Are You Ready?

The Life of the Sixth Member

It's been five years since the fateful debut day and Red Velvet is about to have their third concert. The concept has matured and it's leaning more towards the velvet side, and you couldn't contain your excitement. Although you like both sides, you felt like as all of you grow older you fit the velvet side more as it showcases the members' voices beautifully. As the day nears, all of you were occupied with the concert preparation as well as the comeback preparation and you felt the days just blurred into one. 


You looked up and smiled tiredly albeit genuinely, reaching both hands up in a hugging gesture. The figure giggled and sat down on your lap before proceeding to hug you despite the sweat coating both your bodies. 

"Are you excited, Yerim-ah?" 

You could feel her nods near your chest. "Very! I can't wait for the fans to see what we have prepared." 

You smiled and laughed, her innocence making everything feel lighter. "I'm excited too. I think the fans will love it."

She pulled back from the hug, looking up at you oh so adorably. "You think so?" 

"I know so," you smiled and brushed a few hairs from her face. You kissed her forehead and patted her to stand up. "Let's get up before Hyun-unnie screams at us." 

Her twinkling laugh got you to laugh too. "What are you laughing at over there?" 

You looked at Wendy and grinned, coming over to her side to give her a side hug. "Nothing, Unnie. Let's continue the practice." 


"Eli-ah, Stylist-unnie is looking for you!" You heard Irene's echoey voice from the other side of the practice room, making you look up. 

You got up and approached the leader. "What's up?" 

She looked up from her phone and gave you her warm smile. "She wants to consult for the concert attire. Are you up for that?" 

Even before she finished her sentence you'd been nodding furiously, a grin forming on your face. "Of course, Unnie! I'll make sure we don't have that horrible flower dress again." 

Your statement made her laugh her signature loud laugh, hands slapping your shoulder. "Yah! You knew they had to, sweetheart." 

You gave her a deadpan stare. "That doesn't make it less bad, Hyun-unnie."

She could only shake her head in amusement before tiptoeing to give you a soft kiss on the cheek. "Go to meeting room number 3, please, they're waiting for you there." 

"In these sweaty clothes?" You gave her a pout but there was a happy glint in your eyes. She could only stare at you with adoration clear in her eyes. 

She giggled. "Yes, they can't wait any longer. You need to finalise the design and concept because they have to send them for production." 

"Fine, fine," you sighed, giving her a quick kiss on top of her head. "I'm going." 

Irene shook her head once more. What a baby. 


"We're not going to wear that puffy, flower dress again, are we?" That was the first thing you said when you entered the meeting room before bowing your greeting. 

The stylist gave you a side-eye. "You hate the dress that much?" 

You gave her a sarcastic smile. "Unnie, I love you, but I hate that dress. We're not wearing anything like that ever again." 

There was a stare-off before she giggled and nodded her head in agreement. "Fair enough. Now come here and look at these concepts." 

You walked over to the stylist and you could feel the stares the other people were giving you. You didn't know who they were, you just figured they worked for Stylist-unnie and were staring at you because they were fans. 

You recognise the amazed looks they were trying so hard to suppress. 

You grinned cheekily before greeting them, giving them a bow too. "Hello, I'm Eli from Red Velvet." 

They all look flustered before bowing back, murmuring their greetings. Stylist-unnie slapped your arm slightly and your attention went back to her. 

She shook her head at the mischevious glint in your eyes. "Stop flirting, Eli-ah. We have a lot of work." 

You gasped jokingly. Although you knew it was a joke you decided to play along. "I was not flirting! I was only greeting these unnies and oppas because I didn't want to be rude!" 

Stylist-unnie just shook her head but she couldn't contain the smirk on her face. "Right, let's get to work, Charmer." 

With that you turned serious, focusing on the task at hand. You gave a few suggestions that the others immediately worked on and continued looking at the designs, considering the members' comfort but also the aesthetic and the concept of the concert itself, making sure everything was in place. After the corrections were done you looked over everything once more before finally looking up at everyone. 

You smiled warmly. "They're good to go." 

The staff cheered and Stylist-unnie patted your back in thanks. You looked up from your seat. "Thank you, Eli-ah. Now go shower, you stink." 

"Yah!" You stood up with blush coating your cheeks while she and the staff only laughed. "You're the one who asked me to come here after practice, Unnie, it's your fault." 

She giggled, patting your cheeks lovingly this time. "I know, I know. Now go, I bet Joohyun is waiting for you." 

You grinned and bowed to everyone present. "Thank you for the hard work, everyone! Red Velvet will make you proud."

They all bowed back and gave you warm smiles, Unnie coming to your side to put both hands on your shoulders. "I know you all will. You never let us down." 

Hearing that made your day. It's good to know Red Velvet's hard work is acknowledged and known. 


"Eli-ah, see this setlist." Joy gestured for you to come closer and you looked over her shoulder at the concert setlist. 

"Hmm..." you hummed in thought, contemplating whether the songs would fit the concert completely. 

"What do you think?" 

You turned towards her, head tilting to the side. "I'm not sure. I like all the songs, obviously we have amazing songs, but I'm not sure about this song being here," you pointed at the title, making her gaze downwards. 

It was silent for a bit. "You're right, I don't think that fits the concept very well." 

"Can we change it? Will they allow it?" You couldn't help but wonder. It's known that the company has a full say in how concerts are done but as you grow older, you want to have a say in it too. 

After all, you knew the fans much more than the company did. 

"They have to," you could see the determined look in Joy's eyes and you smirked. You knew no one could stop her now. "I'll talk to Joohyun-unnie and make sure we have the right song replacing it."

You stayed silent before looking at her mischievously and the look on her face confirmed she was thinking the same thing. "You think they'll finally let us sing that song live?" 

She smirked back. "They will."

Well, it's going to be a splendid concert for sure. 


"Seulgi-unnie, I can't get this move right." Your pout was very evident and the others cooed, Seulgi coming to your side while giggling. 

She pinched your cheek. "Why do you have to be so cute, Eli-ah, hmm?" You winced before pouting even more, even to the point where you were stomping your feet cutely. Honestly, the others couldn't believe what they were seeing. Eli, being cute? It's a rare sight for sure. Yeri definitely had her phone record everything. 

"I'm struggling and you're mocking meeeeee," you whined and Seulgi squealed while the others tried to suppress their laughter though they didn't succeed much. 

Seulgi looked up at you with amusement and love in her eyes. She couldn't believe how her little sister could be so cute but cool at the same time. "Don't worry, Eli-ah, Unnie will teach you. What part are you struggling with?" 

You turned serious again and Yeri's camera captured how charismatic you looked at that moment. When fans saw the clip, well, let's just say the number of gifs they produced was enough to attract new fans.


Wendy found you strumming your guitar later at night, winding down after a very busy day. She could feel how everything just blurred into one and how important it was to find something that could ground you. 

She stayed quiet at the door while watching you with a proud smile on her face. She kept thinking how much you've grown and how mature you've become, your wisdom well beyond your age. She was also proud of all those years learning guitar you could play them comfortably now. 

"Yes, Seungwan-unnie?" You greeted her without looking back before actually turning your body around to smile at her. 

She just scoffed while shaking her head in amazement. She could never figure out how you always knew who was approaching you, especially when it's the members. It was fascinating to her. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Her question kinda threw you off guard. 

Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at her sitting figure beside you. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

Wendy shrugged. "I know how overwhelming concerts can be for you and I just want to make sure that you're not overthinking everything." 

Your eyes widened in surprise before you eventually let out a sheepish smile, looking down slightly. "You know me too well, Unnie." 

"Well," Wendy nudged you so you'd look up again. You saw the teasing smirk on her face. "I'm your Appa, aren't I?" 

With that you laughed out loud, throwing your head back. She always knew how to cheer you up.

You let out a sigh. "I can't help but keep thinking if I can do everything: remember every choreography, sing every line without feeling breathless, show the right amount of emotions." 

You both stayed silent before Wendy gave you her warm smile and brought you into her warm embrace. You closed your eyes as you melt into her warmth. "As long as you feel genuinely of the song, I'm sure you'll be able to do all those things just fine," she pulled back and put both her hands on your cheeks, you leaning further into her hands. 

"And I know you want to make the fans happy and they're only happy when we're happy, remember that Liza." You opened your eyes slowly, pulling her into your hug. 

"Just enjoy the stage, okay? I know you'll be fine." You felt like some of the weight you felt on your shoulders was lifted up. Sometimes you just need reassurance from the people you trust. 

You nodded into her neck and pulled back from the hug, giving her your brightest smile. "Thank you, Unnie," you patted her head. "I know you'll do great too, just believe in yourself, okay?" 

She couldn't help but giggle and blush, though nodding in agreement. No matter how much she tried you could always read her easily. She's thankful for that though, who knows where she'd be if it wasn't for you. 

"We got this, Liza."

You smiled warmly. "Yes, we do, Unnie. Yes, we do." 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙