
The Life of the Sixth Member

It really killed you. You've worked so hard to get to this point and this is what you get? You never knew people could turn their backs on you that fast, but at least you still have your members and ReveLuvs to support you during this time. 

If this isn't enough, Yeri is also receiving hate for apparently not working hard enough on stage and being lazy in dancing. Do they know how hard that kid works? She works so hard to improve her vocals and dance. She knows her voice is unique and sensitive, so she takes extra vocal practice to make sure she doesn't hit the wrong notes during performances. She stays overtime to practice her dance even though she's in the dance line already. 

It's one thing to put hate on you, it's another when it involves your members. 

During the last stage Red Velvet had, your voice sounded breathless and you had missed a step on the dance, causing you to stay still for a second to see where the choreography was before falling back into it. That was enough to cause an 'uproar' among netizens. Honestly, you've had back-to-back performances and it's normal to be tired but apparently, idols couldn't be because you've gotten hate because of it. 

You really didn't mean to miss a step or sounding breathless and tired, but none of you had had enough sleep for the past few days and you had recently gotten your period; any girl knows how that can take a toll on your body. You even had to take pills so it wouldn't hurt during your performance but you're still losing blood so you still felt more tired than usual. 

"Eli-ah? What's going on?" 

You let out a sigh, your gaze still fixed on the floor beneath. "Nothing I can't handle, Unnie. It's fine." 

You really did want to tell her but you knew she had a lot on her plate already and you didn't want to burden her. Besides, you weren't lying; this was something you could handle after all. 

She let out a huff. "Now what did I say about not opening up, huh?" 

You let out a tired laugh, shaking your head before fixing your gaze on her instead. You saw her smile though you could read the concern in her eyes as clear as a day. 

"Well, you already have a lot on your plate, Unnie. You don't need my problem on top of it, trust me," you tried to joke though you knew she wouldn't buy it. 

She let out a sigh before sitting beside you on the bed, putting her head on your shoulder knowing that calmed you down. In return, you closed your eyes, leaning your head on hers. You heaved a heavy sigh.

"You know you'd never burden me, right? Remember, it goes both ways, Eli." 

You huffed out a laugh. "I know, I know. I was the one who said it. It's just I really don't want to burden you because I know who much you have to deal with due to my mistakes and Yeri's hate. You don't need me to add anything else." 

She nudged your shoulder in retaliation. "Who are you to know what I need, huh?" she teased. 

You scoffed. "Your little sister, duh." 

She straightened her posture before making you face her, hands on your shoulder. 

"Eli, I'm your leader and your big sister. It's my job to know and help you with your problems, no matter what I'm dealing with. I opened up to you so now it's your turn, don't you think?" 

You looked down, once again heaving a sigh before nodding. 

"I couldn't help but read the articles about my performance and I felt like I have let people down. Why couldn't I be better? Why couldn't my voice just be steady? Why did I miss a step? I just want to give a good performance, why couldn't I do it?" You put your face on your hands, finally letting out what's been going around in your mind.

Irene brought you into her arms, enveloping you in her warmth. "Hey, hey, you were tired more than usual and you've been working hard with only a little sleep in between. It's normal to get tired, you know. I'm sure our fans understood that." She ran her fingers through your hair in an attempt to comfort you. 

You sighed, nuzzling your face closer to her neck and hugging her tighter. "If they understand then why did people still write articles like that?" 

"You know better than anyone that those people aren't fans, Eli. They're just people who have jobs and they had to do it regardless of how the people involved in it feels. Don't listen to them," she sighed, "have you seen what the fans actually thought though?" 

You shook your head no. "Haven't had the chance to. I've been thinking about this and Yerimmie." 

Irene pulled back from the hug. "But you've had time to check those articles? Come on, open Twitter or Instagram instead and see what the fans say." 

You hesitated, looking at her unsurely. "Are you sure?" 

She smiled, albeit sadly. "You'll never know until you try, Eli. Come on, I'm right here with you." 

After some thinking you finally nodded, getting up to get your phone from the table. 

You sat beside your leader again, letting out a big sigh before opening Instagram and looking through the fan accounts you trusted. You opened the comment sections and skimmed through the comments to see almost all of them being positive and saying how you're probably tired after so many shows and you looked paler somehow even beneath all that makeup. 

"Even though they don't really know what goes behind it the fans trust you, trust us to always give the best and they know that we do. They'll support us no matter what happens, you know that right?" 

Your mood lifted for a bit and you looked up to Joohyun to see her already smiling at you. You smiled back before hugging her tight again. "Thank you, Hyun-unnie. I never knew what I'd do without you." 

She laughed in response, hugging you tighter. "Cheesy." 


Later that day you knocked on Yeri's door, knowing that she's probably doing the same thing you were doing earlier. The difference was that she's younger and more closed-off than you. 

"Yes?" a faint reply was heard. 

"Yerim-ah, it's me. Can I come in?" You wanted to comfort her badly but you still wanted to respect her decision. If she wanted to be alone then you'll try again later. 

"... Sure." 

You opened the door and closed it quickly after you came in, knowing she didn't want to deal with the others right now. From what Irene had told you, she'd been in her room all day and no one knew how to approach her except you. 

"Hey..." you greeted softly, walking slowly to her hunched figure on the bed. 

She looked up and you could see her red eyes and nose, a sign she had been crying. 

"Unnie..." she cried, holding up her arms asking for a hug while a new batch of tears roll down her face. 

You quickly gathered her into your arms as you sat down beside her, rocking her body to try to provide some comfort. 

"Just let it all out, Yerimmie. Unnie's here, I'm right here," you kept whispering some comforting words while hugging her tighter in your arms, letting her cry her heart out. 

Some minutes passed by before her cries began to turn into sniffles and whines, Yeri burying her head deeper into your chest. 

You pulled her back slightly only to take her face in your hands, wiping her tears away. "Okay?" 

She nodded hesitantly. "Okay." 

"Wanna tell me how you're feeling?" You swept away the hair on her face. 

She let out a sigh. "I read the comments and I feel like agreeing. I saw myself and I couldn't help but think why do I look like I'm not enjoying myself on stage? Why wasn't I putting enough energy into my dance? I know I could've done better and I felt like I've given my all but it's still not enough." 

You smiled. "I know you've given your all, Yerim-ah. I saw you practising hard and maybe even too hard. Do you think that's why you look like you're not enjoying yourself? Because you're too conscious of what you're doing and was scared of making a mistake so you looked less energised instead?" You tried to ask her rhetorical questions so she could think through it. 

She stayed silent, her face turning into deep concentration. "Or maybe you've practised too hard and that made you even more tired when it comes to performing, baby. Do you feel like that?" 

You let her ponder your questions again while you looked at her figure. Really taking a look. 

You noticed how the bags under her eyes were more prominent and how she seemed more tired than usual, her face not having that glow that she usually has. 

You frowned. 'I need to take care of my little sister better,' you thought to yourself. 

"I think you're right, Unnie," she began, "I think I practised too hard and become more tired when performing, and I'm also too conscious of what I'm doing so my facial expressions came out wrong during the performance." 

You smiled. "Do you still feel hurt by the comments? Are you going to take the criticism as motivation for you to improve?" 

She nodded with determination, her eyes looking straight into yours. "Yeah, I think I need to practice just as needed and conserve some energy to perform, and also just to enjoy myself on stage. That's just what's best, right Unnie?" 

You nodded and grinned. "Right you are, little sister. We're performers, Yeri, if we don't enjoy ourselves when performing then what are we?" 

She pondered the question before grinning. "I understand now." 

She looked at you for a bit before kissing your cheek and hugging you. "Thank you, Unnie. You really helped me see what's beyond the comments." 

You kissed her head. "Of course, you just need a little push is all." 

You pulled back from the hug after a while. "Why don't I get you some water while you prepare for bed? I know all that crying must tire you out. We'll get breakfast at your favourite cafe tomorrow, how's that sound?" 

She jumped a little in her seat, a wide smile on her face. "That sounds good! Thank you, Unnie." 

You smiled, ruffling her hair. "You're welcome. Now go get ready, I'll get the water." 

You closed the door behind you only to find four pairs of eyes looking back, ready to pounce. 

You stifled your laughter. You should've known this would happen.

"Easy, she's fine now." You continued your walk towards the kitchen, hearing the steps following behind you. 

"Are you sure?"

"Do we need to get anything?"

"Should we talk to her now?" 

They were asking different questions at the same time, making you shake your head in amusement. 

"To answer all of your questions: yes, I'm sure that she's fine. No, you don't need to get anything I'm just giving her water so she can sleep. Nope, she's going to be sleeping and shouldn't be disturbed until tomorrow morning," you added sternly, facing them. 

They all looked at you with their eyes wide, a sight you just had to smile at. 

"We're getting breakfast tomorrow morning, ask her if you guys can come tomorrow," you emphasised, noticing how Joy's body had begun to turn and ready to walk towards Yeri's room. 

Joy let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine. I'll ask her tomorrow." 

You nodded. "Good." 

You took the filled bottle from the fridge. Cooled water is just better to drink after some crying sesh so you kept some bottled ones in the fridge. 

"Now let me give this to her then we can talk, okay?" Without letting them answer you began walking towards Yeri's room again, unaware of the low-voiced conversation the unnie line was having. 

"She's grown up so much," Wendy muttered, wiping away a fake tear. 

Joy just rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Unnie." 

Though Irene and Seulgi nodded to Wendy's statement. "She has. Look at her taking care of her dongsaeng. I'm so proud," Irene added. 

Seulgi nodded again. "I've known her since she was little-" 

"I've practically raised her-" both Irene and Seulgi added, glaring at each other afterwards. 

"Yah! I'm the one feeding her and taking care of her!" Irene glared. 

Seeing the glare Seulgi gulped but still not backing down. "But I took care of her too!" 

Wendy and Joy just shook their heads, a smile on their faces. 

What a family they have. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙