I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Minjeong took a deep breathe as she looked around. She entered using the invitation card that Karina gave her. She was surprised to see how magnificent the decoration was in this fashion show. She continued walking further, following a security guard who guided her from the entrance.

"Here's your seat, ma'am."

Minjeong thanked him before going towards the pointed seat. She nodded her head in amazement as she noticed that her seat was at the very front row, near the stage.


Minjeong turned and bowed her head slightly, saying a hello back to the guy who was sitting next to her.

"My name is Felix. It's kinda bored not having anyone to speak to." He said casually.

"Oh. Well, uh, my name is Minjeong."

"Minjeong, a Korean, right?"

"Yes, you?"

"I'm from Australia. I came all the way because honestly speaking, Giselle's fashion show is always the best. Couldn't miss it for life." Felix said proudly and Minjeong couldn't help but to wonder, just how good this show would be later.

"I've never seen you before. I mean, I've been to every show Giselle had since day 1." Felix said again.

"Oh, yeah, I'm kinda new to this kind of show. Never been to one."

"Really? How did you manage to attend now then?" Felix asked in curiousty.

"I got invited by the host."

"Giselle personally invited you?! Oh, you must be special then. I mean, your seat is here with me. It's a VIP seat." Felix said, and smiling widely now at her.

"I... didn't know this, but um, I'm glad I guess." Minjeong chuckled awkwardly.

"Trust me, your first fashion show is going to be great. Giselle never disappoints." Felix winked and Minjeong was surprised with his natural, friendly act around her when they had just met.

"How did you know Giselle anyways?" Felix asked.

"Uh..." Now, how do I tell him that I haven't even met this Giselle woman yet.

"Oh, wait. There goes the hottest woman on earth, Giselle's best friend."

Minjeong then looked to the front, there were seats near the stage like theirs but at the opposite of them. When she focused on where Felix was looking at, she felt like the world suddenly becomes so slow and everyone moved blurry as her eyes zooming in at Karina's beautiful figure, walking with her strong aura and confidence like she owns the place.

"We don't know her name, but I heard a few times Giselle called her Jimin. She's a mysterious one, but we don't dare to find out about who she actually is." Felix whispered and Minjeong listened carefully. Oh boy, if only you knew.

Minjeong then took her chance and checked Karina out gleefully, she sighed as she could feel her heart was feeling all sorts of butterflies again seeing how attractive Karina is right now. As if feeling her stares, Karina turned and caught her staring at her. Minjeong gulped when she noticed that Karina's eyes travelled down on her red dress, just like what she wanted her to wear.

Then, Karina looked back into her eyes, and Minjeong swears she saw a tiny subtle smirk before Karina looked away from her.

While on the other hand,

"I have to say this or I'll die."

Karina looked at her companion and raised her eyebrows.

"That detective Kim is looking hot as ever."

Karina scoffed and ignored her friend's statement.

"Pay attention to the show instead, Yunjin."

"I thought I'm supposed to focus on that detective?"

"That's not your job."

"Right, it is your job. Are you falling for her charms already?" Yunjin asked, teasing her.

"Shut your mouth, Yunjin."

"Okay, I will, I will. Don't want to get dragged out of this show before it even starts." Yunjin giggled when Karina glared at her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Giselle speaking." 

Both Karina and Yunjin, along with everyone else turned to the main stage and there stood a proud Giselle, an icon as well as the director of Uchinaga Group, a global fashion company.

"Ohhh, here goes our Uchinaga." 

"I would like to welcome each and every one of you to my 23rd fashion show." Loud cheers could be heard when Giselle asked for an applause.

While Giselle was busy entertaining the audience and explaining about the purpose of the show, Karina turned her attention back to Minjeong and was not surprised to see her already staring at her.

Karina crossed her leg and tilted her head. She likes this, to be honest. Minjeong's brave stares always make her feels like she was being challenged by her.

"Nice dress." Karina mouthed and winked secretly before putting back her poker face, making sure no one saw that, but Minjeong. She almost chuckled seeing Minjeong quickly looked away and tried to hide her blushing face, rubbing her cheek using her palm.

"Stop teasing the poor detective." Yunjin whispered and Karina only shrugged.






"P-Please- Ack!"

Karina watched the guy dropped to the ground lifelessly without emotion. She nodded her head at one of her men, and he immediately picked him up from the ground and the others cleaned the blood.


Karina glanced at Jeno who just brought Minjeong.

"Follow me." Karina said.

They went further inside, away from the restroom where her team was busy cleaning their trace.

"You stay here." Karina told Jeno and gestured Minjeong to walk with her alone, they stopped once they were far enough from Jeno so he couldn't hear them, but still close enough for Jeno to see them.

"Did you enjoy the fashion show, detective?" Karina asked.

"It was fun..." Minjeong nodded.


Karina stepped closer and runs her finger on Minjeong's red dress, she's glad that Minjeong haven't changed her dress yet.

"I didn't expect you to look good in red." Karina said.

"O-Oh, thank- ahem, thank you." Minjeong smiled nervously.

"It was a great night, right? My friend's fashion show was amazing."


"But, did I ruin your night, detective?"


"I let my guy killed someone just now." Karina confessed honestly and waited for her reaction.

"That has got nothing to do with me." Minjeong answered firmly.

Karina slowly smiled and chuckled lowly, Minjeong looked at her in awe. 

"You're interesting, detective. I give you that." Karina said.

"So, do you want to know if you have earned my trust or not yet?" Karina asked.

"Have I?" Minjeong asked, feeling hopeful seeing a good reaction from Karina.

"Still getting there, but not yet." Karina raised her eyebrows seeing a small pout from the detective. Now, that's new.

"I will earn your trust, Karina."

Karina's ears tingle hearing Minjeong calling her name softly.

"Sure, detective Kim."










"You know, if I were you, I would have grabbed detective Kim's waist and claim her in front of everybody- ack- hey!"

"Stop having such thoughts for our Karina's future girlfriend."

Karina sighed and took off her sunglasses and gave her golf club to Jeno before joining Giselle and Yunjin for a high tea.

"You are done?" Yunjin asked.

"If you two are not going to play with me, then what's the point of coming here with me?" Karina asked as she slumped down on one of the chairs.

"Free food." Yunjin replied.

"What she said." Giselle agreed.

"You have more than enough cash to buy on your own."

"Yeah, no, free food is still the best one."

"Again, what she said."

Karina rolled her eyes at her friends' behaviour. It's refreshing to have Giselle and Yunjin around, at least, she wouldn't be feeling all serious all the time. They always managed to help her let loose a little and enjoy life a little bit. The thing is, living as the most wanted criminal and a dangerous leader took a toll on her. Karina has never been able to rest properly, she knows her enemies are all out there and she could never lower her guard down.

However, meeting Yunjin and Giselle was a blessing to her. They both helped her to see colours in her dark world, and had helped her out many times. She never wanted this kind of life, no. She just does not have a choice, it was what she had to do if she wants to live. So, she agreed to get trained and took over her uncle's position when she was just 21 years old.

Now that she's 29, she knew that she had thrown away her youth just to survive in her dark world alone. So, no, she got no time for a romance. She does not trust anyone easily too, and she couldn't take the risk to be weak for someone else, so she never really thinks of having a relationship at all.

"That hot detective, when are you going to see her again?" Yunjin asked.

"Stop it, Yunjin. You have no chance. She's all over Karina." Giselle said.

"Really? I doubt so, I'm as hot as Karina."

Giselle looked at Yunjin with her are-you-serious look and Yunjin only grinned at her.

"She's pretty, but I don't have time for a relationship." Karina said.

"You do, boss. You have all the time in the world, but you're too focused in your own world to make time for love." Yunjin told her.

"Uh huh, what she said." Giselle nodded in agreement.

"You two are being annoying right now that I can just shoot you."

"Nah, you won't."


Karina squinted her eyes and groaned in annoyance when her two friends only stares at her innocently as they eat another slice of bread. It's a fact that Karina never admit, Giselle and Yunjin are important to her. She would never hurt them, after all the things they had done for her? Yeah, never.

"You know, Jiminie, Minjeong seems serious about you. I think it's not bad to give her a chance." Giselle said.

"She's a detective, Aeri. A very good one. I don't think it's a good idea."

"Well, my girlfriend is a detective too." Giselle said and Karina frowned.

"It's different. She's sacrificing herself there for me." Karina said.

"And she said, Minjeong is worth a try. She has changed ever since she met you." Giselle said.

"This detective Kim is head over heels for you, why is she so damn cute??" Yunjin squealed and Giselle slapped her shoulder while laughing.

"Ha, there is only one thing she can do to make me trust her." Karina said, crossing her arms.

Yunjin and Giselle looked at each other.

"It's not what we think it is, right?"

"You bet." Karina smirked.

"I think, it's only right to do it before I can fully trust her." Karina said.

Giselle sighed while Yunjin seemed to be in a deep thought.

"No, I put my faith in her. Our cute detective will do everything for you." Yunjin said, more like telling herself that.

"Well, then, my dear friends, we shall see." Karina said with a full authority.

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1194 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳