Who Knows Me Best

The Life of the Sixth Member

It's always fun whenever you play games with your members on tv shows or any kind of interviews. Red Velvet had been known as a pretty competitive group, especially Irene who had been known as the shy but the most competitive when it came to games, so everyone always has a good time whenever there's games during interviews. For your promotion, the current members who had their own shows such as Seulgi with Seulgi.zip and Wendy with Wendy's Youngstreet radio, decided to do the group's promotions there as well. Red Velvet, who is now a senior group, doesn't really promote comebacks on the usual variety shows anymore, so what better way than doing it in your own ways, right? 

After visiting Wendy's radio show, Seulgi.zip had a lot to live up to. Or as Seulgi claimed to you the night before the taping. 

"Are you excited to have us on your show tomorrow, Unnie?" you asked the bear-like member on the phone, a teasing smile on your lips. Seulgi planned to stay at the dorms during promotions but she had something to do back at her house, so she was staying there for the night. 

"I'm not looking forward to the chaos that I know will happen," Seulgi pouted at you and you laughed, nodding your head in agreeement.

You stared at her with mock seriousness. "I apologise in advance with how hectic tomorrow is going to be for you, Unnie. My condolences," you nodded mockingly, causing Seulgi to whine. 

"Yah! Seriously, this girl I swear," her muttered complaints caused you to laugh even harder, you wondering whether Irene would come into your room with all the noise you were making. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you apologised sincerely this time after winding down from your laughs. 

"What do you have for us anyway, Unnie, that you know things will be chaotic tomorrow?" 

Seulgi opened to reply before closing it again, glaring at you accusingly. "I know what you're trying to do, Eli-ah." 

You stared at her innocently, eyes wide in at attempt to convince her. "What? It's a genuine question!" 

She stared at you some more before huffing, shaking her head in amusement. "You're a great actor but I'm your sister, Eli-ah, that won't work on me." 

"It usually does," you pouted cutely which caused the older to squeal. 

"You're too cute, I swear. But you'll see what we're doing tomorrow and understand why I can already tell it's going to be a mess." 

You thought about her statement before your eyes brightened up in realisation. "We'll be playing a game, aren't we, Unnie?" 

That caused Seulgi's eyes to widened as she sputtered her excuses. You're too smart for your own good sometimes, she thought.

"We are! I'm so excited, Unnie, I can't wait for your show tomorrow!" your genuine excitement caused Seulgi to smile a sisterly smile, thankuful for your never-ending support.

Truth to be told, she was quite nervous having all her members guesting on her show. What if she messed up? What if she embarrassed them on accident, saying something she couldn't take back on a broadcasted show? Her worries were relentless but the reassurances coming from you and the rest of the members helped a lot. Besides, she knew her members always made things feel easy and comfortable, so she had nothing to worry about really. 

"Thank you, Eli, that means a lot." 

"Of course, Unnie," you gave her your signature warm smile and Seulgi felt all her worries melted away, "just be yourself and don't let us being there ruin your groove, okay? You're a great host and this will be just like us interacting with each other at home. You have nothing to worry about," you smiled reassuringly. 

She giggled sheepishly at the compliments, shying away from the camera as she tried to cover her face. You chuckled at the response, affection and adoration clearly written in your eyes. 

"You're gonna do great. I believe in you."


The next day came around and all of you crowded the side of her set, waiting to be called in. 

"Her set looks so nice," you muttered to Irene and she leaned into you a litle bit more to be able to hear you clearer. The camera Joy was holding was capturing every moment, giving the fans a glimpse of what was happening on the other side of the 'stage' with Wendy being her bubbly self, waving and interacting with the camera.

"It does. What, do you want to have a talkshow as well?" she gave you a teasing smirk causing you to chuckle, shaking your head in amusement. 

You put your right arm around her shoulders so her body could lean into you more comfortably. Plus, having her in your arms is always comforting. 

"I don't think my anxiety would help in meeting new people every few days, Unnie," you looked at her, "I think being an actor and an idol is enough." 

She gave you that favourite smile of yours that never failed to calm you down, eyes full of love and adoration. "Yeah, you've done enough for now. We have enough MCs in our family anyway," she snickered and you laughed lowly at her joke, catching the way Wendy and Joy turned around to protest. 


Irene raised an eyebrow in question. "What?" she asked challengingly and the two only huffed playfully, Joy shoving the camera into your hands. 

"Your turn!" 

You opened your mouth to protest but was cut off by Seulgi calling your group inside, causing all of you to smile and enter the set professionally. 

Show time. 

It was time for the quiz and all of you would ask a certain amount of questions as a way to test just how well each of you know each other. The one with the most correct answers would win and even though there wasn't a prize, you knew your members would go all out anyways, trying to outdo each other. 

The first one was Irene as she was sat in the far left and the oldest. Wendy was particularly competitive in trying to answer every question correctly and you just had do fight her for the spot. There was no way you would lose in answering questions about your soulmate. Nope, not today. 

"What is my favourite nickname?" 

"Eli!" you raised your hand to answer and she nodded, causing you to carry on, "wait, I have two answers. Is it your favourite nickname in general or the one I call you in private?" 

"YAH!" the leader's eyes widended in shock as she shouted while the rest of the members yelped in surprise as well. Your eyes widened in confusion as you winced from the particularly strong hit to your shoulder from Joy.

"What? That's a genuine question!" 

Wendy could only facepalm as the rest groaned in response, shaking their heads in exasperation. You're too naive sometimes they couldn't help but find it both funny and embarrassing. 

The chatroom wasn't faring any better with everyone freaking out by your question. In private? What was that suppose to mean?

"I have a nickname for her that only I call her that, that's what I meant by private! Personal, you know?" 

The rest heaved an amused sigh with Yeri and Seulgi giggling into their hands, trying to stop themselves from crying from laughing too hard. 

"Your choice of words is something else, Eli-ah. I'm pretty sure everyone is freaking out now and we've barely even started," Wendy commented and gestured towards the staff situated behind the cameras and sure enough, you could see them with their hands over their mouths, their heads shaking in disbelief. 

You could only giggle and shrugged cutely, turning back towards the subject of the question. "Which one, Unnie? You haven't answered and I have to win!" 

Irene giggled in response. "Why do you have to win?" 

"Because it's you! Of course I have to win," you winked at her and she couldn't help but let the blush decorate her cheeks, causing Wendy to laugh next to her. 

"Ah , here we go again," Yeri muttered next to you, making you turn towards her with an amused smile. She only grinned in response, knowing only you could hear her.

"Okay, okay, enough. Which one, Unnie?" Seulgi decided to step in this time. 

Irene smiled, pink hues still evident on her cheeks. "In general, then. I don't want to give away your personal nickname for me, El." 


She nodded as she sounded the bells in the correct tone. "As expected from Eli." 

Her comments prompted protests from the others, the loudest being the second tallest member next to you. "Hey, I know the answer too! If only your soulmate isn't this fast I could've won," she couldn't help but pouted and you cooed, pinching her chubby cheek. 

"I'm sorry, Unnie. You can win from my questions then, okay?" you knew you managed to placate her by the way she smiled widely.  

"No, I'm gonna win that!" the protest came from next to you and accross from you, causing you to shake your head in amusement. 

"Okay," you raised your arm in surrender before looking at you guardian again, giving her that special smile she loved so much, "sorry, Unnie, carry on." 

The fans could only watch as Irene smiled widely before continuing to her next question. Oh, to be smiled at like that by you. 


It was your turn and you looked around the room at your members before snickering at how everyone, especially Irene and Joy, looking like they were ready to leap out of their seats in order to win the race.

"Unnies, why do you look like you're ready for a race? Relax, it's only questions about me," you laughed at the scene and as if on cue, they all protested in response.

"I have to win this, Eli-ah!" Joy was close to shouting while the leader didn't look any better at the end of the room.

"Hey, I'm gonna win this!"

Yeri didn't want to be left behind. "No, Eli-unnie, I'm going to win!" 

Wendy looked like she wanted to join the race but who was she kidding. Her against Irene, Joy, and Yeri? Yeah, she didn't have a chance.

You only giggled while Seulgi turned towards the camera, apologetic. "I'm sorry everyone, it's always like this when it comes to Eli for some odd reason."

Your head whipped towards the host, huffing in protest. "I didn't do anything!" 

Before Seulgi could even reply her soulmate stepped in, spreading her arms in exaggeration. "Children, children, that's enough. Liza, carry on." 

The fans truly had a blast watching the family dynamics happening on their screens. Red Velvet had always been natural with each other but watching this interaction truly showed everyone that you're an actual family. 

"Children," Irene muttered, annoyed that she was called a child by the main vocalist. Wendy only turned towards her with a raised eyebrow though she could see the apology in her eyes. 

Irene only nodded and smiled warmly as a sign on forgiveness to which Wendy sighed relievingly at. She really did not want to deal with a pouty bunny on the way home.

"Okay, first question," you started to read the first question on the list you had come up with earlier, "do I put cereal first or milk first?" 

"ME!" Almost everyone shouted in response, hands raised up in the air as they tried to get your attention. 

You laughed loudly at the scene. "Okay, okay let's do that again. Put all of your hands down," you waited until they followed, "one, two, three!" 

As predicted, Irene raised hers a millisecond earlier than Wendy. You pointed at her and she cheered at her succes. 

"Cereal first." 

You nodded, proud of her answer. "Correct. I would've been upset if you didn't know, Unnie, you've seen me eat cereal enough times," you couldn't help but and she smiled almost shyly. 

"Yah, of course I know."

"Wait!" Joy protested and you turned towards her, eyebrows raised in question. "But I saw you put milk in first multiple times! How do you say you put cereal first?!" she really couldn't accept her defeat even though it was only the first question. 

Your cheeks heated up as the rest gasped. "Unnie?!" Yeri couldn't help but let her disgust show on her face. Wendy had a smilar expression on her face and you had to take a deep breath so your cheeks wouldn't get too red. 

"Okay, everyone needs to know the context of this story. Thanks for airing out my dirty laundry, Joy-unnie," you couldn't help but added, side-eyeing the older girl as she smiled cheekily. 

"All of the cereals are put in the cabinet near the dining table, while the milk is in the refrigerator, in the kitchen. Sometimes I'm too lazy to get a glass, fill in the cereal, then go back to the kitchen for the milk, okay? Sometimes I want to be practical, so I get a glass, fill it with milk, then get a spoon and move away to get the cereal and sit down to eat at the dining table," you shrugged coolly as the rest tried to digest your long explanation. 

After a while Yeri shrugged as she accepted your explanation. Besides, she had done other questionable stuff while she was lazy, who was she to judge you?

"Your daughter is something else, Wendy-ah," Irene muttered to Wendy, fully knowing she was loud enough for all of you to hear her.

Wendy turned towards her in shock as the rest of you laughed loudly at the offended expresion she was supporting. "She's your daughter too!" 

That did it. The chatroom really exploded with that last comment as Irene laughed loudly, slapping her shoulder this time. 

You could only shake your head in amusement as Seulgi did the same, chuckling to herself. Having her members on her show really did spark chaos but she wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Okay, next question!" 

Chaotic as it may seem, Seulgi'll have her members over anytime of the day. Always.

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙