Mutual Feelings

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It was supposed to be a normal Wednesday. Students usually hanging around before classes or playing with their friends to kill the time. Laughters here and there. 

However, that was not the case at the moment. An angry Minjeong was marching towards the basketball court, her eyes scanned the area and saw her target.

Some students were chilling around the bleachers and when they saw Minjeong, they all stopped what they were doing to watch her.

Minjeong ignored anyone who got in her way and made her way to the basketball captain, Yoo Jimin.

"Pass me the ball!"

Minjeong scoffed then before Jimin can catch the ball, Minjeong blocked her and hit the ball away.

Jimin immediately stopped and frowned to see her coming out of nowhere while her teammates stopped playing as well.

"You know, if you want to play, you need to wait for the next game, dear my co-captain." Jimin said.

That's right. Minjeong was in the team as well, she's as good as Jimin which makes their coach to appoint her as the co-captain.

"I am not here to play." Minjeong said and crossed her arms.

"Oh. Then, do you miss me?" Jimin asked while wiping off her sweats using the back of her hands.

"You posted something you shouldn't have." Minjeong mentioned.

"What post?"

"The one you post on Twitter!" Minjeong said in frustration.

Jimin tilted her head as she tried to think what Minjeong was talking about until she remembered that one tweet that she posted last night.

"I was just tweeting?"

"Yes and everyone is now suspecting that the person you were talking about was me!"

Jimin then chuckled. What's her tweet again? Ah right.


You love to pick a fight with me and I love to entertain you. Why? Because I know you're enjoying my attention too much. 


​​​​​​"Well. Isn't that true? As far as I remember, you are the only one who loves to fight with me." Jimin asked.

"Minus the fact that you said I'm enjoying your attention which is not true at all." Minjeong said.

"Oh. You're not?"

"The hell. I am not."

"Hm, I don't think so." Jimin tapped her chin.

"I don't! And please delete that tweet."

"Why should I? Its my Twitter so its up to me."

"Because I want you to. Students are spreading stupid rumours already!" Minjeong exclaimed in annoyance.

"How about... No?" Jimin smiled when Minjeong glared at her.

"Delete it or I will change my club." Minjeong threatened. Jimin needs her in the team and her coach will get angry if Minjeong quit because she's important to the team as well.

"Okay how about we play one game of 10 scores. If you win, then I'll delete it." Jimin suggested.

"I hate you!" Minjeong grumbled and bumped onto her shoulder before she went to put her bag on the bleachers and tied her hair in a messy bun.

"Seriously Jimin, I know she's the one who always started a fight but she wouldn't if you just stop provoking her." Aeri, their friend said.

"Now Aeri, school will be so dull and not fun. We need to have some fun time too." Jimin chuckled when Aeri just rolled her eyes.

"Let's start." They both turned to look at Minjeong who was already holding the ball.

Aeri then left them in the court, went to sit with the others. Some other students came to watch the game too. It is always an entertainment to them whenever there's a fight between Jimin and Minjeong.

Yes, they share same circle of friends but they never get along with each other. They don't really have a strong reason to hate one another. It just happened. Their friends gave up in trying to make them to stop fighting as it was useless.

"You can start anytime now." Jimin said and get ready.

"Pfft." Minjeong huffed her cheek then started to bounce the ball as she step forward to try avoiding Jimin's defence.

Jimin played coolly and let her passed easily.

"That's one score for me." Minjeong said and bumped Jimin's should again.

"Good for you." Jimin smiled.

Jimin tried to prevent her from scoring another goal but no, she did not try so hard. She let Minjeong have her temporary win first with 4 goals now.

"Tired capt?"

Jimin just chuckled hearing Minjeong's mocking tone.

"Of you? Never." Jimin smirked and Minjeong throw her a disgusted look.

This time, Jimin decided to stop letting her winning so she did her best to prevent Minjeong from scoring another goal and managed to score her first goal now.

"Did you see that perfect jump?" Jimin asked and clicked her tongue.

"You're annoying." Minjeong mumbled then they started again.

Jimin gets the hold on the ball and she bounced it while going towards Minjeong who never stop glaring at her. She played a few trick which succeeded in avoiding Minjeong's defence and scored another and another goals. 

"Wow. Look at that. 4 for me and 4 for you." Jimin said while bouncing the ball happily.

"Let's cut this game short. One more goal from you or me to decide the winner." Minjeong said.


This time, they played seriously and took time to manage to get a score.

"Tired capt?" Jimin asked this time.

"Of you? Yes."

Jimin laughed and tried to score but failed when Minjeong managed to hit the ball away from her hand. She then just let Minjeong to get her win.

"Oh yeah!"

Minjeong grinned and bowed to the students and their teams that have been there watching them play. Jimin shakes her head and jogged towards her bag to get her phone. She saw Minjeong turned to look at her with her proud face, hands on her hips and still standing in the middle of the court. 

"Delete it, Yoo." She said.

Jimin just chuckled before walking closer to Minjeong.

"I always keep my words, don't I?"

Jimin then deleted the tweet right in front of her since Minjeong would always be suspicious of her not doing what she was told to do. 

"There." Jimin deleted it. Minjeong nodded and was about to leave when Jimin suddenly leaned her face closer causing Minjeong to back away but Jimin's hand was fast to hold her waist.

"Happy now, baby?" Jimin whispered and smirked when Minjeong blushed with eyes widened. Surprised with the sudden endearment. 

Jimin just laughed before she purposely let her hand slide from Minjeong's waist across her stomach softly as she walked past her.

Minjeong might win the game but Jimin would like to think otherwise.






Minjeong couldn't concentrate during whole class. She kept thinking of Jimin's touch on her earlier and the way how good it sounds to hear her calling her baby. Minjeong cursed herself silently for liking it way too much. 

"Hey, are you okay?"

Minjeong turned to Ning who was sitting on her left side and just nodded her head.

"I don't know what's going on now between you and her but it creeps me out that she's staring like that. Are you guys still fighting or did something else happen?"


Ning sighed and gave her a signal using her eyes to look behind her on the right side.

Minjeong frowned then turned to look at where Ning was looking at.

There, Jimin was resting her right cheek on her fist as she stares at Minjeong. Minjeong squinted her eyes at her but Jimin only raised her eyebrows. Minjeong glared at her before turning back to the front.

When the class was dismissed. Their teacher asked Minjeong to stay while the rest can leave for their lunchtime.

"Miss Tiffany." Minjeong bowed.

"Minjeong ah. What do you think of joining the English speaking debate for next month? It's for this programme that another school will be visiting us and we will give some performance including this debate and other quizzes."


"Yes. I totally recommended you to join because I know you can do it. There will be a team of 3. You will join Minnie and Lia. I will send you the topic through email tomorrow if you agree."



"Okay. I can try."

"Great! It'll be a good experience, trust me."

Minjeong then excused herself to join her friends at the cafeteria. They all welcomed her and pushed her tray of food while asking why she got held back. Minjeong took a seat beside Aeri since its the only empty seat left. 

"Something about joining a debate. Thank you, Aeri." Minjeong said as she smiled seeing her food.

"Don't thank me. Jimin was the one who get this for you so you wouldn't have to line up again." Aeri said.

Minjeong looked at Jimin who's busy eating while listening to whatever Yeji was telling her. They always sit on one table together since they have same group of friends but Minjeong never talk to Jimin unless when they bicker or fight.

"Oh okay." Minjeong shrugged and started eating when a guy suddenly came over to put a can of vitamin drinks near Minjeong.


Everyone stopped talking to look at him. Jaemin, one of the football players. 

"Uh, hi?" Minjeong said, being unsure if he is really talking to her.

"I bought this for you." He said and pushed the drinks closer towards her.

"Oh. Uhm, thanks." Minjeong bowed slightly.

"Okay. Enjoy your lunch." He smiled before waving as he left.

"Ohhhh. What was that? Is that another admirer?" Ryujin who was sitting in front of her beside Ning started to tease Minjeong while Ning joined her as she wriggled her eyebrows at Minjeong.

"Shut up." Minjeong chuckled. The others soon joined in teasing her too causing her to roll her eyes before ignoring them and decided to just eat her food silently. Everyone was not aware of Jimin's unamused face with the whole situation.






D-day. Minjeong was nervous. Yes, she prepared enough already for the debate but she can't help to feel nervous. After all, she will debate with other team from other school.

She tried to calm herself down before going out of her class to join her friends to watch the performance before her turn for the debate later.

"Where were you?" Ning asked and patted the seat beside her.

"Sorry." Minjeong just smiled sheepishly before turning her attention to the stage.

"Ryujin and Yeji will dance soon." She said.

"Where's Aeri?"

"She had to find Jimin."


Minjeong was looking around as she got bored listening to one of their teachers talking to stall some time before the performers are ready to perform.

Her eyes soon spotted Jimin near the backstage, talking to a tall guy and Minjeong squinted to see the guy's uniform. He's not their schoolmate. Minjeong scoffed seeing Jimin already flirting with a student from the other school.

"How annoying." Minjeong muttered.

"What?" Ning asked.

"Ah nothing."


Minjeong then played with her phone while waiting. After a minute, she felt someone coming closer before sitting beside her.

"Guys! You almost missed the performance!" Ning gasped and slapped Aeri who giggled as she tried to make her way passing by Minjeong to get to the seat beside Ning.

"We're here now." Aeri said.

Minjeong then looked at Jimin who just sit with her poker face beside her.

"I know I'm beautiful but don't stare too much."

"pfft. You know there's plenty of other seats."

"Hm no, I don't know."


Before Minjeong can continue bickering with Jimin, Ning pinched her arm softly.

"Yaaaah." She whined.

"Not now you two. The girls will perform soon." Ning warned.

"Fiiiineee." Minjeong pouted and crossed her arms. She heard Jimin's chuckling so she glared at her.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"I still don't know why you chose to sit beside me."

"Then where am I supposed to sit?"

"Oh. Maybe with that guy you're talking to."

"Who?" Jimin frowned before she facepalmed herself.

"You mean, Jongin?"

"Oh. Did you guys know each others name now? How sweet." Minjeong said in sarcasm before turning away from Jimin.

She felt Jimin adjusted her chair to be closer to her but she ignored her. Jimin then rested her arm on Minjeong's shoulder.

"Are you jealous?" Jimin asked with a smirk. Minjeong looks at her with an offended look.

"Do you hear yourself? Why the hell would I be?"

"I don't know. Maybe you have been secretly in love with me. Who knows."

"Ha! Wow. Bold of you to assume that me, Kim Minjeong will ever fall for you, the most annoying person I've ever met. And hands off of me." Minjeong said before slapping away Jimin's arm.

"I'm annoying?"


"But you love my attention anyway."

"I don't."

Jimin was about to reply when they heard music bring played and their friends came out on the stage to dance. Minjeong's face lights up as she joined Ning and Aeri to cheer for their friends.

Ryujin and Yeji danced amazingly which received lots of love from the audience. Once their performance was done, Minjeong needs to prepare herself backstage for the debate.

"Oh my god, its your turn. Goodluck Minjeong!" Ning said and hugged her. Aeri smiled and wishes her best of luck too.

"I hope I will do well." Minjeong said nervously.

"You will." Aeri said.

"See you guys later." Minjeong said then stood up to go to the backstage.

Unknown to her, Jimin followed her and only when she was at the backstage already she noticed her presence.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I can't relax knowing that you're jealous of Jongin."

"I told you I'm not." Minjeong glared but Jimin just laughed before coming closer. 

Jimin then pulled Minjeong by her waist. 

"H-Hey, what are you-" 

"Shhh." Jimin put her finger on Minjeong's lips before caressing her lips gently. She hugged Minjeong's waist properly now using just one arm. 

"You know, you don't have to be jealous of him-" 

"For the million times, Yoo Jimin, I am not jealous of him or whoever you get involved with." Minjeong cut her off, now back to glaring at her. 

Jimin pulled her closer and tightened her hold around Minjeong causing Minjeong to stumbled into her as her hands automatically held Jimin's shoulders to balance herself. 

"That's too bad. I would like you to be jealous though." Jimin said.

"Because then... It'll mean that you like me too." Jimin added. 

"W-What-" Minjeong widened her eyes and stuttered. 

"You heard me, Kim Minjeong. I like you." Jimin said again. 

"..." Minjeong only blinked her eyes. It was unexpected. She never even imagined that Jimin would be interested in her, not when all they do is just fighting. 

"Y-You're lying." Minjeong said, still stuttering. 

"I can be annoying but I'm definitely not a liar, baby." 

There it goes again. That endearment. The reason to Minjeong's chaotic heartbeat like last time and Jimin did it again. 


Now both of them turned to Jaemin who dared to disturb their moment. Jimin saw the small note on his hand before she looked at him again. 

"Uh..." He hesitates when he saw their position. 

Jimin smirked before she hugged Minjeong tighter causing the younger girl to get squeezed on her front now as Minjeong had no choice but to circle her arms around Jimin's shoulder. 

"I umm, I wanted to wish you a good luck for the debate." Jaemin said and smiled awkwardly when Jimin seems like not letting Minjeong go yet. 

"O-Oh. Thanks Jaemin." Minjeong smiled at him but coughed when she felt Jimin caressing her back soothingly now. 

"Do you want to drink some water first, baby?​​​​​​" 

Jaemin's jaw dropped when he heard Jimin calling Minjeong "baby" and he then cleared before leaving them alone again. 

"Minjeong? Oh, Jimin. We're going to start soon." Lia said when she came with Minnie. The two of them only smiled at Jimin and Minjeong seeing them hugging each other. 

"Yah. Let go." Minjeong whispered. 

"Do you guys have any water? Minjeong needs to drink." Jimin talked to them instead. 

"Oh, I have one." Minnie then took out a bottle of water from her bag and Jimin took it from her. 

"Thanks." Jimin smiled before looking at Minjeong. 

"Well, here." Jimin said and gave the water to Minjeong after pulling away. 

"Don't be nervous okay. I'm sure you will do just great." Jimin said. 

"And..." Jimin held Minjeong's shoulders before leaning into her ear. 

"Goodluck, baby." She whispered then gave a quick and soft kiss on Minjeong's cheek before leaving Minjeong dumbfounded where her mind went haywired. 






Minjeong have been avoiding Jimin ever since that day. She kept telling herself that Jimin was trying to play with her. Jimin have always been that annoying person and she's sure that Jimin is doing this for her own entertainment. 

"Right. There's no way that she likes me. I mean, she hates me." Minjeong said. 

She rolled on her bed and grabbed her phone. She was humming to a song happily when suddenly she received a lot of notification and some even tagging her on Twitter. 

She then clicked on it and gasped when she saw to what people were tagging her to. 

"Yoo Jimin! Ugh. That's it!" 

Minjeong immediately gets up and grabbed her jacket before dashing out. She stomped to Jimin's dorm and knocked loudly on her door.

"Wait! Aish."

Minjeong tapped her feet impatiently before Jimin finally opened her door and was about to scold her but stopped when she saw Minjeong.

"Wha- ow!" Jimin hissed and kneeled to rub her feet.

"Why did you do that?" Jimin asked, frowning. Minjeong just stepped on her. 

"Oh I don't know, maybe because of your stupid tweet again this time." Minjeong said.

Jimin sighed before standing up and pulled the surprise Minjeong in as she locked the door.

"Yah. I don't want-"

"Nah uh." Jimin slapped her hand away when she tried to open the door.

"Now that you're here. It's time to talk." Jimin said.

"Yeah, you better delete that tweet. What were you thinking?"

"To get you to come to me, since you've been avoiding me."

"I-I am not avoiding you."

"Suuuree." Jimin crossed her arms, leaned her back against the door.

"But still! It's not right to do that, you can't just tweet something like that!" Minjeong retorted.

"Why not?"

"Because... It will cause a misunderstanding."

"No its not."

"It is!"

"Nope. I told you I like you."

"Doesn't mean you can just suddenly tweet saying that I am your girlfriend!" Minjeong huffed frustratingly.

"Okay okay. I will delete it."


"Hm I will change my tweet then. Instead of saying you're my girlfriend then I will call you my baby." Jimin smirked.

"Yah! That's just the same!"

"Oh? Is it?"

"Gosh you're frustrating."

"I am annoying. I am frustrating. But you still like me."

"What? I never say I like you."

"You don't need to say it for me to know." Jimin said then stepped forward.

"H-Hey-" Minjeong tried to push her but Jimin just rolled her eyes before pulling Minjeong with her as she sat on her bed, then making Minjeong to sit on her lap.

"W-Wait Jim-"

"Calm down, baby. I just want us to talk while sitting down, okay?"

"I c-can just... Sit there-"

"Nope. I like this better. So now, speak fast."


"Well, convince me that you don't like me." Jimin said and adjusted their position so it will be comfortable for them.

Minjeong frowned and just staring blankly on Jimin's wall.


"Uhh." Minjeong bit down her lip before looking at Jimin. She raised her eyebrows and waited for her to say something.

"See. You like me."

"I- we, we don't like each other. We hate each other-"

"Do you?"


"Do you hate me?" Jimin asked and is staring right into her eyes now.

"I don't." Minjeong whispered.

"Exactly. And I don't hate you too."

"You don't?" Minjeong looks adorable right now and Jimin had to stop herself from squeezing her.

"I don't. How many times do I have to tell you that I like you?"

"I thought... You were playing with me."

"Minjeong, I am not that evil to play with someone's feeling. Especially you."

"But you always provoke me and-"

"That's called annoying you, baby. My only reason is because the reaction that I get from you."

"So all this time... You never hate me?"

"Never. I've been so fond of you since we started become friends even though all we do was fighting one another but its fun. You brighten up my day, you know. I thought I just like to mess around with you because your angry face is actually very cute." Jimin confessed.


"But then I realised, during those banter and fight, I've fallen for you." Jimin continued.

Minjeong was speechless. She doesn't know what to say. Her mind went blank.

"Now baby, enlighten me. Why were you avoiding me?" Jimin finally asked.

"I... Don't know." Minjeong scratches her cheek shyly. Jimin took her hand to stop her from doing that.

"You don't? Is it not because you're shy because I kissed you?" Jimin asked and smirked when Minjeong blushed.


"You know, you've been such a bad liar."

Minjeong yelped when Jimin suddenly lay her down on the bed before hovering above her.

"I never thought that I would fall for a liar, Kim Minjeong." Jimin said and caressed Minjeong's face.

"But then, I wouldn't mind falling for a beautiful liar like you."

Minjeong looks at Jimin nervously. This is the first time that they are being close with each other like this without fighting and she honestly doesn't know what to do.

"So now, tell me. Are we enemies?" Jimin asked.

"No." She mumbled.

"Good. Because I don't want to be your enemy, baby. I only want to be yours." Jimin said and kissed Minjeong's forehead.

"I've been waiting for you to come around but it seems that you really love to fight with me, baby." Jimin chuckled.

"So I had to finally make a move and tell you myself that you are feeling the same way as I do." Jimin told her.

"How can you be so sure?" Minjeong asked.

"Oh. I'm a confident woman, remember? And I know that you like me too much that's why you love fighting me."

Minjeong rolled her eyes while Jimin just chuckled at her.

"But I would very much prefer that you shower me with your love from now on. Hm? Don't you think it's time that we stop fighting?"

"How do we go from me wanting you to delete your tweet to this?"

"It's because it has been my plan all along to lure you into me. Now that you're finally here so yes, here we are."

Minjeong sighed then she scanned Jimin's face. She never really stared at her properly. She knows Jimin is beautiful but she never thought that Jimin will be this gorgeous. Unconsciously, she raised her hand and run her thumb over Jimin's signature mole and smiled.

"Now, do you still want me to delete that tweet?"


"I will only delete it if you reject me."


"I'm asking you to be my girlfriend now, baby. For real."

Minjeong thought for a second. Jimin wasn't that bad. Yes, she's annoying but she's not a bad person. Minjeong does not hate her, never. She only got annoyed, that's it. But she admitted that few times her heart skips a beat for Jimin.

"You know, my suitors usually will ask me out for a date first." Minjeong said.

"Well, I'm sorry baby. I am not your suitors. I don't do that step. I like you, I call you mine and ask to be yours right away."

"Yah. You have to court me to make me say yes."

"Why bother? When it's clear that you want me too."

"How so?"

"Because if you don't want me then you would have pushed me away earlier but look at us, you're still right here under me and letting me kiss you. Speaking of that, can I kiss your lips? I've been dreaming of kissing your soft lips and-"

"Nope." Minjeong pushed her this time and stands up.

"I'm going back to my dorm." Minjeong said, already blushing. 

"You're still annoying." She added before leaving.

Jimin laughed and continue to lay down with a grin on her face.

"Kim Minjeong. I know that you like me. You're just playing hard to get. You're lucky that you're cute."






Minjeong thought that Jimin is done for being annoying. Oh she thought wrong because the next morning, she woke up with another tweet.


My baby's kisses give me fireworks. 


​​​​​​​​​​​​"Why does she like to tweet nonsense stuff????" Minjeong groaned before leaving for school in annoyance. 


While on the other hand, Jimin was sitting comfortably on her chair with arms crossed and eyes closed. Aeri was talking to Ning while the others gossiping.

"Seems like an angry puppy is coming her way." Aeri said when she saw some students tweeting seeing Minjeong's dark mood.

"You really love to get on her nerve, Jimin. Spare her, would you?"

Jimin only smiled without opening her eyes.

Not long after that, Minjeong arrived at their class. She went to Jimin's side right away and searched for her phone which Jimin let her.

"Tell me your passcode." Minjeong demanded.

Jimin opened her eyes and smiled seeing the younger girl. She pulled Minjeong to sit on her lap before trapping her inside her arms as she type in her passcode and let Minjeong do whatever she wants with her phone.

Aeri, Ning, their other friends and students were watching them in shocked. They didn't know since when did they get this close.

"You know its useless to delete the tweets now that they see you on my lap." Jimin muttered and rested her head on Minjeong's shoulder.

Minjeong then hissed at the students that were watching making them gulping in fear. Minjeong is soft but she can be scary when she's angry and only Jimin can handle her when she's angry.

Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong scares them off.

"Baby, don't scare them."

"We need to talk."

"Okay, I'm all ears."

"Alone, Jimin."

Jimin then nodded before letting Minjeong to get off her. She smiled at her friends before following Minjeong outside. Minjeong brought her to the empty class not far away from their class.

"Jimin what-"

Jimin does not listen. Instead, she went to pull Minjeong up and make her sit on one of the desk before putting herself in between her legs.

"Be my girlfriend, baby. Hm?" Jimin said and cupped her face.

"Say that you like me. I know you do. Let's stop lying already." She said again.

"Jimin, we can't."


"It's too early and you just confessed."

"Nothings too early if its with the right person on the right time."

"But Jimin-"

"Baby." Jimin put her hands on each side of Minjeong.

"Are you scared of me?" Jimin asked.

"I'm... No. I'm just not sure about this."

"Okay. I understand but I need to hear it from you, do you like me too? No lies. Please be honest with me. I've been honest with you."

"I think I do?"

Jimin smiled and nodded her head.

"Then be my girlfriend. I can court you still even if we are together already."

"What if one day you realise that you don't want me?"

Jimin frowned and shakes her head.

"Impossible. I will never not want you. You're Kim Minjeong, I only want a Kim Minjeong."

"That's it? That's your reason?"

"I don't need a reason to love someone, do I? You're the chosen one, baby. My heart chose you and I want you."

"Hmm." Minjeong pouted. She hates when she overthink. It's making her feel dizzy.

"Be mine, okay? I'll treat you right. I promise. You're my baby after all." Jimin said again.

"You're so stubborn." Minjeong said.

"That makes the two of us. So, stubborn baby, when will I get my answer?"


"Fine? I want a proper answer, baby."

"Okay, I'll be your girlfriend." Minjeong sighed and closed her eyes but her cheeks turned pinkish and Jimin cooed at the sight. Minjeong is shy.

"You know, you can't take back your words." Jimin said.

"I know."

"Now, my next question, can I kiss you?" Jimin asked and now Minjeong opened her eyes.


"Yes, kiss. I want to kiss my girlfriend."

"Uh, aren't we going to be late for class already now?" Minjeong checked her wristwatch.

"We need to go." Minjeong smiled awkwardly before pushing Jimin and went to the door.


Jimin only pouted at her. Minjeong scratches her head before slowly walking towards her again. She was hesitate but she leaned closer and pecked Jimin's cheek. 

"Ahm... Let's go to class." Minjeong blushed madly and quickly left.

Jimin chuckled before walking faster to catch up with Minjeong.

"I finally got myself a girlfriend." 

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1194 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳