Marry You - Part 1

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Loud cheers could be heard from the vip lounge upstairs inside the luxury club in town. They were a group of close friends since high school who are all now grown up adults. 

"Oh yeah! I'm glad that we are all here!" Ning Yizhuo hollered and high fived Mark before they both danced while drinking. 

"Been a long time since we're all together." Johnny commented.

"Everyone's been busy. That's why." Aeri said and only smiled seeing her girlfriend, Ning enjoying her silly dance battle with Mark now.

"Ah. I'm getting dizzy here." Ryujin groaned and held her head.

"Let's go and daaaanceee!" Minjeong laughed and stood up after finishing one glass of her drinks.

"Wait Min-"

"Aeri yaaa."

Aeri got pulled by Ning who told her to let Minjeong have her fun. Aeri was worried but at the same time, she can't leave her drunk girlfriend. So she stayed but keep glancing at Minjeong who has safely arrived downstairs. She shakes her head seeing Minjeong walking wobbly towards the dance floor.

At this point, Minjeong is totally drunk already. She ignored how blinding the lights were and danced happily to the song. When she felt a bump on her shoulder, she pouted and moved further away from the stranger and that's when she caught a scent that's making her feel more intoxicated. She tried to find where did the scent comes from.

"Hey, you. Is it you?" Minjeong asked after poking someone's shoulder.

When the woman turned around, Minjeong's eyes were opened adorably like an innocent kid.


"Hm." Minjeong stepped closer and grabbed her arm as she took a sniff causing the woman to lean her head back.

"It's really you."

"What?" The woman asked.

"The scent. I like your smell. Very alluring." Minjeong giggled.

"Think she's drunk." A friend of the woman said as she was there the whole time too.

"Me drunk? No no. No drunk. She really smells good." Minjeong said and pointed at the woman.

"So, Miss smell good. Do you want to dance?" Minjeong asked and before she get to answer her, Minjeong has already wrapped her arms around the woman's neck then buried her nose into her neck causing the woman to freeze.

"Ah. I can smell you better now." Minjeong mumbled.

"Minjeong! Oh my god!" Aeri bowed then pulled the giggling Minjeong away.

"She's so damn attractive, Aeri yaaaaa." Minjeong said out loud.

"Yeap. You're out of it." Aeri sighed.

"I'm so sorry. She's not... Usually like this. Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I'll take her with me now." Aeri apologised on behalf of Minjeong and bowed again before dragging the drunk Minjeong with her.

"Woah. Did that just happen?" The woman's friend asked and laughed seeing her disbelief face.

"Shut up, Yeji."

"Hahahaha. Okay Jimin, let's get out of here."

While on the other hand, Aeri is busy scolding the pouting Minjeong now. 

"Yah! Don't you know who did you just flirt with?"

"I know! A gorgeous human being who smell so nice."

"No. She's Yoo Jimin! Oh my god wait until you're sober tomorrow."








Kim Minjeong couldn't believe what she had just heard from Aeri who was eating calmly in front of her.

"Yes. You heard me right."

"Oh god."


"Aeri. What's the earliest flight today?"

"You're crazy. You can't escape the dinner."

"I don't care! Oh my god. How am I going to face her now?"

Minjeong groaned and dropped her head on the table while Aeri was just watching at her miserable state.

"Not my fault that you ended up flirting with your brother's potential partner."

"My parents are going to disown me." Minjeong mumbled.

"Nonsense. You just have to apologise or better yet, let's hope she'll forget about the incident."

Yoo Jimin, the youngest heiress of Yoo's family. Her parents are friends with Minjeong's parents. They met often but Minjeong were never there. Minjeong's too busy with her own life and since her brother's the one who holds more responsibility so he's the one who would usually joined the meeting and always got the chance to see Jimin up close.

Despite of being the youngest, Jimin still holds power within her. People found her intimidating and would not dare to mess with her. After all, The Yoo is famous for being no mercy at all. Jimin is also the current CEO of YJ Airline since her sister, Yoo Joohyun took over Yoo Group instead.

"Why did I do something stupid just when I am finally meeting the Yoo's personally." Minjeong whined.

Aeri only laughed at her while trying to make a hangover soup for her girlfriend and their friends. They all crashed at her place after getting drunk last night.






"Kim Minjeong, what are you doing? Let's go."

Minjeong pouted at her father's stern voice. They had just arrived at one of Uchinaga's 5 star restaurant. Minjeong was hesitating and still thinking of escaping but seeing how her father's glare, she knows she can't run away. She looked at her confused mother and her smiling brother.

"Kim Suho, drag your sister. She has been skipping the dinner with Yoo so many times already. I promised them we'll come with completed members so she must join us no matter what." Her father said.

"Come on, little sister." Suho said and hugged her shoulder. Minjeong let out a cute shriek and looking up at him with her puppy eyes.

"That's not going to work on me this time, Minjeong ah." Suho laughed.

Minjeong sighed and accepted her fate. She looked down and kept playing with her fingers until they reached the private room. She became more nervous once the staff opened the door for them.

"My friend, finally."

"Yoo. Sorry, did we make you guys wait?"

Laughters could be heard and exchange greetings. Minjeong still refused to look up and only followed her brother closely like a lost kid.

"Oh. Meet my youngest, Minjeong."

Minjeong bit her bottom lip, knowing she can't hide herself anymore. She lifted up her head slowly and smiled nervously at The Yoo family in front of her. All of them were smiling at her except for one person. 

"H-Hello." Minjeong bowed stiffly.

"Good look runs in the family huh." Mr Yoo teased and laughed with the others.

"Please, have a seat." Mr Yoo said.

Minjeong's jelly legs almost gave up when she can feel a sharp stare was being directed at her but she refused to look. She's thankful that her gentleman brother takes care of her the whole time, or else, she will look dumb in front of The Yoo's.

"Why are you not eating? You don't like the food?" Her brother asked when she kept quiet and only kept drinking.

"I- I'm not hungry." She lied and squeezed her brother's arm to assure him she's fine.

"Okay." Suho smiled and continued eating.

"Oh, Joohyun. I heard you'll build a new mall." Minjeong's father talked to the oldest Yoo sibling.

"Yes, uncle." Joohyun replied politely.

"Your father is lucky. You did well in expanding the business." Minjeong's father praised.

"Ah. Thank you uncle." Joohyun bowed her head slightly.

Minjeong finds the Yoo sisters very intimidating. Their aura says it all. Just by seeing their stares or eyes, Minjeong knows everyone would be willing to kneel for them.

"So I'm sure all of you are aware of the purpose of tonight's dinner. We want to strengthen the bond between our families." Mr Yoo said and earned nods from his wife.

"Our Joohyun here have a girlfriend whom she just introduced to us few weeks ago. So we decided to marry our Jimin instead, to your beloved son, my friend." Mr Yoo said.

"I'm aware of your plan. Well, I don't have a problem with it. It's all on my son." Minjeong's father said and put his hand on Suho's shoulder.

"What do you think, young man?" Mr Yoo asked Suho this time.

Just then, Jimin cleared and sit up straight. 

"Can I have a say in this matter? I believe I have my right to either agree or object." Jimin said sternly.

"I thought you agreed." Mr Yoo said and looked at her.

"Yes, I do."


"But I've changed my mind."

"What do you mean, Yoo Jimin?"

Minjeong could feel the tense atmosphere now.

"Father. I am willing to marry for the family but only if its with Kim Minjeong."


Minjeong who was drinking to ease her nervous system immediately choked on her drinks and became even more nervous. Suho who was as shocked as the others, helped rubbing Minjeong's back while asking if she's okay but kept glancing back and forth towards Jimin and Mr Yoo. 

Jimin's nonchalant expression confirmed it all, that she is definitely serious with what she just said.

"May I know why?" Mr Yoo asked.

"I think it's only right to marry her instead. I mean, she flirted with me."


And again, for the second time, Minjeong choked on her water when she's trying to drink to calm herself down.

"Oh god. Little sis, are you really okay?" Suho asked worriedly.

Minjeong kept coughing and turned her body away to wipe .

"I didn't know that." Minjeong's father laughed, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Is it true, Minjeong?" Minjeong's mother asked this time.

"Uhh... I..." Minjeong glanced at Jimin who has crossed her arms now. 

"I don't-" Minjeong paused to gulp when Jimin raised her eyebrows as if challenging her.

"I-It was a mistake! I'm sorry!" Minjeong bowed her head and closed her eyes.

"A mistake?" Mr Yoo asked.

"Did you just say that flirting with me was a mistake?" Jimin asked coldly.

"I..." Oh please, help me!

"I mean-" 

"What do you mean, Kim Minjeong?" at this point, Jimin is glaring at her. Hard.

I can't say that I was drunk at that time! What would dad think if I tell the truth

"I didn't know... That she's your daughter, sir. If I would've known, I wouldn't flirt with her." this should do it. 

Minjeong can't help but to lie to save herself. She knows it's stupid, who wouldn't know Yoo Jimin. 

"Please, just call me uncle like your brother did. And well, since you flirted with Jimin, means that you like her right?"

"Huh? Oh..." .

"If Jimin would still prefer to marry you instead, then I don't have a problem with it. But will Suho be fine with it?" Mr Yoo asked, still care about Suho's feelings. 

"Don't worry about me uncle. I am more than happy to let my sister here be with Jimin. After all, I wouldn't want to force Jimin with me if she wants to marry Minjeong instead." Suho replied calmly with a smile.

"Then I guess, I'm okay with that too." Minjeong's father said while her mother also agreed.

"Uh. Don't I have a say in this too?" Minjeong asked hesitantly.

"It's okay, my dear. Jimin already agreed too. I'm sure Jimin wouldn't break her words." Mrs Yoo said smiling at Minjeong.

"No- I-"

"Then do we all agree with marrying Jimin to Minjeong?" Mr Yoo asked as he looked at everyone but Minjeong.

Minjeong was dumbfounded. She thought she was dreaming but she tried to pinch herself and it hurts. Then she looked at Jimin who was sipping her drinks as if they did not just get set up by their family. 

"I'm doomed." She whispered to herself when Jimin suddenly looked up at her with a smirk.










Hi guys. Guess who's back from falling sick... Again. Yeap, that's me. Huhuhu. Hope everyone's doing fine tho. 

Anyways! I'm back with a... Mini series of Winrina this time. This story will have like maybe 2-3 parts, depends on how I break down the story into chapters. It'll be too long if I settle with one shot so yeah. 


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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳