
The Life of the Sixth Member

It's your guardian's birthday. It seemed like it was just yesterday that she turned thirty, and now she's thirty-one and never looked better. Irene, Bae Jooohyun, your guardian, your soulmate, your leader, have had a rough couple of months due to the "scandal" she was involved in, so you planned to this year a little different but also meaningful to her, where she should feel truly loved and appreciated. 

Just like Seulgi, Wendy, and Yeri, Irene was going to film a special video to be aired on her birthday. You asked her what she wanted to do earlier in the month and her idea brought both warmth and amusement. 

"You wanted to learn how to ride a bike? At a park? With everyone around?" You couldn't help but and she whined like a kid, making you snicker. 

"Eliiiii, why do you have to tease me so much?" 

You giggled but brought her into your embrace, giving her head a little kiss. "Because you're too cute, Unnie." 

She pulled back from the hug to pout up at you. "Meany." 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You gave her another kiss on her forehead to placate her and you think you succeeded when you see the pink hues decorating her cheeks. 

"Will you help me?" 

You tilted your head in confusion. "With what?" 

"The bike," she mumbled cutely and you gave her your signature warm grin. "Of course, Hyun-unnie. I'll make sure you got to ride a bike comfortably by the end of the day." 

That's how you ended up teaching her how to ride a bike along with Manager-unnie, laughing your way through but making sure she was having fun doing it. Her interaction with the kid was really cute too. 


A few days later Irene was going to film her ending clip for the video, so you ran out of the dorm to buy her a special flower you've been thinking to buy, knowing she loved flowers and expressing her emotions through them. When you got back, you saw her in the kitchen cooking dinner. 

"Eli-ah, where have you been?" 

She turned around and gasped, looking at the pretty flowers you presented. 

"For you." 

She was frozen in her place so you walked closer to her, stretching your arm out as a gesture for her to take them. 

"Purple tulips for my purple-loving Unnie." 

She looked between you and the flower, before taking them into her arms. "Yah, what is this?" 

"For you," you smiled that special smile reserved just for her. "I saw them earlier today and thought it fits you, so I got them." 

She brought the flowers to her nose and hummed, basking in the sweet smell. She then looked up at you with gratitude and love clearly written in her eyes. 

"Thank you so much, El. I'm going to include this in the video."

You brightened up and she laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "I knew you only wanted me to brag about these flowers." 

"Hey, that's not true!" 

Right after dinner, after you changed into your sleeping clothes, you knocked your way to her room to help her film the ending clip. She needed help with one of the shots where she shot all the polaroids she was going to give to Luvies if there was an Irene Party to be held. Unfortunately there couldn't, but she thought it's better to show the fans her intentions anyway. 

"Look at these flowers Eli got me!" Irene exclaimed, gazing to the side at you and bringing the flowers close to her nose again. They were still in the wrapping so she moved them into a vase and walked out of the frame to get water in them before coming back and showing them again. 

"Do you know what purple tulips mean, Unnie?" You interrupted, causing Irene to turn away from the camera to look at you, shaking her head softly.

You looked at her and she nodded, scooting away a little to make room for you so you would be in the frame as well. 

"Do you guys know?" You asked the audience though the mischief in your eyes was palpable. 

Irene was still looking at you, patiently waiting for you to finally tell her. "Yah, what is it?" 

"Royalty, because a royal like you deserve flowers just as meaningful." You gave her a wink and she let out a loud but cute noise in protest, punching your shoulders, causing you to yelp in between your laughs. 

"Ow, ow, ow." 

"YAH! What a flirt." 

You were out of frame at this point but you were still standing near her bed, just outside of the frame. "But I mean it! Don't you agree, everyone?" 

They sure did. 


As per tradition, you had prepared her favourite cake and some presents you had wrapped seemingly weeks in advance. You had given her one early birthday present, as a pick me up during the hard time, in the form of an infinity ring to match her bracelet. She was ecstatic and almost refused the present, so you made up how it was an early birthday present but you thought she'd have it now. You didn't plan on that being her actual birthday present, so you knew she would be surprised that you had another surprise in store for her. 

You were thankful that Irene didn't sleep in your room last night, as she tended to do most days, so you got to surprise her good in the morning. You took out the carrot cake you had ordered from Irene's favourite bakery, delivered by your manager last night after Irene had retired to her room as per your request, and lit up the candles. You already had your present in hand, as it was just a small one, and walked towards the direction of the leader's room. You thought you would just spend this moment with her alone, without the rest of the members, as it would be more intimate and all of you already planned to have a birthday meal with her later in the day anyway. 

You opened the door without knocking, being greeted by the soft view of her sleeping figure underneath her lilac duvet. She truly looked divine at this moment, peaceful and almost royal-like, without a hint of frustration or stress that had been looming over her as of late. It had gotten better for the past few weeks, although she still refused to come back to her SNS accounts just in case. 

You closed the door softly and walked towards her, putting the present on her bedside table before her hair with your right hand, attempting to rouse her awake. With how much of a light sleeper she was though, it didn't take much effort. 

"Wake up, Hyun-unnie, it's your birthday~" You cooed, already smiling at the figure in front of you.

She whined all the while snuggling even closer to her pillow, subconsciously closer to where you were sitting. You let out soft chuckles, hands moving to her cheek with the back of your hand. 

"Isn't it still early, El?" She mumbled, leaning closer to your touch. You only looked at her lovingly, a warm smile on your lips. 

"I feel like you ask that question every year, Unnie, but yes, it's early." 

She grumbled a little more before opening her eyes, squinting a little before her eyes adjusted to the view in front of her. Her eyes widened to the sight of her favourite carrot cake she knew so well. 

"Did you get it from my favourite bakery? How did you do that?" 

You laughed at the amazed look that painted her face. "Yes it is and It's a secret, Hyun-unnie," you gave her a wink and she whined, punching your shoulder in retaliation.

"Hey, mind the cake!" You scolded her albeit teasingly, which made you both chuckle. 

Then you began to sing. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Our lovely Joohyun-unnie, happy birthday to you~" 

She closed her eyes with her hands clasped in front of her chest, making her wish. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and blew the candles, causing you to cheer loudly at clearly a too-early hour.

"I love you Unnie!" 

Your leader just shook her head in amusement, a soft smile on her face. She loved hearing that on every birthday she'd had for the fast ten, eleven years. "I love you too, Eli-ah. Thank you for this."

"Of course, Unnie," you looked at her with love in your eyes before remembering your present, eyes wide in remembrance. 

"I have a present for you!" You turned to put her cake on the bedside table and took the box with you, all the while Irene was exclaiming, "Wait, I thought the ring was my present?!" 

You shook your head with a wide grin on your face, clearly excited. "Here. Happy birthday!" You presented her the box and she took it with hesitance, an eyebrow raised in teasing.

"Are you proposing or what?" 

You smirked, knowing fully well she walked herself into a trap. You knew she would say something along those lines. "Not yet, Unnie. Just you wait." 

She clearly didn't expect that answer as her eyes turned comically wide as she shouted, "YAH!" complete with a slap on your other shoulder and her cheeks covered in pink.

"Ow Unnie, you wound me," you put a hand on top of your heart mockingly, looking at her pink face with delight.

"What are you saying?!" Irene would never admit it but she was freaking out and she couldn't comprehend why. She knew you were just joking.

You put calming hands on each of her shoulders, your teasing grin and mischievous eyes replaced with a softer look. "Breathe, Unnie, I'm just joking. Open it." 

Irene took a deep breath before looking down at the box in her hand and looking back at you. Her raised eyebrow meant different this time. 

"I promise nothing is going to jump up at you!" You laughed, understanding perfectly what she was asking.

She proceeded to open the box and came face-to-face with another ring, though this time it's decorated with a small sunflower on it. 

"I figured this ring would compliment the other one, and the bracelet of course, so every time you look at it you'll remember that my, our love for you is infinite and you'll always be my sunshine," you paused for a second and waited for her to look up at you, which caused you to melt at the tears already gathered in her eyes. "Together, always." 

With that, she collapsed into your chest with tears running down her face and you cooed, wrapping your arms around her tiny figure. "I love you, Unnie," you kept mumbling into her hair whilst your right hand ran kept her back to provide some warmth and comfort. You knew she was touched. 

"I can't believe I get to have someone like you in my life," your guardian sobbed at one point and you cooed out loud, hugging her even tighter into your embrace.

"Aww, Unnie. I love you so much." 

You just kept rocking her back and forth until her cries finally subsided though her head was still buried into your chest. 

"Can you breathe in there, Unnie?" 

She nodded but pulled back nonetheless, wiping her eyes with her hand. "I can't believe you, Eli-ah." 

"Why, what did I do?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Irene groaned, the opened box still in her hand. "You still love me after everything and deal with me and all my problems! Aren't you tired?" 

"What? Of course not. Unnie, you're my soulmate and guardian. I'll never get tired of you or love you any less. Together, remember?" 

She nodded, defeated though she was glad she got to hear the reassurance from you. "Always." 

"Then, do you want me to put the ring on you? Do you like it, Unnie? If not, I'm sure we can exchange it with-"

"I love it," she cut you off and that breathtaking smile of hers made its way to her lips, eyes shining with gratitude and love. "And I love you." 

 You gave her that special smile, eyes b with warmth. "I love you too."

From that day on, Irene always wore the bracelet and the two rings that will always remind her of her soulmate and sisters. Together, always. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙