
The Life of the Sixth Member

You're a very sensitive person so naturally, you overthink about your actions and whether people mind what you do, how you treat them, what you say to them, etc. It had become a problem, really, because as much as you don't want to overthink, you also don't want to make people uncomfortable so you always analyse (or maybe overanalyse) your actions. 

Because your parents had always been busy then you went away for training at such a young age, you had become touch deprived. When Joohyun and Seulgi came into your life, you had to get used to being touched again and once you're comfortable, you become very touchy with people closest to you. Plus, you're also very expressive so you talk a lot with your hands and just overall being very touchy with your hands. You like having your arm around someone's shoulder, linking your arms with someone, hugging them out of the blue, or just overall being clingy (especially during your period- no one really can escape you then though you try to tone it down as much as possible). It's something you can't help and the members understand that, though it's become an issue sometimes. 

Aside from Joohyun and Seulgi, none of the members liked being touched much. Maybe Sooyoung, considering she's clingy in nature, but Wendy and Yeri just didn't like being clung onto. At the beginning of your relationship with Wendy, you tried to stay away from touching her and just making her uncomfortable in general, considering you weren't close to her yet and you didn't know how she would react. Over the next years, however, Wendy had become used to the clinginess that the girls in the group had (mainly you and Irene) so she didn't mind much, though there were times that she thought everything was too much and just distanced herself from you. You tried not to get this into your head too much as Wendy had explained when she did this it's because she's uncomfortable. Once she's comfortable again, though, she would be the one initiating the gesture and you would know it's okay to be touchy with her again. 

With Yeri, it was a different story. Yeri had been a trainee since she was a kid, so she wasn't used to being touched intimately even by a sister figure so she doesn't like it that much. When you felt comfortable with Yeri, you began touching her more; an arm around her shoulder or arm, or the occasional slaps on her shoulder here and there. She didn't mind this that much so she didn't push you away and just let you be. Once you become clingy, however, she began to grow uncomfortable. When you suddenly hugged her out of the blue and just borderline cuddling her, she wiggled out of your embrace whilst shrieking. 

"Unnie! What are you doing?!" 

You titled your head, confused. "Cuddling you. What's wrong?" 

She stood up, shivering. "Please don't do it! I don't like it." 

Thinking she was joking, you pouted. "Fine, sorry Yerim-ah." 

She could only sigh, "You're forgiven. If you want a hug, tell me first, okay?" 

You nodded before snuggling into the couch.

After that, every time you wanted to hug her, you asked first. Having a soft spot for you, she just stayed rigid once you do so maybe you'll feel uncomfortable and would hug her less. Thinking that it's just how she was, you didn't think much of it. One day though, you found out how uncomfortable it made her and how guilty you felt afterwards. 

It's been a few years since your debut and you've been to countless radio schedules. You were about to have another one for the promotion of the group's new album and you were excited to be able to talk about the album and just giving new content for the fans.

"So, can someone explain about this album and this song?" 

Usually, it would be Irene but this time she had Wendy do it whilst looking at the script, making all of you snicker and giggle. Wendy sounded kind of awkward but she nailed it, really. The interviewer then had all of you talk more about your song and said song being played before it was time for questions beyond the album. 

It's been fun, with laughter being let out frequently and the atmosphere was laid back before this one question being asked. 

"So, all of you had known each other for quite a while, right?" To which all of you nodded. 

"Is there anything that the fans don't know about some of you? Like some random facts or trait that the other member do that annoy you?" 

You lift your left eyebrow up in a questioning manner. Surely there were certain things that the members did that you didn't like but you didn't think it was proper to say during a broadcasted interview. 

You looked towards Irene to see her looking around, nodding as if to say it's okay to say what they want. 

"Wendy-unnie is fairly quiet at home," Joy piped up, the rest nodding in agreement whilst Wendy smiled bashfully. 

"Oh really? You would think she's a bit noisy with how loud she can be, right?" The interviewer joked and some of you laughed. 

Irene nodded, "She's louder when we're out but she's actually pretty quiet at home, she thinks to herself a lot." 

"That's true," Wendy agreed, looking at Irene. 

"Anything else? Something that you guys are particularly annoyed about?" 

Humming sounds could be heard but you stayed quiet, gauging the rest's reactions. They all seemed to be thinking but you zeroed in on Yeri. She looked like she wanted to say something but she hesitated, not knowing if it would be wise to say what she wanted. 

She met your gaze as she opened to say something, and she let out what seemed to be an apologetic smile. 

"Many may not know this but Eli-unnie is actually very touchy." 

The interviewer seemed a bit surprised, turning to look at you. "Oh really? You don't seem to be the type, Eli-ssi." 

You smiled, a bit hesitant as you didn't know where this conversation would be going but you tried to not let it show. "Yeah," you let out a laugh, "I'm actually very expressive and I express my emotions with my hands a lot." 

The interviewer turned towards Yeri. "In what ways is she touchy? And does that annoy you?" 

All of you turned towards Yeri to see what she was about to say and Yeri became slightly nervous, letting out a nervous laugh. "As she said, she expresses her emotions with her hands. She likes to put her arm around my shoulder or around my arm," she paused, now avoiding your gaze. "What makes me uncomfortable is that she likes to hug and cuddle me. I'm not used to that so it can get a bit annoying." 

That really made your heart drop. You never intended for her to feel uncomfortable and you didn't know as she never brought it up before. Maybe you should've thought more about your actions. Is she the only one feeling that way? Maybe the rest feel the same way but they just didn't want to hurt your feelings so they didn't say anything? These thoughts hit you all at once and you tried your best to let your expression stay cool so your real emotions wouldn't show on camera. 

Trying to lift the mood up, Seulgi joined in. "Oh yeah! She's actually quite clingy if I think about it. It's funny sometimes because I would be doing something then she would just hug me from the back or something and we would stumble or fall to the ground." 

The others let out giggles but you gasped, eyes wide. "Unnie! Why is that funny? You were supposed to be strong, you know!" All of you laughed.

"And I'm sorry, Yeri, I never want to make you uncomfortable I swear!" You added, looking at your little sister with comically wide eyes though sadness and guilt were well-disguised in it. 

Your expression made everyone laugh and you could see Yeri relaxing, thinking that you weren't mad. She was right, you weren't, but you were hurt and Irene could tell that everything was just an act. 

You're good at masking your emotions when you wanted to but Irene knew you best after all. 

"Wah, maybe you should hold back on the hugs then, Eli-ssi." The interviewer joked. 

You let out a smile that didn't reach your eyes. "You're right." 

After that, everything went back to normal but you couldn't enjoy the rest of the interview. You couldn't stop thinking about what Yeri had said and analysing the response the members had done regarding your clinginess all this time. Maybe you had missed their discomfort, thinking that you were just overthinking again when in reality they were giving you their honest reactions. 

For the rest of the interview, you only stayed silent but still listening, responding to everything with laughs or hums at the right time. After that was done, all of you went back towards the car. Usually, you would be linking arms or having some kind of interaction with someone but you stayed silent, walking behind everyone whilst waving and smiling as genuinely as possible towards the fans. Right when you were about to get in the car, you turned towards Irene who was waiting for you to enter before she got in herself, onto the front seat.

"Can I put both my headphones on, Unnie? I need some time to think." There was a rule that no one can put both earphones on so they would still be able to hear the others but the leader let it slide from time to time. Knowing you're going through something, she nodded before putting a hand on your arm. 

"She didn't mean it like that. You know that, right?" She kinda figured what the problem was but the damage was done. You only let out a smile that didn't reach your eyes in reply, getting into the car after patting her hand that was on your arm. 

You took the single seat near the window and settled in. You pulled your headphones out, connected it to your phone, and put it over both your ears before leaning back and looking out the window. 

The rest of the members didn't really notice as they were busy with their own things but one member couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with you. You hadn't let out a single word since the interview and you hadn't touched one of the members since then, which clearly was rare. She looked at you, trying to read your body language but it didn't show much. Maybe it'll all be better once you got back to the dorm. 

When you arrived and in the dorm, you excused yourself to your room. The members looked at the direction you just went and looked at each other, trying to see if anyone thought that was weird or something was off. 

"What happened?" Wendy couldn't help but ask, wanting to comfort you if you were feeling bad. 

They all stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. "Maybe she's overthinking. Let her be, I'll check on her later," Irene instructed and the rest agreed, doing what they needed to do.

It's been a few days and you've stayed quieter than usual, not letting yourself become close to the members in fear that you would become clingy. You had interacted and joked around as usual but you surely had tried to keep a reasonable distance from them. Aside from that, the group had been busy as well so that helped in that department. The members didn't really notice the change, except maybe Irene and Wendy, before all of you had finished promotions and got a few days off. 

During the first days off, they noticed you had kept a distance from them, not touching any of them. It was subtle but knowing how you usually were, most of them noticed immediately. When watching movies together, you usually would be snuggled up to Irene or Wendy but you had brought your plushie given from a fan to hug. When all of you went to the park dressed in masks, you usually would be linking arms with Seulgi or Joy but you had stayed by yourself, walking ahead of the group. When you joke around, you would slap the members on the shoulders or arm but because you're a bit far away, you refrain yourself from doing it so you wouldn't have to scoot closer. That was the most noticeable thing and when you were out for the day to hang out with the maknaes from Mamamoo, Seulgi actually brought the topic up. 

"You do realise she's been distant, right?" Seulgi inquired as soon as the members had gathered, looking around at the members lounging throughout the living room. She had asked Irene to call for a family meeting and she had agreed, calling for everyone to be in the living room as soon as possible knowing you would be out for the whole day. She had noticed the change but she wanted to solve the problem together, not her alone. 

Yeri shrugged, focusing on her phone while Joy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Who are you talking about, Unnie?" 

Wendy rolled her eyes, "Who isn't here, Sooyoung-ah?" She asked rhetorically. 

"If Seulgi-unnie noticed then it must be something," Yeri snickered, looking up from her phone only to receive glares from everyone. She huffed. 

Irene interjected before Yeri could get back to her phone. Teenagers these days. "Be serious, Yerim. Have you?" 

She thought for a bit before shrugging. "No. How is she distant? She's been with us every day, maybe she got tired and needed some time alone." 

Seulgi shook her head in disbelief, standing up and beginning to pace around the room. "She'd barely touched us in the past few days, and even if she does, it's because one of us initiated it. I haven't seen her cuddling with Joohyun-unnie and that's saying something." She stopped to look at everyone again, her gaze intense. She regretted not saying something earlier but she'd wanted to give you space, thinking that you would be back to normal in no time. 

She thought wrong. 

Irene nodded, her face serious. "She only hugged me if I'm the one who hugged her first, even then I could feel how tense she was. I think it's because of the comment Yeri made that one radio interview." 

The girl mentioned sat right up, glaring. "Hey! How is this my fault?!" 

"Nobody said it was, Yerim-ah," Wendy scolded her gently, prompting Yeri to calm down a little. "Unnie only said maybe it's the comment you said about her being clingy." 

Yeri put her phone down and crossed her arms with indignation clear in her expression. "Well, it's true. I didn't see what's so wrong about it." 

This time it was Joy who answered, heaving a sigh before fixing her gaze on Yeri. "You know she's sensitive. She probably felt guilty once you said she made you uncomfortable, which she never wanted you to feel. Then she began thinking what if the rest of us felt the same way but just didn't want to tell her in case she would get upset. It makes sense." 

Wendy had a surprise written on her face, somewhat impressed. "How would you know this, Soo?" 

"She once told me how her emotions work and how her overthinking process happens," Joy answered with a weak smirk on her lips. "It might sound ridiculous but that's how her emotions work. She just doesn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, especially us," she paused before continuing in a low voice full of regret. "So, the best thing according to her is to keep her distance from us so none of us would feel uncomfortable."  

They became silent, feeling guilty they didn't realise sooner. Yeri felt her annoyance dissipate only to be replaced by immense guilt. You've probably begun to feel touch-deprived so you had to try to find other ways to deal with it, which was why you're out right now. You're probably trying to get it out of your mind and when Whee-in and Hwasa asked if you could hang out with them for the day, you jumped at the chance. You had only been trying to make her feel loved and this was how she repay you? 

"So it is my fault..." Yeri subconsciously whispered, looking at the ground. Joy, who was sitting next to her, wrapped an arm around her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her even only for a little.

Irene shook her head. "It's not, Yerim-ah. I'm sure Eli doesn't blame you either," she smiled. "What's important is how we assure her that not everyone feels uncomfortable. I don't mind it when she's clingy," she locked her gaze on Yeri, "but it's okay if you do. Just let her know and she'd try to tone it down, I'm sure of it." 

Yeri sighed, looking at Irene sadly. "I told her once but I don't think she took it seriously, though she always asked if she could hug me before she does, just like how I requested. I just thought that she would get the hint eventually." 

Wendy moved to her side, her arm. "She feels comfortable with us, Yeri, so she didn't really think much about her actions. Just tell her again, okay?" 

She stayed silent, looking back down at the floor. She felt immense guilt because she knew she had hurt you, a genuine soul that meant no harm. Her loving, older sister. 

"Right, how do we fix this?" Joy clapped her hands, trying to get the conversation back to the solution. 

"Let's try showing her first, then maybe I could talk to her about it," Irene suggested. 

"I want to talk to her too," Yeri piped in, determination clear in her eyes. She was adamant on making you feel comfortable with her again, even if she had to endure all the hugs in the world. 

"Then it's settled. Please keep in mind how sensitive she could so be patient, okay?" 

All of them nodded. They would make things right for their beloved sister again. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙