Be My Girl - Part 1

Winrina = Jiminjeong

In all of her years of studying in the university, Jimin have never thought about dating someone at all. It was because she was busy trying to survive the years there to finish her studies with an excellent result. She did get confessions here and there but she would always rejected them all politely. People knows about her motto of not going to date when she was still in the university but they couldn't help and to try on still confessing, hoping that maybe they could be the lucky one.

However, there was one thing that people didn't know of. The very strong reason which made her rejected all of her suitors that only her friends know of. From the first year of her university life there, she got her eyes on a certain someone who she found out was in a relationship already so she decided to just admire her crush from afar silently.

She could just still confess if she wants to, but she has her other reason of why she didn't want to. Why, if you may ask? It's because Jimin really doesn't know anything when it comes to dating. She doesn't know what she's supposed to do. Yes, she is that hopeless and her friends have tried to give her some advice already, but Jimin refused to do anything about it.

So, when Kim Minjeong had asked her directly to date her now, Jimin doesn't know what to say.

"Uh, I'm sorry, can you- could you please say it again?" Jimin stuttered while wiping using the back of her hand.

"I said, date me." Minjeong repeated firmly.

Jimin leaned slightly towards Aeri and held her hand.

"I didn't hear her wrong, didn't I?" She asked in a low whisper.

"No." Aeri whispered back, their eyes were still on Minjeong.

"I know this sounds crazy-"

"It sure is." Jimin replied quickly causing Minjeong to stop.

"Yes, I know. It is so sudden too and-"

"Very sudden." Jimin interrupted her again.

Minjeong sighed then stepped forward before clasping her hands under her chin and looked at Jimin pleadingly.

"Date me, Yoo Jimin."

"I- I don't date."

"I know that too." Minjeong then looked at Jimin's friends, scratching her non itchy head.

"Uh, we will leave you both alone to talk first. Jimin, we'll be waiting downstairs." Yeji said in hurried, dragging Ryujin with her and signalling the others to leave with them.

"Wha- Aeri-" Jimin was panicking alright. She was still holding Aeri's wrist tightly when Aeri stood up.

"Just talk to her first." Aeri said in a hush and widened her eyes at Jimin before giving Minjeong an awkward smile.

Jimin gulped seeing all of her friends now was leaving her, they managed to give her thumbs up before disappearing behind the closed door. She watches as Minjeong pulled the chair where Yeji used to sit on earlier and sits down on it.

"I know that you were never interested in dating."

Jimin opened to correct the statement but said nothing. She leaned her back against the chair and looked straight at the door instead of Minjeong.

"And this really came out of nowhere, I mean that I... am here, asking you to date me." Minjeong tried to speak carefully.

"But umm, do you remember Jeno?"

Of course, she remembered. He was Minjeong's ex boyfriend. He transferred to other university outside Seoul after the last incident of where he had a huge fight with Minjeong just a month after their break up. He almost hurt Minjeong during the fight. Luckily, Professor Onew was at the scene on time and managed to stop the fight from getting worse. This happened a year ago.

"He- I- Uhh, he is coming back. I heard he is going to finish his final year here. I don't even know how can he do that but I guess, that was just his benefit for being the nephew of the university's chancellor. So um-"

"Wait." Jimin stopped her.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Jimin asked.

"Can I just get straight to the point then?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

"My ex boyfriend is coming back. I heard rumours of him going to pursue you and I don't like it abit."

"So you asked me first before he gets to do it? You- You still have feelings for him?"

"Yes and no."


Minjeong then took out a piece of folded paper from her pocket and handed it to Jimin. Jimin tilted her head and tried to remember where did she see the paper before as it looked familiar to her.

"It was during my break down, when I started to notice you. Everything was going downhill after my break up with Jeno. I even almost got expelled after the fight but I guess, the principal cannot do it since I am kind of an asset to the university, thanks to my smart brain." Minjeong chuckled.

"I was really not in my right mind few weeks after. I lost my passion in everything. I feel like... I am drowning in an unending darkness of life. Then one day, I got that." Minjeong pointed at the folded paper in Jimin's hands.

"After I read what's inside, I feel a new spark in me. That I have to keep going and that I am on the right path, that I shouldn't regret every decision I've made. So I get back on my feet and face the world with my head held high, believing that nothing could ever bring me down again. It was all thanks to you."

Jimin blinked then unfolded the paper and it hits her. She finally remembered it completely. It was during the time when she saw Minjeong just finished crying and burying her face into her hands behind the university building. She felt the need to comfort her but she just didn't know how to approach her back then. So she did what her older sister used to do for her when she refused to talk to anyone when she's upset during her younger years. Her sister, Irene would write some encouraging and positive words in a small note to cheer her up.

"Since then, I started to notice you- I mean, I've noticed you before but... not in the kind of interest that I am feeling like right now." Minjeong confessed.

"Oh." Jimin blinked again.

"But how... did you know that it was me?" Jimin asked.

"I recognised your hoodie."


"You were trying to cover yourself with your hoodie but I recognised you still. Even if you ran right away after slipping the note in between my fingers, I still can recognised you. You were also wearing the hoodie that you often wear." Minjeong chuckled.

"I was surprised at first, that you would do that to me. You were known for being nonchalant and doesn't pay attention to anything or anyone. It makes me wonder, just what kind of person you really are. You make me wonder, if I can discover more about you. From then on, I keep looking at you. I actually wanted to wait until university ends as I know about your motto." Minjeong said again.

"Call me desperate but, I really don't want to lose you. Especially not to Jeno, because I know what kind of a jerk he is. I don't want someone like him to pursue you." Minjeong added.

"To make it clear, I really want you to date me. Not just because of Jeno and all. Mainly also, because I really like you." Minjeong told her.

"I..." Jimin cleared .

"Sorry. I..." Jimin tried to find the right words to say but she really doesn't know what to say.

"Oh. It's okay. I understand. I just- I am glad that you are still willing to listen to me." Minjeong said, shoulders slumped down in disappointment as she took it that Jimin just rejected her just like what she always did to everyone else.

Jimin bit her bottom lip, trying hard to think of what she should be saying and what she really want to say.

"I'm sorry, I must have scared you." Minjeong then stands up.

"Oh. No. You- I am not." Jimin stuttered and stands up too.

. What should I do? What should I say? I didn't mean it this way.

"Thank you again, Jimin. For everything. But please, be careful about him." Minjeong said.

"Yeah, thanks." Jimin nodded. Argh! Help me.

Minjeong gave her a smile before leaving her alone. When Minjeong opened the door, she gasped in surprised to see all of Jimin's friends.

"Oh, we umm.. We wanted to check on you guys. Haha." Ryujin laughed awkwardly.

"We have just arrived, right right?" Ryujin nudged the others few times and they all nodded vigorously.

Minjeong chuckled and said bye to them, thanking them for giving her some time to speak with Jimin.

"What was that?!" Yuna asked in a harsh whisper once she approached Jimin.

Yeji quickly closed the door after making sure Minjeong went down already then they all quickly surrounded Jimin.

"Did you just reject your own crush??!" Somi asked in disbelief.

"I actually didn't but- oh god, I'm screwed. Am I?" Jimin asked, hands holding her head as she slumped down on her seat again while looking at her friends. They all groaned in frustration at Jimin's hopeless encounter with her long time crush.

"You know what? Get up now. I refused to see my ship sinks just like this." Somi said in determination.


"She thought you rejected her! You have to tell her that you're not rejecting her and I am so against you rejecting your own crush that you've been crushing in silence for years."










Here's the first chapter for Be My Girl. Enjoy!



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719 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #4
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #5
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #7
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story
dpphppy 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i alwaysssss get a goosebumps while reading this vampire fiction
Psykotato 23 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: Chapter 146: I'm happy that the story didn't end with Minjeong being a wuss😭, also 9/10 for the brutality it was good asf
ps. This is the story with the most various idols appearance
jin9885 0 points #10
Chapter 146: You amaze me all the time ❤️