She's My Wife? - Part 7

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"I wonder, how's married life with Mrs Yoo Jimin?" Ning asked Minjeong who just rolled her eyes at her.

"Oh, come on. I thought we're best friends now." Ning said.

"You're the one who claimed that we are." Minjeong replied calmly.

"Right. True. You never say anything, so I assumed that you also want to be best friends with me. Like, please, I am amazing."

Minjeong laughed at Ning's confidence. Ning grinned at her.

"Anyways, I really did not expect my boss to settle down this fast. It was a shock to everyone here. She was known as- well, the cold and strict boss, but we know that she is a kind person."

Minjeong nodded while listening to Ning as she does her work. Ning came to hang around with her after lunch, since they both do not have any other important things to do after their intense meeting earlier this morning.

"I'm curious though, how did you two meet? You never tell me about your love life. I want to know how you managed to win my boss' cold heart." Ning said while still giggling.

Minjeong stopped typing, but her eyes were still on the desktop's screen.

"I mean, only if you feel comfortable enough to share with me. If it's not, then don't mind me." Ning added.

Minjeong looked at Ning, hesitating if she should tell her about her real story with Jimin. She has never opened up about it with anyone before. She just has no one to talk to, not even Jeno. Minjeong took a deep breath before she smiled at Ning.

"If I tell you, then... Where's the fun in it?"

Ning groaned while Minjeong chuckled at her frustrated face.

"You're just the same as her. All mysterious and secretive. Ugh."

Minjeong just shakes her head and still smiling. No, it's not that mysterious at all. Just- it's a sad story that only I know, and I would prefer to suffer alone. It'll be best to keep it this way.

"Whatever, as long as my boss and her wife happy." Ning winked before she excused herself. Minjeong was left alone in her office now. Right on cue, her phone rang. She picked up when she saw Jimin's name.



"Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes, I ate with Ning just downstairs at the cafeteria."

"That's good."


"How are you doing, by the way?"

"Good. I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me."

"Even so, you are my wife, Minjeong. I will still get worried."

"Ah..." Minjeong clutched on her phone as she does not know what else to say.

"I'm trying to settle everything fast so I can go home as soon as I can."


"I heard about the meeting. You did well. I'm proud of you, Minjeong."

Minjeong smiled, Ning must have told Aeri about it. That's why, Jimin knew.

"Thank you."

"Well, I'll call you again later. Don't stay until late, okay?"

"Yeah, I won't."

"Alright, talk to you later."

Minjeong let out a sigh after hanging up. It has been two days, Jimin called her more than three times a day. Minjeong couldn't find it in her heart to reject her call, not when she knows that Jimin meant well. She just wanted to check on her, which Minjeong really appreciate.










Jimin frowned when she checked her phone, Minjeong have not replied to her text message yet. Aeri looked at Jimin's worried face and shook her head.

"She's fine, Jimin. Ning was there, remember? Ning would have already told me if something happened."

"I know." Jimin sighed and put back her phone inside her pocket.

"Ugh, do we really need to stay until Monday?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, three more days, then we will go home."

"It's a long way to go."

"Jimin, please, it has only been four days."

Jimin raised her hands up in surrender. Aeri then excused herself to go to the restroom first, before they need to leave the restaurant. Jimin was just crossing her arms as she thinks of Minjeong. While remembering her smile, Jimin unconsciously smiled.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Jimin turned her head and saw Ryujin, one of her client's daughter whom she met during one of the parties years ago. 


"Hello, Jimin. I heard you're married now. Tell me, is she the reason why you rejected me last time? " Ryujin asked and put her hand on Jimin's shoulder which Jimin quickly pushed her hand off her shoulder.

"Ah, still the annoying Yoo Jimin." Ryujin chuckled, and took a seat beside Jimin.

"I have no time for any of your nonsense, Ryujin."

"Relax. I just want to catch up with a friend, can't I?" Ryujin put her chin on her palm as she turned her head slightly to look at Jimin's straight face.

"We're not friends." 

"You really need to learn to relax. I would have given you a shoulder massage-" Ryujin raised her other free hand immediately when Jimin glared at her.

"And I won't because I don't want you to break my hand." Ryujin continued.

Jimin sighed and checked the time on her wristwatch.

"So, what brings you here?" Ryujin asked.

Jimin sighed again before she finally stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"You haven't paid." Ryujin exclaimed as she followed Jimin outside.

"You stop following me now or I will break your legs." That finally stopped Ryujin. She came back in to pay the bill on behalf of Jimin, which surprised the staffs there.

"There's no need, Ms Shin. Here, this is Mrs Yoo's card." Aeri stopped her from paying their bill, and gave Jimin's card to the staff.

"Oh, Hello, Ms Uchinaga." Ryujin were surprised to see her as well.

"Stop bothering Jimin, Ryu." Aeri said and glared at her. 

"I just want to be friends! Like how we both are." Ryujin pouted.

For all the time she met the two, Ryujin only managed to get Aeri to agree becoming friends with her since Jimin usually ignored her, which made her to talk to Aeri instead. 

"Well, you need to change your way of trying to be her friend. Especially now that she's married." Aeri told her.

"Hm. I'll think about it." Ryujin said cheekily.

"This is why you'll never be able to be friends with Jimin."

"Not my fault that Yoo is too cold, but why do I think that she's even colder now that she's married?" 

"I don't have the answer to your question, so I'll leave now. Behave the next time we see you, Ryu." 

"Ugh. Fine." 

Aeri shakes her head before finally leaving. Ryujin shrugged her shoulders then decided to use the same table for dining in.

Unknown to them, a reporter just managed to capture some of their photos, especially when Jimin was alone with Ryujin. 









"What is it this time?" Aeri asked when Jimin was frowning so hard while looking at her phone.

"No. Minjeong- something's different with the way she texted me now." Jimin said.

"You're probably just over thinking."

"No. I've been texting with her, and I know how she usually replies me. This- This is just not the usual her."

Aeri shook her head before flipping the file closed, looking at Jimin as she speaks.

"Let's get back to the hotel and rest."


Aeri only watched Jimin stood up abruptly and walked ahead without waiting for her, while still looking at her phone. 

"God, Minjeong really got my best friend wrapped around her fingers." 






Minjeong turned off the TV, then proceed to the bedroom and checked her phone again. She saw Jimin's text, asking if she were asleep already or not. Just then, she saw her father's text message saying "Don't believe the rumours. I'm sure Jimin will fix this soon."

Minjeong did not reply to her father's text either. She was about to put down her phone when Jimin suddenly called. She was thinking if she should answer her or not, but knowing Jimin, She wouldn't stop until she hears from her. She couldn't make Jimin worry about her despite of how the situation is at the moment. 

So, with a sigh, she finally answered Jimin's call.

"Hey. Minjeong?"

"Mm. Yes?"

"You're home, right?"


"Are you okay? Have you eaten?"

Minjeong let out a sigh unintentionally. She has been not really in a good mood after seeing the news.


"I don't know, Jimin. Am I supposed to be okay?"

Jimin at the other hand, was surprised by Minjeong's vulnerable tone.

"You saw the news? A-Are you upset with me?"

"I'm your wife, Jimin. I have the right to get upset, don't I?"

"Of course! Yeah, of course you have the right. I-" Jimin was stunned that Minjeong would let out her emotion without holding herself back like she usually does.

"I'm tired, I think I want to sleep soon." Minjeong mumbled.

"I need to explain to you about the whole situation."

"You can just explain everything once you're back."

"But, Minjeong ah..." 

Minjeong frowned as she heard Jimin's soft calling. 

"Let's talk when you get back. I don't think I want to hear it through a call, not right now." Minjeong said.

"Okay. We'll talk when I'm back. Goodnight, Minjeong." 


Minjeong throw her phone carelessly on the bed and sighed. She's upset, she's still upset. She feels like she has no right to get upset when she knows they got married out of love, but she still thinks that she has the right to get upset because she is still Jimin's official wife. Jimin herself also said it earlier, that she has the right to.

Minjeong sits on the floor and hugs her knees, burying her face on her knees as she finally breaks down. Suddenly, all of the past memories, the painful memories, were rushing into her mind. She clutches her chest as she sobbed, hoping this painful feeling will stop soon. 










Minjeong snapped her eyes open and blinked a few times before she finally realised that she was still on the floor. She rubbed her face and looked at the digital desk clock behind her. Five hours, she fell asleep for five hours. She smiled sadly, she probably was feeling tired after crying her heart out.

She was about to get up when the door was opened. Minjeong looked up and was taken aback to see Jimin.

"J-Jimin." Minjeong whispered her name.

"Hey, what are you doing there?" Jimin asked and quickly went to pull her up. Minjeong usually will let Jimin help her in any way, but not now. She slowly pushed Jimin's hand off her.

"I'm fine." Minjeong said, looking down at the floor.

"W-Why are you here?" She asked Jimin.

"I can't keep calm. I already make sure that all the articles will be taken down and-"

"Does it matter?"


Minjeong gulped, the pain hits deeper into her heart. She can't hold it anymore, or she might burst.

"What- What does this marriage really mean to you, Jimin?"

"Minjeong ah-" Jimin paused when Minjeong suddenly looked up and looked right into her eyes with her tired eyes. Jimin gulped, this is her first time to see Minjeong in this kind of state, and she does not like it at all.

"Who am I to you? Why did you marry me, Jimin?" Minjeong asked.

Jimin took a deep breath. She took a step closer and never look away from Minjeong's eyes.

"Like a river that flows endlessly." She whispered and Minjeong frowned, not knowing what she meant.

"A feeling that as deep as the ocean, as high as the sky." Jimin continued, taking another careful step and slowly cupped Minjeong's cheeks.

"That is how I feel for you." Jimin told her. 

"My heart, my soul, and everything inside of me, loves you unconditionally." Jimin confessed properly, finally letting out the truth. Her heart was beating hard and fast, as her hands were shaking while still cupping Minjeong's face. She looked into Minjeong's eyes, full with warmth and love, hoping that Minjeong could see her, of how genuine is her feeling for her.

Jimin took another deep breath since her heart wouldn't stop beating crazily. Jimin's breathing was heavy, she let out a shaky sigh slowly before she opened again.

"From the bottom of my heart, I'm telling you now, Minjeong ah. That I am in love with you." Jimin smiled softly at her.

"I have always been." Jimin told her without hesitation.

Minjeong was shocked, obviously. She didn't expect Jimin would have that kind of feeling for her. She stayed frozen on her spot as she does not know what to do after hearing Jimin's confession.

"This marriage is what keeps me going. You are my life, Minjeong. And I marry you because I sincerely love you, all of you." Jimin said again.

Jimin sighed and put their foreheads together. 

"So, I'm begging you, Minjeong ah. I'm saying this as your wife. Please, let me in. Let me love you, and don't push me away." Jimin whispered desperately.

"I need you." She added.

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳