Irene Day

The Life of the Sixth Member

"Unnie, what are you going to do for your birthday party this year?" you asked one random day in the middle of March, about two weeks before the leader's birthday. You knew she was dying to meet Luvies again and celebrate her birthday with them, since she, and all of you really, couldn't for the past few years, so you were curious about what she had planned. 

Irene looked up from where her head lay on your lap with your fingers running absentmindedly through her currently long locks, both of you chilling on her bed after a rigorous practice. The past few weeks had been filled with tour preparations and practices so you'd gladly soak up any moment of solace you could find in between. Right now, your rest was with your soulmate who was going to turn thirty-three in two weeks but still looked in her mid-twenties. The time sure did fly by. 

She hummed in thought before shrugging, face deep in thought. "I've actually been trying to find out what to do. I know I want to sing again but I still haven't decided on the song, and knowing the party is going to be delayed due to our concert, I still haven't decided yet." 

You looked at the bare-faced beauty on your lap and couldn't help but run your finger through her soft cheek, causing her to lean to your touch and smile up at you, eyes full of love and adoration. Her reaction caused your own smile to light up your face, dimpled cheeks turning even rounder.

"Do you want to just have fun with them or have presents for them too? Considering you'd get lots of presents, I know you want to give back to them somehow," you explored, wanting to help your leader with anything she needed. 

Irene giggled in response. "You know me too well sometimes it's scary, El," she teased and continued to laugh that cute laugh at your adorable pout. Honestly, you were turning twenty-seven this year, why were you like this whenever it came to Irene? Or any of your older sisters, for that matter, but especially her. 

"But I like the idea of giving back to them. What do you think I should make?" Irene wondered as she looked around the room to find some ideas. It was quiet for a little while as you both looked for inspiration but suddenly, a thought came to your mind. 

"Unnie," you urgently called as excitement built up and Irene just had to sit up with how excited you looked, "you know how your birthdays are now identic with flowers amongst the fans? I just thought of something that would be really fitting and I would like your thoughts on it."

Her eyes widened in acknowledgement as she nodded, urging you to carry on. "Yes please." 

"How about you make some vases for those flowers, Unnie? I think that would fit the theme quite well and I think I know a song that would go well with this theme," you suggested and Irene lit up as she grinned, agreeing with your idea. 

"That sounds wonderful!" her voice turned up in volume due to her excitement though she quietened afterwards, looking a little concerned now, "but I've never made a vase before... How can I make some that would be good enough?" she wondered and she watched as a loving smile made its way to your lips, causing her to blush shyly. 

"Unnie, you can ask for help from the experts," you reminded her of the prospect of asking for help when she needed it, "how about you visit a workshop that can make you help some and turn it into a birthday content? That way you can have some help and have something to post for the fans on your birthday at the same time. What do you think?" 

You knew by how she lit back up that she had agreed, causing your smile to widen. "There you go, Unnie~" 

"Thank you El, I'll be sure to credit the idea to you," Irene patted your cheek in thanks and you leaned into her touch, "though I have one request if you'll allow it." 

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Irene seldomly asked for favours and for her to ask this openly, there must've been something serious. 

"Of course, Unnie, anything for you. Really," you emphasised and Irene had to giggle at the serious look in your eyes, wondering how lucky she was to have you in her life like this.

She looked at you with all the love she thought you deserved, and that's a lot. "Will you be there with me when I film?" 

You tilted your head cutely in response Irene just had to coo out loud, pinching the cheek that was already in her grasp. "Of course, let me know when it'll be and I'll work my schedule around since I only have some additional filming to do left," you immediately responded, "but can I ask why? You didn't ask me to be there for your birthday filming last year?" you couldn't help but wonder. Sure you'd love to be there with her considering you're with her more often than not, especially these days, but you were still curious. 

She actually turned a little bashful and there was a certain nervousness in her eyes, though she still looked determined as she explained, "I just feel more comfortable with you there and with how busy we've all been these days, I feel like you need a break as well. That way, we can kill a few birds with one stone, right?" she adorably asked and you just had to pinch her cheeks, causing her to scrunch her nose up in that adorable way.

"Unnie, why are you so cute, huh?! Are you sure you'll be thirty-three soon?!" You proceeded to squish her cheeks and she grunted before slapping your arm, causing you to stop your attacks. 

She glared playfully though the pink hues on her slight rounder cheeks begged to differ on how she was truly feeling. She should've predicted this, especially if she was going to let out her aegyo. She didn't mean to though, or at least that's what she kept telling herself. 

"I'm glad that you feel that comfortable with me, though," you seriously said, "I might never say this to you directly but I feel honoured to be trusted by you and I hope I can continue to make you feel that way. You can always be yourself with me, Unnie, I hope you'll always remember that." 

Irene smiled lovingly, cupping your cheeks in her hands softly this time. "I know and I'm thankful for you," you both continued to stare at each other before she broke the silence once again, "so... you'll be there?" 

You chuckled lowly before wrapping your arms around her smaller figure, feeling her snuggle in your warm embrace. You kissed the top of her head in affection. "Of course, Unnie. I'd be happy to." 


So there you were a week after that conversation, walking briskly into the shop behind your manager. You couldn't make it on time since the drama filming had run a little late, so you told Irene beforehand to apologise for not being able to be there from the start but you'd still come in if she'll allow it. She definitely much preferred that and told you to come in whenever you could since she was filming quite into the night anyways to avoid audiences, so you were good. 

You had a few bags of her favourite bungeoppang from her latest favourite shop in hand, knowing she wouldn't have any food with her even though the filming would run till late. If you knew anything about pottery, you knew it'd take a while to make the thirteen different vases she told you she wanted to make. 

You waited until you were given the green light from your other manager inside to come in since the filming was still going on. You could slightly hear the muffled conversation and when the right moment came, your manager inside tapped the camerawoman to stop for a little. 

"Irene-ah, someone's here for you," she nodded towards the door and everyone watched as a surprised albeit beautiful smile lit her face up even more before she turned towards the door, already knowing who it'd be. 

"Eli-ah?!" Your manager opened the door for you and you walked in with a humble smile, bowing to everyone that was already inside. 

"Hello, I'm Red Velvet's Eli, nice to meet you" you greeted the potter inside and smiled once again before turning towards the soon-to-be birthday girl, "Hyun-unnie!" 

Irene got up and ran the short distance towards you and hugged you as best as she could, considering she was slightly covered in clay and didn't want to get anything on your clothes. The staff and even the potter there couldn't help but coo at the sweet interaction, watching as you hugged your guardian tightly even though you had your hands slightly full. 

"I'm glad you're here," Irene's muffled voice could still be heard and the staff decided to keep the clip later on so the fans could gush at your sweetness just like they did. 

You kissed the top of her head lightly before pulling back to present what you had in your hands. "Look what I have!" 

Irene just brightened even more that you just had to laugh at the cute expression she had on. "Bungeoppang! I was just telling everyone the story about this!" 

You raised an eyebrow. "That one time after work?" To which she nodded.

You turned towards the rest, aware that the camera might still be filming. "She dragged me to the place all excited and wouldn't stop pouting when she found out it was all sold out even though we had lined up for a little while. I had to bribe her with some ice cream to get her to go home," you turned towards your leader as the rest laughed at the story, watching as another pout made it to her face. You chuckled at the adorable sight. 

"Yah, why did you have to tell them that part of the story? Now I sound pathetic!" Irene whined and everyone couldn't help but giggle in awe, watching the often quiet woman cutely showing another side to her in front of her member. Your managers just shook their heads in amusement, already used to the sight. 

You laughed loudly this time and Irene subconsciously smiled at the sight. "I will not let you call yourself pathetic, Unnie! I told them because you were cute, that's all."

"Fine," she huffed adorably, "can you hold my precious bungeoppang while I continue to film? I'll eat them after." 

You shook your head as you took one out of the bag and held it in front of her. "Take some bites first, Unnie, I know you're hungry. I'll make sure the fans won't notice." 

Knowing you wouldn't relent, she took a few bites of the delicious treat and drank the water you also had for her. When she was satisfied, she nodded as a sign that she was done for the time being causing you to give her an approving nod, making sure nothing was in her teeth and she looked just like she was when she first started filming. 

"Good, I'll be watching from the back, Unnie. Fighting!" you cheered her up, causing her to laugh softly at the support. She turned back towards the staff and almost blushed at the teasing looks her own staff was giving her. 

"What? Shall we continue?" she tried distracting them as she let her makeup artist touch up her lip. 

The staff nodded and went back to busy with the equipment to continue with the filming, though a comment made by the potter caused her to really blush this time. 

"Oh to be fed by the one and only Eli. I'm jealous." 

When the episode aired, the fans wouldn't stop raving about your actions online. It was even more heightened when they found out you had surprised the leader on the day of her birthday with a coffee truck for everyone to enjoy after practice. So, aside from Irene's name trending that day, yours was also trending for your sweet actions. Irene's words of making sure your name would trend along with hers from years ago still come to fruition even to this day and from then on, the nickname "Sweet Eli" was often used by the fans whenever talking about you. 

Well, you'd do anything to make your members comfortable and happy. You'd protect them with your life if you could. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙