For You

The Life of the Sixth Member

The moment Joy announced that she couldn't participate in the following tour dates, you were heartbroken. All of the members had been waiting for the moment you all could tour the world, singing your new songs and giving international fans the best performance they could ask for, but Joy was on a different level. She had always loved performing and the joy she got from it was unlike any other. Yes, she could act and host literal TV shows now but nothing made her as happy as being on stage, singing with the five girls she had grown up with, her members, her honorary sisters. So, she was heartbroken the moment she realised she couldn't go on with the shows with the tremendous pain she was feeling. 

"I don't think I can go on with the tour," Joy started as she gathered all the members in the dining room, close to tears. She watched as the rest widened their eyes in surprise, confusion making its way to their faces, except for you. It seemed like instead of confusion, it was a realisation that dawned on you. 

Later, when you talked together, she found out you already suspected it. 

Wendy leaned forward in her seat. "Hold on, what's going on, Sooyoung-ah?" 

The actress took a deep breath to tell them the news. "So, you know how I have Somatic disorder? Well, it's been getting worse and the pain is just insufferable," all the members watched as their sister broke down in tears. "I was trying so hard to be healthy and making sure that the stress from all my schedules wasn't going to get to me but I can't help it anymore. All is just too much and I'm just so tired of the pain," she cried and you, who was sitting next to her, immediately got up to bring her into a warm embrace as she sobbed. 

"Shh, it's okay, Unnie, let it out," you tearily reassured, making sure she could feel your warmth without you suffocating her. You didn't want to cause even more pain. The other members all got up to put her in a loving group hug, all trying to give her some kind of comfort. 

"I'm so sorry," Joy continued to sob and all of you just couldn't hold back your own tears anymore—even Irene, who always tried to not cry in front of her members. 

"Don't be sorry Sooyoungie, you're going to be okay. We're all going to be okay," the leader reassured as she the younger's hair in an attempt to comfort her. 

All six of you huddled for a while before you were starting to sweat, so you kissed the top of your older sister's head in a loving manner before pulling back, causing the rest to follow suit. None of you went back to your seats though, you just stood there while watching the middle child of Red Velvet like a hawk, trying to make sure she was going to be okay. Joy, at that moment, truly felt like a little kid again, getting comforted and babied just like all those years ago. 

"Hey, deep breaths okay, Sooyoungie? We're right here," it was Seulgi this time that spoke up, causing Joy to look up and nod to her unnie, reaching out to hold her hand and provide her with some kind of ground to stand on. With her red nose and fluffy cheeks, she truly looked like a cute little kid getting comforted by her older sister it was adorable. 

If it was appropriate for you to take your phone out you would but a shake of her head Irene discouraged you from it, her already realising what you wanted to do when your hand made its way to your back pocket. 

You pouted a little in silence but understood how it could make Joy feel. 

"It's okay if you need a good, proper rest, Unnie," you spoke this time, causing hers and the rest of the members' attention to turn towards you. "This way you don't have to worry about getting to work the next day or having to remember lines or choreographies during your downtime. Take as much time as you need, we'll always support you in whatever you do," you gave her a reassuring, warm smile, causing her to melt in relief. 

"Eli-unnie's right," Yeri spoke up for the first time. "We'll even dedicate this tour to you, Unnie. This way you'll always feel like you're there with us, singing and dancing to the fans." 

This made Joy coo out loud. "Aw Yerim-ah, you're so sweet!" She then got up to take the younger in her arms, Yeri just surrendering to the hug because she knew it comforted the older. 

"Thank you," she looked around to look at each of her members in the eye. "Thank you for not making me feel bad for putting my health first." It was a simple statement but you all felt how grateful Joy was feeling. She then gave you a watery but warm smile before hugging your waist, causing you to wrap your arms around her shoulders. Moments like these made Joy glad that you were taller than her, this way she could be the little spoon. 

You squeezed her affectionately before kissing the side of her head. "Of course, Unnie. That's what sisters are for." 

You both hugged a little longer before the others made their way to the hug as well, this time feeling much lighter than before. Even though you won't be doing this tour as a complete group, all of you were going to do your best to make the lead singer and yourselves proud with your performance. 

"Okay, who's hungry? I'm cooking!" you exclaimed and cheers followed suit, causing all of you to laugh. 

"Me! Me!" the youngest replied. 

"I'll help!" the ever-so-helpful angel piped up, causing you to chuckle. 

"I want some comforting food, please!" Joy requested and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. 

You nodded before making your way towards the kitchen. "Right, let's go, Wan-unnie. Let's cook some comforting foods!" 


"How did you know?" Joy asked, the curiosity had been lingering ever since she noticed you didn't seem shocked. 

"Hm?" you looked up from the dishes you were washing to turn your attention towards your older sister. The others offered to help since you'd cooked but you knew everyone was really tired from the recent concert so you took it upon yourself to wash everything and Joy immediately volunteered to help dry them. Irene gave you a concerned look but you smiled in response, conveying with your eyes that you were truly not over-pushing yourself and you could do it, you weren't that tired. 

She sighed but trusted you on this, a little bit relieved because Joy was there and she'd definitely scold you if she realised you were lying. 

So there you two were, washing and your older sister drying the plates, glass, and even pots and pans you had used. 

"I realised you weren't that shocked when I told the news..." Joy elaborated, a sad pout on her lips as she remembered that you were all going to be away from each other for a long time. "How did you find out?" 

You smiled whilst going back to washing. "It started when we began the concert practice. I realised you would be massaging almost every part of your body in between breaks and you looked like you were in pain, even though I knew you were trying to hide that," you reprimanded her slightly causing her to blush sheepishly. "You often flinched in pain, especially during breaks, and I realised that it could be your Somatic disorder when you almost hyperventilate that first day of the concert because no matter how stressed you were, you never react that way before," you shrugged slightly at the end of your analysis, keeping it light to not make her feel guilty because she definitely should not. 

"Huh," Joy responded absentmindedly as she tried to remember the moments you had mentioned. "So it's been going on for a while huh...." 

You whipped your head so quickly that you heard your neck pop, causing your older sister's eyes to widen in worry. "You didn't realise?" you just had to ask because there was no way that she didn't realise how in pain she had been to come to the point where she had to take a long break from it. 

Joy had that serious look whenever she was in deep thought. "I mean... I know I've been a lot more sore than usual and more often but I just figured it was from exhaustion and not because my mental health is declining," she paused, looking up at you. "I really just thought I was tired and the short breaks we got would solve the problem." 

That caused you to sigh exasperatedly as you dried your hands, having finished washing everything. You looked at your older sister with a teasing glint in your eyes. "I guess it's not only me that's been pushing themselves to the limit, huh?" 

This caused Joy to whine, punching your arm softly in retaliation. "Eli-ah, you're so mean." 

You laughed out loud. "What? It's true!" 

You watched in silence as Joy finished drying and putting away everything. "How are you feeling right now, Unnie? Is there anything we can do to help?" you asked softly, affection and understanding flowing through your words. 

Joy looked at you with all the love you deserve, grateful for having such an understanding little sister. She was grateful for each and every one of her members, really. Thank God she was put in Red Velvet.

"The pain is tolerable now, I think it's because I'm relieved for finally being open with you guys and knowing I'll have a long break ahead of me, away from stress," Joy paused. You stayed silent, knowing she wasn't done due to the slight hesitation that flickered through her eyes. 

You watched with slightly mellowed albeit relieved eyes, feeling terrible that you couldn't go on tour as a full group but relieved that Joy would get the overdue undisturbed rest. Yes, she got days off just like any of you but during those days she even said she couldn't stop working and was restless because she knew she had things to do but was supposed to rest, so even though the timing was unfortunate, Joy really needed this rest. 

"By supporting me and making me feel less guilty already helps but... there's a favour I want to ask from you, dongsaeng-ah," Joy continued, feeling slightly shy from having to ask for help from you but determined all the same. 

You tilted your head in surprise and confusion, not anticipating that you could actually be of help. "Of course, Unnie. What do you need me to do?" 

"Come to my doctor's appointment with me?" Joy questioned. "I have one scheduled in two days and I know you're supposed to get ready for the Singapore concert but-" 

You shook your head as you cut her off, "Say no more, Unnie, I will come with you." You put a hand on her fluffy cheek, watching her lean into your touch as she let out a sigh of relief. "Let me know if there are other doctor's appointments you want me to come to, and I'll be there. As long as I don't have anything going on for the tour, I'll always be there for you, Sooyoung-unnie. I promise you." 

"Thank you," your older sister replied with relief in her eyes. She had been feeling a little lonely for the past few months even without her realising it, so knowing you could be there with her was relieving. She knew the others would say yes in a heartbeat if she'd asked but you give her the most comfort. 


"So, how are we going to incorporate Sooyoungie's parts in the songs?" Irene brought the topic up when the meeting with the concert director came. There was no time to officially change her parts and none of you really wanted to do that since you wanted to keep Joy as a part of the tour even if she physically couldn't be there. 

"Before you say something," you politely interrupted the staff that was about to open , "I would like to express that we would rather not change Sooyoung-unnie's parts as much as possible because we want to keep her as part of the tour," you explained softly though seriously. You wanted them to understand how important this was for all of you. 

"We understand that some parts like in "Beg for Me" might need to be altered as the dance sequence is quite tight for that one, but we'd like her parts that had been recorded from the Seoul dates to be shown and played during her parts on most of the other songs. What do you think?" 

The members looked at you with surprise written in their expressions, not knowing just how much you've thought about it. You talked a little with Joy to know her thoughts and she's basically okay with anything, already grateful that you're even willing to still include her like that. The members have agreed to keep her parts in but haven't really thought about how; thinking it would be talked about with the tour director anyway. That's why they were surprised at how thorough your analysis was. 

The staff looked at each other and nodded in agreement. 

"Honestly speaking, we were thinking about doing the same thing but gradually replacing all her parts in the songs, but we're glad that you've spoken out and given us this idea," the tour director said. "We'll list down the videos we need for her parts and how your choreographies should be adjusted. We'll get back to you to have your agreement and if we can proceed," he smiled. 

You all nodded in relief with you and Irene exchanging meaningful looks. You nodded and she turned back towards the staff. "Thank you for your understanding and we're sure that the fans will appreciate still seeing her, even if it's on the screen." 

This time it was Yeri that spoke up. "Yeah, I've seen what the fans are saying on SNS and I can say that they'll be really happy with this decision." 

"That settles it then," the female staff said, "we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" 

You looked at your leader before speaking up for one last time. "We request to keep Joy-unnie's introduction at the beginning of the concert and the script to be altered so we can talk about her to the fans even for a little bit. We'd like to dedicate this concert to her as well." 

The members immediately nodded to your request, all sharing the same sentiment. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Please consider this for the upcoming concert dates," Wendy finished it off, adding an air of finality to it. 

The staff could only look at each other before nodding, knowing it was the least they could do. 

"We'll consider it thoroughly. Thank you for your hard work." The staff all bowed and you all replied in kind, knowing they were working hard for you too. 

"Thank you for your hard work. Truly." 


It was a few days after that when you accompanied your older sister to see her doctor. It's true that she's been feeling much better, though she thought it would be better to see her doctor a little bit more regularly whilst she recovered, to make sure she's taking all the rest she needed and taking the right steps so she can recover well. She stayed at the dorms the night before so she could drive with you. 

"Unnie," you piped up as she drove, making sure to keep your voice low so you wouldn't distract her much. 

"Hm?" She looked in your direction before turning her attention back towards the road.

"Let's go on a date after this. Can we?" You looked at her softly, love and adoration written in your gaze. You want to spend as much time with her as you could before you had to go back to your pack tour schedules. 

She lit up in excitement. "Of course! Where do you want to go?" 

Your smile widened. "Can we go to a puppy cafe or something, so you can play with dogs and we can just chill there?" 

"Really?" She looked at you in surprise. "Do you really want to do that?" Joy was buzzing in excitement but she wanted to make sure that the date wasn't only for her. You should have fun too. 

You chuckled charmingly. "I'll do anything that can make you happy, Unnie. I just want to spend time with you and I know you prefer those types of cafes and I don't mind them as long as they have good coffee," you shrugged coolly before laughing out loud at the whine your older sister produced. 

"Yah, why are you like this~" she whined and you continued to chuckle, knowing she was half flustered half disgusted at the flirty words. You meant them though and knew she understood that. 

"What do you say, Unnie? Go on a date with me?" you asked her in seriousness this time, though a small genuine smile made its way to your face.

You watched in adoration as blush decorated her already pink chubby cheeks. "Of course. I'll make sure the cafe has food coffee and ambience so we can stay for a long time!" 

You giggled at her enthusiasm and nodded along, happy that she was happy. That's all you wanted for your members. 

The day ended with you posting pictures of your date with the resident y dynamite to your SNS accounts, giving everyone an idea of how you spent the day. Compliments and fateful words came from the fans, thanking you for making their Joy happy and taking care of her. The members playfully expressed their jealousy over the "date" in your comment sections, making you laugh. 

'Eli-unnie when is it my turn?????' Yeri commented with a heartbroken emoji. 

'Dongsaeng-ah, go on a date with me in Europe too later!' Apparently, Seulgi was thinking that far ahead. 

'Come to the Beyonce concert with me, Liza! Tickets on me!' Well, your angel Wendy hasn't said anything about this before and you had to call her to confirm whether she was serious. 

It seems like they were competing with each other and you almost thought Wendy might've won if it wasn't for what Irene commented afterwards. 

'Yah, Eomma asked if you'd be coming to vacation with us later and I said yes. You're coming with me.' Irene commented and this made you laugh out loud, causing Irene who was lying next to you playing a game to turn her gaze toward you.

She looked at you with an eyebrow raised in question and you only chuckled lowly, shaking your head in amusement. 

"Don't worry, my sunshine, you won," you replied as you continue to read the havoc your members have caused in your comment section.

It took Irene a few seconds to know what you were talking about before she nodded in triumph, getting back to her game. "Of course," she muttered and you shook your head again before feeling her snuggle to your side, head near your heart just the way she liked it.

You promised yourself to make sure Joy will always feel included during the tour, even if she couldn't be there. Well, maybe you could make a standee of her wearing the tour shirt for photos, that way she'd always be there. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1196 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙