Marry You - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

First week. 


Kim Minjeong glared at Jimin's secretary as soon as she dropped a pile of paper on her desk just outside Jimin's office, beside the secretary's desk. 

"I have to read all of this?!" Minjeong asked, frowning deeply.

"Yes. This is just the basic-"

"Basic? You called this basic? What more if I have to learn more in details? I want out!"

Kim Minjeong closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"You can't be like this, Ms Kim. Young Ms Yoo have already told me to make sure you learn everything."

"Look. I am not going to handle business anytime soon. And I certainly won't be doing what she's doing."

"I don't know about that. I am just doing my job here, Ms Kim. That is to help you learn about business."

Minjeong sighed and grabbed one of the papers grumpily.


The secretary smiled then went to sit down on her seat and started doing her job.

But after every 20 minutes, Minjeong will keep asking her questions regarding to whatever she was reading.

"Ms Lee. What does this mean?"

The secretary, or as Minjeong called her, Ms Lee, massaged her temple. She can't focus on her job as Minjeong is doing a great job in bothering her.

"What is it this time, Ms Kim?" She tried to keep smiling and attended to Minjeong as best as she can. After all, her boss trust her to take care of Minjeong.

"I don't understand this."

"Let me see."

Minjeong grinned then scooted her swivel chair near Ms Lee then leaned closer until their shoulders touched.

"I'm not going to explain again after this so you have to listen carefully, Ms Kim."

"Aye aye captain." Minjeong nodded and showed her serious face.

Despite of being beside Ms Lee for few hours, Minjeong grew fond of her already. Simply because Ms Lee have been very patient with her and treat her good. No wonder she works for Jimin. She made a mental note to give good feedback about Ms Lee to Jimin.

But Minjeong being Minjeong, who wasn't interested in business at all, yawned as Ms Lee explained something about the business law to her. She dropped her head on Ms Lee's shoulder as she just nodded when Ms Lee told her to keep listening.

"What are you doing?"

Minjeong's drowsy eyes looked at Jimin's straight face. When did she get out of her office?

"As you can see, I'm learning. Ms Lee is explaining to me." Minjeong said. 

"Let me rephrase my question. What are you doing on my secretary's shoulder, Kim Minjeong?"

Minjeong blinked. Ah.

Minjeong just shrugged and snuggled closer to Ms Lee whom she noticed had become tense now. 

"I'm tired. I want to rest while Ms Lee explain it all to me."

Jimin glanced at the scattered papers on Minjeong's desk then at Minjeong again. She went to her other employees cubicle and called for two men.

"Can you both please move this table into my office now, bring all of the papers too." Jimin commanded which they listened without saying anything.

"Kim Minjeong, let's go."


"I'm done with my work. You will read and learn in my office."

"But you said, I'll only distract you."

"Like I said, I'm done with my work already."

Minjeong grumbled then stands up and grabbed her bag. Jimin nodded at her secretary before she went to open the door for Minjeong. She thanked the staffs that had just carried Minjeong table and closed the door.

"I'm tired. Can I read while chilling at your sofa instead?" Minjeong asked, eyes lightened up seeing Jimin's comfortable sofa.

"Suit yourself."


Jimin fixed the papers neatly on Minjeong's desk. When she turned around, she saw Minjeong has already lied down on the sofa while flipping the papers as she hums to soft song.

"We are going to eat lunch soon. Do you have anything you would like to eat?" Jimin asked.

"Hm. I want something light."


Jimin went to her own desk to make a call to her secretary to book a place for them.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked when Minjeong suddenly got up and was about to leave.

"To Ms Lee."


 "I have questions."

"No. Come here." Jimin said sternly.

"I'll bring your chair over." Jimin added. Standing up to drag Minjeong's chair to her desk. 

"So bossy." Minjeong mumbled but still went to Jimin.

"From now on, you can just ask me anything. Now, what's your question?"

Minjeong only gave Jimin the paper that was in her hand.






Second week.


"Woah. Didn't know you guys have this coffee machine here. Your boss is really one of a kind, right?"

Giggles could be heard inside the employees lounge room. The staffs on Jimin's floor are all fond of Minjeong, mainly because of her sweet and adorable self. Right now, Minjeong was being amazed by the useful facilities that Jimin provided for the employees.

"Who's good at making the latte art?" Minjeong asked.

"Oh. That would be Haechan."

"Can I see you do it??"

"Okay, sure."


Minjeong clapped her hands then quickly went beside Haechan, excited to see someone doing it up close.

"You have to steam the milk properly to get a pretty art."

"Oh. I see."

Minjeong then squealed when Haechan was done steaming the milk and was about to do the latte art.

"Oh oh. I can see it, I can see it!" Minjeong can't stop jumping cutely causing the staffs there to chuckle at her.

"There you go and we called this art, a Rosetta." Haechan said and showed the complete art to Minjeong.

"You're amazing!" Minjeong praised him.

"Kim Minjeong."

All of the staffs immediately kept quiet when they heard Jimin's stern voice. They all bowed at her. 

"I thought you said you wanted to get a drink."

"Yes! But I'm watching Haechan making the latte art. He's amazing, Jimin!"

Haechan's hands were already shaking when he saw a glare being directed at him.

"Hey, careful. We don't want to spill it." Minjeong said and grabbed the cup from Haechan's hand.

Jimin growled seeing Minjeong's hand touched Haechan's.

"Kim Minjeong, to my office now." Jimin said and left.

"What's wrong with her? Can't she just focus on her work and leave me be? Hmph. Your boss' mood swings are killing me." Minjeong complained.

"Next time you feel thirsty, you just let me know." Jimin said as soon as Minjeong entered her office.


"Just do as I say."

"Yeah yeah, big boss." Minjeong rolled her eyes.






Third week. 


It is safe to say now that Kim Minjeong is the employees' favorite from Jimin's floor. She always joked around and talked to them during their free time which also be the causes of Jimin's headache. 

"Sunny unnie, where did she go this time?" Jimin asked when her secretary came into her office to give her documents to sign.

"She went to the cafeteria with the others."

Jimin then checked the time and nodded her head. Minjeong told her that she's done reading what Jimin asked her to so she excused herself for a while which Jimin only let her be as she was busy reviewing all the documents fast.

"The employees have been wondering if she is going to be your new secretary. My colleagues even asked if I'm going to quit that we trained Minjeong now." Ms Lee said.

"I don't think I can do my job properly if she's my secretary. She's really my biggest distraction." Jimin sighed.

"Here you go, unnie." Jimin said after done signing the documents.

"I can see that." Ms Lee chuckled then left.

Jimin looked at the time again, it's 1:15pm. She tried not to be too possessive over Minjeong but knowing how charming that girl can be, she can't help but to always stay alert if anyone else is going to hit on her future wife.

"I just need to check on her."

Jimin went down and found Minjeong were being surrounded by her employees from her floor. She smiled slightly seeing how everyone's making her try the food from the cafeteria.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jimin mumbled.

She's glad that her employees treat her well. She's also glad that Minjeong is comfortable with them. She wouldn't want Minjeong to feel lonely since she tends to get too busy with her work sometimes.

Jimin went back to her office and informed her secretary to postpone all of her meetings and make sure to clear her schedule for 2 weeks.






Fourth week. 


"Really? I don't need to learn anything else?" Minjeong asked when Jimin told her she had learned and covered all of the most important stuffs.


"Then I don't need to come here again, right?"

"Kim Minjeong, are you really that happy to not be here anymore?" Jimin asked, squinting her eyes.

"It's not like that. It was boring here." Minjeong pouted.

"Boring? I thought you have been having fun with my employees, no?"

"Ah. That. Hehe."

Jimin shook her head. She then stood up and put her arm around Minjeong's shoulder.

"Let's go."

"Huh? Go where?"

"A date with me, Kim Minjeong. Now that you're done with the business stuff, it's time for you to give me your full attention."




"When you said its a date, I didn't expect this." Minjeong said as she looked around the clothing store.

"I want to buy you a dress, then I'll bring you to a good place for lunch." Jimin said.

"The thing is, I don't really like shopping and I don't know what to choose." Minjeong said.

"What about you choose for me?" Minjeong asked as she turned around to face Jimin.

"Please get her the best one." Jimin told the manager which she complied right away.

"Go and try it out. I'll wait here."

"Yes, boss." Minjeong said.

Once Minjeong tried out a dress and came out of the fitting room, Jimin nodded as she spin Minjeong around to see if the dress look nice on her.

"We'll take this one. She will wear it now." Jimin informed the staff.

"Huh? I'm going to wear it right away?"

"Yes, Kim Minjeong."




"You know, I still don't know what do you like so much about me." Minjeong said when they just parked in front of another luxury restaurant.

"You can try to figure it out while we're dating." Jimin said then got out of the car to open the door for Minjeong.

"But then, I want to know too if you still find me attractive after knowing me." Jimin said and offered her hand. Minjeong just took her hand and let Jimin taking care of her.

"Hm. You are attractive, that one I'm sure you know already. Just, I don't know you that well yet." Minjeong said then looked down at their intertwined hands.

"You can have all the time to get to know me more." Jimin said and smiled at her.

"I'll show you all of me, Kim Minjeong. Every part of me."

Minjeong cleared , she blinked away and nodded her head. It's not the first time that Jimin smiled at her but she realised that everytime it happens, she will get drown into Jimin's eyes and Jimin's smile will make her unable to act properly.



"I said let's go."

"O-Oh." Minjeong quickly moved her feet and scolded herself mentally for being a fool in front of Jimin.






Fifth week. 


Knock knock.

"Go away." 

Knock knock. 


Minjeong throw away her duvet and groaned. She gets out of her bed and walked towards the door with eyes still closed.

"What is it, oppa? I told you I didn't get enough sleep and I don't want to be disturbed." She whined without knowing that Jimin's the one standing in front of her.

"Who told you to play your game all night until morning."

Minjeong then snapped her eyes open.


"It's 5pm right now. We still have time."

"For what"

"I'm bringing you to the business dinner as my plus one. We will leave at 7pm. You can go wash up and get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs."

"Wait." Minjeong grabbed Jimin's arm and Jimin looked at her.

"When did you come?" Minjeong asked.

"Few minutes ago. I've talked to your parents first before they told me to just wake you up myself."

"Where's oppa?"

"Suho went out early to fetch his plus one also. We're going to the same dinner."


"Anymore questions, princess?" Jimin asked, smirking when Minjeong glared at her.

"I am not a princess and no, I don't have questions anymore. Tsk."

Jimin scoffed when Minjeong just slammed the door at her face. She opened the door back and made Minjeong to yell in surprised as she was just about to take off her shirt.

"Yah you-" Minjeong immediately shut up when Jimin grabbed her arm and pulled her into her body.

"It's rude to slam the door right at my face, Kim Minjeong. Even if you don't like me, I am still older than you. You're lucky that you have my heart, I wouldn't let you off if you're someone else." Jimin said with a blank face, eyes staring sharply into Minjeong's.

"Do you understand?" Jimin asked.

"Y-Yes." Minjeong whispered.

"Good. I'll be waiting downstairs."

Minjeong then watches as Jimin let go of her and left her room, closing the door softly. She sighed and felt bad for her behaviour with Jimin. Jimin's right, even though she doesn't agree with the marriage and all, she should've respected her.




"I hope our Minjeong isn't giving you a hard time."

"No, uncle."

"Good. But if she does, please be patient with her. She's a little bit spoiled. I think it's because we were not there for her most of the time and Suho is always the one who will give her what she wants."

Jimin nodded. She got some informations from Suho about Minjeong. She still remembered about her previous conversation with him.


​​​​​​"Do you really like my sister, Jimin?" 

"Why do you ask?" 

"She's my sister, Jimin. She always rely on me. I care about her more than you could imagine. So, I'm asking, do you really like her? Because I won't hesitate to make sure the marriage will be cancelled if you're not being serious with her." 

Jimin looked at Suho and noticed how he doesn't feel intimidated by her this time. He used to be but not now, not when it's involved Kim Minjeong. 

​​​​​​"I am serious about her. I wouldn't ask to be married to her instead if I don't like her." 

"Hm." Suho tried to scan Jimin's face to find if there's any hint of lies. 

"Okay. She can be a brat sometimes, if she feels like rebelling. But she is actually a good girl. Just, she doesn't get enough attention and love from our parents. She's my only little sister, so I kinda spoiled her because I believe that she deserves to get all the love she can get."

"And Jimin?" 


"You don't leave her once you make her fall for you. Or you're going to break her. If that happen, I won't hesitate to hurt you." 

For the first time ever, Jimin got threatened by someone. Yet, she's not scared at all. Why? Because she's confident that she is going to love Minjeong with all of her. 

​​​​​​"You will see her walk down the aisle, with a glow of happiness on her face. Because I'm going to marry her no matter what. Mark my words, Suho. I will take care of her like no one else could." 


"Ah. There she is." 

Jimin snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the stairs. Minjeong was wearing a beautiful plain black dress that hugs her body perfectly, showing off her flawless legs.

"Dad, mom." Minjeong greeted her parents first and kissed their cheeks.

Jimin stands up and bowed at her parents.

"We will be going now uncle, aunt." Jimin said.

"Yes. Have fun girls."

Jimin smiled at them before offering her arm to Minjeong. Minjeong clings onto Jimin's arm and glanced at Jimin's calm face.

"Did I make you upset?" Minjeong asked once they were outside.

"Why did you think so?" Jimin asked back.

"Because of the door earlier."

"No, but it would be nice if you can treat me with respect next time." Jimin said, opening her car door for Minjeong.

"Do you want to tell me something, Kim Minjeong?" Jimin asked when Minjeong was just pouting without entering the car.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour. I promised I won't do it again." Minjeong said in a tiny voice.

"Hmm." Jimin tapped her finger on the car door.

"Forgive me, please?" Minjeong still pouted at her.

"If you would let me call you baby, then I will."


"You heard me."

"But... W-Why?"

"I want to call you my baby." Jimin answered.

"That's... Weird." Minjeong mumbled.

"It's not weird if you let me start calling you baby by now. You will get used to it. So?" 

"Well, okay. I guess..."

"Really? Can I try it now?"

"Eh? Oh. O-Okay."

Jimin then leaned down to look at Minjeong's eyes closely.

"You're forgiven, baby."

"Uh. Um, t-thanks." Minjeong whispered and avoided Jimin's eyes. Jimin chuckled and pulled Minjeong closer, she gave her a soft and short kiss on her temple.

"You're welcome, baby."




Minjeong kept blinking her eyes to the flash of cameras and hide her face behind Jimin's shoulder as soon as they have arrived at the entrance of the hotel's lobby.

"What are you guys, a celebrity?" Minjeong asked. Jimin only laughed softly and wrapped her left arm around Minjeong's waist. She sighed in content, holding Minjeong that fits just right in her arm. 

Minjeong only followed Jimin's lead and makes sure to put a smile on her face. She remembered her brother told her to be in her best behaviour at the dinner earlier when he called to check on her.

"Yoo Jimin! It's good to see you again!"

"Mr Kang. Likewise." 

Minjeong bowed with Jimin when she saw Jimin was bowing to the old guy in front of them.

"And you bring someone with you this time. What a surprise." Mr Kang laughed.

"Yes. Meet my girlfriend, Kim Minjeong." Jimin introduced Minjeong with a proud smile on her face.

Minjeong tried hard to control her expression when Jimin called her as her girlfriend. She glanced up at Jimin's face before she felt Jimin's firm hold on her waist and Jimin's thumb rubbing her waist tenderly. She blushed just by Jimin's simple touch. She then looked around to clear off her mind. Just then, her eyes caught a sight of a man who was staring at her shamelessly. She frowned when she felt uncomfortable with his stare.

Minjeong unconsciously leaned more into Jimin because of the guy.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked softly when she felt Minjeong's resting her body on her.

"Jimin, that guy is a creep."

"Who?" Jimin's face changed immediately and she tightened her hold on Minjeong's waist.

"That guy, he's holding a drink near the vase."

Jimin's cold eyes found the said person almost immediately. 

"What's the matter, Jimin?" Mr Kang asked when he noticed Jimin's displeased face.

"Mr Kang, could you please accompany my girlfriend first? I have something to take care of."

"Oh, sure."

Minjeong's panic eyes looked at Jimin and she held Jimin's arm.

"Mr Kang is a family's friend. You will be safe with him." Jimin assured her.

"I won't be long. Promise." Jimin said and patted Minjeong's cheek.

Jimin tried to find her secretary while approaching the guy, Ms Lee saw her immediately and followed her right away. Suho who had just came, spotted Minjeong being awkward with Mr Kang. He frowned and went to her.

"Minjeong ah."

"Oh. Oppa!" Minjeong quickly hugged him.

"Kim Suho."

Suho hugged Minjeong back before pulling away to bow at Mr Kang.

"You both know each other?" Mr Kang asked.

"She's my one and only little sister." Suho said, chuckling when Mr Kang gasped in surprised.

"And this is my partner for tonight, Lee Jieun."

They all greeted each other before Suho asked Minjeong where did Jimin go but before Minjeong could answer, a hand has already been wrapped around her waist again.

"Sorry, I had to settle something earlier." Jimin said and bowed her head slightly at Suho and Jieun.

Minjeong then looked at where the guy was at and didn't see him anymore. She kept looking but Jimin suddenly pulled her closer.

"Hey. All is good. Don't worry. I got you." Jimin whispered.

"You're so protective." Minjeong giggled and Jimin raised her eyebrows at her.

"Am I?"

"Yes, and I kind of like it."

"Really? Then I'll protect you all I can." Jimin said.

"Should we find a seat? Are you tired already?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, please." Minjeong pouted.

"Oppa, are you going to sit with us?" Minjeong asked her brother.

"Of course."

"Let's go." Jimin nodded.

The whole time when people kept stopping them to greet Jimin and asked about Minjeong, Jimin only patiently replied to everyone and introduced Minjeong to them. Suho have been watching and exchanged greetings as well. He is satisfied seeing how Jimin takes care of his little sister.

"Jimin, when can we finally sit down?" Minjeong whispered and poked Jimin's side.

"It's good to catch up with you, Mrs Na. We'll get going now." Jimin quickly ended the conversation and found an empty table for them to sit. She pulled out a chair for Minjeong first before she sits down on Minjeong's right, while Suho settled at Minjeong's left side.

"So, this is the business dinner that you guys always go to? It's just my first time and best believe I don't ever want to come ever again." Minjeong complained.

"You really are always complaining."

"That's what you have to deal with if you marry me. Do you want to back out now?" Minjeong joked but Jimin only stare at her.

"What?" Minjeong blinked.

"The real question here is for you. Can you deal with me from now on, Kim Minjeong? Because you can't keep asking if I really want to marry you or if I want to cancel the marriage. The answer will always be the same, I will marry you still."

"I've been dealing with you for the past weeks already." Minjeong mumbled.

"But not all of me. I have yet to show you all side of me especially how I am going to be from now on. But before that, do I get a permission to treat you like a lover?"

"You have already called me your girlfriend anyway. As long as you don't hurt me, I'm fine."

"True. My girlfriend, my baby. So, are we good? Do you agree to be with me officially?"

"Kay. Let's just do it."

"Cool." Jimin smiled.

"Is it that easy for you to convince my little sister?" Suho asked Jimin, amused hearing Minjeong just said okay to everything Jimin want. 

"Suho. No one can resist me. I am Yoo Jimin." Jimin smirked.

"Pfft." Minjeong rolled her eyes but still chuckled at Jimin.

"I am resisting but you refused to accept the fact." Minjeong said.

"No. I am helping you to make you realise that you want me as much as I want you too." Jimin said.


"What? I don't get any response now?" Jimin teased.

"Shut up." Minjeong pouted.

Jimin laughed at Minjeong's cute pout.

"Stop pouting. You look too cute. Spare my heart, baby."

"Ugh." Minjeong covered her blushing face with her palms. This time, both Jimin and Suho laughed at her.










Opps. I think, I've written more than I was supposed to? It's going to be more than 3 chapters huhu. Hope yall will be patient with me with this story. 

And!! Thank you for all of the comments guys. I literally smiled all the way reading your comments while at work. Your support helps me a lot in my writing, hope yall know that. 

And as usual, enjoy this update! Hehe. 



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
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Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
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Btw thanks again for the amazing story
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Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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