Chapter 34

We've been swapped!

On the first day of their 1-week vacation, Felix decided to spend the first 3 days in Korea. Already dressed up, ready to go, Felix went out excitedly. Luckily it's Friday and seemed like schedules are not that busy. He already messaged Chaewon beforehand. Two are still not sure whether they should meet up in their dorms or a restaurant. To his surprise, his parents are currently in Korea to surprise the boy. They rented an apartment, a bit far from Seoul. The location was not really like a city, so fewer people. It seems like a perfect spot and Felix got a chance to introduce the love of his life to his parents.

It's currently 10 am. 10-12 are usually the time where there are not many people outside, especially since still it's weekday. As the door opened with a gentle beep, it revealed a woman in her  50s. She still had the same smile that gave her the perfect wrinkles around her eyes. Her freckles can be seen a bit faded than before. She definetely aged, judging from the lines in her face. The woman greeted Felix with a soft and sweet smile, both melting into eachother's embrace. She may have changed alot in appearance, but her warmth and personality stayed the same since the day Felix left Australia.

"My baby boy have grown so much" His mom said, the tone of her voice obviously on the verge of tears. She took her time scanning her son's features, from head to toe. With her hands perfectly cupping his cheeks. "I missed you so much" Felix finally spoke up, giving his mom yet another hug. Both shared a light chuckled before walking inside. His father greeted him with a wide smile and a loud voice. "Oh! My boy!" He shouted happily. Both shared a manly hug, Felix laughing lightly at how his father was hugging him. It was very tight, but it didnt matter to him, knowing they both missed eachother's presence.

Felix at the moment felt the happiest. They may be times that he and his parents dont get along well, or have some arguments. There may be times that running away and leaving the house crossed his mind. But in the end he still missed and have been finding the unique and special warmth and happiness his parents give him.

"Is your girl here yet?" His mother asked. "I think she's on her way." "What kind of a man doesn't pick up her girl?" His dad joked. "Dad, we're idols, remember?" Felix said. This made his parents lips' curl upwards. Their son is an idol, a well known idol, praised for his looks and talents. Words can't express how proud they are.

In the middle of their cute moment, a knock interuppted them. "That might be her, I'll go get it" Felix said.

He opened the door, smiling after seeing the girl infront of her. "Chaewon" He whispered, as the girl walked in. Right after he closed the door, they both hugged eachother tightly. "I missed you" Chaewon said, lightly chuckling. Her laughter sounded like heaven to Felix. "I missed you too love" Felix said, kissing the girl's forehead. "Let's go and meet my parents" Felix excitedly said, gently dragging her. "Felix I- I already met them remember?" Chaewon quietly said.

The two stopped in their tracks. "Youre right.." Felix trailed off. For some reason, Felix had the urge to tell his parents about what happened. But he doesnt know how to. "We have to tell them about it" Felix said. "Do you think they'll believe it?" Chaewon stated the obvious. "Well..we just gotta talk- we'll try Chaewon, we'll try" Felix said. Chaewon smiled softly and grabed his hand, gently caressing it.

They finally sat at the couch, them sitting beside eachother, while his parents are sitting at the other couch. "You seemed...bothered? Did something happened?" His mom asked.

Felix sighed deeply, gently fidgeting with his fingers. "So- let's just say how Chaewon and I met is not some ordinary meeting" He started. Both parents shared a confused glanced at eachother, "go on" his father said.

"to make it short, we had this spark when we shook hands with eachother. The next day we woke up, our souls exchanged. I was in her body while she was in mine. It took some months before we went back to our body. It was like- on and off. It sounds ridiciulous and even us had a hard time making our members believe. That time you visited "me". It was actually Chaewon that time" Felix briefly explained.

Silence surround them as the two nervously waited for the answer. They are already expecting a laugh or denial. Just something negative. Even if they, themselves got a told about soul switching, they wouldn't believe it at first either. They understand them as well. "Could you leave us for a second?" His mom asked.

Felix nodded and stood up. "We'll be on my room". He already looked around the house before Chaewon came, so he's a little familiar with the whereabouts in the house.

Chaewon and Felix sat on his bed, both sighing in unison which made them chuckle. Chaewon as the first one to make a move by wrapping her arms around him. "Are we safe here?" She asks.

"I believe we are. There are no cctvs inside the apartment to be hacked. And they just moved in here yesterday. I doubt Quinnie will know about the place to send someone here and place somthing." Felix said, though he was not that confident. "Can we just cover some possible holes where a camera can fit?" Chaewon asked.

Felix smiled and kisses her forehead before breaking the hug. Taking some tape, the two worked on the room. Taping on some holes from the screw, even eyes of the teddy bears, the circles on a clock or just anywhere you can out cameras into. They placed 2 layers to be sure. "Does that make you feel better?" Felix asked, once again hugging the girl. Chaewon hummed in response as she nodded.

Felix looked down, admiring the girl infront of him. "Beautiful" he whispered, making the girl blush. Chaewon was like a hidden gem he didn't expect to pop up. Though he already knew who she was before. An Izone member, contestant from Produce 48. She didnt expect yhey would be such a thing, since he himself never expected he would be dating an idol. He never regretted it though. He never wished things to go back. Yes despte the problems. These only proved how much he loves Chaewon and he's glad the others noticed this, making them agree to their relationship.

"I love you" Chaewon said. "I really do" she added. Felix was shocked. Yes they flirt alot and do couple stuff, but they weren't really officially back yet. Hearing those 3 words, it felt like they were back to their confession time. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" Felix asked.

Chaewon smiled and nodded. "Yes" she softly said, chuckling after. Felix tightened the hug and kissed the girl, both smiling in the kiss. It didnt take that long when things started to heat up a little. Felix slowly lead them to his bed, sitting on it as he made chaewon sit on his lap. Felix was under control, both safe from that thing. Their lips slowly getting faster as time pass.  Both cheeks flushed red.

Felix gently gripped on her waist, making her let out a hum. With that Felix pulled away, knowing damn well they might get out of control anytime soon. Chaewon's eyes was wide, not expecting such a session, or expecting she would do something like that. "I guess we missed eachother that much" Felix chuckled, smirking a little bit.

Chaewon's red face got even more red, as she hid her face on his shoulder while punching the other side.

"I hate you"

"i love you too darling"


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Chapter 7: Oh no , I want to read more of this greatness *crying my eyes out*
Chapter 5: oh my , i really love this story , it really reminds me of '' your name '' but more beautiful
Chapter 2: That ert ,..... did he really have to check all the places out??? Smh
Chapter 7: author-nim pls update juseyoooo
I'm kinda in need for story like these. It's been so long.
Best idea ever XDDD