
The Life of the Sixth Member

Your day started off not how you wanted it to. You woke up with your head feeling heavy and there was dread in your stomach, and you just knew it wasn't going to be a good day for you. You looked out to see the sky still dark so you laid back down, just laying there staring blankly at the ceiling. You thought about coming to Irene but she's probably still asleep and you didn't want to wake her or worry her so you tried to overcome the feeling alone. 

After some time you sighed heavily before getting up from the bed and making your way towards the kitchen. As expected, it was dark and empty so you just sighed and turn on the light, making your way towards the fridge for your favourite mango juice. You sat down at the dining table and just sipped your juice in silence. You couldn't explain what you were feeling because everything just felt... empty. You didn't watch anything weird or think about anything weird so you weren't sure why your emotions were all over the place. 

After some time, you heard light footsteps and just knew that it was Irene. You didn't know how to face her because although she understood and have dealt with this before, you didn't like burdening her and making her worry with your silent treatment. At times like this, you tend to be silent due to feeling extra sensitive and not wanting to snap or say anything you'd regret, you chose to be more silent than usual. 

"Eli? Why are you up this early?" Irene's sleepy voice greeted you, making your lips turn up in a small smile.

"Woke up not feeling too good." Even your voice lost the emotion it usually has. You seriously hated days like this because you knew your members would be worried, which you hate, but it's something you couldn't help so you felt hopeless.

Irene immediately knew you were having an off day so she came to your side, wrapping her hands around your neck in a back hug. She hoped her warmth helped somehow. 

She also knew you hated talking about it so she just stood there for a bit before she felt your hand on top of hers, giving it a slight squeeze to show your appreciation of her understanding. 

"Would you like some pancakes?" She whispered in your right ear, knowing you despise loud noises at the moment. 

You thought about it before nodding, giving her hand another squeeze before letting it go so she could make your favourite fluffy pancakes. You're grateful to have someone like Irene who could understand you without having to explain yourself too much. You're grateful for her warm hugs and you hoped the other members would give you lots of hugs because you felt like you would need all the warmth you could get. 

Clearly having dealt with this before, Irene wasn't overly concerned but she's always worried when it comes to your well-being so it's not anything new. Irene hummed quietly while making the pancakes as she tried to not show her worry too much, periodically looking over her shoulder to check on you to see you were staring out the window. She frowned, making a mental note to tell the other members about your emotions today. She hoped they could come up with something to make you feel better. 

Before she finished, another member came into the kitchen while rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.

"Good morning, family," Wendy greeted you both and she came to your side, bringing your figure into her small one in a loving embrace. 

Uncharacteristically, you only nodded while patting her hand that was on your shoulder in reply, making her frown as she turned to Irene for guidance. Irene gave her a meaningful look and she nodded, turning back to you and giving your head a kiss. 

She let go of her embrace and walked towards the leader. "She's having an off day," Irene murmured lowly, not wanting you to know she was talking about you. She didn't want you to feel like a burden, which you often feel when one of the members had to do something extra for you even if you couldn't help it and the members really wanted to do it. 

"We should tell the others," Wendy replied lowly, looking over her shoulder to find you staring at her. She gave you a warm smile and you couldn't help but give her a small smile back, eyes showing how sorry but grateful you were for them both. 

Irene noticed the gesture and she let out a breathtaking smile, finishing her cooking. "Your favourite pancakes are ready, Eli-ah. Let's go eat." 

You titled your head in confusion. At times like this Wendy truly felt like you were Irene's daughter due to your similar traits. "Are we not waiting for the others?" 

Irene shook her head. "They'd wake up too late and the breakfast would be cold then," seeing the worry in your eyes she smiled. "It's okay, I'll make some more later." 

Satisfied with the answer you nodded, waiting for the parent line to sit with you at the table. You ate in silence and you couldn't help but feel guilty for probably making your members feel uncomfortable with your mood. You kept thinking about how you shouldn't be feeling this way and how you're probably worrying the others that you subconsciously stopped eating, making Irene and Wendy look at each other. 

Irene then put her hand on top of the one on the table, startling you with her touch. She your hand lovingly, giving you a smile. "It's okay, Eli. Don't feel bad okay?" 

Your eyes widened in surprise. "How did you-" 

"You should know that your mother knows you very well, Liza," Wendy teased you, making Irene glare at her while a smile blossomed on your face. 

You giggled, making Wendy feel accomplished in making you feel better. "Right. Sorry, Eomma," you continued the joke, heart feeling lighter. You finally felt slightly better and you couldn't be more thankful that this wouldn't last too long.

"Yah!" Irene slapped your hand slightly in exasperation but she couldn't help the smile that made its way to her face. Seeing some light returning to you was rewarding. 


After breakfast you showered and went back to your room, picking up your unfinished book. You've decided to spend the rest of the day in your room so as to not disturb the others' moods by being gloomy so they can get on with their day as they should. 

You began to read your book but after a while, you realised that no matter how hard you try, you couldn't get lost in it as you usually were. You heaved a sigh and when you put down your book, a knock could be heard on your door. Not wanting to show something was too out of the ordinary, you told the person to come in and immediately saw your older sister and younger sister standing there with warm smiles on their faces. 

"Eli-ah~" Joy entered the room with her arms stretched out, asking for a hug. She didn't want to do any skinship if you felt uncomfortable, which you appreciated. So you nodded instead, feeling happy that you could get all the warmth you wanted today. 

She brought your body into hers and you melted under her touch, closing your eyes in contentment. Not long after you felt another pair of arms around your body, adding to the warmth. 

"Unnie, I love you," Yeri said cutely, tightening her grip around her favourite older sister. 

You couldn't help but smile, putting one of the arms that were around Joy around her instead, bringing her into your hug. 

"Thank you, I needed this." You commented after a while, making them slightly feel guilty because they realised how much they relied on you without knowing if you needed them too. The members were so used to coming to you with all their problems that they didn't realise how silent you could be with your problems, always trying to solve them by yourself. Even Irene hated how much like her you were when it came to this and you've pushed her to talk to you too.  

Joy and Yeri hugged you tighter. "We got you, Unnie. Come to us when you need to, okay?" Your little sister had grown so much. 

You nodded and gave them a squeeze before letting them go, looking at them in the eyes. "I love you too." 

You then lay down and both of them followed, cuddling you from each side. You closed your eyes and let out a smile, finally feeling free. You didn't feel the emptiness anymore and while your emotions would take a while before returning to normal, you were just glad you didn't feel hopeless anymore. 

You knew you could always count on your members. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙