In Spite Of Everything, It Is Still You

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Just say you won't let go, 

Just say you won't let go, 

Just say you won't let go, 

Just say you won't let go... 



"Waited for the song to finish, so I can serve you your drinks." 

Minjeong opened her eyes and looked up at the smiling waitress. 

"I saw how you're feeling the song, and I don't dare to interrupt." Said the waitress.

"Whatever you're going through, I hope everything will be going well for you. Have a good day." She said, still with a bright smile on her smile as she excused herself.

Minjeong blinked her eyes, she was still processing of what the waitress had just told her. Once she snapped out of her thoughts, she looked back at her. 

The waitress was talking to other customers with a bright face, which could immediately light up someone's day. Her colleagues chuckled at her high spirit and energy. Everyone continues doing their work with a smile on their face. 

Minjeong smiled slightly, wishing that nothing could ever take the cheerfulness away from that waitress. She wishes, that even if she couldn't be happy, someone else would. 

Minjeong got up from her seat, walking towards the counter and put in some money inside the tips box. She glanced at the cheerful waitress once again, before she left the cafe. 

Once outside, Minjeong took a sip of her drinks. She smiled, it's her favourite drinks and it still tastes so good. 

She was about to go to her car and wanted to go home, but she thinks that she still wants to enjoy the fresh air and take a walk. 

After all, it has been so long.

So, she turned left, and began to walk while taking her time. She looked around, noticed that some things has changed, and some stays the same. 

She walked further, down the road. She sips her drinks while her other hand stays in her coat's pocket.

She halted when she saw the small park, which quickly brings back the old memories. 



"Minjeong? Minjeong ahhh." 

Minjeong groaned and pulled the cover up to her head. She heard a soft chuckle before she felt a tug from her duvet. 

"Minjeong ah."

Minjeong groaned again at the soft voice that's trying to wake her up. 

"Please, let me continue my sleep. It's still very early." Minjeong mumbled. 

"I know, but you promised me last night. You would accompany me to the park this morning." 

Minjeong pulled off the duvet and looked at her. She was already grinning at Minjeong. 

"Gosh. Why are you so full of energy this early?" 

"Because I'm waking up to you here, it makes me happy." 

Minjeong just looked at her. 

"Let's go?" 



If that were to happen now, Minjeong would say yes in a heartbeat. Minjeong would even prepare to wake up before her. Yet, that wasn't the case at all. 

Minjeong remembered how she kept breaking her promises and refused to accompany her, saying how tired she was and she preferred to sleep instead. 

She sighed as the image of her dejected face everytime Minjeong rejected her, comes into her mind. How could she ever forget? Never.

With a deep breathe, Minjeong brace herself and went towards the park.



"When are you going to have a picnic with me?" 

"When I'm not busy." 

"Minjeong, you're always busy." 

"Yeah, exactly." 

Minjeong stopped reading her emails when she heard nothing from her. She looked up and saw her sad face, looking down, playing with her own fingers. 

"Hey." She looked up. 

"I'll- I'll try to find a time to go with you, okay?" 

Minjeong didn't mean to lie, but at that time, she just wanted her to stop being sad over it. 

But, she never really try at all. She was willing to get drown into her works or spent her time alone instead. 



Minjeong stopped. She sighed. She couldn't. She couldn't do it. After everything, she's finally here, but without her. So, she decided to turn back and forget about the park. 

Minjeong just got back inside her car when her phone rang. 


"Minjeong, could you be a dear and buy some snacks for this little lady? She has been whining, and when are you coming back?" 

"Yeah, sure. Tell her to behave, or no snacks for her. I'll be on my way after getting the snacks." 

"Okay, drive safe?" 

"I will. Thank you." 

With that, Minjeong tried to shrug off the memories and went to a nearby supermarket. 






"Oh? Minjeong, is that you?"

Minjeong smiled and bowed politely at the familiar grandmother who have been working there for a long time.

"Hi, grandma. How are you?"

"Oh! It's really you! Oh, come here, come here!"

Minjeong let out a small chuckle as the grandmother pulled her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god, I missed you. Did you even eat? You look like you had lost some weight." The grandmother frowned as she observed Minjeong.

"I missed you too, grandma." Minjeong replied and only smiled at her.

The grandmother just continued observing her, and with a sad smile, she cupped Minjeong's face. 

"Oh, dear." She hugged Minjeong again and patted her back.

"You didn't listen, didn't you?"

Minjeong bit her bottom lip and shook her head. 

"I was too late, grandma." Minjeong whispered.



"Minjeong. I said I need to buy groceries, not a cart full with snacks!"

"Well, this is my groceries." 

"Ugh. You are unbelievable." 

Minjeong watched her snatched the cart from Minjeong's hand and walked away. Minjeong was about to follow when she heard the grandmother chuckled behind her. 

"Why do you always make her angry when you girls come here?" 

"Hello, grandma." Minjeong smiled and approached her instead. 

"Need help?" Minjeong asked when she saw the grandmother struggled with the ladder. 

"You shouldn't work too hard anymore, you know." Minjeong commented. 

"Well, you shouldn't make her angry often. And I live alone, this is my way to earn money and to continue living." 

Minjeong smiled.

"I've offered you to live with me, you're the one who doesn't want me as your housemate." 

The grandmother laughed and pinched Minjeong's cheek. 

"I can't. The house is the only thing that my late son has left for me, I would want to spend the rest of my life there." 

Minjeong nodded understandably. 

"Do you still think of your first love? 


"But, you have your girlfriend now."


"She left you, Minjeong. For someone else." 

"I know."

"Treat your girlfriend right, or you will regret it. Trust me, my dear. She is the better one for you." 

"I... I will try." 

"Don't wait until it's too late." 



She should've listened to the grandmother last time, because by the time she finally realised that she has stopped loving her first love, she was too late already. 




"Hi, Minjeong." 

Minjeong's heart was beating fast. Yunjin, her first love, her ex, is here in front of her. 

"Did I come at the wrong time?" 

"Oh. No. Not at all. Come in." Minjeong opened the door wider to let her in. 

She quickly pulled out her phone and texted her girlfriend not to come. 

"So, what brings you here?" 

"Well, Minjeong... I..." Yunjin pouted and looked at her. 

"You never change." Yunjin muttered. 


Yunjin laughed and scooted closer, she held Minjeong's hand. 

"I missed you, Minjeong." 

Minjeong blinked her eyes and just stared at her ex. Yunjin was about to lean in when they heard a gasp. 

They both turned to see. Minjeong's girlfriend, with her teary eyes. 

"I'm sorry." She said before she rushed to leave. 

"What was that? Who's that?" Yunjin asked. 

Minjeong frowned, she didn't know what to do. She felt her heart was about to burst when her ex almost kissed her, but now her heart was pounding that her girlfriend just caught them. 



"Do you have someone already?" 

And Minjeong felt stupid, because she couldn't even answer the simple question from her ex. She wanted to be honest with her ex, but she was afraid that her ex will leave her again. But she knew, deep down, she was in a huge trouble already. 






"What are you doing with her here?" 

"It's our date." 

"I'm not talking to you." 

"Well, my girlfriend does not want to talk to you."

"Back off, Ryujin. Stop being delusional, she is mine." 

Minjeong was about to pull her girlfriend's hand when Ryujin, her girlfriend's best friend pulled her behind her. 

"Not anymore, Minjeong. I gave you a chance, and all you do was hurting her."

"You don't know anything about us." Minjeong glared. 

"Oh, well. I do. Jimin here tells me everything." Ryujin smirked and hugged Jimin's arm. 

Minjeong looked at Jimin, hoping that this is just her girlfriend trying to make her jealous, again. 

"Jimin. We need to talk." 

Jimin looked at her coldly, and Minjeong didn't expect that at all. 

"There's nothing to talk about." 

"There is! I don't understand what you were saying in your text message-" 

"It is what you read. I want a break up." 


"I'm breaking up with you, Minjeong." 

Minjeong sighed and shook her head. No, this was not right. She knew that Jimin was in love with her, and Jimin assured her many times that Ryujin's feelings for her will never affect their relationship. 

"Jimin." Minjeong tried to call her softly and reached out for her hand, but Jimin stepped back, wrapped her arm around Ryujin instead. 

"I've had enough, Minjeong." 






"Who asked you to come here?" 

"We need to talk." 

"I don't want to. We're no longer together." 

"Jimin, please. Hear me out." 

"No. I want you to leave now, Minjeong." 

"Jimin! You have to listen!"

"Of what??! Of how you are still in love with your ex the whole time that we're together?!"

Minjeong gulped seeing Jimin burst out in anger for the first time of their relationship. 

"I've been trying my best to win your heart and be patient with you. God knows that I felt like the luckiest woman alive when you finally agreed to go out with me."


"I thought, I can be enough for you. I've treated you better than her, gave you all my love. But not even once have you ever look me in the eyes with love, Minjeong."


"I even hurt my best friend's feelings just to be with you."

"Because you love me, not her."

Jimin scoffed. 

"Yeah, that was before, but now I realised, I love her."

"You don't."

"Well, I do."

"Then, kiss me." 


"Kiss me, and make me believe that you don't love me anymore." 

"You're crazy." 

"I will leave if you do that." 

Jimin glared at her while Minjeong just stared at her. She just needed this one chance to make Jimin feels that she's the one that she wants. 

"This will be the last time." Jimin said and kissed her without emotion. 

Minjeong's heart clenched when Jimin's kiss felt cold. She pulled away from Jimin and looked her in the eye.


"I don't love you anymore. Not after what you did to me." 

"I told you, I didn't cheat on you." 

"But you didn't deny that you still have feelings for her." 


"Save it, Minjeong. Please, leave." 

"I... I love you." Minjeong whispered. 

Jimin, once again glared at her. 

"Don't use the words just to make me stay. Don't you think this is unfair for me? I've waited for you to say it back for 2 years, Minjeong." 

"I'm sorry, I really am." 

"No, you don't get to say sorry now. Please, I just want you to leave." 

"Jimin, I-" 

"And if it's true that you love me for real now, leave me for good. I don't ever want to see you again. Even if we cross path, pretend that you don't know me."






"So, that's why you left."

Minjeong nodded her head weakly. 

"Even if I can't be with her anymore, even if she isn't mine anymore, and if by leaving is the only way to make her believe that I love her, I have to take that last chance to prove it to her."

The grandmother sighed and hugged Minjeong again. 

"Now that you're back, have you met her again?"

"No, I hope we don't have to cross path again. I'm not here for her or to disturb her again, grandma. Besides, she's happier now."

"Is she?"

Minjeong smiled sadly and nodded. 

"I saw some posts from our friend's Instagram. She's still with Ryujin."

"Well, if that's the case, then..." The grandmother looked at Minjeong with pity. She doesn't know what to say.

She always watched Minjeong and Jimin whenever they came to the supermarket, she was sure that Jimin loved her deeply. Jimin's eyes can't lie. 

However, after Minjeong left, Jimin has never come to the supermarket anymore. So, she never sees Jimin again.

Also, Jimin doesn't really know about her close relationship with Minjeong. She has known Minjeong a long time ago, even before Jimin entered her life, and they usually talk when Jimin was upset and went away from Minjeong, or when Minjeong came alone. 






"So, you still live here."

"Yes. I told you, I can never leave this place."

Minjeong smiled softly and looked around, the grandmother's small house was still the same.

She checked the walls with many frames, her picture was still there. It was when she picked up the grandmother from a hospital, finding out that it was her birthday.

So, Minjeong bought a small cake for her and took a picture of them for her to keep as a gift.

"Thank you, for sending me home. Ah, it feels real now that you are back." The grandmother chuckled.

"I'm sorry for being away for so long. Were you having a hard time while I'm not around, grandma?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes, I keep thinking and worrying about you. So, you, lady." The grandmother pointed at her and narrowed her eyes. Minjeong immediately raised her hands.

"Don't ever go missing like that again."

Minjeong laughed, but nodded her head. After making sure the grandmother is all good, Minjeong then left to go back home.







"Where have you been?!"


"Ugh. I told you to bring the snacks as soon as possible!"

"But I-"

"Don't you know that she got this habit of yours that is to get sulky and grumpy if you don't get your snacks on time?"

Minjeong was left speechless in front of the door alone, hearing the continuation of nagging and grumbling. 

"Right." Minjeong whispered.

She came in and peeked to see a cute scene in the living room. 

"Here's your snacks!"

"I don't have a mood for it already."

"Oh no. That's bad."

"It is bad! Hmph!"

Minjeong smiled and shook her head fondly before deciding to handle the situation. 

"What got our Minmin here upset, hm?"

The little girl looked and pouted so hard at her. 

"Mommy took so long."

"True. It's mommy's fault for taking so long, but Minmin shouldn't get angry with aunty Yeji. It is not right." Minjeong tried to talk softly to her.

"Tell mommy, am I right?" Minjeong asked and looked at her kid expectantly.

The kid glanced at Yeji before pouting guiltily. 

"Yes, mommy." She whispered.

"What do you say next?"

"I'm sorry, mommy."

"Nah uh. I'm not the one who you should say sorry to."

The kid looked at Yeji, still pouting. Yeji pouted with her, couldn't handle the cute sight and wanted to just hug her right away. 

"Aunty Yeji, Minmin is sorry."

"Aww, come here you little cutiepie."

Minjeong smiled seeing Minmin is now hugging Yeji tightly. 

"I love you. I'm not angry with you."

"Really, aunty?"


"Thank you, aunty!"

Minjeong asked Yeji to rest and accompany her kid while she cooked for dinner, since she has been taking care of her kid while she went out earlier. 

Once done, they all ate dinner together. Light and small talks filled the apartment, and Minjeong wouldn't wish for anything else anymore. This should be enough for her. 

"I'm sleepy."

"Let's go, I'll prepare your bed then I will read a story for you."

"Yay! Okay, aunty."

The little kid jumped down from her chair and skipping towards Minjeong as she let Minjeong kissed her both cheeks, before saying goodnight to her. 

"I'll be back." Yeji told her.

"I'll clean everything, don't worry." Minjeong said.






Minjeong was just done cleaning up when Yeji entered the kitchen after getting her kid to sleep.


Minjeong smiled and asked if she would like to drink some tea with her. 


They both took a seat again and just casually sipping their hot teas together without saying anything for a few minutes.

"How was your day?" Yeji asked.

"Okay. How about you? Did Minmin give you a hard time?"

"Oh. Not at all- well, that was until she asked for her snacks. She's just like you." Yeji rolled her eyes.

"That's my kid, alright?"

They both laughed and let silence took over once again. 

"I forgot, Minjeong."


"Welcome back to Seoul."

Minjeong grinned. 

"Thank you, Yeji."

"So, staying for good?"

"Hmm. I don't know. It depends."

Yeji nodded. She knew everything about what happened between Minjeong and Jimin. She was an acquaintance from work before they became close friends, Yeji still remembered the first time she met Minjeong. 



"Damn, this place is good." 

"I know right." 

Yeji laughed and walked in with her friends. She was having fun when she suddenly had the urge to get a few more drinks, so she went to the bar. 

"Hey, can I get one more glass, please?" 

"Coming right up!" 

While waiting for her drinks, Yeji looked at the girl beside her. She furrowed her eyebrows seeing how blank, her eyes were. 

"Um, hello, Miss. Are you okay?" Yeji asked carefully. 

The girl didn't look at her at all. She just continued staring at her empty glass. 

"I miss her. My ex."


"But I can't tell this to anyone, or my friends will hate me." 

"May I know why?" 

"Because they are my girlfriend's friends too." 


"I miss her." 

Yeji was about to talk more when the barista finally served her drinks. She looked at her once again, but the girl suddenly got up and ready to leave. 

A week after that, Yeji was surprised to see the same girl she met in the club at her new workplace.

"Miss Kim, this is our new Chief Finance Officer, Hwang Yeji. And Yeji, she's the Vice President of Finance Department, Kim Minjeong." 

After working with Minjeong, Yeji learned more about her. The good and the bad sides, of course. So, yes, she knew everything as Minjeong shared everything to her. 

Even after Minjeong left, they still kept in touch. It's not that Yeji have a feeling or something for her. No, nothing like that.

Yeji just felt that Minjeong is this this lost person, vulnerable and lonely which she hid well under her tough and heartless image. So, Yeji wanted to be that friend that would always be there for her and wouldn't leave her even for any mistakes she would do. 

As Yeji too, in the past, have been in the same situation as Minjeong, where she felt so lost with no one to help her. 






Minjeong pressed her temple as she looked at Yeji and her kid in front of her, both were crossing their arms.


"Minjeong, just once."


Yeji and her kid were trying to get her out of her own apartment, saying she has been staying in for a week and that she needs to go out to have fun too. 

"Mommy. You are still young, you have to go out and have some fun. It will be good for your mental health."

Minjeong raised her eyebrows at her kid. She was only 4 years old, well, almost 5. But, she know about mental health already?

"Yeji. What did you teach my kid?" Minjeong squinted her eyes.

"What? Did you forget that Minmin is a smart kid?" Yeji defended herself.

"Yes. I am a smart kid." Minmin nodded her head in agreement, and smiled widely at Yeji.

"Besides! When is the last time you enjoy and going out?" Yeji asked.

"I did, last week, remember?"

"No, that wasn't it. You just went out to grab a drink and took a walk."

"I'm fine, Yeji. I like being home."

"How about just tonight, go out and have fun? And if you still don't like it and prefer to stay home, then it's up to you." Yeji tried to convince her again. 

She wanted Minjeong to live her life to the fullesr. She had been spending her time taking care of Minmin and neglecting her own needs and wants. She knew it was Minjeong's ways of moving on, but like Minmin said, it's not healthy for her mental health. 

When Minjeong came back, Yeji noticed it right away. Minjeong subtly suffered from a depression. She usually stares blankly anywhere. It was worse than when she first met her.

And based on Minmin's story about the time where she caught Minjeong cried silently, Yeji knew that Minjeong was having a hard time. 

"Just tonight. Do it for Minmin and me." Yeji tried again. 











"Don't tell me you've been in your car for an hour?" 

"Can I just come home?" 

"No. Please, go out. You are only allowed to come back after having fun."

"Ugh. Fine." 

Minjeong hung up and pouted. Yeji and her Minmin were really adamant about her going out to have fun. 

She looked at the bar's sign. The place was one of the places she used to go in the past. She doesn't feel like going to the club, so she went to this Jazz Bar to listen to some good music while having a drink instead. 

When she entered, the familiar scent of the place hits her right in her chest. 



"This is a good place to relax while still having fun."

"This place smells good." 

"Awesome, right?" 


She let Jimin guided her inside and they settled at a table for two near the corner, but have a good view of the small stage. 

"What do you want to drink?" Jimin asked and smiled softly at her.

"Just order me anything." Minjeong shrugged, uninterested. 


The whole time, Jimin kept staring at her, but Minjeong didn't bother to look at her and tried to stay with her until it's time to leave. 




Minjeong bowed her head and snapped out of her thoughts before going to the bar counter. She glanced at a table where she used to sit with Jimin when they came here together. 

"Welcome! What would you like to drink?" The barista asked, snapping her out of her thoughts again. 

Minjeong realised, she didn't know much about this place and what drinks they serve the most. She remembered Jimin often bragged about this place, but she never paid attention. 

Minjeong sighed once again, remembering just how a jerk she was towards Jimin. 

"Just, give me your best selling drinks, please."

"Sure, Miss!"

15 Minutes had passed, yet Minjeong doesn't feel like she was having fun at all. The past memories kept haunting her and everything just reminded her of Jimin.

She kept telling herself to stay for at  least an hour, before she can go home. So, Yeji and Minmin would think that she was having fun.


Minjeong's head raised as she heard a familiar voice. She slowly turned her body around from the stool she was sitting at.

There, stood her best friend, Ning Yizhuo whose eyes were already filled with tears. 

"Ning ah."

"Oh my god."

Ning launched her body at Minjeong after confirming that it was her. She cried and hugged Minjeong tight, saying how she missed her after all these years. 

Minjeong's brain went malfunction, she was afraid. Her best friend is close with Jimin. Well, because Jimin's other best friend, Aeri is Ning's girlfriend.

And they usually go out together.

"Where did you go???"


"You left us for so long!"

"Oh." Minjeong wanted to reply, but froze when she saw other familiar faces coming closer.

"Minjeong, that's you?"

"Aeri ya!! We found her!"


Minjeong let herself got dragged off her seat and being sandwiched by her two friends. She kept her gaze down, afraid of looking up. 

Because there she was, the love of her life, the ex that she hurt so much in the past, standing right there staring at them without saying anything. 

Minjeong closed her eyes, prays that her heart will be strong enough until she gets back home. She tries to ignore the harsh pounding against her chest, the still unhealed crack of her heart threatening to get torn apart again, and how she finds it hard to breathe in this moment.

Yoo Jimin, I thought I've moved on from you.

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳