Be My Girl - Part 5

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin does not know how and why was she suddenly in Minjeong's room. She only remembered confessing and was lost in Minjeong's warm embrace then that's it. She does not remembered anything else. All she knows was she only followed wherever Minjeong was taking her after that. So here she was, in Minjeong's room.

"Would your family really be okay for you to hang out with me at my place?"


Minjeong was tidying up her study desk when she talks to Jimin. She paused to look at Jimin's still dazed face. Minjeong chuckled then stopped whatever she was doing to pay full attention at Jimin instead. She went to stand right in front of Jimin and looked down at her since Jimin was sitting down on her bed.

"What's going on, Jimin? Are you spacing out again?"

"Just... When you look at me, I got lost in your eyes."

Minjeong's heart skips a beat but she hide it well. Oh, Jimin have no idea how much she affects Minjeong too. Minjeong covered her jumping heart by smiling softly at Jimin.

"You know that I like you so much, right?"

And this time, it's Jimin's heart turn to skip a beat.

"You can't drive me more crazy than this, Jimin. That's not fair." Minjeong chuckled. 

Only if you knew, that you've been driving me insane too. Jimin wishes she could say that out loud for Minjeong to hear, but she's too shy to be that honest with her.

"So, now what's the plan?" Minjeong asked and sat down beside Jimin.

"We... will date openly." Jimin slowly said.

"Hmm." Minjeong just hummed and looked to the front.

"We should uh... always together." Jimin said again.

"Like how?" Minjeong asked as she looked at Jimin.

"Let people see how we're always attached to each other." Jimin said it more clear.

"Would you want that? Being with me most of the time?" Minjeong asked.

I would love to be with you all the time, every second of my life. Jimin bit her bottom lip to stop herself from saying it out.

"O-Of course." Jimin answered with a cracked voice unconsciously. Then she coughed twice before looking at Minjeong again.

"May I know since when?" Minjeong asked.

"Since when? What?"

"That you started to like me."


Jimin cleared again and scratches her non itchy head.

"First year... That's when I first saw you." Jimin answered slowly.

"You were laughing at what your friends were saying at that time, at the parking lot. I was- sigh- in a bad mood at that time, something happened but..." Jimin blinked at Minjeong before looking down on her lap.

"When I saw you that day, I feel at ease." Jimin said then slowly she looked at Minjeong again.

"Y-Your sweet smile and your laugh... Its just contagious. I can't help but to laugh along, even though I didn't know what's making you laugh. And from then, I keep seeing you everywhere."

"And I find myself slowly-" Jimin paused to take a breathe.

"Slowly developing a crush on you." Jimin added. And slowly falling in love with you too.

"Oh." Minjeong let out a soft sigh. 

"It's... Kind of a lot for me to take in. I mean, I thought you never like anyone." Minjeong said.

"I've never, until you." Jimin told her.

"Is there a reason why you never tell me that until you know, I'm here?"

"You were with Jeno. And also, I don't-" Jimin frowned. She realised that Minjeong will know now how unexperienced she is.

"You don't?" Minjeong tilted her head and leaned closer.

"I don't know how... To umm- I don't know what to do so I settle with just admiring you from afar." Jimin confessed.

"Like I've told you before, I have zero idea about how this liking someone or dating someone works. Like what should I say, what should I do..." Jimin continued.

"Then take your time." Minjeong said.


"Take your time, Jimin. I won't pressure you. We can get to know each other for as long as we can while we are dating each other. I'll be here with you, through it all." Minjeong told her and put her palm on top of Jimin's hand.

"The fact that I know now that you like me back is already enough." Minjeong smiled at her.

"Okay." Jimin whispered.










Aeri was standing with her back on the wall as she crossed her arms while Yuna leaned her head on her shoulder, hands in her pocket jeans. Yeji was just eating a lollipop, grinning seeing Ryujin and Somi arguing of which flowers should Jimin give Minjeong. 

"She will like this one." 

"No that's too simple, Somi!" 

"Ryujin, simple is the best." 

"But it's Kim Minjeong, she must get the bestest." 

Jimin was fidgeting and looking hopeless as she listened to them while looking back and forth to the small bouquet in Ryujin's hand and a single red rose in Somi's hand. 


Jimin jumped on her feet as she got startled hearing Minjeong's voice, her eyes glanced at the students behind who just left the class with Minjeong too. Some were looking at them in curiosity and some just doesn't care.

"Uhh, you guys are here." Minjeong said as she saw Jimin's friends.

"Jimin, choose now!" Ryujin whispered and poked her back.

"M-Minjeong." Jimin smiled nervously.

"I am not sure if you would ummm like some flowers or not but-" Jimin reached her hand behind for Ryujin and Somi to shove the flowers into her hand.

Then Minjeong finally saw the flowers as Jimin held them in front of her.

"I- I don't know which one would you like but uh, you can just take them all." Jimin said.

Minjeong looked back at Jimin's face before she chuckled softly. She's serious when she said she wants people to see that she wasn't being forced at all being with me.

Minjeong then took the flowers and hold them in one hand before she uses her right hand to intertwine her fingers with Jimin's left ones. 

"I'll like everything if its from you. And I want to hold your hand." Minjeong said, smiling sweetly at her.

"O-Oh. Okay." Jimin stuttered and looked down to hide her small smile.

"Are your friends joining us?" Minjeong asked.


"We have to get going now. You two have fun!" Somi winked then dragged the others with her.

"I guess... No." Jimin said.

"Okay, let's go then." Minjeong pulled Jimin with her.

"Do you want to know a secret, Jimin?" Minjeong asked while swinging their hands happily.


"I was always there when you played basketball at the outdoor court. Just watching you silently from afar."


"Yes, and..."

Minjeong stopped to pull Jimin closer as she tiptoed to whisper into Jimin's ear.

"You look hot when you're in your serious mode while being a captain." Minjeong whispered then pulled away to check on Jimin's expression, she smirked as she saw how Jimin froze and didn't say a word.

"I just thought that you should know that. You're very charming, Captain Yoo." Minjeong then winked and chuckled when Jimin can only looked at her, speechless.








Minjeong puffed her cheek and clicked her tongue in annoyance as the first thing she saw when she came to the university was Jeno being near Jimin at her locker. She tried to steady her breathing as she approached them, ignoring how the students started to pay more attention now when she came.

"Jeno." Minjeong called his name coldly and Jeno rolled his eyes upon seeing her.

"Scared already?" Jeno asked.


"Of Jimin leaving you when she realised that you are not worth it." Jeno smirked.

Jimin wasn't saying anything. Don't get her wrong, she was annoyed with Jeno too but she got distracted when she saw Minjeong. Minjeong looked too good in her eyes right now, wearing a white crop top paired with a high waisted black jeans. Then her copper brown hair was tied into a neat bun. Jimin tried to keep her eyes up but her eyes continues to stare down on Minjeong's abs.

"No. Never. I believe, it's not going to happen. My Jimin won't settle with someone like you, jerk." Minjeong said, smirking too when she witnessed how Jeno's smug smile disappeared immediately.

"Jimin deserves to choose on her own." Jeno said and put his arm around Jimin, only then Jimin finally snapped out of her thought.

Jimin was about to push Jeno away but Minjeong beats her into it. Minjeong circle an arm around Jimin's waist as she gripped Jimin tight before pulling her into her. Minjeong glared at Jeno and pointed at his hand with her other hand.

"You keep your hands off my girlfriend. You may disrespect me but I won't let you disrespect her. You don't touch someone all you want." Minjeong said.

"And try me, if you don't want to have a working hand anymore." Minjeong growled when Jeno was about to fight back. 

Jeno gritted his teeth and glared hard at Minjeong but Minjeong only raised her eyebrows at him.

"You're mad, you're a mad woman." Jeno hissed.

"And who's fault was that? Call me anything, I don't care. I'm like this because of a jerk like you who doesn't know how to respect women."

"Ha! And you thought you are better than me?"

"Yes. At least, I am not like you. Mentally abusive and manipulative."

"She's a liar. you're dating a liar, Jimin." Jeno quickly said and looked at Jimin. Minjeong looked at her too.

"And she's the abusive one! She hurts me once!" Jeno defended himself.

Minjeong kept looking at Jimin, trying to read her face but sadly she can't. Jimin is damn good at maintaining her poker face when in front of other people. Especially when she knows she's the center of an attention right now.

"Are you done?" Jimin asked.


"I asked, are you done?"

Now, this is the Yoo Jimin that everyone are used to. The cold and strict, expressionless Jimin to strangers. But still, people find her attractive that way including Minjeong herself.

"I don't like the way you talk to Minjeong." She's just a softie.

"I don't like that you dared to touch me." Only Minjeong is allowed.

"I don't care what happened between you and her in the past but Jeno, this is now a story between me and her. You're not included." I will never, ever let anyone else comes between us.

"And I certainly- don't appreciate it, that you talked bad about her. Moreover, you're doing it in front of me. In case you forgot, she is my girlfriend." My baby.

Jeno laughed in disbelief. Jimin and Minjeong both doesn't give him any reaction causing the situation to be awkward for him. Jeno clenched his jaw and decided to leave. He planned to bump his shoulder on them but Minjeong quickly twisted his arm causing him to groan in pain.

"Agh! Oh god! YAH! Let me go! Let me go!"

Minjeong then let him go and stepped closer causing him to step back faster, being alert of Minjeong's different aura. The one that scares him.

"I've warned you, Jeno. You should take my words seriously from now on." Minjeong said in all her calmness which scares him even more. Minjeong's eyes are filled with hatred and darkness. Jeno have seen them once and the result of trying to go against Minjeong when she's like that would bring him trouble.

"You're really- Crazy." Jeno whispered before he backed off and left them.

Minjeong closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. She could feel hot tears almost burst out but she held it in.


"Jimin. I like you so much that I think-" Minjeong paused to look behind at Jimin.

"That I won't hesitate to hurt someone or to get hurt just for you." Minjeong finished her sentence.

"What- What happened, Minjeong?" Jimin asked.

She starts to find something different from Minjeong, something weird. The Minjeong that she knows is sweet and soft but Jimin need to know, what makes the other side of Minjeong came out, her tough side.


Jimin turned to look at Jaemin who suddenly came and was frowning. Minjeong didn't look at any of them.

"Minjeongie." Jaemin called her softly and tried to touch her shoulder.

When he felt that Minjeong was relaxing over his touch then he proceed to hug her. Jimin frowned as she watches the whole thing. Jaemin glanced at Jimin and smiled apologetically.



"Jimin can't see me like this. She just can't." Minjeong whispered.

" I-"

Jimin heard and she stepped in immediately to pull Jaemin away from Minjeong. She doesn't like it, the way Jaemin holds Minjeong.


It hurts Jimin to see Minjeong for the first time trying to get away from her but no, she can't forever be a coward. She wants to try her best, for Minjeong and for herself.

"Minjeong ah." Jimin whispered and slowly reached out her hand.

"Y-You have me now. Don't go find someone else for a comfort." Jimin pleaded to let her in.

She is so done with hiding her feelings, she doesn't want to waste any more time. She can't let her slip away. Jimin needs to make sure that Minjeong will let her in completely like how she's letting her in without hesitation too.

Minjeong looked at Jimin and found sincerity in her eyes. Minjeong melted under Jimin's caring stares. She knows just how lovely Jimin is.


Minjeong's eyes brightened hearing the unexpected endearment from Jimin that she can't help to let out a small smile. Then she glances at Jimin's hand that was still waiting for her to reach out to her as well.

"Do you promise to accept me for who I am?" Minjeong asked.

"I do." Jimin answered, quick and clear.

"Then hold me, Jimin."

Minjeong waited and only watched as Jimin slowly stepping forward and her shaking hands hold Minjeong's wrist. 

"Jimin, there are really a lot of things you need to know." Minjeong whispered.

"Okay. I'll be all ears." Jimin said.

Minjeong then looked at the quiet Jaemin and gave him a smile. Jaemin nodded his head before calling for their friends.








Minjeong and Jeno used to be high school sweethearts. Many were jealous of their cute relationship. Jeno had been such a sweet guy, he treated Minjeong like a princess. He made sure Minjeong felt as if she's the only girl in the world. That was until slowly, Minjeong could see his bad traits. Minjeong started to avoid him. 

Jeno was patient enough to let her be, but it all got worse when they grew older and entered university together. Jeno became more aggresive with his words and kept hurting Minjeong with his words. Minjeong thought at first, she was the problematic one. She thought she wasn't a good person. Jeno made her believe that.

For a while, Minjeong drowned herself in a depression. Luckily, her friends were quick to notice and helped her out.


"Ning ah, am I really a bad person?"

"What? Of course not."

Angry was understatement. Ning found out that Jeno have been hurting Minjeong by being mentally abusive, causing Minjeong to lose herself unconsciously.

"Jeno stop."

"Why? You can't accept the fact that you're useless and-" 

"I said- stop!!"

Minjeong punched him hard on his face and was breathing hard. Her eyes were red. Jeno cursed and glared at her.

"You are not normal. I am breaking up with you."

Jeno may never hurt her physically but he did hurt her mentally and emotionally. He's the reason why Minjeong's losing herself. When Minjeong's friends found out, they were enraged especially Ning and Johnny who are the most protective over her. They confronted him as soon as they knew everything and almost created a chaos if it wasn't for Minjeong to stop them and took the blame instead.

"It was me. I hit him." 

Minjeong sacrificed herself to cover her friends which earned her a glare from Ning and Johnny but Minjeong gave them a serious blank face, means they will regret it if they decided to say anything about it so they kept quiet.

"Minjeong, you almost got expelled!"

"Ning, stop it. It's over, he's not here anymore."

"You shouldn't do that for us. You shouldn't lie to save us!"

"Ning, please, it's over. Let's not talk about it again."

Johnny sighed and went down on his knees to look at Minjeong carefully.

"Minjeong ah, why didn't you tell us early about him? Why did you let him hurt you like this?"

Minjeong looked back at him with her sad eyes.

"I don't know..." Minjeong sobbed and covered her face with her palms.

Yuqi, Shuhua and Ning looked away. They couldn't handle it, to see Minjeong hurting like that. Jaemin and Mark went to each side of Minjeong and hugged her.

"It's okay, beautiful. Don't blame yourself. You are precious to us." Jaemin said. Mark glanced at him and sighed, they all knew how Jaemin secretly growing feelings for Minjeong but they also knew that Minjeong could never return back the feelings as she only sees him as just a good friend.​​​​​​








Jimin listened to everything that Minjeong's friends had explained to her. She took note of everything. They also reminded her that Minjeong can be vulnerable if she's with someone she can trust to let go of her tough image.

So, Jimin thought deeply about everything. All this time, Minjeong have always been protecting her and making sure that she's fine. Jimin promised herself that she will do the same for Minjeong.


Minjeong looked up and smiled weakly at Jimin. She was waiting outside, sitting on the bench alone while her friends talked to Jimin.

"Do you think I'm a messed up person? I'm like this yet I still dared to approach you."

Jimin took a seat beside her.

"No, I honestly don't. I understand where you're coming from."

"Really? So do you still want to date me?"

How can I not? 

"Definitely." Jimin blushed when Minjeong stares at her like she's the moon in her sparkling eyes. 

"Jimin ah." Minjeong scooted closer and holds Jimin's hand.


"Did you really called me baby earlier?" Minjeong asked, smiling already seeing Jimin's widened eyes.

"A-Ah, that... W-Well-" Oh god, what should I say?

"Yes." Jimin gulped.

She blamed this on her friends, they kept teasing her last time saying she will be a real whipped girlfriend for Minjeong if ever she managed to be with her. They also how she called Minjeong "baby" in her dream once when they had a sleepover at Yeji's house. 

She remembered how her friends kept using the code name baby everytime Minjeong's around just to enjoy Jimin's annoyed yet shy reaction.

"I like it."


"When you called me baby, I really like it." Minjeong said, putting her elbow on her lap as she rest her chin on her palm while looking at Jimin softly.

"D-Do you- want me to call you baby then?" Jimin asked carefully, looking back at her with the same soft stares.

"Yes, please." Minjeong giggled when Jimin blushed harder.

She wasn't even doing anything but just staring and smiling at her. Minjeong really like how Jimin reacted to her.


Minjeong hummed and hugged Jimin's arm, leaning her head on her shoulder. She intertwined their fingers on Jimin's lap.

"Thank you, Jimin ah. Thank you."

Jimin took a deep breathe and nodded her head even though Minjeong couldn't see her. She was still trying to get used to having a skinship with Minjeong.

"Can you call me that now? I want to hear it."

"Ahem. Yes, I can." Jimin then leaned down a little to whisper it to Minjeong.

"Uh, Baby?"

Minjeong smiled and moved her head to tilt as she stared back into Jimin's eyes while still resting her head on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin got startled with their face being this close that their nose almost touched so she leaned back.

"Come closer again." Minjeong pouted at her and how Jimin wanted to squeal at her cuteness but she stopped herself.


"O-Oh. Right." Jimin slowly leaned closer again.

Minjeong raised her other free hand to cup Jimin's jaw and caressing her skin with her thumb.

"I like you. Really like you." Minjeong whispered.

"I- I really like you, baby." Jimin whispered only the word baby.

And Minjeong chuckled hearing Jimin's shy tone. 

"Are you panicking again?" Minjeong asked, teasing her slightly when she can hear her loud heartbeats.

"Sorry, I- um, you still feels like a dream comes true."

Minjeong then pressed and rubbed her nose on Jimin's shoulder, inhaling her addictive scent as she chuckled again. She honestly like it so much that Jimin sometimes blurted out whatever that is on her mind with all honesty.

"Careful Yoo, I might fall harder for you." Minjeong said.

Then fall for me, I'll catch you for sure. I am just waiting all this time. Will always wait for you.










Phew. I'm actually struggling writing this chapter but I hope you guys will still enjoy it huhu. 

As always, take care everyone!



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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Chapter 146: 🥳