I'm In Love With A Criminal - 10

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Karina grabbed the wounded guy's jaw roughly and pulled him as she stared sharply into his eyes. The guy's trembling eyes met hers, he whimpered when Karina squeezed his wound on his rib causing him to cry in pain.


"I really hate it when someone tried to interfere with my business." Karina said lowly.

Karina then let him go, sighing as she turned around and walked for a few steps.

"You should let your boss know, to never mess with me. But then again, I never leave anyone to tell the tale." Karina chuckled darkly and her bottom lip before she pulled one of her men's coat to grab the gun hidden underneath and shot the guy twice to death.

Karina then asked her people to clean everything up.

"They just had to ruin my mood." Karina mumbled and gestured to Johnny that she wanted to leave.

"Where to, boss?" Johnny asked as soon as they were inside the car.

"The airport, and prepare my jet. I need to go and see Mr Kwon."

"Yes, boss."










Minjeong was staring at her ceiling and couldn't stop smiling while thinking of Karina. She got up and went to stand in front of her full length mirror, she stepped closer and observed herself. She turned her head a little and pulled down her collar, she giggled seeing the beautiful love mark that Karina gave her. She still feels like she's dreaming.

Everything just feels too good to be true. Karina has finally let her in and become hers. Karina made love to her until late at night and oh dear, she really took Minjeong to heaven. Even by thinking of that night now got Minjeong's heart to skip a beat.

Too bad, just four hours after waking up together, Karina had to go and settle some business. So, Minjeong left to go home and prepare herself before she can come to work. Karina did inform her earlier that she won't be in the country for a few days and that she will come and see her as soon as she comes back. Minjeong pouted at the thought of not seeing Karina for a few days.

"I guess, I brought this upon myself. It's hard to date a Karina Yoo, yet I don't regret it."

Minjeong then went to wash up and made sure to contact Ning to gather in their office to discuss about the next case they will be handling.










"Detective Kim! Hey!"

Minjeong looked up from a file that was in her hands and bowed her head curtly at Soobin who was jogging towards her.

"I rarely see you now. Are you really that busy?" Soobin asked and was pouting at her.

"Detective Choi, I'm sure everyone is busy as well. We don't really have time to play around when there are a lot of cases we need to settle."

"Hm. True. Oh, guess what? My team and I finally scored a high profile case!" Soobin told her in excitement.

"Good for you."

"It's the old case that had been dismissed for you and your team. We're taking over the Black Mamba case."

Minjeong paused, but quickly composed herself before she looked at the smiling Soobin.

"Congrats with your high profile case then, detective Choi." Minjeong said flatly.

"Oh, come on, detective Kim. Don't be all bitter, just because it's the only case you didn't get to finish and all. I will do it for you." Soobin whispered and shows a thumbs up.

"Sure, good luck, detective Choi." Minjeong patted his shoulder before walking ahead.

"Will you go out with me if I succeed?!" Soobin asked out loud, ignoring the judging eyes of the others. He laughed when Minjeong didn't bother to look back at him or even say anything at all.

"Dude, seriously?"

Soobin looked at Mark who was already looking at him with his bored face.

"Don't you think that we'll be the most powerful couple, detective Lee?" Soobin asked and crossed his arms, smirking arrogantly.

"In your dreams. You are not detective Kim's type."

"Oh? Then, do you know what's her type? I can try and be her type." Soobin said with confidence.

"Again, in your dream, detective Choi. Leave her alone. She's going to grow tired of you earlier than I expect if you keep this up." Mark sighed.

"No. A woman like Detective Kim Minjeong, need someone like me."

"What do you mean by someone like you?" Mark asked.

"I'm a detective as well, I make my own name, and we both are the heir and heiress of our wealthy family. I'm a good fighter, just like her. People respect me just like how they respect her. We would make a great couple. Imagine if we are going to marry? Oh, our family will be untouchable." Soobin said, already thinking ahead of his future with Minjeong.

"Dude, you need to wake up." Mark chuckled and patted Soobin's back a little hard causing him to hiss.

Unknown to them, Ning was listening to the whole conversation while pretending to buy some drinks from the vending machine. She was on call and her wireless earphone detected their voices, Ning was humming softly hearing what Giselle was saying through the call.

Ning chuckled hearing Giselle's next words.

"Oh boy." Ning whispered, getting her drinks and skipped happily towards the office.










Karina walked quickly inside her mansion, she frowned when she can't see Minjeong around. She did ask Johnny to contact Giselle to pass her message to Minjeong to be at her place an hour before her arrival. She had been away for almost a week, and she needs to address some matters with Minjeong regarding their relationship.

"Where is she?" Karina asked Johnny who was standing just outside the door.

"I was informed that she had arrived half an hour ago." Johnny told her.

Just then, they heard some crashing sound somewhere at the back garden of the mansion. Karina gestured Johnny to follow her as they went to check it together.

There, Karina saw Jeno being pinned down by Minjeong who trapped him under her knees and wasn't able to move.

"B-Boss!" Two men who were there quickly bowed as soon as they saw Karina.

"Stay that way." Karina said coldly and the men did not dare to lift their head and continues bowing down.

Minjeong looked at her and frowned as she forgot the time. She let out a silent sigh before she let go of a groaning Jeno, standing up and stepped away from Jeno. Jeno did not waste time to get up as well, despite of being in pain after his fight with Minjeong. He bowed at Karina, and stayed like that, waiting for Karina to ask him to stand up, but Karina did not say anything yet.

Karina hummed and only walked past the two men and Jeno, to get to Minjeong who were still frowning even though she tried not to make it too obvious to Karina, but who is she kidding? Karina got sharp eyes.

"Kim Minjeong." She called for her name, and Minjeong immediately looked up at her.

Karina smiled and put her palm on Minjeong's right cheek, caressing her gently. She observed how Minjeong becomes soft against her touch, but the little frown was still there. She's upset.

Karina doesn't like it. She wishes to wipe off the little frown off Minjeong's face.

"Will you wait for me inside?" Karina asked.

"Okay." Minjeong answered. 

Karina then looked back and asked her loyal helper, Ms Lee who just got there to check the situation upon hearing the commotion earlier, to accompany Minjeong and prepare her drinks.

"Sunny, please entertain her for a while."

"Yes, boss."

Once they left, Karina turned to Jeno again. She kicked his shin, before asking him to stand beside the other two men. Jeno obeyed and do as she says. Johnny moves behind Karina now and watches them closely.

"Who make her upset?" Karina asked.


Karina sighed and went to grab the back hair of the man on the left harshly causing him to yelp in pain.


"I asked, who make her upset?" Karina asked again.

The man tried to glance at Jeno and gulped.

"You know well what will happen if you dare to lie to me." Karina warned him.

"It was a misunderstanding. We-" Jeno finally opened his mouth and tried to explain, but Karina cut him off.

"I didn't ask for an explanation, didn't I?" Karina glared at him.

"Who. Make. Her. Upset?" Karina asked lowly, slightly growling as she tightened her hold on the man's hair.

"I-It was us." The other man finally answered, lips trembling in fear.

"Who is us? I want names."

"Boss, we-" Karina didn't let Jeno continue as she harshly let go of the man and went to punch him in the face. Jeno groaned and stumbled down, holding his broken jaw and hissed painfully.

"We're sorry! But boss! Your girlfriend provokes Jeno first, and we're just trying to protect him! It's our motto to protect each other, right?"

Karina scoffed and looked at the man who was brave enough to remind her of their motto.

"I don't remember the motto to protect a betrayer in this family." Karina said.

"W-We don't-" Karina grabbed his collar and kicked his shin this time.

"Anyone who dares to mess with my girlfriend, is a betrayer to me." Karina growled.

"And you dare to lie to my face, saying my girlfriend causing a scene?" Karina looked at him in disbelief.

"Johnny, bring these two to the basement and you know what's coming for them."

"N-No, no no no. Boss!!"

Johnny quickly commanded two men under him to grab the men as Karina has asked.

Karina ignored their screams and pleas, she looked at Jeno and sighed.

"You disappoint me, Jeno."

Jeno looked mad, but he tried not to show it. Karina squats down beside him and pulled his face to make him look at her.

"Will your team come and save you? If they don't hear from you anymore?"

Jeno's eyes widened and he started to grow panicky, but Karina held him down and chuckled.

"You spent months, years with me. You should know by now, that nothing gets past me, Jeno." Karina whispered.

"W-When?" Jeno asked.

"The first time you came and begged to take you in. Pretending to be a poor guy who got beaten up by a petty and small gang is not a really smart move, I'm not a fool. Why do you think I sent Vernon overseas after requesting to take you in?"


"He was trying to bring me down, he knew of your identity. He was planning to make an ally. He wasn't busy doing work overseas, Jeno. No. I killed him there, and sent him back to the place where I found him."

"It's sad that our bond will become such a waste like this. I thought you were in love with me." Karina stood up and reached out her hand to Johnny, Johnny took out her gloves and handed them.


Karina smirked and wears her gloves.

"Detective Lee Jeno, it was great working with you."

"You've made a mistake! Both you and Minjeong!" Jeno shouted.

"You don't get to judge what we've done. However, Lee Jeno, I never make a mistake. A mistake never exist in my dictionary." Karina said, then Johnny gave her a knife.

Jeno crawled backwards, he tried to send a signal to the headquarters by pressing a secret device inside his jacket.

"Don't you think that it is too late to call for a help?" Karina asked.

"I may die now, and we may not able to catch you, but Minjeong? She's going to lose everything. Her company, her brother, and her title." Jeno smirked.

"She does not need all of that." Karina said before she approached him.

"She have me now, she got everything she needs when she have me. I will give her everything." Karina then kicked Jeno down by his chin and stabbed the knife in his chest.

"She's not going to lose everything. I will protect her. Her company, her brother, and even her title if she still wants to keep it. I will make sure nothing will take it away from her." Karina then pulled out the knife and stabbed him again.

"Because her lover is Karina Yoo, the leader of Black Mamba. I owned the underworld, and this is another warning from me to everyone else who dares to try and think of messing with me and what's mine." Karina whispered. She cupped Jeno's face, Jeno was coughing some blood already.

"Let your team come. I'll welcome them with open arms, then maybe, they will join you soon. You think you're a good detective, but no. You would come to my side if only I return back your feelings, but Jeno, you're not even on my level. How dare you to dream of me being yours?" Karina clicked her tongue and chuckled.

"I should've killed you when I found out you were trying to poison Minjeong back when we first caught her. You're just lucky that I didn't have any sort of feeling for her yet at that time."  Karina took out her gun and pointed it towards his head. She was about to pull the trigger when her helper suddenly came out and informed her that Minjeong asked for her.

"Hmm." Karina then got up and gave the gun to Johnny. She took off her gloves as she left.

"You know what to do. I shall not make Minjeong wait anymore." 







Minjeong looked up and was surprised to see some blood on Karina. She rises to her feet and walked towards her. Karina smiled and cupped her face.


"I have no choice, but to get rid of him." Karina told her.


"We can't let him become a threat anymore, especially for your safety."

"I can take care of myself."

Karina raised her eyebrows before chuckling.

"I know, my detective. I know." But I still worry for you.

"I'm sorry for making you wait." Karina said.

"Did you... Kill him?" Minjeong asked.

"Should I not?" Karina asked, tilting her head, trying to observe Minjeong's reaction.

"If I didn't do it, your best friend will be the one to kill him."


"He tried to poison you before. It's just, I asked Giselle to never tell Ning. Ning is very protective of you. I'm sure she would kill him with her hands if she knows."

"He what?!"

Karina shook her head.

"You're good at taking care of yourself, but you need to learn more about poison, Minjeong. Don't worry, I'm going to teach you and train you how to avoid getting poisoned."

"Did you know a lot about poison too?"

"I am not Karina Yoo if I don't know anything." Karina winked and Minjeong immediately blushed under Karina's seductive stares.

"Now, I almost forgot the reason why I'm calling you." Karina said and grabbed her waist.

"I need to make sure that hickey won't fade away, everyone must know that you're mine, Kim Minjeong." Karina whispered and kissed Minjeong's neck, of where the mark was at. Minjeong shivered as Karina started to roam her hands all over Minjeong's body.

"Come, wait in my room while I wash up first." Karina said, pulling away as she remembers the blood stains on her shirt.










Hi, guys! I didn't expect this story will be more than 10 chapters. Opps! Well, good news then! I have to extend this mini series a little longer so the plot will remain the same! Please, be patient with me okay. I will try to write an update whenever I can. Hehe. Until then, take care and love you all!



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳