Extra Special Birthday Celebrations

The Life of the Sixth Member

There was something about this comeback that felt different to all of you. You had a comeback just some months ago with Queendom and although it was a comeback filled with happiness due to it being Wendy's first official comeback with the group since her accident, Feel My Rhythm just felt extra special. All of you were filled with excitement almost all the time and felt extremely good about this particular mini album. It might be due to the group having more say about all the songs and the producers following along since they know all of you know yourself best, but for you, it felt even more special because you would be celebrating three birthdays in the span of the making and promotions of the song. 

The first was Wendy's birthday which fell during the recording of the song. It was the last day of recording and you could tell Wendy was in an exceptional mood since she was hitting all the notes beautifully. The seaweed soup and beef breakfast made by Irene probably helped with the mood, plus she would be having dinner with Mama Son so she was just above the clouds. You and Seulgi had planned to surprise her in the recording room with a cake you knew Wendy had been wanting to try days in advance, so you went to Seulgi's house to pick her up before picking the cake up, then made your way to Wendy's recording session discreetly, trying very hard not to be seen by the main vocalist. 

It proved to be a challenge but you both conquered it beautifully. Anything for the energiser of the group.  

"Why is the room so dark?" Wendy commented as soon as she made her way out and the gasp of surprise that followed made all of you grin. 

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." everyone immediately sang to her, making the birthday girl flustered. 

"What is this?" Wendy said to herself as her widened eyes fell on her soulmate and her younger sister, the lyrics sheet and her phone in her hands almost slipping from her grip. 

You and Seulgi continued singing with your eyes almost closing due to your wide smiles, "Happy birthday Son Wendy, happy birthday to you!" 

"Wah, thank you so much," the birthday girl finally responded as she took off her mask to blow out the candles.

You came over to her side to wrap her in a warm, side hug. "Make a wish, Unnie." 

Wendy closed her eyes in response for a little while before opening them again, leaning closer to the cake to blow the candles out. However, she spoke up out loud before she did, "Let's all stay happy and healthy, everyone fighting!" making a wish for everyone, just like the angel she was, before blowing her birthday candles. 

"Thank you so much for the surprise, I honestly didn't expect it!" she turned towards you and Seulgi before making her way towards the couches, "how did you manage to plan this?" 

Seulgi giggled as you chuckled. "It was Eli's idea to get the cake and I suggested we surprise you here. All of us wanted to come but it was safer for only us two, so," the main dancer explained before shrugging, looking at her soulmate with so much love in her eyes you almost cooed out loud. 

"Yah," Wendy turned towards you before nudging your side in response, "how did you know it was a cake I wanted to try?" 

You shrugged cooly. "I listen." It was a brief explanation but you knew she got the message. You could see from her eyes how thankful she was for the gesture, which caused you to coo out loud this time before bringing her into your warmth once again.

"It was our pleasure, Wan-unnie. You know we love you a lot." 

Seulgi then made her way to wrap her arms around you both, making her almost sit on your lap just so she could reach the both of you. "I love you, Seungwan-ah. Happy birthday."


The second birthday celebrated was Yeri's, which fell during the recording of Feel My Rhythm's performance video. Everyone was in their matching but still differentiated pretty dresses in blacks and whites, and no one had a clue of what was about to happen. When you found out the day of the filming would happen on Yeri's birthday, you immediately contacted your manager to see if they can arrange a surprise with the other staff, maybe with a cake and candles. She thought it would be a good idea and ran the suggestion with the other managers to coordinate with the staff. 

During one of the breaks where you were all taking pictures to be posted on your SNS accounts, the light suddenly turned off causing some of the members to squeal in surprise. Your hand quickly made its way to Irene's waist in an attempt to let her know that it was alright and she gave you a look as if to ask what was going on. Considering the birthday girl was close to her position, you only whispered lowly, "Just watch." 

As you said it, the cake that was in one of your managers' hands was lit up and everyone cheered as all of you sang happy birthday, complete with the actual song playing in the background. 

You nodded to yourself. "They did good," which caused Irene to turn to you, eyes widened in surprise.

"You knew?" 

You shrugged. "It was my idea." 

She looked at you with wonder and admiration which caused you to chuckle. "It's the least we could do." 

Considering how busy everyone was, it was not guaranteed that all of you could have a family dinner for Yeri's birthday due to everyone being tired and working all the time. So, you thought little surprises like these would suffice. 

Living away from each other after living so many years together truly showed you just how important each member to each other was. It was truly refreshing and just incredibly fulfilling to be with each other again, so you wanted to make sure special moments like these still get to be celebrated as they should be. 

"Well, thank you for suggesting it." Irene squeezed the hand that was on her waist whilst looking up at you with soft eyes full of gratitude.

You answered her with the special smile you reserved only for her. 

"Come on, Unnies, let's take a picture with the cake!" Yeri's cheery voice caused the bubble that was surrounding the two of you to burst, making you both chuckle. You both made your way to her side and you saw how Irene's point finger made its way towards the cake, ready to wipe Yeri's cheek with the icing.

"Happy birthday, dongsaeng-ah," you muttered only for your younger sister to hear and a beautiful smile formed on her lips, just in time for Irene to wipe the icing on her cheek. Yeri couldn't wish for a better birthday. 


The last birthday to be celebrated was the leader's birthday and you wrecked your brain on how to celebrate her properly. You had a cake ready for you to surprise her with, though at this point it was hardly a surprise since you do it every year, she appreciated the gesture all the same. In fact, it would be so out of character for you if you didn't do it. 

The day fell on a broadcasted performance at a music show and since you had to be at the shops so early in the morning to get everyone ready, you asked your manager to bring the cake you had bought later that day for lunch, so everyone could have a piece with the lunch you knew was going to be sent by Irene's fansites. 

You were glad that you're tasked with monitoring social media so you can know these things.

"Happy birthday, my sunshine," you greeted her softly as she began to wake up in your arms, her alarm blaring to make sure the two of you were up on time. Even though you wouldn't be celebrating her birthday with her early in the morning just like you always do every year, you wanted to make sure that Irene knew it was still a special day that's worth celebrating.

She groaned at the rude awakening by the alarm and you giggled in response, watching as her bleary eyes began to open. You reached to her side so you can turn off the alarm sounds from her phone. 

"Thank you, El," she whispered back before snuggling closer to your chest, eyes closed in bliss. She was happy she got to celebrate her birthday with the members again, all living together and spending time together. It brought her back to her early idol days and she was grateful to always have you on her side, taking care of her when she was busy taking care of everyone else. 

She felt your hand on her forehead, softly brushing away the hair covering it, causing her to sigh dreamily as she snuggled closer to your warmth. She revelled in your touch for a few more moments before she knew she had to get up or everyone would be late for their schedule.

"I love you," she mumbled and your smile widened into a warm grin, watching the woman in your arms with so much love and adoration. You really didn't know where you'd be without your soulmate by your side. 

You leaned in a little more to give her forehead a kiss, bringing her closer to your embrace. "I love you too, Hyunie," you forwent the honorifics to call her by her favourite nickname of yours and the smile on her face widened so beautifully. You wished you could take a picture right now.

"I'm so glad we can celebrate your birthday together with everyone this year. I'm thankful for you, Unnie, and I hope you're always reminded how loved you are and how important you are to us, to me," you looked into her eyes with a gaze as soft as it could get, adoration and love pouring out of your eyes and Irene almost teared up at the sight, "you're a gift, my sunshine." 

You could see the tears clouding her eyes at your sweet words and blush decorating her supple cheeks. Then, a breathtaking smile formed on her lips and the genuine happiness in her expression coupled with the smile beaming on her face almost blinded you. You're truly blessed to be able to see this sight more than once. 

"I swear your way with words gets better every year, Eli-ah. You should start writing songs, I bet all the girls would swoon," Irene teased as a way to distract you from the pink dust on her cheeks, "thank you. I don't always say it but I'm so grateful to have you and our members in my life. We've been through a lot and I probably wouldn't be able to get through half of it without any of you. You'll always be a part of my life, El, forever and always." 

This time you couldn't hold the beaming smile back any longer and Irene's smile widened if that was even possible. Happiness looked best on you and she'd never get tired of seeing it. 

"Forever and always," you replied before bringing her into another warm hug, feeling her melt into the embrace. She'd rather stay in your arms all day but duty calls. At least she'd get to celebrate with the people that truly know her and understand her. 

"Come on, before we get yelled at for not waking everyone up on time." You gave her one last squeeze before pulling away from the hug to finally get up. 

"I want all the cuddles tonight, Eli-ah," your soulmate grumbled jokingly with hints of threat underneath and you laughed freely, shaking your head in amusement. 

"Of course, Unnie.It would be my honour."

The time came for the birthday celebration and you watched as the staff brought in five big boxes full of food from Irene's fansites, going "Wow" in amazement. 

"They really went all out huh," Yeri piped up and you nodded in astonishment, watching the birthday girl's eyes widen in shock. 

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed and all of you laughed with her, some taking out their phones to take a picture. 

"This surely would go down as one of the most memorable birthdays in your life, Unnie," Wendy quipped and Irene nodded in agreement, whipping out her own phone to take pictures. 

"Definitely," she mumbled and as she was distracted, you looked towards your manager and nodded as a cue, and she went towards the fridge kept in the room. 

"You have one more present, Joohyun-ah," your manager said as she brought the cake out, causing the other members to look at you knowingly. They knew it'd be your doing.

You shrugged coolly in return, winking in their direction. They just giggled and shook their heads playfully. Irene, looking at their responses, looked around in confusion. 


"Turn around," Joy nodded towards the manager and you watched as surprise made its way back to her face. You only looked at her lovingly and she got to see the look on your face when she turned towards you.

"Yah! Did you get me my favourite cake?" 

You chuckled whilst nodding, the staff around you cooed and awed at how cool you looked right now. 

"Since neither Wan-unnie nor I can make it this year, it's the next best thing," you proceeded to shrug and the videos captured by some of the staff showed how some of them sounded amazed at the fact. Busy idols baking their leader a cake every year for her birthday? Yeah, almost unheard of.

"Thank you," Irene sounded so touched which melted basically everyone in the room. Everyone could tell this genuine, sincere emotion was not something she showed everyone outside her trusted zone. So, they relished in the intimate moment between the members they got to witness. 

"Anything for you, Unnie," you replied and everyone all but melted all over again. 

Your manager, who was holding the cake, brought it in front of the birthday girl before lighting the candles up. "Blow the candles and make a wish, Joohyun-ah."

You all sang the song so everyone could proceed with lunch and watched proudly as she blew the candles with the most serene expression on her face. 

"Happy birthday, Joohyun-unnie! We love you!" the members all shouted and Irene's dolphin laugh can be heard amongst the ruckus. 

This year felt different like a new life was breathed into the group and you couldn't wait for the journey. As long as you stay together, everything will be alright, that you were sure of. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙