Little Sister

The Life of the Sixth Member

When you became a trainee, you had to separate from your parents from a young age considering you became a trainee when you were fourteen. When you joined, Seulgi was already in her late teens and Irene (or Joohyun as you knew her) was in her early twenties. You were one amongst how many new trainees so you didn't think you stood out that much but somehow you attracted Seulgi. You were and still are an introvert at heart so you're the type to stay back and observe other people, especially when you don't know anyone. 

When you first joined the practice, you didn't make much noise other than introducing yourself when your turn came. Other than that, you stayed silent. When it's your turn to sing, however, you made an impression on Seulgi and Joohyun. Here you were, a shy new trainee that introduced herself with a soft voice singing with such a deep voice and a certain charm that no other new trainee had. 

What really attracted Seulgi though was your dancing. You weren't a dancer by all means but you tried really hard and it showed in your effort to execute the dance as best as you could. After practice, Seulgi came to your side. 

"Eliza?" The sound of your name made you look up from your bag. 

Your eyes widened seeing the best dancer you've ever seen looking at you with a kind eye smile. 

"Oh, Sunbaenim hello," you bowed, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 

"Ah, you're so cute," Seulgi giggled. "My name is Seulgi. You can call me Seulgi-unnie." 

With that, your lips produced a smile that showed your dimple and Seulgi's eyes widened slightly seeing it.

Right now she could see your hidden charisma. 

"Hello, Seulgi-unnie, as you know I'm Eliza but Eli is fine."

Seulgi's smile widened into a grin. "Okay, Eli. How are things going so far?" 

Your smile dimmed, a shy smile taking its place. "It's going okay, though I'm having problems with dancing considering I've never danced before. I don't think I dance very well," you ducked your head in slight shame, not wanting her to see your red cheeks. 

The next thing you know you feel hands on both your cheeks, lifting your head up. 

"Hey, it's okay," Seulgi frowned. "It's only your first day, right? You'll get better with practice. I can even help you if you'd like," she added with a smile, trying to lift your spirit up. 

How can someone be this kind? Is this how it feels to have a big sister? Can she be one? Please let her be one. 

Your eyes widened in amazement. "Really? You'll really help me?" 

She smiled, letting go of your cheeks. "Yeah! We'll start tomorrow, is that okay?" 

You nodded excitedly, almost jumping in your place. "Yes, Unnie! Thank you so much!" 

She laughed and ruffled your hair slightly. "Sure thing, little sis." 

You beamed. Your wish of having an older sibling had come true. 


Joohyun, being a silent observer like you, didn't approach you immediately as Seulgi did. Yes, you had her attention that first day of practice but she wanted to observe you first before she approached you. So, she began paying attention to you during practice and outside of practice. She saw how you always tried your best in doing everything, she noticed that you work hard on your dancing after hours with Seulgi, and she also noticed how you seem to always be alone. She didn't know if you were friends with the other new trainees, or any other trainee for that matter, but you always seemed to be alone. 

One day you were eating alone in the cafeteria, so after she got her food, Joohyun came over and stood in front of you which made you look up from your meal. 

You didn't really notice her at first but after acknowledging a foreign presence you looked up and boy were you surprised. The famous trainee was standing in front of you with a ghost of a smile on her lips.

After getting over your shock you tried to swallow your food as fast as possible before standing up and bowing to her, cheeks red in embarrassment. 

"Hello, Sunbaenim." 

This time she gave a small smile and a quiet giggle. "Hello, Eliza. Do you mind if I sit with you?" 

Her question made you widen your eyes in shock. Why would the beautiful senior sit with you? Wasn't she usually with Seulgi-unnie? And how does she know your name?

Regardless of your confusion, you nodded almost furiously. "Of course, Sunbae. Please, have a seat." 

Seeing your flustered state made her smile wider. "Thank you." 

You sat down and went back to your meal, though it was slightly awkward considering you didn't know what to do regarding your guest. 

"My name is Joohyun but people here call me Irene," she started the conversation, knowing you probably didn't know what to do. 

You looked up and looked at her with wonder visible in your gaze. "Irene? Like the Goddess of Peace?" 

Joohyun was taken aback. "You know what it means?" Not many people know what the name actually means. 

You blushed. "Yeah, I'm interested in that kind of stuff." 

She giggled seeing how quickly you get flustered. "You're cute. How old are you?" 

"I'm fourteen, Sunbae. Why do people keep telling me I'm cute? Seulgi-unnie said the same thing but I don't see how I'm cute...." you subconsciously pouted as you trailed off and the sight made Irene squeal inwardly. 

On the outside, Irene only laughed quietly at your response all the while being aware of the presence of other trainees trying to discreetly listen to your conversation. She figured the non-wanted attention would probably make you uncomfortable and tried to keep her voice down, though her presence alone had already attracted attention. The point still stood though. 

"Because you are, Eli. Can I call you Eli? I know Seulgi calls you that." 

That's the most line you've ever heard Irene say. 

You nodded. "Of course. What do you want me to call you? Joohyun-sunbae? Irene-sunbae?" 

She smiled. "Call me Joohyun-unnie."

You smiled and nodded, eyes turning into slight crescents and your dimple showing. "Okay, Unnie." 

Joohyun's eyes widened slightly before she subtly smirked. 

She finally found what drew her to you so much. 


Ever since your interactions with both older trainees, the three of you had become close. Outside of training, the three of you often hung out together and you became the little sister in the relationship. Seulgi's the silly but understanding older sister, always lifting your mood and having fun with you. Joohyun, on the other hand, was like your second mother. Knowing that you're an only child and you couldn't see your parents that often, she gave a lot of her attention to your well-being, already used to being an older sister. 

"Eli, have you eaten yet?" 

"Not yet, Unnie. Maybe after I get this dance right I will," you stayed focused on your dance steps, missing the look of concern in her eyes. 

She shook her head. "Make sure you eat, okay? You need the energy, you're still growing." 

You stopped as the music did, shaking your head in amusement but agreed to her request nonetheless. "Wanna eat with me? I'll be finished in about half an hour." 

She smiled, accepting the invitation immediately. "Sure, little sister. I'll stay here and wait for you." 

Seulgi could only smile watching the sweet interaction. "Can I come with you? I'm hungry too!" 

Joohyun and you laughed seeing the pout on her lips. She looked like a cuddly bear.

"Of course, Unnie!" You replied before looking at Joohyun for confirmation. "Right, Hyun-unnie?" 

Joohyun grinned hearing your nickname for her. "Of course, Eli-ah. Is tteokbokki a good choice?" 

You nodded. "Sure, but not too spicy please Unnie I couldn't handle the last one," you almost begged her, looking at her with pleading eyes that made her come over to hug you. 

"Yes, yes, I'll make sure to order the most non-spicy one for you." 

You hugged her tighter. "Yay!" 

Seulgi and Joohyun only smiled in response. 


Instances like this still happen even though you're not the maknae of the group anymore, especially with Joohyun. Now you're in your twenties but Joohyun still treated you like you were fifteen sometimes. You didn't mind though, considering you crave her affection and appreciate your close relationship with the leader very much.

"Where's Eli?" Irene could be heard asking, looking around to look for her missing child. 

You couldn't answer because you were in a different room but Wendy responded immediately, knowing how restless Irene could be when it comes to you. 

"She's with the stylist, Unnie. Yeri is also there." 

Irene calmed down immediately, nodding her head. 

"Thanks, Seungwan-ah. I thought I lost my child for a while, there."

Wendy laughed. "You know, she's the only one you admit to being your child, Unnie. How about the rest of us?" She teased. 

Irene scoffed. "I admit it because she's the only daughter I have along with Yeri," Irene even stuck out her tongue at Wendy. 

Joy, who heard the conversation, joined in. "Rude, Unnie! What are we, then?!" 

Irene looked at her and looked at her straight in the eyes. "I said it and I'll say it again. I don't have a daughter like you!" She grinned, referring to her statement in her previous interview. 

"Yah, Unnie!" 

Before it could get any further, you came in with your performance clothes on and makeup done. 

"What did I miss?" You came over to Irene's side and lightly put your right hand on her back as a sign of greeting. 

"Unnie here only admitted you as her child but not the rest of us. How rude," Joy butted in before Irene could answer. 

She glared at Joy in response while you laughed out loud, leaning into Irene naturally. "I'm sorry, Sooyoung-unnie. I'm her favourite, what can I say?" You . 

"Yah, dongsaeng! You're supposed to defend me, not tease me! I thought you were on my side," Joy pouted. 

You smiled before coming over to her and hugged her affectionally. "I'm sorry, Unnie. I admit that you're my older sister though, how about that? That's better than nothing right?" You smiled charmingly, dimple on display. 

Irene and Wendy could only smile and shook their heads while Joy smiled in defeat though good-naturedly. "Fine, fine. Thank you, my little sister. I knew I could always count on you." 

You only laughed before going to Irene's side again, linking your fingers with hers. 

"Have you eaten before this, Eli?" She turned her attention to you completely, her lips forming a little frown. 

You smiled trying to relax her a bit, "Yes I did, Unnie. I had food when you were getting your makeup done, I promise." 

Irene kept mum for a bit before smiling and fixing your hair that came out of place when you hugged Joy. "Okay, I trust you." 

You grinned. "Good." 

The others that watched the sweet interaction could only smile. 

You really were the little sister of the group. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙