Realization (Final Sequel)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"I- Jimin, are you in love with me?"

"I am."










Minjeong couldn't get Jimin out of her head ever since her confession last week. It kept repeating in her mind again and again. Like how loud and clear Jimin's answer to admitting that she is indeed in love with her. 



"Will that affect our relationship now?" Jimin asked, brows furrowed as she bit her bottom lip in worried.

"Will we be okay? Are you okay with that?" Jimin asked again when Minjeong didn't answer her.

"No, nothing will change. We're okay." Minjeong smiled at her.

Jimin let out a relief sigh before hugging Minjeong and dropped her head on her shoulder.

"Why- why did you ask?" Minjeong hummed as she thought for a while about Jimin's question.

"I had been wondering, how could you easily agreed to marry me? I thought, I'm forcing you and Ning- well, she was telling me that you-"

Jimin lifted up her head to look at Minjeong who was struggling with her words.

"That I am in love with you?" Jimin asked and Minjeong nodded her head slowly.

"Has it really- been a long time?" Minjeong asked.

Jimin smiled softly seeing Minjeong's small frown. She then lifted the younger up and put her on her desk instead after pushing her stuff away. Jimin put herself in between Minjeong's legs and cupped her face gently, slightly bumping their forehead together.

"Yes." Jimin answered truthfully even though her heart was hammering so hard to finally able to tell Minjeong about how she feels.

"Even before the- my date..." Minjeong lowered down her voice as she's scared if it would hurt Jimin to mention about it.

"Mm." Jimin hummed and nodded her head, hands now rested on her desk at each side of Minjeong's.

"Why didn't you-" Minjeong gulped and looked down as she was fidgeting with Jimin's shirt's button, playing with it mindlessly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Minjeong asked in a whisper.

"Because I don't want to lose my best friend."

Minjeong looked up at Jimin's sad face.

"I'm scared to ever lose you." Jimin told her.

"That's why I agreed when you asked me to marry you, and because I..." Jimin lifted one hand and put her palm on Minjeong's soft cheek.

"Because I love you. So much." Jimin whispered.

"Is that why you asked me to try and see you as a lover?" Minjeong asked.


"I didn't know it's because you're in love with me." Minjeong frowned.

"And now you know. So, you don't think that I'm being forced to marry you. Okay?"


"I want you to be my life partner. I can't lose you, Minjeong ah."

Jimin took her both hands and pressed a kiss on them. She looked at Minjeong and smiled at her.

"Will you love me back?" Jimin asked, eyes staring with so much hope.

"I can't answer you that yet but, you know that I already love you. Right?" 

"As your best friend, that is. Will I stay in the best friend zone forever?" Jimin frowned this time.

Minjeong tilted her head and thought about all the time when her heart fluttered because of Jimin.

"No. I said I will try for you, didn't I?" 

"You did. Thank you, Minjeong ah." Jimin then hugged her. This is enough. For Jimin, for now, this is enough.



Minjeong sighed for the nth times. She doesn't want to hurt Jimin more than she already did. She wants to love Jimin as best as she could. She wants to give Jimin what she deserves. However, Minjeong is still confused with her feelings. 

She knows she feels things when Jimin's around but she doesn't know if it's how Jimin feels for her too. She thought it's normal to feel that way since she's fond of Jimin and they're best friends but, now she's not sure anymore. She used to ignore all that fluttering feelings and now she can't ignore it like how she used to.

Minjeong haven't seen the older girl since then. Jimin got swamped with works and Minjeong was using the time away to figure out her feelings but seems like she can't find a definite answer yet.

"Ah. What should I do?" Minjeong sighed, again. Burying her face into her pillow as a tear slipped out of her eye.

Everything feels overwhelming for her and she's so lost that she doesn't know what to do.






While at the other side, Jimin tried her best to focus on her work and every meeting she needed to attend to. She can't stop thinking about Minjeong, more than ever. 

Her heart wasn't at ease for the past few days. Minjeong doesn't bother her as often as she usually do. Minjeong wasn't being as clingy as she supposed to. Jimin frowned, thinking that maybe Minjeong feels uncomfortable after she confessed.

"I shouldn't have confessed too soon." Jimin whispered to herself and slumped her body down on her swivel chair, massaging her head as she closed her eyes.

Knock knock. 

"Hm come in." Jimin said, without opening her eyes. 

"Um, Jimin?"

Jimin snapped her eyes opened almost immediately when she heard the voice of a person she missed dearly.


"Hi." Minjeong smiled shyly at her, something that Jimin rarely sees when she's with her.

"Have you just arrived?" Jimin asked and joined Minjeong to sit on the couch together.

"Yeah. Did I disturb you or something?" Minjeong asked, frowning a little as she remembered Jimin was resting earlier when she entered.

"Not at all." Jimin smiled to assure her.

"Oh, okay. Umm..." Minjeong then fidgered with her fingers, suddenly feeling nervous being with Jimin.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Jimin asked, scooting closer to wrap an arm around Minjeong's waist.

"Hm? Are you okay?" Jimin asked, tilted her head to peek on Minjeong's face.

"Jimin ah."


"I- I've been thinking about your confession."

"Mhm." Jimin started to caress Minjeong's waist.

"I... I am still not sure if what I feel for you all this time is the same like you do and I- um, I know that you are special to me. It's just, I never- I never thought that..." Minjeong frowned when she's struggling with her words again.

"You never thought that we could be something more?" Jimin asked, helping her to complete her sentences.

"Yes. I don't-" Minjeong paused and turned her body slightly to face Jimin.

"I don't want to hurt you so it's frustrating that I can't figure out my true feelings."

Jimin smiled and pinched her cheek gently.

"First, baby, you're not hurting me." Jimin told her and she failed to notice Minjeong's slight blushing face as she looked down to hold Minjeong's hand with her other hand.

"Second, take your time. I'm here, I won't be going anywhere. I'll be here with you through every thick and thin. I'll be here while you're figuring it out." Jimin said again.

"B-But... I know that you make my heart flutters- uh, few times- no, many times. Just, I thought it's normal to feel that since you umm..." Minjeong scratches her non itchy head as she glanced at Jimin.

"Hm?" Jimin leaned closer.

"You- Since you are always being sweet to me." Minjeong said.

"Am I?" Jimin smiled and pecked Minjeong's cheek. She grinned in satisfaction when she sees Minjeong's red cheek.

"Y-Yeah." Minjeong gulped.

She used to receive any kind of affection from Jimin but it never affects her this bad before since she didn't think much about it and just thought that Jimin is only an affectionate best friend.

However, she can't think the same way as before. She knows about Jimin's feeling for her now and it's making her feel nervous and a little shy.

"You deserve it, baby​​​​​​. All the sweet things, that I can give. You deserve it. Especially my affection." Jimin said.

"And I'm glad that you come to me. I thought I made you feel uncomfortable with my confession." Jimin sighed softly and Minjeong frowned at her.

"No, it's not like that. I was just... Thinking. Yeah. I'm sorry for making you think that way." Minjeong pouted and cupped Jimin's face.

"I miss you." Minjeong said in a tiny whiny voice that only Jimin gets to hear often.

"Yeah?" Jimin leaned onto Minjeong's touch and closed her eyes. Warmth. Minjeong gives her warmth.

"Yeah. You?"

Jimin opened her eyes again when Minjeong asked. Jimin then put her hands on top of Minjeong's hands that were still holding her face.

"Every second, baby. ​​​" Jimin answered honestly.

Jimin's heart jumped in joy seeing the wide smile on Minjeong's face now. She's adorable and beautiful! Jimin can't help but to fall more for her.










Kim Minjeong decided to just let her family handle about all the preparation for her wedding. She doesn't want to make her head suffer with all the planning. Besides, she's busy enjoying Jimin's- well, if not more but maximum level of affection now. 

Jimin still gave opinions on what kind of wedding she wants and their family listened to her request seriously and made sure it'll be as Jimin would like it to be. Even though Minjeong doesn't say anything about what she wants, Jimin knows better. She knows what would Minjeong like. Years of knowing the younger girl, Jimin feels like she knows her more than anyone else do. 

"Jimin said she had booked the place where you two will be staying for a month."

Minjeong looked up at her father. They were having dinner while talking about her wedding preparation that will happen in 2 months.

"Ah. Jimin is amazing. She really planned to spend your honeymoon for a month in Switzerland. She loves you, my dear." Mrs Kim said with pride. Happy, that her daughter will marry someone who'll give everything for her daughter's happiness.

"I know." Minjeong smiled.

She only asked for at least 2 weeks but Jimin said she'll be taking a long leave from work since she had never been taking any leave before. So, she said they should spend it wisely and stay longer for their honeymoon since Minjeong have been wanting to go there for so long.

"And I'm happy for you both. I'm sure Jimin is the best, the only best one for you." Mr Kim said.

Minjeong nodded. Her father is being biased. He just like Jimin so much for her. Yet, Minjeong admitted that her father is right. No one is better than Jimin.


Minjeong glanced at her phone that's beside her plate and saw the notification popped up. 

Minjeong ah, baby, I just finished my meeting. Do you still want to meet? I can go there now if you want.     8:17pm.

Minjeong's face brightened up after she read the text message from Jimin. She quickly replied a yes to it. 

"Um, I think I'm done. I'll be going first, mom, dad. Can I?" Minjeong asked out of politeness.

"Was that Jimin earlier?" Her father asked, eyeing her phone.

"Yes, dad."

"Hm. Okay, go."

Minjeong then grinned and kissed both her parents cheek before skipping happily upstairs, went to freshen up quickly and change her clothes. Making sure she'll look pretty and smell good for Jimin.

One thing has changed after knowing Jimin sees her more than just a best friend. Minjeong finds herself trying to look all pretty just for Jimin and she loves it even more now whenever Jimin give compliments.

"Jimin ah!"

Jimin just closed her car door when Minjeong jumped onto her as soon as she turned around. Luckily she got fast reflex, so she caught and held Minjeong tight and stood firm on the ground.

"Woah there." Jimin laughed and Minjeong pulled away, grinning lovely at her.

"Hi." Jimin smiled. She cupped Minjeong's face and kissed her forehead.

"Are you going to come in?" Minjeong asked.

"No. I'll be quick. I still need to send some emails but I decided to come and see my fiancée first since you've been whining about meeting me." Jimin smirked.

"You were busy! I miss you." Minjeong pouted.

"I know." Jimin laughed again then pulled Minjeong before turning her around to let her rest against her car.

"I'm sorry. I'll finish everything fast and won't be busy by next week." Jimin said, hands holding Minjeong's hips this time.

"You promise?" Minjeong asked then drew Jimin closer by circling her arms around her neck, the thing she loves to do with Jimin to have her closer.

"I promise." Jimin murmured before leaning in to kiss Minjeong's cheek.

Minjeong's heart was beating madly. She panted a little with the overwhelming feeling she's experiencing right now. She realised how she missed Jimin more than ever. How she look forward to seeing, talking to Jimin everyday. How she look forward of receiving more of Jimin's sweetness.

"Uncle and aunty still awake?" Jimin asked, brushing her nose on Minjeong's cheek as she hummed in content, liking Minjeong's soft scent.

"Yeah but they went to their room already." Minjeong said, her hands caressing Jimin's nape gently. Jimin loves it when she does that to her.

"Let's get inside." Jimin suddenly said and opened the car door before letting herself in first and gestured Minjeong to come inside and settle on her lap.

"Why?" Minjeong asked but straddled Jimin without thinking twice.

"It's cold outside and you're wearing thin clothes and shorts." Jimin said, pulling Minjeong by her waist after closing the door.

"But you're warm." Minjeong said then hugged Jimin.

"I know but I don't want you to fall sick."


Jimin rubbed her back while kissing her shoulder.

"Do you really have to go?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes but, I'll be seeing you first thing in the morning tomorrow." Jimin said, chuckling a little as she can sense that Minjeong's clingy side is kicking in at the moment.

"You can do your work here, in my room." Minjeong told her.

"I can but some of the documents I need to refer to is at home."

"Then you can take them and bring it all here."

Jimin kept quiet, still rubbing Minjeong's back as she think.

"Do you want to sleep at my place instead?" Jimin asked and Minjeong pulled away to look at her.

"Can I?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Of course."



"Mm. Okay. Should I go and take my clothes now?"

"No need. I still have some of yours at my place."

"Okay." Minjeong grinned then kisses Jimin's cheek.

"You're the best." Minjeong mumbled and she swears she got drowned in Jimin's loving eyes.

"Can I borrow your phone to tell my parents about it?"

"Go ahead. There." Jimin pointed her chin towards her phone that's on the passenger seat.

Jimin's hands still around Minjeong as she kept caressing Minjeong while Minjeong was typing a message to her father. The whole time Jimin was just staring at Minjeong warmly.

"Dad said okay."

Minjeong sighed in relief. Her parents are very strict but she understands since she's the only daughter and they cherish her so much. They trust Jimin alot too, so Minjeong is always allowed to do anything and go anywhere if they know Jimin will be there.

She had been spoiled by her parents since young but with Jimin, oh dear, she got spoiled even more. Jimin treats her like she's the only woman in the universe and she loves it. Now that she thinks of it, she finds that she is the lucky one indeed.










Minjeong woke up the next morning feeling all fresh and in a very good mood. She smiled, smelling Jimin's scent and feeling so warm in Jimin's bed but her smile disappeared when she doesn't feel Jimin's arms around her. 

"Looking for me?" she heard a deep and husky voice. 

So Minjeong opened her eyes slowly and saw Jimin leaning against the wall near her bed, staring at Minjeong with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Why were you there?" Minjeong asked. 

"I just finished showering and put on some clothes when you're finally waking up." Jimin replied. 

Then Jimin approached her, chuckling as Minjeong pulled her hand and tugged her down so Jimin just hovers above her, supporting her weight by her hands at each side of Minjeong. 

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Minjeong hugged Jimin's waist. 

"I did." Jimin said and leaning down to kiss her nose. 

"But you never respond. You were sleeping like a baby." Jimin chuckled. 

"I slept well." 

"Really? That's good to know." Jimin kissed her both cheeks. 

Another thing that Minjeong realised now is that Jimin loves to kiss her more since she's comfortable enough to pour all of her feelings now for Minjeong to see. 

"I always sleep well when I'm with you." Minjeong said. 

"Mm. And I love you." Jimin whispered, moving her lips down on Minjeong's shoulder now. She felt Minjeong's hold on her waist tightened as she pulled Jimin down, making her body flushed against her. 

Minjeong closed her eyes before taking a deep breathe. There's no point of denying it anymore. She holds Jimin's face and pulled her face closer to her left side before leaning into Jimin's ear. 

"I love you, Jimin." 

"I know." Jimin then slide an arm around Minjeong. 

"No, I- I'm in love with you." 

Jimin froze and stopped all movement. Minjeong turned her head a little to look at Jimin's reaction. 

"D-Do you hear me?" Minjeong asked, voice sounds vulnerable yet so soothing to Jimin's ears. 

"Can you repeat it again, please?" Jimin asked, eyes staring into Minjeong's eyes. 

Minjeong caressed Jimin's cheeks and give her most beautiful smile. 

"I'm in love with you. My best friend, my fiancée, my-" Minjeong searches for Jimin's eyes as she paused her sentence. 

"My Jimin. I'm in love with you too." 

"Do you mean it?" Jimin asked. 

"Yes." Minjeong's answer is firm. She knows how she feels now. 

"You're in love with me." 

"I am." Minjeong whispered. 

"God. You're in love with me." Jimin mumbled then uses her other free hand to fix Minjeong's fringe. 

"I'm not dreaming, right?" 

"No, you're not." Minjeong giggled and now hugging Jimin's neck. 

"I better be. Because I wouldn't want to wake up if I am." Jimin said and kissed Minjeong's forehead. 

"Marry me, Jimin. I'm asking you again, as the Kim Minjeong who's having real feelings for you." 

"Oh. My baby is being romantic now." Jimin smirked and Minjeong pouted. 

"I am always romantic."

"Mhm. Sure, baby." Jimin chuckled and stares at the cute pout right in front of her. 

"I'll marry you, no matter what. Even if you won't ask me to, I'll be the one to ask you instead." Jimin told her. 

"Guess I'm stuck with you." Minjeong giggled.

"Definitely." Jimin smiled.

"Minjeong ah. You don't know how happy I am right now." Jimin sighed and hugged Minjeong as she buried her face into her neck.

"You're happy?"

"Mm. I'm over the moon."

Minjeong blushed harder and felt her heart was flying with how much love she's feeling from Jimin. Oh, it's really beautiful to be this in love with Jimin. It's a very beautiful feeling indeed.










"Wow. I never thought Jimin would be rushing to marry you sooner when you finally realised about your feelings for her."

Minjeong turned to see Ning who were laughing already seeing her annoyed face.

"Oh well, congratulations!" Ning said and hugged her tight.

"I'm so glad that you are finally aware of your feelings. Your heart must be cursing you alot for never noticing how it feels for bestie Jimin."

"Ning Yizhuo!" Minjeong hissed and slapped her arm causing her to laugh even more.

"I'm letting out all of my frustration now right here. You don't know just how many times I wish I could just scream out how in love you both are with each other."

"And she moved the date earlier after you confessed. She sure doesn't like to waste her chance." Ning added.

"She said we don't have to wait any longer. Besides, everything's set already." Minjeong told her.

"Of course, she wouldn't let the chance slip away. You're right in front of her with your heart finally open for her."

"Yeah." Minjeong smiled, then her eyes found Jimin, her wife.

They just got married and they were having their wedding reception after the ceremony. Minjeong could still feel the tingling feeling on her lips and all the fluttering she's feeling after her first real kiss with Jimin earlier. It was a short and soft kiss only but it still manage to light up all of the fireworks inside her.

"There you are." Jimin's smile was so bright. She wrapped her arm naturally around Minjeong's waist before pulling her closer and pecked her temple.

"Hey, Ning." Jimin nodded at the girl and Ning only winked at her. 

"Hello, bestie Jimin. Congrats! You finally got your girl." Ning said and Jimin just laughed as Minjeong rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." Jimin nodded.

"Girlies, what's up?" Aeri joined them and congratulated the newlywed couple.

"You're not teasing Minjeongie, aren't you?" Aeri asked Ning and squinted her eyes.

"I am not." Ning answered with her innocent face.

"Sure, not at all." Minjeong said sarcastically.

"Whaaaattt?" Ning widened her eyes.

Jimin smiled seeing Ning and Minjeong bickered like usual while there's Aeri trying to defend Minjeong as she loves to tease Ning and seeing her frustrated face if Aeri is not siding on her. 

"When's the flight?" Aeri asked Jimin, ignoring both Ning and Minjeong who wouldn't stop bickering.

"Tomorrow evening." Jimin said.

"Well. Take care and enjoy your honeymoon." Aeri chuckled seeing Jimin's confident smirk.

"Of course." Jimin said.

Jimin and Aeri chatted for a while before they decided to stop Ning and Minjeong.

"Baby, hey, come on. Let's meet our family before we leave." Jimin called for Minjeong softly.


Just like always, Ning and Minjeong hugged. Their childish banter never make them fight for real as they just had fun teasing each other.

"Enjoy your married life!" Ning winked then clings onto Aeri as they both left Jimin and Minjeong.

"Are we leaving already?" Minjeong asked, leaning more onto Jimin.

"Mm. You said you're tired, no?"

"Hehe. I am."

"So we're leaving now, after seeing our family first."


So they both went to where their family have gathered and Jimin told them that she's bringing Minjeong back home.

"We will be at the airport tomorrow to send you both off." Mr Yoo said.

"Yes, father." Jimin nodded.

"Congrats again, young sister." Joohyun said, Jimin's older sister.

"Thank you, unnie." 

Then, Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong being hugged by her mother. She loves seeing Minjeong's blushing face when her mother treated her so gently, like she's the baby of the family. It's just how Jimin and Minjeong's parents have always been treating her too.

"Jimin. Thank you so much for accepting my daughter."

"Ah. Uncle, I love Minjeong. I wouldn't change this for anything else." Jimin told Mr Kim.

"You can call me dad from now on, and call my wife mom." Mr Kim told her and patted her shoulder. Jimin looked at Mrs Kim who nodded her head as she smiled at Jimin.

"Yes, dad, mom." Jimin smiled and proceed to hug them both.

"Thank you too, for accepting me to be your daughter in law." Jimin said.

"Jimin, take care of Minjeong okay." Mrs Yoo reminded Jimin again after finally letting Minjeong go.

Minjeong went to hug Joohyun who hugged her back warmly and praised her for being gorgeous.

"I will, mom."

Jimin then reached a hand for Minjeong to take which she did before stepping closer towards Jimin.

"We'll leave now." Jimin said and bowed together with Minjeong.

"I can't wait to go to Switzerland! I thought it'll be end of year."

"Your father said we should go during our honeymoon and it'll be too long if we wait until end of year for a honeymoon." Jimin said.

"Right. My wife is the best." Minjeong grinned and Jimin just chuckled.

They got into their car and Jimin let her family's chauffeur, Mr Jang to drive them this time as she wanted to pay her whole attention to her wife. They were hugging while talking about their wedding and their family while on the road. Jimin only listened to everything that Minjeong have told her.

"Ning was hilarious. You should have seen her face." Minjeong said.

"Thanks, Mr Jang. Be here by 4pm tomorrow and drive safe." Jimin said, nodding her head as Mr Jang congratulated them once again.

Jimin held Minjeong's hand and kept her poker face as they entered the lobby of her apartment, the security guards bowed out of respect when they entered and the receptionist also stood up to bow as they respect Jimin a lot. Jimin just nodded her head to acknowledge them as usual while Minjeong gave everyone her sweet smile.

Jimin glanced at her wife's happy face and tried hard to hold her smile. Once they got into the elevator, Jimin quickly pulled Minjeong against her body and kissed her cheek.

"You are so adorable." Jimin said and Minjeong only giggled.

Jimin then decided to carry her and let Minjeong wrapped herself on Jimin like a koala. Jimin hurried outside as the elevator's door opened and reached her floor. 

"How are you so strong?"

"I go to the gym." Jimin answered while punching in her apartment's passcode.

"Why you never bring me to the gym?"

"Hmm. I remembered someone scolded me once and said sleep is much more important."

Minjeong laughed out loud. She couldn't deny it. She remembered as well. Jimin woke her up one time to ask her to go to the gym with her and Minjeong was totally pissed as she valued her sleep more than anything else.

"Now go wash up first. I'll just double check our luggage before we go to bed." Jimin said after putting Minjeong down.

"Okay, hot stuff." Minjeong winked then skipped to Jimin's bedroom to use her bathroom that's inside her room.

"Cutie." Jimin mumbled and shook her head. She checked all of their documents, passports and luggage before she finally entered her room and her turn to wash up as Minjeong was done already.






"Jimin. Do I really need to wear this? Ning said it's good to seduce you."

Jimin coughed and almost tripped on her feet as soon as she came out of the bathroom with only a bathrobe, seeing Minjeong changes into a black satin solid knee length night gown. Aish, that Yizhuo.

"Um. You can wear whatever you like, as long as you are comfortable." Jimin said, tried hard to look away but she can't.

"But, do you like it?" Minjeong asked with her innocent eyes. Jimin doesn't know if Minjeong being serious right now or not.

"I- I like everything you wear, baby." 

"Then why are you just standing there?" Minjeong pouted and crossed her arms.


"Come here."

Jimin inhaled and bit her lip before finally went towards Minjeong. She sighed when she can smell Minjeong smells like her now since Minjeong used her stuff.

"Do you like it?" Minjeong asked again. Of course. She will ask until she gets her definite answer, that's Minjeong for Jimin.

"I love it." Jimin said.

Minjeong then tiptoed and circling her hands around Jimin's shoulders before pecking her nose.

"We're married now. I can't believe that we're married now." Minjeong said.

"Me too." Jimin smiled and pulled her by her waist.

"I can't believe that I am finally married to the love of my life." Jimin said, leaning down to kiss Minjeong just right on the corner of her lips.

Minjeong's face went red right away and her eyes dropped to Jimin's lips as her hands hugging Jimin more.

"I love you." Jimin whispered and let their lips touched but doesn't kiss Minjeong yet.

"And I love you." Minjeong whispered back.

Jimin smiled once more before she finally kissed Minjeong on the lips, pouring her heart out. Minjeong panted and let out a moan when Jimin wouldn't stop kissing her passionately.


Jimin carried her up and lay her down slowly on the bed while hovering above her, still kissing her. Minjeong's hands clutched onto Jimin's bathrobe as she kissed Jimin back with the same intensity. Jimin have been holding herself back a lot for the whole time, now that she finally can kiss Minjeong all she wants without worrying if she wouldn't like it, she just can't stop herself.


Jimin finally pulled away and panted, trying to catch her breathe as she stares at the blushing Minjeong who also was busy catching her breathe and eyes still dazed after their intense kissing.

"I'm sorry, I- was it too much?" Jimin asked, a hand caressing Minjeong's cheek.

"N-No. It's- I like it." Minjeong confessed shyly.

"Yeah?" Jimin smirked and pecked her lips once.

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded.

"Do you want to continue? I can wait if you're not ready." Jimin asked, waiting patiently for her. 

"Do you want to?" Minjeong asked her back.

"I will always want you, baby. You should know that by now." Jimin replied and leaned down to kiss her cheek softly, then gave another kiss on the other cheek too.



"We can continue."

"I love you so much." 

"I love you. So much."

Jimin smiled before leaning down again, kissing Minjeong sweetly and gently as she takes her time to let Minjeong feels her love properly. That night, Jimin proved to Minjeong again, that her love is endless and Minjeong shouldn't doubt her love at all. That night, their wedding night, Jimin finally made love to Minjeong. Allowing them both to feel another fireworks. That night, they united. 

Jimin swears to herself all over again, that never will she ever let Minjeong go. She will love her with all of her heart, no hesitation and no limitation.

And that night, Minjeong realised that Jimin have always been the only one for her. Ning was right, she was too blind to see it. Jimin have been there the whole time, she has been there showing her heart out. This time, Minjeong will do everything to make sure Jimin knows that Minjeong will be there for her too, loving her as much as she does, for a very long time.

"I love you, Jimin. You can't stop loving me." Minjeong panted, caressing Jimin's face after they had just finished making love.

"Trust me, my love. I won't be able to stop." Jimin whispered.

"I give you all of my heart already." Jimin added, kissed her forehead before laying down beside her and pulled Minjeong into her arms.

Content, that's what Jimin is feeling right now. Waiting for Minjeong was worth it. Definitely worth it. 










I read some comments, you guys were asking for another more for Realization. So, here it go. Lucky that I love you guys. Eh- Hahahaha. Nah, if Jimin loves to spoil Minjeong then I love to spoil my lovely readers. Enjoy the final sequel guys! Love ya!



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Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳