I Want You - Part 2

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Kim Minjeong was busy focusing on her professor when she kept getting poked from behind. She tried to just ignore, doesn't want to entertain the annoying person behind her.

"So, if any of you have questions, come to me. For now, class is dismissed."


Minjeong then packed her stuff when she felt the poke again. She glanced at their professor who were just leaving and as soon as he was out of the class, Minjeong turned around to slap the hand that kept poking her. 

"What is your problem?" Minjeong asked, gritting her teeth.

"Lunch with me?" Jimin asked, smiling at her.


Minjeong then grabbed her bag and started to leave.

"Why not?" Jimin asked and walked beside her.

Minjeong glared at the students who were looking at her and Jimin with interest. Jimin peeked at Minjeong's face and earned a glare from Minjeong too.

"Lunch with me." Jimin tried again.

"No." Minjeong groaned then pushed her away before walking faster.

Minjeong went to put back her books in her locker first and sighed when she found another love note. She glanced at Jimin who were whistling and leaning against the locker beside Minjeong's.

Minjeong put the books and took the note. She closed her locker and pulled Jimin's hand out of her pocket to put the note on her palm. Jimin chuckled and followed her to the cafeteria.

Once Minjeong sat down at the table with her friends, Jimin waved at them before she tapped Minjeong's cheek playfully with the note then put it on the table near her.

"Enjoy lunch without me then, sweetheart." Jimin winked and walked to the table where her friends were waiting for her already.

"Damn." Jaehyun shakes his head in amazement.

"So she's still flirting with you even after you rejected her?" Johnny asked.

"And aren't you going to read that?" Aeri asked, pointing at the note that Jimin put on the table. 

"She's not going to read it, babe." Ning told Aeri.

"Can we read it instead?" Ning asked.

Minjeong shrugged and was busy playing with her phone. Ning was about to take the note when Jimin came again and beats her to it. She grinned at Minjeong's friends before raising the note.

"This one is for Minjeong, sorry guys." Jimin said.

"We're just curious." Ning said.

"Understand. But still, I want Minjeong to read it."

"Well, okay."

Jimin then looked at Minjeong and gave her a can of drinks and some of her favourite snacks. Minjeong looked up with her furrow eyebrows.

"At least, if you don't want the flowers then take this." Jimin said.

Minjeong pushed them away but Jimin pushed them back towards her.

"Kim Minjeong. Or you want me to sit here-"

Minjeong hissed then finally take the snacks and drinks.

"Good girl." Jimin smiled and patted Minjeong's head but Minjeong swatted her hand away.

"Don't touch me." Minjeong glared but that only make Jimin want to annoy her more.

"You're cute when you're angry." Jimin laughed when Minjeong glared more before she finally leave Minjeong alone.






Minjeong doesn't know why did she agree to watch the friendly match between two teams of their volleyball team, one is female team and the other is the male one. 

Jaehyun managed to convince her to watch the game with Aeri and Ning as Johnny is in the male team but the reason why she doesn't want to watch is because the female team has Jimin in it, she's even the captain. 

"Fancy seeing you here. Are you here for me, sweetheart?" 

Yes, that's exactly why Minjeong kept refusing to join her friends watching the game. 

"Where did you get so much energy to bother our friend here when you're supposed to be preparing for the game?" Ning asked instead. 

"Oh. Minjeong can have all of my time and I won't hesitate to give her. And I'll never get tired when it comes to her. After all, I'm trying to win your friend's heart here, aren't I?" Jimin said. 

"And! I'm the best at this sport, so... Don't worry about me losing." Jimin winked while Minjeong's friends were amused with Jimin's confidence. 

"Then, lose the game for me." Minjeong said. 

"My my. Already taking advantage of me knowing how smitten I am for you. I would lose intentionally if you agree to go out with me." Jimin smirked. 

"Pft. Nevermind then." Minjeong crossed her arms. 

"Thought so." 

Jimin then started doing her warm up in front of Minjeong while Minjeong kept glaring at her. Whenever Minjeong tried to look at the other members, Jimin will block her view. 

"Eyes on me, my love. I don't like it when you're looking at someone else." Jimin said. 

"I am not yours." Minjeong glared. 

"Yet. Just not yet." Jimin grinned. 

"I'll never be." 


Jimin then bend down and put her hands on her knees, looking at Minjeong carefully. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Kim Minjeong. But, I'm here to remind you again, that I will make you fall for me." Jimin winked then waved at her before finally leaving Minjeong alone to go to her teammates. 

Minjeong's friends were all shouting Johnny's name, he's like the star in his team. Minjeong clapped her hands and cheers for him too. Jimin rolled her eyes when Minjeong never even look at her. 

"Cruel. She's so cruel." Jimin said and squinted her eyes at Minjeong. 

"It's so entertaining to see you desperate for someone's attention when you used to get anyone's attention so easily." Somi, her teammate said as she laughed lightly. 

"Ugh. Shut up." Jimin groaned. 

"You'll see. She will give me her undivided attention someday." Jimin said.

"How sure are you?" 

"More than 100%. I'm that sure." 


"Because she's meant for me." Jimin wiggled her eyebrows and Somi just laughed at her. 

"Tsk. Your confidence is amazing." 






"Go out with me." 

Minjeong continues to do her research on her project, ignoring Jimin who came to disturb her study time at the library. 

"Kim Minjeong-" 

"No, Yoo Jimin." 

Jimin grinned then moved her chair closer to Minjeong. She takes one of the paper but Minjeong snatched it back. 

"Then let's just have a date here." Jimin said and takes Minjeong's laptop. 


"Shhh. Let me help you. I've done mine." 

Jimin then typed in for Minjeong. 

"This is an individual project." 


"And, back off." Minjeong hissed and elbowed Jimin. Jimin rubbed her arm and let Minjeong took back her laptop. 

"Don't want to." Jimin said then dropped her head on her arms. 

"I'll just be here then." She said again. 

Minjeong doesn't have time to argue so she just let her and started doing her work again. It took her around 2 hours when she's finally done for the day and wants to stop. 

She sighed and stretched her arms. Jimin woke up 20 minutes ago and left without saying anything, not that Minjeong mind as she's too busy with her task. 

"Now I can go home." Minjeong talked to herself. She packed up her things and thanked the librarian. 

While she was walking through the hallways, she heard Jimin was calling her name. 

"Here." Jimin ran to her and gave her a drink. 

"You must be tired with all of your work earlier." Jimin winked. 

"Thanks." Minjeong mumbled. 

"That's a first. Are you finally falling for me?" Jimin asked. 

"No, but I'm accepting the drinks just so you will stop giving me flowers." Minjeong said and stepped on Jimin's feet when Jimin was about to follow her. 

"Ouch!" Jimin squat down to press on her feet then looked at Minjeong who were just waving carelessly without looking back at her. Jimin chuckled and shook her head. 

"You make me want to keep coming back to you." Jimin sighed. 






"I heard there will be a festival going on." 


"Would you want to go with me?" 


Jimin put her palm on the locker next to Minjeong's, another hand inside her pocket as she just keep looking at Minjeong with a smile on her face. She doesn't mind all the students were watching them like some Kdramas. 

"I'll pick you up and I'll treat you lots of food." Jimin tried again but Minjeong only ignored her, still fixing her books and put them nicely inside her locker. 

"Are you still rejecting me?" Jimin asked. 

Then, Minjeong took out her phone from her back pocket when her phone rang. Jimin waited for her to finish the call while Minjeong finally is done with her locker as she closed and locked it. 

Once Minjeong hung up, Jimin then snatched her phone away from her. 




"Forgive me, I'm desperate so I have to do this." 

Jimin raised the phone higher while trying to key in her own number as Minjeong tried to tiptoe to get her phone back. 

"Can I at least have your number, Kim Minjeong?" Jimin asked, looking down at Minjeong while her finger paused from clicking the dial button. 

"Please?" Jimin asked again, smiling at her. 

"Give me back my phone, Yoo Jimin." 

"Can I have your number?" 

"My phone!" 

"Your number, sweetheart." 

"No. Give me back my phone now." 

"I'll stop giving you notes if you give me your number." 


Now that make Minjeong to think twice. No more notes from Jimin, means her locker will be safe from all bunch of notes that will make students keep looking at her locker as if it's an entertainment show which Minjeong dislike the most. 

"Will you keep your words?" Minjeong asked, squinting at her. 

"I promise. No more notes if you let me have your number." 

"Ugh. Fine." 

Jimin grinned then dialled her number, she quickly takes out her phone then gives Minjeong back her phone. Minjeong grabbed it from her then grunted in annoyance before she turned away to leave. 

"Thanks, sweetheart!" Jimin shouted and laughed when Minjeong covered her ears as she continued leaving. 










Hi guys! Here's a short update for yall! Hopefully I'll have the time to write a longer update soon hehe. Enjoy! 









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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
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Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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Chapter 146: 🥳