Can We Try?

The Life of the Sixth Member

Wendy was wracking her brain. Hard. After the talk with the leader to better understand just what she had done to ruin her relationship with you, she was determined about apologising to you and mending your relationship by gaining back the trust she knew she had lost. 

"Unnie, do you think she'll ever forgive me?" Wendy couldn't help but ask, desperation clouding her gaze. Irene could sympathise with the younger girl, though she wouldn't hide her from the truth. 

Irene heaved a heavy sigh. "I think she already has, Seungwan-ah. She's forgiving like that," she gave the main vocalist a small albeit sad smile, "the relationship and the trust, however, now that's a different story." 

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked with furrowed brows, although deep down she already knew what Irene was going to say. 

The older girl made sure they were eye-to-eye so Wendy knew she was serious. "Eli believes that she can't take care of you anymore, Seungwan-ah. With how you reacted last time, she thinks her way of trying to make sure you're safe, healthy, and comfortable was out of line and made you uncomfortable so she shouldn't do it ever again. But most importantly, she's hurt that you thought so little of her love," Irene's gaze turned sad, "she's going to reconsider every action she has done and if none of us stops her, she's going to spiral just like she did all those years ago. I can only try to reassure her with my words and actions, but that can only do so much when I'm not the one she needs answers from." 

Irene knew Wendy had gotten the message when a tear fell down her eyes before she covered her face with her hands, sobbing in remorse. Irene, the ever-attentive leader, could never see her members suffer so she took the main vocalist in her arms. She held the younger as she sobbed, shaking both their small bodies though she didn't really mind. She's glad Wendy finally found out how she had made you feel and maybe, just maybe, you and Wendy can heal and recover from this. It might seem simple to some people, however, you're a sensitive soul and when one of the most trusted figures in your life doubted you, you were going to take that to heart and begin questioning everything you've done. You might be confident and all, but something like this was bound to affect you more than just the regular hate or problems coming your way. 

"Unnie, I know I'm asking for a lot but please help me. I don't know where to start," Wendy begged her once her sobs had died down, replaced by the occasional hiccups. Irene pulled back from the hug to look at her in the eyes with sympathy.

Irene heaved a sigh and Wendy had the right to be scared. If the leader wasn't willing to help her, then who would? She didn't know whether the other members knew about what had happened but she figured they'd already been pissed with her if they had, so they were out of the question. Your best friends? Yeah, that's definitely not happening. No matter how nice Lisa and Rosé were, they definitely didn't agree with what she did and wouldn't talk to her if they didn't have to. 

The leader watched as Wendy's eyes widened in fear and she couldn't help but giggle, eyes closing in that special way Wendy got slightly dazed. 

"Calm down, Seungwan-ah. I might be mad at you for doing that to my baby but that doesn't mean I won't help you," Irene eventually explained causing Wendy to deflate in relief. She was ready to beg on her knees if needed. 

Wendy looked at her with gratitude and determination clearly written in her eyes. She was eternally thankful for the ever-loving leader and determined to fix her relationship with you. 

"What do you have in mind?" 


It was a few days later that Wendy found herself at the door to your room, listening in whether you were awake or not. The leader had told her that today's your day off so she thought she should take you to your favourite cafe and just spend time together, and maybe, just maybe, you can talk about it at the end of the day. After her attempt of making your favourite breakfast a few days ago, she had been trying to find out what else she could do to fix your trust in her so when the leader suggested the cafe date, she was all for it. It's been a while since Wendy had hung out with you as well and she really wanted to make it happen, but she just had to get over her nervousness. 

Eventually, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It wasn't long before your voice called out from behind the door, "Come in!" 

You turned your gaze towards the door to see your older sister, the one you considered a mother figure, standing there with a nervous albeit hopeful smile. The towel you were using to dry your hair almost fell from your grip. 

"Seungwan-unnie?" the girl in question could hear the confusion in your voice if your stunned face was not enough proof, "what's up?" You erased any trace of surprise from your face and replaced it with a welcoming smile. However messed up your feelings currently were, you were happy to see her actually coming up to you first. 

"Liza, I heard it's your day off and I was wondering if you'd like to spend the day with me?" Wendy's voice got quieter towards the end of her sentence, all in English because she needed the comfort, and at that moment you realised this was the beginning of her attempt to fix it with you. You knew that because you knew her; her cooking your favourite breakfast a few days ago and now this? You're starting to see it now and you couldn't help but feel a little bit hopeful. 

"Do you not have any schedule? I know your days are packed nowadays, Unnie." However hopeful and deserving you were of this treatment, you weren't going to disturb her work. 

Listening to your questions, Wendy's nervousness went away as determination coloured her gaze. "I've moved things around and I would like to spend some quality time with my little sister uninterrupted if you'd let me," Wendy eventually spoke the truth, hoping you would be a little more convinced that she was trying to make things right. She didn't want to act nonchalant anymore, she wanted you to know that she was trying to fix things with you if you'll let her. 

With that you lit up, nodding in excitement with a child-like twinkle in your eyes. How you were acting right now reminded Wendy of a much younger version of you, all excited and energised every time she was willing to spend time with you outside of training, especially when it comes to music. Wendy felt her heart clench at the thought, missing how easier things had been before she screwed things up because of her own insecurity. 

"Great!" the main vocalist excitedly voiced out, "is ten okay? Manager-oppa will be the one taking us around today." 

You tilted your head in slight confusion and Wendy almost squealed at the sight. "What do you have in mind, Unnie?" 

"You'll see." 

When you finished getting ready, you walked out to the living room to see Wendy waiting with Irene next to her, talking quietly. You watched as Irene said something and Wendy looked at her determinedly as she nodded, looking like she was promising something to her. They both turned towards your direction when they heard your footsteps approaching. 

"El," Irene greeted softly with that special smile painted on her lips and Wendy watched as a soft, loving smile made its way to yours, something that you only give to the leader. 

You kissed the top of her head as your arm wrapped around her shoulders in an embrace, her arms around your waist as she hugged you back. "Hi, sunshine. Are you coming with us?" you asked softly, subtly trying to convey your slight discomfort at the thought of being left alone with the one that caused you your second heartbreak. 

Irene pulled back from the hug to look up at you with those soft eyes of hers, making you feel like you might melt. Honestly, being the other end of her loving stares and smiles are something you wouldn't trade for anything in this world. 

"No, this is her chance to fix things with you. Just be yourself, okay? You don't have to hold back anymore," she reassured you softly with a meaningful stare, one which you replied with one of your own accompanied by a slight frown that subconsciously appeared on your lips. 

You hesitated because the wound from some time ago was still fresh, even if you have decided to let things go and act normal. "But Unnie-" 

She raised her right hand to pat your cheek reassuringly, her smile softening when you closed your eyes and leaned into her touch. "Trust me," you opened your eyes to look into hers, "you trust me, don't you? If you can't trust her yet then trust me. Things will be okay again." 

You stared at each other as your conversation fell into a silent one, your eyes doing all the talking. Wendy watched the interaction and wondered how you two have always done it. She could understand her members without talking, sure, but not having a whole silent conversation. Great things always come from that though, so she hoped the same thing would happen again today. 

After a few long seconds, you eventually nodded, causing a breathtaking smile to make its way to the leader's face. She nodded reassuringly before tiptoeing to give your cheek a soft kiss before pulling back completely from the embrace. 

You turned your attention towards your mother figure again and nodded with a small albeit genuine smile, causing Wendy to let out a relieved sigh she didn't know she was holding in. 

"I'm ready, Unnie!" 

The main vocalist smiled as she put on her mask. "Let's go, Liza! We'll be back late, Joohyun-unnie, you don't have to wait for us." 

Irene nodded though worry made its way to her expression, causing you to smile, this time reassuringly. "We'll let you know how late it's going to be, Unnie. Just rest, okay? We'll be safe." 

Irene nodded again with a sigh, though this time she was looking a little lighter. "Okay, you two. Have fun!" 

You walked out the door with the main vocalist in tow, her short legs trying to keep up with your fast stride. Seeing her struggle, you chuckled almost inaudibly before slowing down your pace so she wouldn't be running trying to catch up with you. Wendy saw how you tried to accommodate her and became even more determined to convince you that she knew she had hurt you and would like to make it up to you. 


The first place your manager drove you to was your favourite cafe. You whipped your head towards your older sister with wide eyes, causing her to smile though you could detect the slight nervousness in her gaze. 

"Unnie, you shouldn't have..." you trailed off, though you were actually ecstatic and Wendy's next words made you even more elated. 

"I'm trying to make it up to you, Liza, and I'm going to do it right if you'll let me," Wendy turned serious as she held one of your hands in her, giving it a soft squeeze. 

You nodded to her request, eyes closing as you gave her your signature warm smile. You were happy that she was finally admitting what she was trying to do since it made it more real. You figured it out ever since she cooked you that breakfast, but it was nice to hear it from her. 

You both made your way to the cafe with her arms wrapped around yours and she couldn't stop looking at you so lovingly. Some fans actually recognise you both and watched in awe as the love poured out of Wendy's eyes as you made your way to the cafe. 

That day was spent doing everything you loved; chilling at a cafe, visiting a museum you've been dying to see for a while, eating at your favourite restaurant, and ending the day at another cafe after you had your dinner. Wendy thought it would be a good idea to visit a cafe first before going home, one with a good ambience and atmosphere but not too many people so the both of you could talk comfortably. 

The both of you sat down at a table near the window so you could gaze at the pretty lights illuminating the city outside. It was already night time so it was safe to sit there without the fear of too many people recognising you both. 

After ordering for the both of you, Wendy sat down and drew a nervous breath while looking at you with remorse. 

"Liza, I would like to talk about what happened. Is this a good time, are you comfortable having that talk now?" Wendy had to make sure this was something you wanted to do as well, she was done making you uncomfortable in your skin just like you'd been feeling the past few weeks. 

You sighed heavily and Wendy felt a sliver of fright run through her body. She waited with bated breath for your answer while praying that you'd give her even a small chance to explain herself and ask for your forgiveness. 

"Are you sure a public place like this is the best way to talk about it, Unnie? What if I cry or you cry and somebody sees us?" you asked with concern written all over your face, causing Wendy to shake her head in slight disbelief. She knew why you had asked and it was not because you were concerned for yourself; you were concerned about how her image and the group's image would hold up if somebody captured you crying at a cafe. What kind of crazy theories would people come up with? You didn't want to cause drama even though you knew this talk needed to happen, preferably not back at the dorms because you didn't want the other members aside from Irene to see Wendy differently.

You were too selfless sometimes and Wendy couldn't help but find it ironic since she used to be, or still is, like that too. 

Wendy wrapped the hand that was on the table in hers, giving you the warmth you always crave. "It's okay, Liza. It's pretty crowded but not too crowded, I'm sure no one's paying attention to us anyway. If you feel like it's better to talk somewhere else, I'm okay with that too," she looked at you with a soft smile painted on her lips, "It's your call." 

You thought about it for a few seconds before nodding, giving her your own small smile. "We can talk here, Wan-unnie, I'm comfortable here with you." 

Wendy didn't expect the amount of relief she would feel when the words were uttered from your lips. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her chest.

"Okay," Wendy breathed out, "I'll start. First, I would like to apologise for what I have said that night. No amount of excuses is enough to make it okay for me to say those words to you when you've been nothing but supportive. I'm so sorry, dongsaeng-ah, I truly am," tears began clouding Wendy's eyes and you squeezed the hand that was still wrapping around yours to provide some comfort, "I was so insecure with myself, so scared that people have forgotten who I was with how long I was gone, that I didn't realise how self-centred I had become. I know you were checking in because you were worried and you just wanted to make sure I was doing okay, and instead, I accuse you of not trusting me. I'm so sorry," Wendy ended it there with tears b in her eyes. 

You got up from your seat to sit next to her before bringing her smaller figure into your embrace, kissing her head and her hair in an attempt to comfort her as she cried softly in your arms. Image be damned, she couldn't help but cry every time she remembered her words and actions towards you that night. 

"Shh, it's okay Unnie, it's okay," you muttered into her hair, tightening the hold you had on her as you felt her crying even harder. 

"I'm so sorry," she cried and you shushed her once again, looking around you to make sure you were not making too much of a fuss to gather attention from those around you. Luckily, the music was loud enough to disguise everything and everyone seemed to be in their own bubbles. 

"I know, Unnie, I forgive you," you whispered and Wendy calmed down enough to make sure she could listen to your voice clearly, "it hurt a lot as I'm sure you know from Joohyun-unnie. I wasn't sure why you didn't trust me enough that I was only doing that to make sure I wasn't going to lose you again, Unnie, but maybe I crossed the line and I'm sorry for that. I never meant to make you feel like I don't trust you to take care of yourself, I only wanted to know you were okay.

"When you had your accident, I felt like I was losing you and it was the scariest thing I've ever felt, Unnie," this was the first time you admitted it out loud, "when I had that fight with Unnie, I felt like my heart was broken but seeing you on that hospital bed, all bruised and broken, it made me realise how anything can happen anytime and I don't want to lose you like that. That's why I kept checking up on you even though you have healed both physically and mentally, because I was selfish and didn't want to lose you, but I ended up making you second-guess yourself with my questions and I'm sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me." 

Wendy heard it all; the fear, the helplessness, the pain, and the remorse. She never knew you felt this deeply about her incident since you never really told her in-depth, you only said you missed her and how it was different without her around. She now knew you were just trying to be strong for her and the other members. 

As her tears had dried, Wendy pulled back from the warmest hug you have ever given her and cupped your cheeks in her palms, making sure all your attention was on her. 

"I forgive you, though there's nothing to forgive. Sure you texted a lot but there's nothing wrong with that, I guess I was just never used to that," she chuckled and was glad when you let out a teary one of your own, "I'm also sorry for making you worry. Why haven't you told me about any of this? I knew you missed me a lot but I didn't know how bad it was for you," she scolded softly. 

She watched as a sheepish smile made its way to your lips. "I just didn't want to burden you, Unnie, I know you had a lot on your plate and getting your confidence back was not easy, so I didn't want to add things on top of that." 

The main vocalist couldn't help but flick your temple in response, causing you to pout as you rubbed the spot, grumbling all the while. 

"That's for not telling anyone anything, I know Seulgi had to get it out of you that one time you missed me too much," she confessed and you glared playfully at the revelation. Damn you bear-unnie. 

"Now that we've forgiven each other and are more transparent, should we lay out some boundaries that's okay with the both of us?" Wendy asked, unsure if she was going to offend you with the question. "I never want something like this to happen again since it hurt the both of us a lot. What do you think?" 

You nodded immediately, a smile on your face and Wendy didn't hold back her relieved sigh. "I agree, Unnie. Let's be clearer to each other from now on," you spread your arms again, "hug?" 

Wendy giggled as the image reminded her that one time when you asked if it was okay for you to hug her because she was new and you didn't want to make her uncomfortable. She nodded before proceeding to wrap her own arms around your waist, feeling you wrap yours around her shoulders and back. This was her favourite type of your hug. 

That night ended with you and her coming back to the dorms hand-in-hand, laughing at something she had said. Irene watched with a relieved smile as you made your way to her before wrapping her in the warmest of embraces. 

Everything was going to be okay. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙