Us Against the World - Part 7 (Final)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It has been a week. Yet, no movement could be seen from Yoo Sehun. Impossible. He must be doing something that anyone couldn't find out. He's dangerous. A psycho and an evil person. He is heartless. 

"Still nothing, mother."


Mrs Kim sighed and sat down on her swivel chair, eyes looking at her laptop's screen. Sehun's details, his location and places that he often went.

"He seemed to live like a normal person. No suspicious activity, but..."

Mrs Kim looked up at Taeyeon hearing Taeyeon's hesitant voice.


"Chanyeol on the other hand, were busy. He kept going everywhere with his men. We couldn't find out what's their plan yet. Apologies, mother." Taeyeon bowed.

"Find whatever you can, Kim Taeyeon. If there's really no movement, then we will move forward." Mrs Kim said.


"I can't stay still anymore. We need to end everything as soon as possible."

"Understood, mother." Taeyeon bowed once again before excusing herself.

Mrs Kim then closed the folder which contains Sehun's activity and opened another folder. She stares at the photos on the screen and smiled sadly.

"Yoo Jihee, I will try my best to help your last family members. I owe you a lot. I'm sorry, I couldn't be there for you."

Mrs Kim was actually Karina's mother's secret student. She trained Mrs Kim how to fight as she once saved her from getting robbed. Karina's mother never exposed their friendship to anyone upon finding out Mrs Kim's identity as the influential business woman, coming from a well respected and wealthy family. She knows they will gain attention if they were to expose their friendship.

As Mrs Kim learned about Mrs Yoo's death, the news made Mrs Kim to be alert about their possible enemies. She knew how dirty the business world could get as well. She wasn't that naive not to realise such thing existed. So, she trained more and created a new image so people wouldn't even dared to bother her family, but at the same time, no one knows that she had been trying to find who the hell that murdered Karina's mother and the family. She was also trying to locate Karina since Karina disappeared just like that.

Mrs Kim remembered how Mrs Yoo used to talk a lot about Karina, her sweet daughter. Mrs Yoo would always showed her bright eyes as she spoke about Karina and it made Mrs Kim's heart felt the warmth. She knew Mrs Yoo loves Karina dearly, just like how she loves her kids especially Winter.

However, things were not the same after years had passed. Karina might not be the sweet girl whom Mrs Yoo always described her. Karina grew up with a dark past now and has changed completely. Her eyes filled with fire and flames. Gone was the sweet child of the loving Mrs Yoo. Mrs Kim can't blame her for being that way though. She had to build up her walls to protect herself from the enemies. She's the main target now.

It's also the reason why she was worried once she found out Winter is interested in her and were often with her. She can't just let her youngest to risk her life by being close with Karina. She needs less problem than ever. She can't let more people to be at risk.


Mrs Kim looked at the panic face of her elder daughter.

"Kim Taeyeon?"

"They got Winter and Wendy."











Karina was checking her gun and some of her other weapons with Chaehyun when Johnny barged into her apartment with a restless face. Both Karina and Chaehyun looked at him and stopped what they were doing.

"Winter, they got her-"

Karina did not let Johnny finished as she stands up abruptly.

"Tell me where is she." Karina said calmly but with a firm tone.

"I'll come with you! Chaehyun, stand by here and stay alert." 

Johnny found out that Chanyeol managed to kidnap Winter. He did not waste time after finding out and went back to let Karina know about it since Karina told them to keep looking out for the Kim family.

"How the hell did she get kidnapped?" Karina asked as she ran down the stairs with Johnny behind her.

"Not sure, but she was with Wendy."


"Yeah, they got them both."

"Oh, great. More to save." Karina mumbled.

"Are we going separately?" Johnny asked.

"No, we'll use your car. I'll drive."


It did not take them long to reach where Winter and Wendy were at. Johnny was good in finding their location since he has connections. Karina drove skillfully and are a very good driver.

"What's the plan?" Johnny asked.

"The plan is to kill the enemies and get Winter and Wendy out."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Uh, don't we have to, you know..." Johnny looked at Karina.

"I've let them enjoy their freedom enough. I will kill once I set my eyes on them, Johnny." Karina said, preparing her gun and checking her bullet before getting out of the car leaving a flabbergasted Johnny who immediately went out as well.

"Oh hoo. Look who do we have here, boss would be-" BANG BANG BANG!

Johnny flinched and were jaw dropping as he watched Karina walked with no intention of stopping as she kept shooting every men that came running out of the empty warehouse after finding out about their arrival.




"Quick! Call bo-" BANG!!

"YOU! We will kill- AGHHH!"


Johnny stares with wide eyes this time. Karina wears no emotion at the moment as she killed them all madly, not even sparing anyone or give them a chance. When she ran out of bullets, she put back her gun inside the back of her jeans before she sprinted and get her hands on the rest of the men who tried to shoot her and Johnny. Johnny helped to distract them and made sure they won't be able to shoot Karina as he shot them first while Karina fought with those nearby.

"Agh! No!!" Johnny witnessed how Karina twisted the man's arm twice and broke his knee using her boots' heel.

Once they were done with the men outside, Karina grabbed the machete knife that she stole from one of the dead man. Johnny ran in front of her to open the huge metal door of the warehouse and there they could see a dozen men waiting inside. Some were holding guns and some were holding the same machete.

Karina ignored them and ignored the man who tried to speak to her and warned her that Chanyeol is coming over with more men. Her eyes scanned the area to find Winter and there, she saw her being tied on a pole with her hands behind her and was on the floor. She saw a bruise on her cheek and blood on her temple too. And the sight made Karina frowned.

"I. Will. Kill." Karina paused before looking at the man at the very front.

"All of you." She said while gritting her teeth.

Before anyone could react, Karina did what they didn't expect her to do. She threw her machete perfectly to the man in the middle and while they got distracted by that sudden act from Karina, Karina already ran speedily and snatched the gun from the first man before shooting down half of the men there. She threw the gun carelessly to the floor once there's no bullet left and did knuckle punches on the next man's throat and his ribs before elbowed his head with a hard blow.

"Won't you give me a chance to do some action too? I feel useless here!" Johnny complained when Karina took down all of the men easily.

"Get the car, Johnny. Chanyeol will be here any moment from now." Karina commanded which he listened right away and ran to get the car ready.

Karina went towards Winter and untied her.


Karina frowned and looked around.

"There..." Winter pointed weakly at the corner and Wendy was laying down on the floor, she looked much more worse than Winter. Seems like they beat her a lot.

Karina heard the car honk and Johnny yelling for her to be fast as he saw some cars were coming. So, she quickly pulled Winter up and carried her in arms.

"Wendy unnie- Karina-" Karina hissed and glanced at Wendy who slowly opened her eyes now.

"J-Just... Go... Save Winter first..." Wendy said.

"No, unnie-"

"I will come back for you." Karina said to Wendy before rushing out, bringing Winter with her. 

"Wendy is still inside!" Karina shouted when she put Winter in the car carefully.

"We don't have time. We don't have enough weapons right now. Chanyeol and his men are fully armed, Karina. We need to go first!" Johnny informed her.

"Damn it!"

Karina then asked Johnny to move and let her drive.










"What did you say?!" Irene grabbed Suho's man's collar and glared at him.

"I- Karina managed to save Winter but- Wendy- Uh, she was not able to save Wendy." He stuttered.

"Suho." Irene called his name dangerously and stared sharply at him.

"I was about to tell you about it. I just got info-"

"Damn you, Suho!"

"Wait! Irene-"

Irene did not wait for him and went out of his office to go to the Kim mansion. She drove as fast as she can and even hit many red lights to get to the Kim mansion faster. She quickly find Taeyeon and Mrs Kim who were about to go out.

"Irene." Taeyeon called her name.

"They still got Wendy."

"Yes. We are going to get her back." Mrs Kim said.

"I'm coming with you."

Mrs Kim nodded at Irene.


Just then Suho has arrived too and he got out of his car to run to Irene. He grabbed her wrist and panted.

"You can't go."

"I'm not going to stay and just wait here, Suho."

"I- I will go instead. It's not safe for you. They want you too."

"I don't care."

"We don't have time, we need to go." Mrs Kim said then quickly left with her guards.

"Suho. This isn't the time." Taeyeon glared at him.

"But, Irene..." Suho looked at Irene pleadingly.

"Not again, Suho. I've lost the love of my life once. I won't let it happen again. Let me go, Suho. Or I'll hate you for the rest of my life if anything happens to Wendy." Irene said.

Suho bit his bottom lip and wanted to scream in frustration. Taeyeon looked at him with pity before she decided to pull Irene from him. Taeyeon then told Irene to go and be fast. Irene ran back to her car and left within seconds.

"You should know that she only agreed to be your girlfriend because of the benefit of being protected while she was still vulnerable back then. You know damn well that she and Wendy falls in love when they trained together even if it's just for a while. And I'm sure you're not dumb not to notice that she has no feelings for you." Taeyeon said, giving more pain to his already broken heart.

"We all know that she chose to hide her relationship with Wendy because she doesn't want Sehun to know her new weakness." Taeyeon added.

"Wake up, brother. Mom is giving you a chance not to be selfish anymore, doesn't she?" Taeyeon asked and Suho looked at her this time.

"Please don't disappoint us. We still love you." Taeyeon said again before she left in hurriedly.

Suho sighed softly and processing everything that Taeyeon have said to him. Taeyeon's right. He shouldn't be selfish anymore, though he just wanted to be happy too. His mother reminded him to put his family first as well.

When he found out that Irene were doing a plan with his mother and Taeyeon. He was angry because Irene was supposed to only rely on him. That way, Irene wouldn't ever leave him. But Irene wasn't just any woman that he can control, she fought him back. She was not scared to any of his threats. So, Suho let her be. He let her hang out with Taeyeon and even have a training session with Wendy.

He wasn't blind. He witnessed how Irene was glowing everytime after she spent time with Wendy. He was even surprised when he caught Irene laughing for the first time and Wendy was the reason for her laugh. He was jealous, he hates Wendy ever since then. He cannot do anything though, Wendy was someone his mother really trust to be in charge in taking care of Winter and to be her personal trainer. No one touches whoever under Mrs Kim's protection, that's the rules in the family.

Irene only stayed with him to make Sehun believes that she only relies on Suho and no one else. They can't expose Mrs Kim and Taeyeon for having enough power to bring Sehun down slowly once they get to catch him. They need to make sure that Sehun wouldn't know about Mrs Kim's and Taeyeon's capability since it's only Suho who got exposed for his power in the underworld. They have to let Sehun believe that Suho doesn't have any back up. 

"Alright, Sehun. I'm done letting you have your own fun and mess with my people." Suho whispered.










Karina brought Winter to her place after saving her to treat her wound and all. Winter was surprised by Johnny's and Chaehyun's presence but said nothing about it as she let Karina treat her first in her bedroom. She sat on Karina's bed while Karina checked all of her wounds and treat them one by one with care. 

"This is the first time you let me come to your place." Winter whispered.

"I've no choice." Karina answered.

"So, you do care about me?"

Karina stopped all of her movements and looked at Winter's eyes.

"You saved me before, it's only right that I did the same."

"And I will do it again." 


"Saving you when you're in trouble."

Karina scoffed and put away all of the stuffs she used to clean up Winter's wound before sitting back beside Winter.

"Now, rest. I'll call your family."

Karina stood up and was about to leave when Winter held her wrist, stopping her. Karina looked back at her and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't want to go home." Winter told her firmly.

"I'll think about it." Karina said then pulled her hand from Winter, proceeding to leave the room to let Winter rest.


Johnny looked up when Karina just came out of her room.

"Any update?" Karina asked.

"Irene is going to save Wendy."

"What? It's dangerous." Karina frowned.

"My guy saw her leaving and going to the place, but... she's with someone else." Johnny said.



"Winter's sister."

"Winter's sister??"











Irene and Taeyeon both stands side by side as they looked at the few armed men in front of them.

"Well well."

They looked behind and Chanyeol came out from the back with more men. He covered his mouth in excitement and grinned at Irene.

"Irene Yoo! I missed seeing your pretty face!" Chanyeol laughed.

"Oh, do you want to see my wound from your shot few years ago? I almost died you know." Chanyeol shakes his head and pouted playfully.

"And oh, you bring someone. You look familiar, where do I see you?" Chanyeol pointed at Taeyeon.

"Where's Wendy?" Taeyeon asked.

"Wendy? Ah. Our sweet Wendy is taking a rest inside." Chanyeol winked.

"Let her go." Irene said lowly, in anger.

"Why should I?" Chanyeol asked while still smiling at her.

"You can't just ask that easily." Chanyeol added before signalling his men to fight them as he laughed like a crazy person, going inside the warehouse.

"Don't get hurt." Taeyeon warned Irene before they both started fighting the men together.

While inside, Chanyeol called Sehun to update him about the current situation.

"Hunie, Karina managed to save Winter."

"Are you still there?"

"Yes. Irene is here. She's trying to save Wendy."

"Interesting. Leave your men to deal with her."

"Already did."

"Good. Now come to me. I'll lure Karina here."

"See you!"

Chanyeol hung up then asked his men to prepare to leave from the back and made sure Irene wouldn't be able to catch up with them. He went towards the already tired and pained Wendy. He squats down to look at her closely.

"Hello, pretty Wendy." Chanyeol smiled at her.

"Someone is going to save you. I guess, you won't die yet." Chanyeol laughed.

"I'll... K-Kill you." Wendy glared weakly.

Chanyeol laughed harder and patted her head but Wendy pulled back her head, avoiding Chanyeol's touch.

"Sure sure. Kill me as you wish, but I have to go now darling. Bye!" Chanyeol made a kissy face before finally standing up and leave with some of his men while the rest stayed there to make sure he left safely first. Unknown to him, Mrs Kim was hiding not far from the warehouse and just waiting for the right time to catch him. Once Mrs Kim and her team saw Chanyeol left, they followed him secretly.






Karina talked with Johnny in a hushed about the call she had just received from Sehun. Sehun offered her to meet face to face. 

"I can't let him go again, Johnny. I need to end everything once and for all."

"Yeah, I know. However, we aren't prepared yet."

"We don't have anyone else, Johnny. It's now or never."

"It's too risky to go now, Karina."

"When have I ever back away from any risk?"

"Right, but are you really sure about this?"

"Yes. I've been waiting for this. I need to kill him."

"Okay. We'll go together."

"No, I will meet him alone. I need you to be on your position and ready whenever I need your help."


"Johnny, we have to be careful. We can't go together. You must wait until I give you a signal."

"Fine. You make sure to come out alive." Johnny pointed his finger at her. Karina swatted his hand and glared at him.

"You don't have to tell me." Karina said and he rolled his eyes.

Johnny and Karina told Chaehyun to take care of Winter and making sure that Winter won't leave the apartment as it's not safe for her yet.

"You guys sure you won't need my help?" Chaehyun asked in concerned.

"I need you to stay here with Winter, Chaehyun." Karina told her.

"Okay, but please call me if you guys need help."

"We will."






Irene ran towards Wendy, sweating and panting. She almost cried seeing Wendy's bruised face and wounded arms. 

"Wendy!" Irene hugged here while Taeyeon making sure that they really killed everyone. Taeyeon then lowered down her gun and helped Irene to untie Wendy.

"I'm glad that you're fine." Irene whispered and kissed Wendy's forehead.

Wendy can only smiled weakly at her.

"Come on, we need to leave." Taeyeon said and helped to pull Wendy up. 

Irene and Taeyeon both supported Wendy by putting Wendy's arm around their shoulders as they walked her out of the warehouse slowly.

"You both were so careless, coming here alone." Wendy said tiredly.

"The team is with mother. They followed Chanyeol. Mother believes that Chanyeol will lead them to Sehun." Taeyeon explained.

"Will they... be okay?" Wendy asked.

Irene and Taeyeon looked at each other but never say anything. Once Taeyeon managed to help Irene put Wendy inside the car, she grabbed Irene's arm.

"Bring her to the hospital. I think she needs immediate treatment. She broke her ribs." Taeyeon told her.


"I'm going to help my mother, Irene. Rest now and be with Wendy."

"But this isn't your fight." Irene frowned.

Taeyeon smiled and looked at Irene softly.

"Yoo Jihee is a family, Irene. You are family. Your fight is ours too. We will end everything for you. Now, bring Wendy to hospital." Taeyeon talked to convince Irene.

Irene looked at the tired Wendy who already closed her eyes before looking at Taeyeon again.

"She needs you." Taeyeon told her.






"Karina! Sehun is running away. We need to stop him!" Johnny ran towards Karina and stopped when some men tried to stop him. He was hiding and was on standby near the exit route when he saw Sehun running away before he finally got out of his hiding spot to go to Karina.

Johnny grunted and knocked down the man he was fighting with before he looked at Karina who wasn't even going towards him to catch Sehun.


Johnny groaned and cursed when Karina wasn't even listening and kept going the other way, fighting like a beast in hunger as she moved aggressively. Johnny can tell that Karina's in a high capacity of adrenaline right now. Johnny was trying to figure out what Karina was planning.

"What happened to catch Sehun and kill him before anything else?!" Johnny shouted and yet, Karina ignored him.

Johnny had no choice but to fight alongside her and helped her to knock down all of those men.

"What are you-" Johnny stopped and headlocked the man he was just trying to knock down when he finally saw Winter at the end who were struggling to fight five men at once. 

"Why the hell is she here? Wait- Chaehyun too??!" Johnny saw Chaehyun was also fighting some men not far from Winter.

Johnny glanced at Karina who kept glancing at Winter while fighting in anger. , did Winter actually manage to slip into her cold heart?

Winter found out and secretly went to help Karina though she was warned to stay at Karina's apartment until they return. Winter managed to convince Chaehyun to go and save Karina and Johnny with her.

"Fine. We'll change priority now." Johnny mumbled to himself and fought as best as he could.

Karina was panting harshly once she was done and left the other two men under Johnny's hands before she ran towards Winter to finally help her. Karina slide swiftly down the floor and kicked the man's leg before she quickly gets up and swing her leg once more to the other guy. Then she bends just in time when another man tried to punch her and hit his ribs few times causing him to step back and groaned in pain.

Karina kicked the other guy's back who were trying to get Winter before twisting his arm to the back and flipped him easily. She stands in front of Winter while holding Winter's hand behind her. The five men now glaring at them both and took out their knife.


"Listen to me this time. Don't you ever get killed, Winter." Karina said.

Karina then gave her a pocket knife that she kept inside her pocket.

"Don't stray too far from me. Keep close." Karina told her and Winter just nodded.

Karina then looked at Johnny who were still struggling with the two men since they were much bigger than the others. Karina nodded her head and squeezed Winter hand before letting her go.

"Give your all. We'll fight together."

So, Karina made a move first and rushed towards one of the men nearby while Winter distracted the others. Karina snatched his knife from him and stabbed him on his neck and took the knife out with no mercy, ignoring the blood bursting out as she turned her face away and throw him harshly to the ground. Then Karina throws the knife right on another man's shoulder blade before running to him and  squeezed in the knife even more causing him to growl in pain and fell to the ground.

Winter hissed when the guy managed to give her a long cut on her waist but that does not slowed her down at all. She gets angrier, she kicked his wrist making him to let go of the knife and stabbed him twice on thigh but the guy gets to punch her waist causing her to groan.

Karina then came from behind, pushing Winter aside as she held the guy by his throat tightly and lifted him up. He was trying to take off Karina's hand but failed as he lost so much energy already.


Winter then gets in between Karina and the guy to stab him on his fatal point before Karina finally let him fall to the ground. BANG!

Karina wrapped her arm around Winter's waist and looked down to see her bleeding. She then glanced towards the gunshot and saw Johnny finally killed the two men. She looked at another two that Winter managed to take down before she helped her with the third guy just now.

"It stings." Winter groaned softly and pressed on her waist. Karina took off her white shirt and ripped it into half to tie it tightly around Winter's waist. Winter checked out Karina's toned figure as she's now only with a sport bra.

"You guys okay?" Chaehyun asked as she ran lightly to them after dealing with the enemies on her side.

"I told you to keep her in the apartment!" Johnny exclaimed once he jogged towards them.

"Well, clearly, you guys need help." Chaehyun rolled her eyes.

"We would have been out of this place to go after Sehun if it were not for you both." Johnny argued.

Karina then checked her phone when she received an unknown call.

"Is Winter safe with you?"



"Okay. Bring her home, father will be waiting."

"Can I trust your security? She got kidnapped twice now."

"My mother and sister are going after Sehun now, Karina. So, Sehun wouldn't have the time to find and hurt her."


"There's so much you don't know yet about us. We have the same enemy. Oh, Irene is with Wendy, they're safe. Don't worry. I heard they are going to the hospital now."

"Where is Sehun going?"

"You're not going to come-"

"Where. Is. He?"

"I'll share the location, but please ask Winter to go home."

Karina told them about the call with Suho. Winter being stubborn as always, refused to go home and leave Karina's side.

"Don't you think that it's much better to keep me close with you?" Winter asked.

Karina glanced at her waist and sighed.

"Chaehyun, I need you to stay close with Winter okay. and you-" Karina grabbed Winter by her collar and leaned in to look into her eyes.

"Don't do anything stupid and listen to me." Winter rolled her eyes at that.

"We'll leave now."










Sehun shouted and kept kicking the car and smashed the window with the baseball bat in his hands. He then took off his blazer harshly and throw it. He put his hands on his waist and his bottom lip as he breathe heavily.

"How come did none of you know about Mrs Kim and the older daughter?" Sehun asked and looked at his men angrily.

"What have you guys been doing all this time?! You fool!!" Sehun yelled at them while they all bowed their head.

In the middle of meeting with Karina earlier, one of his men came forward to whisper to him about the new information they have just received. He was being followed and hunted by Mrs Kim and Taeyeon. His guy told him that they immediately found out that they are powerful than Suho and that they should hurry and leave first. That's why they were at the jetty now where he hid his motor boat.

"Prepare the boat. NOW!" 

"Yes, boss!"

Sehun groaned and squeezed his hair in frustration. He looked at his phone and texted Chanyeol, asking his whereabout. Sehun tried to escape after finding out that he can't take them all down at once since Karina was stronger than he thought. However, while running away, he was shocked to find out Mrs Kim and Taeyeon were already chasing after him. He had a hard time trying to escape from being followed as they were skilled and good too.

"I thought we just need to be aware of Suho and the father." Sehun whispered.

He didn't know that the female in the Kim family are involved too since they usually stayed lowkey and focused on business only.


Sehun looked up and saw a car coming closer, he took out his gun and pointed towards the direction and prepared if anything happens. When the car comes to a stop, Suho came out of it.

"We finally met again." Suho smiled and walked calmly.

"Ah. Kim Suho, my rival." Sehun chuckled and put down his gun.

"Seems like you're not my greatest rival at all." Suho said as he looked at his men trying to prepare the boat.

"You're only good at running away and hired someone else to do the job. You're all talk, Yoo Sehun." Suho provoked him.

"What do you know?"

"Fight like a man, would you? Let's see, who's the strongest between us." Suho asked.

Sehun scoffed and laughed. He shrugged then throw away his gun. Suho smirked at him.

"The real fight begins now." Suho whispered.






Karina had just arrived at the jetty with Winter, Johnny and Chaehyun. They made sure to not make any noise as they watched from afar that Sehun was fighting with Suho on the ground while 3 men were trying to start the boat.

"Johnny, make sure they won't be able to escape." Karina commanded.

"Got it." Johnny then left silently to take care of the 3 men and the boat, avoiding being caught by the enemies as he tried to find his way closer.

"Suho oppa..." Winter frowned as she saw Suho was having a hard time fighting Sehun.

"I need to help my brother." Winter said.

"It's not safe, Winter."

"I can't just stay here and watch." Winter argued.

"No. You stay here, I'll go." Karina said, holding Winter's wrist.

"Chaehyun, do not interfere and keep Winter here." Karina asked Chaehyun.

"Yes, boss."


"Winter. Your family will kill me if you were to get injured while being with me. Listen to me and just stay here. I'll save your brother."

Winter then pulled Karina closer and cupped her face. Karina kept her poker face as she looked back at Winter while Chaehyun looked away, decided to keep an eye on their surrounding.

"Come back to me." Winter said.


"I need answer, Karina."

Karina sighed and put down Winter's hands.

"Don't worry." Karina mumbled then left from their hiding spot to go to Suho and Sehun.

Sehun laughed as he wiped the corner of his lips and saw blood. He clicked his tongue and looked at Suho who stood on his ground, ready to fight some more. Sehun managed to do a little damage on Suho as there were few cuts on his cheek too.

"We could be untouchable if you join me." Sehun said.

"Bold of you to assume that I would even think about it." Suho said back.

"We can be a great team, Kim Suho. If only you leave your lover boy side. A Shame, actually. You shouldn't have fallen in love with Irene."

"Even if Irene is out of the picture, I wouldn't want to join you. I am fine on my own and I have a great team led by me."

Sehun throws his head back as he laughed out loud. He then took out a syringe and Suho frowned as he watched Sehun was checking the syringe and looked at him.

"I've done something crazy while I'm away. This was meant for Karina actually." Sehun smirked.

"This can make a person slowly get weak and unable to move. Say, Suho. Would you beg me to spare your life?" Sehun asked.

"Never-" Suho widened his eyes when Sehun didn't give him a time to prepare as he lounged forward and stabbed him on the neck with the syringe. Sehun throw the syringe and pushed him off Suho who tried to hold him.

Suho groaned and fell to the ground, his throat felt constricted as he tried to scream in pain but no sound coming out. Sehun smiled at him and winked.

"It works! Ah, my team is amazing. Don't you think?"

"I think you're a coward for doing that."

Sehun looked up and was surprised to see Karina, he looked around and found no one else with her.

"My sister! Hello!" Sehun laughed and bowed at her.

"Suho, meet my sister."

Karina glanced at Suho who were holding his pain and almost frozen on the ground, he can't talk and he can't move.

"Don't worry, it'll wear off in umm half an hour or so." Sehun said.

"You're not going to run, Sehun. I won't let you." Karina said coldly.

Sehun looked at his men and saw they managed to pull off the canvas cover off his boat and and untied the boat from the dock already. They were trying to fill in the fuel now. Sehun sighed silently before looking back at Karina.

"But Karina..." Sehun spoke lowly and took out another syringe. Karina was eyeing it carefully.

"You can't stop me." Sehun mumbled.

"Lucky me. I brought extra." Sehun smiled and waved the syringe.

"How do you feel though? After losing a family. You must be feeling lonely, right?" Sehun asked and Karina clenched her fists.

"I wasn't thinking of sparing anyone at all when I decided to kill all of you. Unfortunately, you were able to escape. Oh, I almost killed Irene as well. Only if Suho didn't interfere, she would've been dead already."

Karina frowned and looked at Suho. So Suho saved her.

"I don't want to kill you, Karina. Not so fast, at least. I'm going to bring you with me and torture you everyday. You will beg for me." Sehun grinned like a mad person.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I never beg for anyone." Karina told him.

"We'll see."

Sehun then shouted before sprinting towards her. Karina swiftly moved her body to avoid his attacks and eyes paying close attention to his movement. Sehun tried to stab her with the syringe but Karina was fast to grab his wrist.

"You're going to suffer, Karina. I'll make sure of it. You shouldn't live peacefully. Only then, it's fair for both of us." 

Karina ignored him and elbowed his nose before snatching the syringe from his hold and throws it away. Sehun groaned and held his nose as he glared at Karina angrily.

"You. Are going to suffer. I'll make sure of it." Karina said before she went to attack him this time.

They both throw punches to each other and Karina managed to avoid most of his advances while hitting him successfully. Karina kept hitting his weak points until he knelt on the ground.

"Does it hurt?" Karina asked and was about to hit him again when she heard a gunshot which stopped her from moving and looked at her left. Chanyeol and ten more men with him.

All guns were being pointed at her as Chanyeol approached them and helped Sehun up.

"Sorry, I was late." Chanyeol said and explained that the car he was riding while trying to follow Sehun suddenly broke down.

"Glad you're here now." Sehun grinned as he winced in pain.

"Don't kill her yet. I need her alive." Sehun commanded them all.

"Why don't we just kill her?" Chanyeol asked.

"I don't want to make it easy for her." Sehun replied.

"What makes you think that I'll make it easy for you?" Karina asked this time. Her eyes caught Chaehyun's figure silently approaching and gave her a signal. Karina stepped back with one feet as she nodded.

By the count of 3, Chaehyun knocked down the four men behind Chanyeol and Sehun while Winter managed to distract the other men on Karina's left.

"So stubborn. Very stubborn." Karina whispered to herself as she glanced at Winter.

Karina then rushed forward to fight Chanyeol as Chanyeol pulled Sehun behind him. Karina remembered how Chanyeol hurted Ning last time, she remembered her mother's face... Aeri's family and Seulgi. God, her favourite Seulgi. Her eyes were hot as tears welled up but she kept her emotions in check.

"Argh!" Chanyeol groaned when Karina finally got to hit his rib.

"You can punch- Agh!" Karina hit him again and spinned around before swinging her leg over to kick his face causing him to stumble backward.

"This is for my family." Karina walked towards him and held his wrist tightly as she pulled him harshly.

"For Aeri's family." Karina gripped his throat.

"For Seulgi unnie." Karina hit him using her knee on his abdomen causing him to groan. Then she went wild as she bends and threw punches on his abdomen and ribs until she heard a crack sound.

Satisfied, she panted as she stepped back to look at Chanyeol's condition.

Karina then ran and grabbed his head with a strong hold, eyes looking into Chanyeol's shocked eyes. Her eyes were dark, her desire to kill was there and Chanyeol knew right then and there, Karina ain't going to let him live longer.

"And this is for my mother." She whispered before she snapped his neck, they heard a sharp sound when she did that. She let go of Chanyeol and watched him fell to the ground.

"Stop or she'll die."

Karina looked at Sehun, he was pointing his gun at Winter who just finished knocking down the men. Chaehyun was on her right and waited for Karina's order.

"Surrender, Sehun. It's over now."

Sehun looked back and found Johnny standing on his boat. Karina saw that Johnny knocked down his last men already. Sehun gritted his teeth before pointing his gun towards Karina.

"Die!" He screamed but Karina made no intention to move at all as she just looked at Sehun's angry face coldly.


Karina frowned when she felt no pain but suddenly she felt a tight and strong hold around her waist. She looked down at Winter who were hugging her tightly before looking at Sehun who was still holding his gun, pointing at her direction. No...

Suho groaned as his voice slowly came back and his wide eyes staring at Winter who tried to take the shot for Karina.


Then they heard another shot. BANG!

Everything seemed to be slowing down for Karina and she can't hear anything else but the loud pounding of her heartbeat as she slowly wrapped her arms around Winter while Johnny and Chaehyun tried to rush towards them.










AAAAAA. HUHUHU. Sorry for taking so long to update, I got stucked on this final chapter. Well, enjoy!



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳