I Want You - Part 6

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Did you wait for long?"

Jimin looked up. She was just leaning against her car while tapping her feet and arms crossed as she waited for Minjeong.

Minjeong tied her hair into a neat bun. She wore a black long sleeve turtleneck, tucked in her tight blue jeans matched with her belt. Her outfit hugs her body perfectly and Jimin gulped seeing how beautiful she looks in this simple outfit.


Jimin blinked then stands up straight. She took Minjeong's hand and raised it up to her lips, smiling against Minjeong's fingers before she lowered down their hands. She pulled Minjeong closer to cup her face using her other hand.

"You look- enchanting." Jimin whispered, her thumb gently rubbing on Minjeong's cheek.

"And no, I didn't wait for long. But I can wait for you for as long as you want me to." Jimin said, chuckling when Minjeong rolled her eyes at her statement.

"Shall we go now?" Jimin asked and Minjeong nodded.

Jimin opened the passenger door for her, watching Minjeong entering her car and sits down comfortably before closing back the door carefully.

"Ning said goodluck." Minjeong told Jimin as soon as she entered the driver seat.


"For our first date, she asked me to tell you goodluck."

"Yeah, goodluck to me. Indeed." Jimin pouted and Minjeong giggled at her reaction.

"Nervous, are you?" Minjeong asked.

"Sweetheart- Uh, can I call you that again?"

"Go on." Minjeong looked at Jimin with amusement.

"Okay, so, sweetheart, I can't mess this up so yes I am nervous."


"What do you mean why? God knows what I did to get you to agree going out with me."


"Yeah and-" Jimin stopped talking and narrowed her eyes at the smiling Minjeong.

"You're teasing me."

And Minjeong burst out laughing. Jimin was in awed. It's not often that she gets to see Minjeong laughing, in front of only her and because of her.

"Can't help it. I always see a confident Jimin, not a nervous Jimin." Minjeong said.

"Which one do you prefer?" Jimin asked.

"I don't mind, as long as it's still a sincere Jimin." Minjeong smiled softly at her.

"What about now?"

"Now, well now, I'm okay with the you now." Minjeong said honestly.

"I'm glad then." Jimin smiled too.






"This is the place?"

"Yeah. Pretty, right?"

"Mm. Looks interesting."

Jimin got out of the car first to open the door for Minjeong. She holds Minjeong's hand gently and walked together to the cafe. Jimin pushed open the door and let Minjeong stepped inside first before following her.

"You don't mind me holding your hand, right?" Jimin asked as they were lining up to order.

"I would pull away already If I mind."

"Okay. So, what do you want?"

"I think I want to try their cake and chocolate milkshake."


Jimin made their orders and paid for everything with her card. She glanced at Minjeong and smiled seeing Minjeong looking around, interested with the cafe's interior.

"Let's find a seat." Jimin then pulled Minjeong to the corner seat, she pulled out a chair for her to sit like a gentlewoman she is.

"Thank you." Minjeong mumbled and sits down.

Jimin took a seat beside her, refusing to be far from Minjeong. She scooted her chair closer.

"I heard their cake is appetizing." Jimin told Minjeong.

"Really? Can I have a high expectation then?"

"Maybe." Jimin laughed.

"Hmm but I have my favourite cake from this one cafe that I always go to."


"Yeah. Their cake is my top favourite I think."

"Can you bring me there next time? I would love to try it out."

"Why not."


"But we should go during weekdays."


"It gets busy during weekends there."

"You really don't like a place with many people huh."

"I like it peaceful."

"I get it."

"What about you?"


"Do you like to go to somewhere with many people or...?"

Jimin rested her arm on the armrest and leaned her shoulder against Minjeong's shoulder.

"I'm okay with anything but now, I like to go somewhere with you." Jimin answered.

"I mean, you like crowded places or empty places?"

"As long as the place has you then I'll like it."


"I like anywhere if it's with you, sweetheart." Jimin chuckled when Minjeong slapped her arm softly before shaking her head.






"I hope you enjoyed today." Jimin said as she walked Minjeong to her house door.

"I did. Thank you." Minjeong smiled at her.

"Well, I did bring you home before 8pm. So, did I pass the test?" Jimin asked as she looked at her watches. She remembered Minjeong telling her that she doesn't want to go home late as her body will feel drained. 

"For a first date, yes." Minjeong answered.

They stopped right in front of the door and Jimin leaned her shoulder and the side of her head on the door, staring at Minjeong while holding her hand.

"Do I get to have a second date with you?" Jimin asked.

"Depends on where will you take me."

"I'll do my research then." Jimin said, caressing Minjeong's hand with her thumb.

"I don't want you to go home yet." Jimin said again.

"But I'm home already now." Minjeong chuckled.

"I know. I'll miss you as soon as I leave."

"We'll see each other on Monday again, Jimin."

"A whole Sunday without seeing you. I will miss you for sure."



"Yeah, okay."

"I can miss you?"

"I can't control your feelings, can't I?"

"Hm, true. Can I call you tomorrow? Not early in the morning, I promise."

"Sure. Maybe at noon."


Jimin then stands up straight and squeezed Minjeong's hand tenderly.

"I'll leave now. Thank you, for going out with me. You make me happy." Jimin said.

"Thank you too. Drive safe. Text me once you're home."

"Will do." Jimin winked at her then rubbed Minjeong's shoulder before turning to leave. She looked back to look at Minjeong going inside her home. She smiled and humming happily going inside her car.






Minjeong was listening to Ning telling her about some gossips, she just crossed her arms and leaned the side of her head on the locker while Ning was talking animatedly. Then Aeri came and greeted them which Ning paused to peck her cheek before continuing her story. Minjeong only smiled at Aeri then they both listened to Ning again.

"Am I interrupting a serious talk here?"

Minjeong tilted her head slightly just to see Jimin walking towards them. Jimin grinned at her while Minjeong only stares. Since when did she get this prettier?

"No, but do you want to know something?" Ning asked, but got excited when the rest of Jimin's friends followed her to greet them as well. 

While Ning got distracted with Jimin's friends. Jimin then turned her attention back to Minjeong who was still staring at her without saying anything. 

"Hi." Jimin gets closer.

"Sweetheart." She whispered and made Minjeong scoffed softly but she chuckled afterwards. Jimin only smiled and fixed Minjeong's fringe gently.

"I missed you." She said and Minjeong raised her eyebrows.

"We've been going on just one date and you are already this clingy?"

"Can't help it. I really-" Jimin sighed as she looked at Minjeong with her warm and loving eyes.

"I really like you." She said. Minjeong opened to say something when she stopped as she heard few coughs.

Jimin and Minjeong looked at their friends and noticed their teasing smirks at them.

"Well, is it safe to assume the date was going well?" Ning asked.

"Ah. Of course." Jimin shows a thumbs up while Minjeong nodded her head.

"Now that is something I would like to hear about. Sorry Jimin, we'll take Minjeong with us now then." Ning winked at her before pulling both Minjeong and Aeri with her after she said bye to Jimin's friends.

Jimin's eyes never leave Minjeong even after Ning dragged her away.

"So, the date was really going well?" Yeji asked and Jimin only hummed. Counting one to three in her head as she kept her eyes on Minjeong's back.


"Did you manage to secure another date with her?" Ryujin asked this time. 


"If there's another, then there's a huge chance for Jimin." Yuna said. 


Jimin was about to sigh and look away but at the very last second, Minjeong turned her head to look back at her and it makes Jimin's breath to hitch. Minjeong threw her a cute smile and Jimin's smile widened automatically. 

"Jimin?" Her friends called for her attention.

Only after Minjeong turned back to the front and disappeared from her sight, Jimin then finally looked away from her direction to look at her waiting friends.

"Yes?" She asked.

Yuna giggled while Ryujin rolled her eyes as Yeji hugged Ryujin's shoulder.

"In love Jimin is such a sight to see." Yeji said.

"She sounds like a mother who witnessed her child falls in love for the first time." Ryujin commented and Jimin laughed at that while Yeji pinched Ryujin's arm.

"What? It's true!" Ryujin exclaimed.

"Let's go to class now guys." Jimin said, circling her arm on Yuna's shoulder while they laughed hearing Ryujin and Yeji have their lover quarrels even though they weren't together yet.






"What do you want to be in the future?"



Jimin blinked her eyes as they widened, it slipped out of but Minjeong didn't hear it as she said it in a very soft whisper. She coughed before looking up to the sky. She was sitting at the bench outside at the garden with Minjeong while waiting for their next class to spend time together and get to know each other more.

"Uh, what do I want to be?"


"What do you think will suit me?" Jimin asked her back.

"I don't know..." Minjeong tapped her chin and looked at Jimin. Jimin looked at her right and enjoyed being stared at by Minjeong. 

"What about... your assistant?"


"Hire me as your personal assistant."

"Why would I need a personal assistant?" Minjeong asked, laughing as she thought Jimin was being silly.

"To take care of you, obviously."

"I am not a child."

"You aren't, but you're such a baby. And I feel like I need to take care of you." Jimin smirked and Minjeong closed her eyes while shaking her head in disbelief.

"On a serious note though, what's your dream job?" Minjeong asked, ignoring Jimin's flirty remarks.

"I don't have one."

"You don't?"

"Yeah, I will just go with the flow. You know, I'll take whatever I can take as long as I enjoy doing it and it's bearable enough for me. Life is already stressful enough so I don't want to stress myself out even more."

"Wow, you are super chill about it."

"Hmm, maybe I am. I just don't want to think about it. What about you, sweetheart?" Jimin smiled as soon as the endearment left , all because of Minjeong's cute reaction whenever she calls her that.

"That nickname is going to stuck on me forever, is it?"

"Forever? That's a strong word, my dear. But if you want, I don't mind to have our forever together. And to answer your question, yes. As long as you're comfortable with me calling you that, then I will keep calling you that, sweetheart."

"What makes you start calling me sweetheart again?"

Jimin hummed and cupped Minjeong's chin softly, smiling at her like she always does and staring at her like she's the only woman she can see.

"Because to me, you are really a sweetheart. You have a kind soul and you are lovable."

Minjeong cleared and looked away, smiling a little and feels warm hearing Jimin's answer. Jimin tilted her head and observed her, she knows Minjeong is slowly opening up to her but she doesn't want to force the younger so she's going to follow her lead and willing to take a slow and small step with her. One thing she has learned ever since she has been spending more time with Minjeong is that she have to be patient with her. 

"Thank you."


"I appreciate it. About what you said about me."

"Do you want to hear more? I have a lot in mind about you." Jimin wiggled her eyebrows and this time Minjeong cannot stop herself from punching her arm. Jimin only laughed when Minjeong complained that she was really being flirty with her.

"I may be a flirt when I'm with you but sweetheart, I am flirting with a sincere heart and whatever I said is truly how I feel about you."

"Jimiiiiin." Minjeong whined and Jimin laughed again.

"Okay okay, I'll try to tone it down."

"Well, try harder."

"Oh, can't. I have to earn myself more date with you. So, when can we go for our second date?"

"You can just ask me without flirting."

"Nope. You deserve all the love I can give. Our second date, Minjeong, do I still get to have a second date with you?"

"Well, if you behave."

"Okay, I will behave around you. Can I please have a second date with you, Ma'am?" Jimin put her both hands on her stomach and bowed her head a little.

Minjeong laughed and groaned playfully in annoyance as she grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled her up with her.

"Where are we going?"

"To class now, my class begins in 10."

"Okay." Jimin chuckled and intertwined her hand with Minjeong's.

"What about next week?" Minjeong asked as they walked together.

"Next week?"

"The... second date."

Jimin tried to hold herself from jumping in joy and bit her bottom lip. She squeezed Minjeong's hand and pulled her closer to her side.

"Anytime you would like, sweetheart. I'll follow you." Jimin said softly.

"Aw, you've really been such a good girl." Minjeong teased and stopped to tip toe to pat Jimin's head.

"I am, right? I know." Jimin bend down a little to make it easy for Minjeong to pat her.

"You look like a kid now." Minjeong chuckled and pushed Jimin's shoulder slightly.

"Because I am with one."


Jimin then laughed out loud and avoided Minjeong's kick as she ran ahead, feeling the butterlies in her stomach hearing Minjeong's empty threat and cute scolding towards her. 










Hi? Guys? How's everyone been? I hope yall are doing okay there.

Here's a new update for you! I hope you guys will take care and enjoy the update.



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
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Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
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Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
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Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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