I can never win against her." Johnny mumbled to himself.










The smell of metal and fire filled her lungs, the heat was scorching. She glanced around, there were fire in every steel drums near her. It has been three days since she got kidnapped. She was tied very tight on the chair she was sitting at. She wasn't given any meals and just tap water twice a day. She was feeling very weak and dizzy. She wanted to faint but, her kidnapper does not even allowed her to have a rest. They will tap and slap her cheek to keep her up when she fell asleep.

"Your father is really stubborn. I am starting to doubt that he loves his precious youngest daughter." One of the masked guy said.

"We have not received any calls from him today. Hmm. If we don't receive any update by this evening, then I am sorry darling." The man tried to caress her face but she avoided his touch.

"We regret that we have to kill such a pretty young lady like you." He laughed.

"My father..." She whispered weakly.

"Yes? Do you have your last words for him?" The kidnapper asked in excitement.

"He will find you." She whispered, raising her head to look at him in the eye.

"And he will kill you." She said.

"Darling, look around you. You are locked up here and no one is going to come for you." He said and laughed again.

"Alive or not. He will come. Even if it's not for me, then it will be for you. A Kim never let their enemies go, we don't give mercy to anyone who dares to mess with our family." 

"Wow. For someone who have nowhere to run, you are brave." He clapped his hands.

"Bravo. Guys, give her a round of applause." He shouted and laughed with ten other men that was inside the abandoned warehouse.

"I wonder, Winter. What would your mother feels if her youngest daughter will have to die this young?"

"My mother will avenge her dearest daughter's death." Winter smirked.

"Your mother? Really?" He laughed.

"Hm. You've never met her. Believe me, you would regret it if she ever come to get you for hurting me."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"The empire wasn't all my father's. Why do you think my father can stand so high and strong that no one is able to bring him down? Because behind him, has a queen who leads and controls everything. The one who got the real power. Opps. I shouldn't expose the truth to you and your minions though. Too bad, now you all have to die for knowing the truth." Winter chuckled weakly.

"Why you-"


The men got startled when they heard a loud bang and the warehouse's entrance being bombed. Luckily they were far enough from the entrance but two men that were standing near the entrance died because of the explosive. 

"What the hell was that?!" The kidnapper now on alert and stood up, shouting to his men to be on their position. 

When one of the men wanted to step forward to take a look, a tall woman with a high ponytail wearing all black sauntered in as if she doesn't just entered a dangerous place. Well, Karina has just finally arrived. 

"Who are you? Ah. Did the Kim really run out of people to rescue the precious daughter?" The kidnapper asked, chuckling to himself. 

"That's what he get when he cancelled my contract to be his family's protector." He scoffed. 

Karina scanned the place and her eyes stopped at Winter, the daughter of her client. Winter squinted her eyes, trying to take a good look at her. 

"So, are you here for Winter Kim? I'm afraid, you will have to go thro-" The man got cut off when Karina suddenly took out her gun and shot the men near her before she throws the gun away as she sprinted towards the other man and knocked his chin with her knee as she jumped.

Three men were down in a minute. She then took out her dagger before she took down two more men who ran after her to fight her. 

"Kill her!" The kidnapper shouted. 

Karina then stood still and waited for the other three men's attack. Then she slided down the floor as she grabbed one man's leg then made him fall. She quickly got up to throw some punches and kicks to the other two. 

Without wasting time, she took out another gun and shot all the men who were down on the floor. 


Karina does not have to look behind as she moved her hand to shoot the last guy, the leader on his leg. 


Karina then turned around and ignored the guy groaned in pain on the floor. She walked past him to get to Winter. 

"Who..." Winter tried to ask but got so weak already. 

Karina untied her without saying anything before she carried her in a bridal style. 

"You! You will pay!" The guy yelled at her. 

Karina didn't bother to give him a glance and only bringing Winter out of the place. Winter tried to stay awake and focus on Karina but she couldn't, all that she knew is that Karina is such an attractive woman and she's feeling something in her chest. 

"I got her." Winter heard her speak as soon as she put Winter inside the car. She managed to glance at Karina's side profile for one more time before she finally out. 










"Come on, Aeri."


"But whyyyy?"

"I said no then no."


"Look. I can give you anything, but not that. It's too dangerous okay? And we-"

Knock knock

"Boss, someone is here for you."

"Eh? Who?" The redhead girl asked.

"Yena, please tell the person to wait at private room number 6." The girl named Aeri said.

"Sure, boss."

"Who could it be?" The redhead asked again.

"I don't know but, it has been so long since someone is looking for me." Aeri said, pulling a drawer from her office desk to take out a gun.


"Be prepared. We never know who's coming." Aeri told the redhead.

"Okay." The redhead then ran towards her and took another gun that Aeri handed her in.

"Hey, remember, if I ask you to run, you run without asking anything. Okay?" Aeri asked, hand holding the redhead's arm.

"Yes." The redhead nodded.

"Good. Let's go and meet this person."

Aeri told the redhead to stay behind her while she's in front. She opened the door slowly and entered with careful steps, right hand ready to grab the gun that she hid underneath her jacket.


The redhead gasped and pushed Aeri out of the way to slam the door opened.

"Jimin!" She squealed and ran in to jump onto Karina who were just standing in the middle of the room while Aeri quickly closed and locked the door.

"Oh my god, when did you come back?"

"Ning." Karina hugged her back and nodded at Aeri who was still shocked to see her.

"You're here?" Aeri approached them and Ning pulled her towards Karina.

"Oh god, you are really here." Aeri hugged Karina and sighed in relief.

The redhead, Ning, just smiled watching the two best friends have finally reunited again after many years of being apart.

"How did you- Why- No, but- What?" Aeri has a lot to ask and she never thought that Karina would be coming back again.

"Can we sit down and talk? I will tell you everything." Karina said.

"Yes, sure."

"And you can relax, Aeri. You don't need the gun when it's just me." Karina said again.

"Oh. You are so sharp."

Karina shrugged her shoulders before taking a seat on the couch. Aeri and Ning sat down opposite her.

"W-What happened? Where did you go?" Aeri asked.

So Karina started to explain about what happened to her after her family got killed. She's the only daughter of Yoo. Her father was someone with a high ranking position in the military force. He was known to be loyal and trustworthy. Her mother was a part of the military force too. Someone from the force was trying to get rid of her parents as they kept climbing up to a higher position and are jealous of them for being well respected. 

That day, Karina was in the basement with Seulgi, her father's favourite junior who got trained personally by him. Seulgi then was asked to train karina from when she was still young and learned more of combat skills from Seulgi as her father wanted to prepare her to enter military force, following her parents' footstep.


"You're fast. Very fast." Seulgi panted and chuckled while still laying down on the ground. Karina managed to knock her down using the same skill that she taught her.

"I am not. You are just too slow, unnie." Karina grinned when Seulgi glared at her.

"You're lucky that I love your cousin who basically loves to baby you. If not, I would be able to knock you down in no time too. I am just being lenient here."

"Please, Seulgi unnie. Irene unnie can knock you down for me."

"Exactly!" Seulgi groaned.

"She's deadly." Seulgi shook her head and Karina laughed.

Just then, they heard some strange loud noises.


"Jimin. Stay." Seulgi said and stands up instantly.

"I will go up and check, you just wait here okay."


"Listen to me, just stay here. Don't come out."

Karina frowned but listened to her. She watched Seulgi went up and left her there, doing nothing while only waited. She waited for almost 10 minutes when she heard someone entered the basement. She sighed in relief seeing her favourite cousin, Irene.


"Where- Seulgi? Where is she?" Irene asked, eyes filled with worries and fear.


"Seulgi, she- Your father said she's supposed to be here with you."

"She went out to check-"

"What?! When did she leave?"

"Uh, about 10 minutes-"


They heard gunshots and Karina flinched at the sound of it. Irene widened her eyes and dragged Karina to the corner of the basement, she pushed the bookshelf which opened another hidden room behind.

"What's this-"

"Jimin, we have no time. I want you to grab any weapon that will be useful for you." Irene said as they stepped inside and discovered lots of guns, knifes and so on inside the room.

"Don't ask questions. Grab any weapons now!"

Karina was trained to react fast so she did what she should. Irene was doing the same too, taking necessary weapon for herself. Then she went to press on the white button just beside the corner that Karina almost didn't see as it blended so well with the wall. Another secret door has opened and Karina could only see a very dark and small hallway.

"I need you to go straight, and once you're out, you turned right and follow the pebbles path that will lead you to the small road. I want you to keep running until you find a small warehouse, there... have some cars and motorcycle. The keys are inside the drawer just beside the door."

Irene then took off her necklace and gave it to karina.

"Here. Keep this safe."


"I want you to go as far as you can, okay? Until you see a river. There, you will find a boat. You know how to turn it on and drive it, right?"

"Yeah. Seulgi unnie taught me before."

Irene smiled proudly and nodded her head.

"Great. Just turn to right, everytime. Okay? Never turn left until you saw the end of the river. There, have another car, the key is inside. I want you to grab the phone inside the car compartment and dialed number 1. You will be connected to someone who will help you, his name is Johnny."


"Jimin. No matter what, never look back. Don't come back for us. I wish I can go with you to make sure you will be safe but I can't leave Seulgi alone."

"My parents-"

"Jimin." Irene cupped her face and based on her teary eyes along with her shaking head, Karina understands. Something happened to her parents, something not good.

"Remember, we all love you." Irene whispered and kissed her forehead.

Then they heard another gunshot, Irene quickly pushed Karina towards the hallway.

"Run! Now!"

Karina hissed. She wanted to stay. She wanted to make sure that her family is alright, that her cousin will be alright too but she knew, she had to go. She had to go. So with a heavy heart, she ran without looking back, fighting her hot tears from rolling down. She ran and ran, only remembering all the quick information that Irene had told her.


Johnny was very serious when he got a call from karina. Turned out he was being trained and prepared to rescue her if things go wrong. Karina's parents got the feeling that they will got attacked anytime soon after they discovered of the betrayal from their own comrades, Irene and Seulgi had been informed about it. The enemies paid a good amount to a mafia gang to kill Karina's family. Johnny managed to take Karina out of the country, away from her parents' enemies and hid her for years while trained her to be untouchable, almost like her parents.

The only difference for her was that she does not work under the military force, but she works in the underworld. Upon finding out her parents' enemies were all people from the military, Johnny decided to cut off contact with anyone from the military for Jimin's and his safety. He tried to get any news about Irene, but he got none. The last time he went back to the country to find out more, he found out that Seulgi died at Yoo's mansion, fighting alongside Karina's mother who died at the same spot. Karina's father got killed right before Seulgi and Mrs Yoo managed to get to him. Irene is nowhere to be found. Johnny gave up and decided to start a new life in LA.

He told Karina about everything that he knew. He witnessed how Karina broke down, mourning over losing her only family. Karina was a mess for a month, it was almost as if she does not find a reason to live anymore. Johnny tried his best to stay strong for her. After all, he promised the Yoos that he will repay back their kindness when they saved him from his miserable life before.

So, Johnny started to create a connection with important people in the underworld. He started accepting small jobs, and slowly, he grew his connection further by accepting more big offers with high risk missions. He trained Karina for every jobs as well until Karina can even do better than him and become the underworld's top assassin. Yes, Karina kills. She kills for money, to keep living. She only has one rule, she does not kill innocent people.

She once asked Johnny, why they kept doing what they did.


"It's my only way to find the answer." Johnny said.

"I know it's your family, not mine. But I won't stop until I find whoever is responsible for your family's death."

"You're still searching?" Karina asked, emotionless.

"I never stop." Johnny smiled at her even though the day Karina decided to join the underworld, he never sees her smile anymore.


So, Karina keeps killing. She killed all those bad guys and takes note of the clan that she can trust to help her. She grew to be heartless, cold blooded and yes, an untouchable assassin. She earned that titled for doing amazing work for every mission that she had received.

Now, to be back at her home country again, brings back the old and painful memories. The reason why she refused to step her feet in the land again. Another reason was because she made a promise to Irene before, that she will never come back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get to say goodbye to you both." Karina said.

Aeri was already crying while Ning hugged her.

"I thought- I thought we lost you too." Aeri sobbed.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all that alone. Jimin I- I'm sorry we were not there." Aeri cried.

Karina sighed and went to hug her friends. Both Aeri and Ning cried harder on her as they hugged her tighter.

"Did you get hurt too?" Karina asked.

"Nothing we can't handle." Aeri mumbled and pulled away to wipe her tears.

She told Karina about everything after her family got killed. They did not know where Irene is. It's as if she disappeared without a trace. The enemies attacked Aeri's family as well, thinking that they know about Karina's whereabout since their family have a strong bond. Aeri managed to esccape. It's fortunate that Aeri and Karina were not being exposed yet so no one knows about their face and identity, except for Karina's real name as Yoo Jimin and Aeri's surname only, Uchinaga. It's why Karina created a new identity as Karina Bae while Aeri kept her name but only changed her surname to Park.

Aeri hid her identity well by marrying Ning, their friend who their enemies do not know about. Ning's family helps Aeri to open up a business under Ning's name but being managed by Aeri completely. It's the nightclub. Since Ning's parents are successful business people, it's easier for Aeri to promote the business under their wings.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Karina said.

"We both lost our family but I'm glad that you're safe." Aeri said.

"7 years had passed. You still look the same." Karina said.

"But prettier." Karina added.

"You- You grew up well. For a 28 years old woman, you're a real hottie now." Aeri chuckled.

"I agreed. If I'm not in love with my wife aka your best friend, I would marry you." Ning said which earned an eyeroll from Aeri while Karina only gave nodded.

"Don't mind marrying you." Karina said casually.

"Yah!" Aeri yelled and glared at her causing Ning to laugh while Karina kept her poker face.

"But, how come you are here now?" Aeri asked.

"That- I can't tell you yet. But we'll be seeing each other often from now on."

"Are you back for good?" Ning asked this time.

"I'm not sure but I'm staying, for the time being."

They talked and catch up for another hour before Karina excused herself as she needs to go to somewhere. Aeri stayed quiet once Karina left.

"Hey, are you not happy that she's back?" Ning asked.

"I am but, she's not the same Jimin I've known."


"My best friend, she loves to cheer people up. She laugh and smile easily. But this Jimin, is very different. It's like she had turned into a cold hearted person."

Aeri sighed and rubbed her face.

"I understand though. After all that she had gone through, of course she does not even have a chance to be happy."










Karina changed her clothes and grabbed her bike's key. She zipped up her black leather jacket as she hops on her Black Kawasaki Ninja bike. She put on her black helmet before turning on the engine and sprinted off through the road to her destination. She has reached the place within 15 minutes. It was a luxury hotel in the city, she parked her bike in the basement parking lot.

She fixed her hair and tied it into a ponytail before stepping into the elevator, going straight to the highest floor which happened to be the private suite. She was greated by 4 men as soon as the elevator's door was opened. They were her client's bodyguards. One guard gestured her to enter the suite.

She stepped inside and saw few more men at every corner of the room, standing straight and always on alert. Karina counted of how many men were there in her head and remembered their position.

"You must be Karina." A tall and handsome guy appraoched her, smirking arrogantly at her.

"Uncle speaks highly about you." He said.

"Ah. Right. The name is Jongin, Kim Jongin. But everyone calls me Kai." He introduced himself and offered a handshake. 

He laughed when Karina never bother to shake his hands.

"You're lucky you're hot or I would have taught you a lesson already." He clicked his tongue.

"I think you should let her go if you don't want my father to cut off your head." Another voice interrupted.

Karina glanced at another person there, it's another guy.

"Suho hyung, relax. I'm just preparing her before meeting uncle." Kai said, opening his arms before spinning around.

"Well, I better get going now. Got some job to do. Bye!" Kai whistled and winked at Karina before leaving.


Karina turned her body to face the new guy properly.

"Kim Suho, I am the only son. My father have been waiting outside, at the pool. You may go."

Karina nodded and proceed to go to the outside when Suho stopped her again.

"Thank you."

Karina only stopped walking but did not give him a glance.

"For saving our maknae. Thank you. We owe you alot. Come and find me if you need anything, whatever payment you will receive from my father is different from what you will receive from me. I would like to pay you more or give you anything else you need, as a token of gratitude for bringing back my younger sister." He said then gave her his business card.

Karina took it without saying anything. She bowed her head slightly then slides opened the glass door to the swimming pool outside the room. Suho only looked at her in curiousity before shaking his mind off and left as he needs to be somewhere as well.

"You are finally here." Her client, Mr Kim greeted, sitting on the chair while sipping a coffee.

"Please, sit."

Karina then took the only empty seat in front of him.

"There, your money." He said and Karina looked at the envelope on the round table. She took it and checked if the cheque have a correct amount written on it.

"I am impressed with your work. Fast, clean, no delay at all." He said.

"Is this all?" Karina asked, wanting to leave and rest already.

He raised his eyebrows, very intrigued with karina as usually people would want to stay longer and sweet talk to his family to get their attention or to even form a bond.

"I have another job to offer." He started. Karina only nodded and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"But before that, someone wants to meet you." He told her. 

He smiled slightly before turning his head towards the pool so Karina followed his gaze. There, at the other end of the pool, she saw a familiar figure had just stopped swimming and pushing back her hair. The woman then lifted herself off and out of the swimming pool. She swayed her hips as she walked beautifully in her black bikini suit towards them. Two helpers beside them immediately put on a bathrobe on her and gave her a small towel that she used to dry her hair.

"Daughter, meet your saviour." He said before looking at Karina again.

Karina looked away and looked down on the cheque in front of her. Mr Kim hid his amuse smile seeing how Karina looked away from Winter. No one- no one has yet managed to look away from his youngest. Not when she's doing something to attract an attention. This is the first time to him.

"Karina." Karina heard the softest voice calling her name.

Winter then gave back the towel to the helper before coming closer to Karina who sits up straight, looking away from her. Winter bends down and rest an arm on Karina's shoulder, tilting her head as she stares at Karina's side profile.

"Hmm. It's true. You're cold yet so hot." Winter said then put her other hand on top of the table, slightly above the cheque.

"I am very thankful for you. And I would love to give you a gift for being my saviour." Winter said, moving her hand now to karina's left hand that's on her lap.

"I won't take a no." Winter whispered.

"What's the job offer?" Karina asked Mr Kim instead, ignoring Winter.

Mr Kim almost laughed at his daughter's disbelief reaction but he kept it in. Winter scoffed then stands up straight to cross her arms, puffing her cheeks in annoyance.

"I want you to be my daughter's personal bodyguard. I will pay you double amount of what you have received currently." He offered.

"Which daughter?" Karina asked. Mr Kim looked at his daughter who was glaring at Karina hard.

"Winter, of course."

"I will have to think about it first." Karina said.

"Now, if you will excuse me." Karina speaks again before standing up, taking the cheque and put it inside her inner pocket.

"What's there to think? My father is willing to pay you more to be my bodyguard." Winter blocked her way before she gets to leave.

"In case you forgot, I'm an assassin. Certainly not a bodyguard." Karina said, looking sharply into her eyes.

"I said, I won't take a no." Winter whispered lowly.

"Being your bodyguard is your gift to me?"

"No. That's not it. But you can't say no to that either."

"Sorry to hurt your ego, I am definitely saying it to you now. It's a no, Winter Kim."











It's kinda different this time. Received a request for something different so... Yeah. But apologies in advanced, I'm not good at this kind of plot actually. But hey, I will try my best and maybe I can learn more as well. I am writing for fun and I'm happy if my writing can make my readers happy.

A reminder though, this is a fanfiction so I hope yall will kindly just go with the flow with what I will write. Sometimes my imagination can be alil unstoppable hahahaha. but yes, hope you guys will enjoy my new mini series as usual. I'll try to update whenever I can!


I love you guys, amazing people!



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1194 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳