2:What Happened?

We've been swapped!

*Chaewon's Pov*

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I rolled towards the side of my bed and banged my head on the wall. The person keeps shaking me. "Unnie" I whined. "Unnie?! Are you crazy?!" I furrowed my eyebrows and look at the person who was waking me up. I widen my eyes. I sat up and bowed to him. It was a StrayKids member. "G-Good Morning Sunbae!" I said. I looked up to see Minho smiling. "Sunbae? Thats sound great! Anyways get up Felix-ssi!" He said. I felt my cheecks heat up. "F-felix?" I scratched my head. I widen eyes and realized my deep voice. "Why do I have deep voice?" I whispered to my self . "Yes you are Felix" Minho said looking straight at my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked away. "Im Chaewon what are you saying sunbaemin?" I asked him. He chuckled. "You must have dreamt about that Chaewon girl Bangchan hyung told us and you are probably half asleep right now. Anyways Get going we have schedules! Seungmin cooked eggs." Minho said and dashed away. I scratched my head and slowly walked toward the door,passing by a mirror. I stopped in my tracks and stepped back a little. I look at the Mirror. Is this...Felix's..BODY?! I screamed.

*Bangchan's Pov*
I heard a scream from upstairs. It was Felix, he was the only person upstairs. "Earlier he said he was Chaewon. He is whipped for her!" Minho said making some of us chuckle. "Ill check on him" So I went upstairs to see Felix, Eyes widen, hands on his face, only a 1cm far away from the mirror. "Ey mate" He looked at me. "What going on?" I asked. "Sunbae..." He bowed lightly. I looked at him confused. "Sunbae! This is Kim Chaewon from Izone!" He held both my arms,squeezing them. "Yah..Are you crazy?!" I laughed. "Im not lying!" He said, having a dead serious look on his face. What is he saying. "Look. I slept as Kim Chaewon, at my bed, with Hyewon Unnie on the top bunk. I woke up by Minho Sunbaemin, in Felix Sunbae's body!" He explained. I looked at him. "We will talk later. With Manager" I said and gave him a smile. I went downstairs, leaving him there. I could hear him mumbling stuff. "He just Explained to me why should I believe him, that Felix, right now,is a she! He said Chaewon is actually in Felix's body right now, which is extremely impossible!" With an emphasis on thr last phrase. "I know our group is full of freakin crack heads but Felix is completely crazy right now." Jisung said making some laugh at his sudden confession. "Lets skip Felix  undergoing puberty again. Maybe he just wanted to live as a girl. Let him be" Hyunjin said as he stood up and throwed the plastic containers away. 

*Chaewon's Pov*
Whatever happens, you just have to go with the flow. Today is the Music bank...I dont know any steps! I should ask for help. I looked over "Felix's" closet and took some clothes. I wore adidas training pants,an adidas rubber shoes too, with a black oversized jacket. "You haven't eat" a boy entered said. I looked at him and it was this cute boy I.N. "oh..its okay...Im fine..Not that hungry at all." I smiled at him and packed the things I think Felix would bring. "Why would your bring Woojin Hyung's lip balm? And Why would you bring one? You never brought a lip balm on our schedules" He said taking the Lip balm "I..never did? Hehe...and thats Woojin? ..Uh...we better go" I took the lip balm and went outside. "Hyung the stairs is the other way"He said. "Right.." I stopped walking and started to walk the opposite way. I sat at the sofa with Hyunjin and Changbin and waited for the others.

We entered the practice room and its indeed different from ours. Its much smaller. "Okay! Lets practice Victory song then Miroh. Then another Miroh and then Victory..then..Miroh unending practice" Bangchan said. We all nodded. They all started doing warm ups while me on the other side, had a phone on my hand, watching a performance of Miroh. It was hard. "Start!" They all went to their positions. I looked around and looked for my position. "Felix here" Woojin pointed. I jogged towards there. "Felix hyung runs like a girl" I.N giggled. I looked at him. The song started to play. I remembered Felix walking so i started to walk around the space available. They all fold there arms on the next step so i did the same. Today you are Felix. 

Somehow my body automatically danced correctly to some songs but I still got mistakes. I miss the beats, I was left in the middle frozen, wrong steps. "Felix....What hap..happened to you?" Hyungjin asked between his pants. "Lets practice the part where Felix got wrong" Minho suggested. Thank you...We all stood up. "Its okay if you dont put power and liveliness. We will just recall it."Minho said. Hyunjin led us. He started singing the part. I copied what they are doing. After they or we recalled they all took a break. On a corner,I practiced those parts. 

We finished Practice and somehow, It was succesfull. We took our things and went to the parking lot. I entered a van to see no seats. "Felix this is not your van. Yours is in the back" Changbin said. "Our memelix is tired" Seungmin said. I smiled at them. I went to the other van and entered. I sat at the single chair beside the window. The van drove and I closed my eyes. I feel so tired and stress. I soon drifted to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see we are near Music bank. I looked around and they were all getting ready. I took my sling bag,and put it around my neck. "Why is Felix using I.N's sling bag?" I heard Jisung said. "Yah hyung" I.N whined. I looked at my bag to see a keychain of letters I and N."got the wrong bag? Hehe" i laughed awkwardly making the van quite. "Thats weird. Thats not Felix" Seungmin said. "Hello to to person living inside Felix's Body" I.N joked making us laugh. "Look Im not Felix. Im Chaewon!" I shouted. "Are you dtill half asleep? And dont shout for Coke's sake" Seungmin said. "Coke's sake?" Hyunjin looked at him in disbelief. "Yea? Sound cool right? If I said that I sound co-" "no you dont" A wild Changbin appeared. "Stop chit chatting and go down" He said. We all went down and entered our waiting room. One by one the make up artist called us. While its not my turn, I took Felix's phone and put my Line username on it. I texted my phone hoping for a reply.


*Felix Pov*

I woke up feeling really good, because the bed felt comfy, the blanket was soft, and my pink pajamas felt great to wear. 

Wait... Pink... Pajamas?

My eyes went from half asleep to fully awoke. I immediately sat on my bed to see myself under a bunk bed, wearing pink pajamas with cute animals designs. Infact, everything had cute animals designs, all the bunk beds were cute animal designed sheets, why is everything cute animal designed sheets, what is happening?!

But as I tried to move out of my bed, I felt something move from my chest area. I looked down to my buttoned pajamas, and looked under from my collar. Are those... what I think it is?
"Well... Only one way to find out" I thought to myself, as I slowly raised my right arm, and d myself.
"Woah... I never knew they were...this... soft", I told myself while I kept touching around and discovering myself. "CHAEWON!", someone suddenly broke in with a loud bang from opening the door, causing me to stumble a bit and let go immediately. I looked up in confusion to see a woman who kind of resembled a duck. Well, not kind, she resembled a duck. "Were you... groping yourself?" The woman asked, looking dumbfounded. "No! its not what it looks like!" I immediately squealed but then I covered my mouth with my hands, shocked of the high pitched voice that came out of my mouth. "Yeah yeah, sure just... Come and eat breakfast we have practice" The woman replied, with doubt evident on her face as she slowly closed the door, looking at me. When she finally left the room, I pondered to myself for a bit, "Did she say Chaewon?", I got out of bed, still feeling uneasy of the new "feeling" in front me. I went to the bathroom, and looked on a mirror. I was shocked to see what lies infront of me. Well, even though I was shocked I looked pretty. It was the Chaewon from Izone. Im Chaewon from Izone! What the duck is this?! I touched around my body to make sure this is really her, and it was. I slapped myself to see if I would wake up, but nothinf happened. Feeling frustrated, I banged my head on the door, causing al loud noise inside the bathroom. But then the door opened, and I almost fell. I was about to curse who opened the door when a beautiful woman was standing infront of me, with a concerned look on her face. "Chaewon, lets talk". She went in, and closed the door. I couldnt believe what was happening, while my mind ran wild as devious and lustful thoughts filled me, being in a situation where I was stuck in a room with a smokimg hot lady. "Alright, so... As your leader and friend, and mom probably, I have to take care of you and know whats happening with you" She spoke to me in such a serious tone that I was kind of dissapointed since I think nothing will happen, and I was about to hear a lecture this early in the morning. "By "knowing whats happening around you", I meant doing "such things" in acceptable times and places". I was confused at first but then I remembered groping myself. My face went from perplexed to "Oohhh". "No, Noona-I mean Unnie, Its not what it looks like! I just felt something in there, so I... went and checked..." I answered in embarassment, as the lady in front of me only nodded in response. "Just please be careful with your actions, who knows when one of the members, ESPECIALLY the minors, sees you doing that again. Or worse, doing it down there", she glanced a look at my pelvis area, and went outaide the bathroom. "Get ready for breakfast, we have a lot to do today" She left the room, while I was still in awe to remember something. What was down there. Carefully, I grabbed hold of my lower pajamas, and looked underneath. Yes. It was there. In all its glory, I couldnt believe what I saw. It was glorious. Ok I think thats enough, I couldve seen this on the internet, what's so special about it?. But its hers... NO No-no no no. Just no. Thats ed up. I shook my head in disagreement, and immediately went outside the bathroom to change and eat because I was starving. Good thing this Chaewon had a name tag infront of her cabinet, and that she was very neat. I easily took a simple white shirt and black shorts and wore them. And ofcourse, I have to do it. I took a bra, and placed it infront of me. Damn, it felt uncomfortable. Yeah, no I'll just leave this as it is. I went outside, and sat infront of everyone. They were all pretty, I gotta give them that. As we were about to eat, the girl that broke in my room earlier tapped my shoulder. I looked to her with annoyance, but then whispered "Why arent you wearing it?!" I was dumbfounded at first but then I realised when I felt such freedom beneath me. "I really felt uncomfortable" I replied with ease, as I tried to dig in on my food. But then she said "Chaewon, we have minors on the table!", I looked around and they looked at me with surprise. I immediately covered my self with my arms, and sprinted to my room. The duck followed me, and said "What's with this behavior Chaewon!?" I only covered my face out of embarassment. Shyly, I confessed, "I forgot how to wear one". She looked at me with her eyes furrowed but then she gave in when I had puppy eyes and pouted my lips. She sighed and said "turn around and give me one" I sighed out of relief, and did so. I  finally was able to wear one, and ate breakfast despite the awkward atmosphere.

"Chaewon! Focus!" Chaeyon shouted, because I messed up the choreo again. I knew her, and mostly everyone because they were all talking to eachtoher and calling their names. In the meantime, I sat down and observed my surroundings as I didnt want to alert them of what was happening and I still have to find out this mystery myself. Back to the practice, I was horrible. Who knew girl group dances were freaking hard. I promoted the same time with Izone but I barely abled to see them performed, so I didnt know Violeta at all. I barely knew anything, and the others looked dissapointed. Chaeyon called a water break, so we sat down and did so. Chaeyon kept practicing by herself, so I learned the choreo, while Hitomi kindly helped me with the lines, despite that she felt weird because I forgot the lyrics all of the sudden. I gotten a hold of myself, and finally managed to do better than before. After the practice we got ready to leave our dorms, and to our venue Music Bank. Everything was still new to me and confusing, so I hope I could find the Chaewon, the owner of this body, and find out what has happened.

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Chapter 7: Oh no , I want to read more of this greatness *crying my eyes out*
Chapter 5: oh my , i really love this story , it really reminds me of '' your name '' but more beautiful
Chapter 2: That ert ,..... did he really have to check all the places out??? Smh
Chapter 7: author-nim pls update juseyoooo
I'm kinda in need for story like these. It's been so long.
Best idea ever XDDD