Fun in Switzerland

The Life of the Sixth Member

"We're really going to Switzerland, huh?" you broke the silence, prompting the others to look at you with surprise still evident in their eyes. 

"Wow, we've surely come a long way," Wendy commented and you all nodded to her statement, feeling the same sentiment. 

The day Red Velvet was appointed as "Swiss Friends" was unforgettable and unbelievable on its own, and now you were to make some sort of a commercial for the country, and it was so incredible you didn't think it was real.

"We're going to have so much fun!" Yeri exclaimed, making the rest of you smile at her genuine excitement. She turned towards Irene. "We'll be able to explore, right Unnie? Not working every day?" 

Listening to her concerns Irene smiled, patting her head sweetly. "I'm sure we'll have some time to explore, Yerim-ah. I'll make sure with the managers, okay?" 

Yeri nodded excitedly in response, turning towards Joy to talk excitedly to her about all the things they could see and the kind of pictures they'd get to take. 

The four of you just watched their interaction with smiles on your faces, letting them express the excitement for you. 

"They're too cute," Seulgi commented and all of you nodded, you turning towards her and nudging her side. 

"You can join in if you want, Unnie, we won't judge~" your teasing resulted in Irene and Wendy laughing loudly and Seulgi whining cutely, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

You couldn't wait for the day of the trip. It's going to be fun, you're sure of it. 


The minute all of you stepped off the aeroplane you breathed in the fresh air, a serene smile turning up on your lips. You loved it already. 

"Eli-ah," Irene came to your side and linked her arms with yours, "I can tell you like this country already." 

You smiled at her and started to walk towards the gate, leading her along. "It's refreshing to be here, Unnie. I think we can be freer here, don't you think?"

She hummed, thinking about your statement. "I guess you're right. People won't recognise us as much," she turned towards you with a playful glare, "that's what you meant, right?"

You giggled and nodded, bringing her figure closer to yours. "Of course, Unnie. What else could I mean by that?" 

She was about to respond but all of you had reached the gate and fans could definitely see you from here. She stood up straighter and unlink her arms with yours only for you to put your arms around her shoulders instead. Looking at her for signs of discomfort she only smiled warmly, which you replied with your own. 

You walked out with a big smile on your face and you greeted the fans present warmly. 

"Eli! Welcome to Switzerland!" You turned to the fan and winked at her, making her and the people around her squeal.

"Irene, you're too pretty!" You laughed with her at that one. 

"Wendy! You're pretty!" Wendy, who was walking next to you, blushed and giggled. You wrapped your other arm around her shoulders. 

"Trust them, Unnie," you whispered to her and she looked up at you with gratitude in her eyes. She nodded and gave you a warm smile. 

All of you continued on your way to the hotel, smiling and waving at fans periodically. You couldn't wait for what was to come.


"We're going to shoot in a library type of place and just act curious, okay?" one of your managers informed, "I'm sure you guys are curious either way." 

With that all of you laughed, agreeing with his statement. All of you liked reading one way or another so being inside a beautiful library, surrounded by books and wood just made all of you feel serene. 

During the shoot you had fun and listened to all the information being delivered, you and Wendy occasionally being translators for the girls because as much as they know English, some of the words being used were unfamiliar to them. 

"Did you catch that, Yerim-ah?" you whispered to your dongsaeng subtly, leaning your body closer to her.

She giggled quietly. "No. Please tell me what he said, Unnie," her statement made you laugh quietly but you did what she asked, doing the same for Joy as Irene and Seulgi were already aided by Wendy that was closer to them. 

This way Joy didn't have to bend down to hear what Wendy was saying anyways, that would give away the fact that they couldn't understand what the guide was saying more than necessary. 

After being done, all of you gathered around the manager for the next instructions. 

"We're going to shoot in front of a restaurant," and seeing the look on the maknae line's faces he nodded, "and yes, you can eat the food." 

The maknae line which included you, Yeri, and Joy all hissed a "yes", prompting the unnie line to snicker under their breaths. Except for Seulgi, she was celebrating with the maknaes happily. 


All the time in Swiss was spent trying out new things and discovering new activities that you found out you liked doing. In a way, aside from commercial purposes, this trip made you find out more about yourself and you're pretty sure the members felt the same way. 

"Eli-ah," Joy had knocked on your hotel door later at night and you welcomed her into your room. You missed the days of sharing hotel rooms. "Do you feel different because of this trip?" 

The moment she said it you smiled, knowing where she was going with it. You decided to let her explain it to you. "Different how, Sooyoung-unnie?" 

She frowned slightly as she settled on the bed next to you. She put her head on your shoulder and you put yours on hers, your breathing matching hers. 

"I feel like I found out more about myself here, you know?" she eventually let out and you nodded, a gesture to let her know she could continue, "I knew I liked nature but I realised I really love them and it makes me want to travel more to the mountainside when we go back." 

You smiled against her head while taking her hand in yours. "Is that it, Unnie?" 

She shook her head. "I also realised how old we've all gotten. Can you believe that Joohyun-unnie is almost 30?!" 

With that you laughed out loud, leaning away slightly so you could laugh even freer. "Unnie! You're getting old too, you know!" 

"Yah!" she whined, punching your shoulder slightly, "I know that but I didn't want to say it so I used Joohyun-unnie as an example instead!" 

You were still giggling. You've missed hanging out with her like this. "I know, Unnie, but if she heard you you're screwed."

She looked at you with a playful but threatening expression. "That's why you're not going to tell her. Got it?" 

You only smirked and shrugged your shoulders. "We'll see." 

"Eli-aaaaaaah," she put her hands on your forearm, shaking it while she whined, "please? I'll buy you anything you want! Just don't tell her!" 

This was getting too good. "Really? Anything I want?" you decided to play along. 

That made Joy think. "Anything within reason and price," she eventually relented with a defeated sigh. 

"Unnie," you scoffed, "you have the money, don't try to fool me." 

She eventually agreed on buying you a new camera that you've been eying for months, and only if you would take pictures of her with it. 

You agreed easily as you were the group's unofficial photographer anyway, alongside Wendy. 

"But I get what you're saying, Unnie," you commented eventually, "I do feel that way too and there's nothing wrong with discovering more about ourselves." you gave her a warm smile.

"It means we're growing and we have to keep growing and learning, right?" 

She thought about it before giving you her gummy smile, making you smile back. "You're right, dongsaeng-ah. Let's keep growing together, okay?" 

You grinned and gave her cheek a kiss. "Okay, Unnie." 


On the plane ride back you sat with Irene, being her plane buddy this time around. Seulgi wanted to sit with Wendy and talk about their Marie Claire Korea magazine shoot so you accepted the change of role easily. 

After settling down with your book and music, you waited for the plane to take off. You were sat in first class so you had a seat all to yourself with Irene not too far next to you, only being separated by a small space. 

"Eli-ah," Irene called and you turned towards your guardian with a questioning glance, "why was Sooyoung in your room this morning?" 

You chuckled. "She was talking about the trip and fell asleep, so I just let her sleep with me." You knew she was concerned that something had happened and she'd want to know how to help, but it was just too tempting to not .

"Why? Are you jealous, Unnie?" you teased and she blushed, glaring at you. 

"Yah! Why are you talking like this!" Your older sister looked flustered and you couldn't help but even more. 

"Don't worry, Unnie. You don't have to be jealous, okay? I'm all yours~" you gave her finger guns, just like how Wendy does it, and she shivered in disgust even though her cheeks became even redder. 

"Stop it, Eli-ah! I'm just concerned about Sooyoung, not jealous," she grumbled and you eventually let out your laughs. 

"I know, Hyun-unnie, I know," you eventually relented, giving her a sincere smile, "she's fine and nothing happened, okay? Thank you for being the best leader." 

This time she blushed out of shyness. Your leader was just too cute. 

The trip really gave all of you the time to relax and enjoy new things, and Yeri and Joy got all the pictures they wanted. You couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity.

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙