
The Life of the Sixth Member

Since the accident, Irene had become even more protective of you and anyone can see that. She rarely wants to separate from you aside from the individual schedules where she absolutely couldn't have you with her or you couldn't come with. It does feel overwhelming sometimes but you understood where she was coming from since you did protect Yeri because of your love for her. You remember the day she came to visit you at the hospital. 

After you had woken up and talked to Yeri, the nurse had called your manager to tell him that you had woken up and had to stay overnight for further observation before being allowed to go home the next day. So, he told the other members that and Irene had jumped up to tell him she would be the one staying at the hospital with you and no one can tell her no. Knowing how she could be when it comes to you, manager-nim just nodded and told her to pack her clothes for the night because they would be leaving soon. 

When they came, you were already asleep due to the meds while Yeri was on her phone, one hand holding yours just like before. When she heard the door open, she put her phone down and turned towards the door to see manager-nim and her leader. Relief flooded her. 

"Unnie..." Yeri sighed before getting up without letting go of your hand, afraid to wake you up. 

Irene rushed to her side before engulfing her in a tight hug. "Yerim, how are you feeling?" 

Yeri, remembering the exact words spoken by you moments before, giggled quietly. "I'm fine, just some scratches like what Seulgi-unnie has." 

Irene closed her eyes in relief before opening them again and that was when her gaze found your sleeping figure. She slowly let go of Yeri and focused her attention on you. 

"How is she?" Irene spoke without turning her gaze away, eyes focused on the scratches and bruises on your face and arms. 

"She has scratches and bruises, as you can see, but because she hit her head she had a pretty bad headache," Yeri replied quietly, looking at you before turning her gaze towards Irene. 

Yeri knew how much you meant to Irene. Irene loves all her members very much but her love for you is different. She takes care of you as if you were her own child and even though she felt the same way towards the other members, that feeling just multiplies when it comes to you. Yeri didn't know how Irene must be feeling when she received the news three of her members got into an accident, one of them being you, and wasn't there to help. 

Yeri knew she felt helpless when she realised you were unconscious. 

Irene kept mum, seemingly in a daze before slowly lifting her right hand and tracing your left cheek softly. She couldn't believe this had happened to her members, especially with what had happened to you. The group's safety had always been a priority so everything had always been done carefully, including their transportation. She didn't know how this could happen. She couldn't imagine what else could happen now, though she diverted her thoughts away from that. 

"Unnie... why are you crying?" Yeri's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she frowned, not realising tears had leaked out of her eyes. 

She wiped them away. "I didn't even realise I was crying," she forced out a soft laugh, keeping her gaze on you so Yeri wouldn't see her slightly puffed out eyes. 

She hates crying in front of her members. 

Manager-nim eventually spoke up, "Yeri, we should go home. Eli has to stay for the night and Irene would be the one sleeping here. You should get some rest too." 

"But—" her protest was cut-off by the leader, calming albeit authoritative.

"Go home, Yerim-ah," Irene turned her attention away from you and to Yeri instead, smiling genuinely, "I'll take care of her. You should get some rest too, you must be exhausted."

Yeri frowned before letting out a sigh. "Fine. If Eli-unnie didn't force me to go home earlier I probably wouldn't go." 

Irene laughed. Yeri had a soft spot for you after all.

"Yeah, listen to your unnies. Go. We'll see you tomorrow." 

Yeri smiled, letting go of your hand slowly before coming closer to your side and kissing your right cheek. She then turned to Irene and gave her a big hug. 

"She's fine, Unnie. You should get some sleep as well." 

Irene just shook her head. Her members know her too well. 

Yeri let go of the hug and gathered her stuff before walking out of the room. 

"I'll call the nurse tomorrow to know what time she can go home, okay? Then I'll pick you up." 

Irene nodded to her manager's words before turning her attention back to you, dragging the chair that was occupied by Yeri closer to your bed. 

She sat comfortably before taking your hand in hers, running her thumb on the back of your hand softly. 

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you, Eli-ah. I feel so disappointed in myself for not being there, for not being able to protect any of you. I didn't even check how you guys were going home. I'm so sorry," Irene put her head on the bed and cried, finally letting her frustrations out. 

She felt partially responsible for the accident. Had she checked with whom you were going home with, maybe none of this would've happened. 

She continued to cry, keeping it low enough so it wouldn't wake you up but to no avail. Amidst her crying, you had woken up due to the familiar warm hand on yours and her soft cries. Your heart pained at the sight. 

Irene stopped crying and she felt a warm hand on her head, rubbing her hair softly. She looked up to find you staring at her with a frown. 

"Why are you crying, Unnie? None of it is your fault or anyone's fault really. No one knew this could happen. Please stop blaming yourself." 

Irene sat up straighter, gripping your hand even tighter. "How are you feeling, Eli? Still feel the headache?" 

You tested your head for a bit. "No, I don't and please don't avoid what I said." 

Irene sighed. "I know but I can't help but feel slightly responsible, you know? What if I checked first before letting you get on that car? Maybe you wouldn't get into an accident—" 

"Or maybe I could," you cut her off, "none of us can predict the future, Hyun-unnie. There's always the what-ifs to everything and I don't want to think about it. I'm just glad we all got out with minor injuries and could continue performing soon." 

Irene was already shaking her head in disagreement. "Nope, I refuse to let you perform until you're completely healed both mentally and physically. As your guardian, I refuse to let anything happen to you again." 

You shook your head in amusement but agreed nonetheless. "Fine, fine. Whatever you want, Unnie." 

Irene smiled smugly before standing up and caressing your cheek with her free hand. She wanted to hug you but she didn't want to hurt you. 

"Come here, Unnie. Hug me. I've missed you," you teased though the oldest could still detect the truth in your voice. 

She grinned before letting go of your hand to hug you tightly but carefully. "I'm so glad you're okay, Eli-ah. You don't know how worried I was when I found out the three of you were in a car accident and you were unconscious." 

You hugged her tighter, closing your eyes as you enjoy her comforting warmth. "I'm glad to be okay."


After that, she rarely wants you out of her sight, which meant you pretty much accompany her to almost all her individual schedules and vice versa. You didn't mind, having your big sister there just makes things more fun.

This time, she was going away to Paris for she's the brand ambassador for Miu Miu and they're showing their collection during the Paris Fashion Week. She also had photoshoots so she'd be away for a while and she definitely didn't want you away from her, so she demanded you come with her and here you were, going with her to Paris. 

"You're okay with coming along, right Eli-ah?" Irene turned her body slightly towards you, her tone worried. 

You chuckled, wrapping your arm around her. "Yes, Hyun-unnie. If I minded I wouldn't be here, you know me." You gave her a comforting smile. 

She sighed in relief. "I know, I just feel like maybe you feel forced to come with me and you prefer doing something else, I don't know," her voice had gradually become softer and by the end of the sentence, it was just a mere whisper. She bowed her head down in embarrassment, prompting you to stop walking further into the airport. 

"Unnie," you put both of your hands on her shoulder, waiting for her to look up. When she did, you continued, "I don't mind coming with you. I'm actually thankful that you're not tired of me yet after how many years coming to every schedule I have." Your teasing smile got a quiet giggle out of her, making you grin. 

You were aware of all the cameras pointed in your direction and decided that they had enough pictures and videos of your sweet moment. "Come on," you kissed her head then take one of her hand in yours, "we don't want to be late for our flight to Paris!" 

She laughed and hit your arm but followed you nonetheless. Her soft expression and love eyes towards you were captured by the many fansites present. 

It's true that sometimes she can be slightly overbearing but you knew she had the best intention. When you felt uncomfortable, you would tell her and she would be understanding, putting a slight distance before letting you come to her naturally. With that being said, you love having her by your side and you're grateful for everything she's done for you. 

You wouldn't have it any other way. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙