
The Life of the Sixth Member

It was in the middle of the day when your phone rang, turning your attention away from Wendy who had been telling you her experience as a radio DJ. You were on the couch, just talking comfortably about the things you both had done over the years you had been idols, making each other laugh and feel genuinely happy. Your ringtone made her stop and wait as you looked at your phone to confirm who was calling, watching as an excited smile appeared on your face which made her subconsciously smile too. You looked up to look at her and showed her your phone. 

"It's Tiffany-unnie!" 

Wendy chuckled at your enthusiasm and nodded, gesturing you to pick up your phone with her head. "Go ahead, Liza."

You gave her a smile before picking up the phone, a smile still attached on your lips. "Hello?" 

"Eli!" Tiffany's excited reply was heard and you giggled, making Wendy smile. "Unnie! Are you back in Korea yet?" 

It was Tiffany's turn to laugh. "So excited, aren't you? But yes I am! Let's meet up!" 

You squealed in excitement which caused Wendy to laugh, shoving your shoulder a little. You really only get this excited when it involves your members and the people you trust. "Yes, please! Let me treat you on your birthday." 

"Eli, it's okay, I'll treat you instead! I'm staying in Korea for a while this time so you'd get to treat me some other day, okay?" 

You subconsciously pouted, causing Wendy to softly pinch your cheek. You then gave her a grin before replying to your mentor on the other side of the call, "Fine, whatever the soon-to-be birthday girl says~"

"Aww, Eli-ah! I can't wait to see you~" 

You chuckled. "Me too, Unnie. Will it be only the two of us or Taeyeon-unnie is coming too?" 

Tiffany could hear the excitement when you asked about her best friend so she giggled, looking the aforementioned girl who was in the room with her. "Sure, Taeyeonnie can come! I'm sure she'd love to see you as well." 

Tiffany then raised an eyebrow at the girl to which she nodded to with a smile, already looking at her calendar when both of them would be free. 

"Yay! Tell me when you're available then I'll check my schedule, Unnie." 

Tiffany smiled warmly. "Sure thing, Eli-ah, I'll text you. See you soon!" 

"See you, Unnie!" 

You put the phone down after she hung up, putting your attention back to your favourite Unnie. "Where were we, Unnie?" 

Wendy always appreciated the attention you put on the people you were talking to, making them feel heard no matter the kinds of interruption the conversation would have. She smiled, patting your head, "What did Tiffany-unnie want?" 

"Oh, she wants to have a meal together along with Taeyeon-unnie," you grinned, causing her to chuckle. You were just too cute with the dimple and those cheeks. "Did you want to come with, Unnie?" 

Wendy shook her head in amusement. "It's okay, Liza, you go have fun. When is it?" 

"Dunno," you shrugged. "She told me she'd let me know so I'll just wait till then." 

It was silent for a while before Wendy brought the conversation on your other mentor. "How's Taeyeon-unnie doing, by the way?" 

You knew why she was asking this. Taeyeon lost Papa Kim a few months ago and you stayed with her and her family during the trying times, so Wendy knew she could ask you about it because you knew. You were there. 

You gave her a small smile. "She's healing. She was heartbroken, of course, but she had time to properly grieve and move on in her own pace. I talk to her once in a while and I believe Yerim does too."

Wendy sighed then rubbed your shoulder. "I'm so glad you were there for her, Liza. How long did you stay with her and her family?"

You thought for a little, thinking back to a few months ago when you first got the news. "I think it was about.... two weeks? I would've stayed longer but I know she needed time with her family alone to grief without me there. I left when I knew she didn't feel alone anymore." 

Wendy sighed, leaning against you with her head on your shoulder. You positioned yourself so you could lean your head on hers. "Did Yeri stay with her as well?" 

You were the one who let out a sigh this time. "She would but she had her schedules that couldn't be pushed back, so she visited for the first three days." 

"I'm glad she's healing properly though, I know how close she was to her dad." 

You heaved a sigh one more time, snuggling even further to your older sister. "Me too, Unnie. Me too." 


It was always hard, losing someone. You had to be there for Yeri when Jonghyun passed so you kinda had an idea of how hard someone can grieve over the death of their loved ones, and how people grieve differently. With Yeri, she thankfully didn't hide her emotions much, even in public, so it was easier for you to be there for her because you could see the emotions she was feeling. You also could see it for yourself when she began healing, so it was relieving to all of you when you began to see her smile without the tears in her eyes and the sadness that was slowly fading away.

Taeyeon was a different case. She'd gotten used to being a leader, so she tend to not show her worry much, always trying to deal with everything her self; much like you. So, even though it was harder for you to distinguish her emotions you knew what she wanted through her actions. You were immediately notified of her father's passing by Tiffany as a sign to be there for her best friend because she couldn't in person, and you immediately went to her family's house. It's a good thing her family knew you well so they didn't mind you being there, helping out with everything and making sure Taeyeon was okay. You packed a bag just in case Taeyeon wanted you to stay and you were right; when everyone began leaving she clung to your arm without the intention of letting go anytime soon so you kissed the side of her head and wrapped your arm around her instead, prompting her to wrap her arms around your waist with her head on your chest, wetting your shirt with her tears. 

With Yeri, you acted softer and was always physically near her so she knew you were supporting her physically and emotionally. With Taeyeon, you figured it would be better for you to act like usual, not treating her like glass but always minding your tone and the words you said to her for the first couple of days (you ended up staying for two weeks so you asked your manager to switch your clothes every once in a while). You had asked your members for permission to leave the dorm for a while and they agreed with Yeri coming once in a while to give her support. 

"Eli-ah," Taeyeon called one day, almost a week after her father's passing. 

"Yes, Tae-unnie?" You looked up from the book you were reading from your seat on the sofa, a few seats away from her. Your relationship with Taeyeon had never been too physical and she's not that kind of person so this was normal.

It was silent for a little with you looking patiently at her, making sure she knew you were willing to wait for whatever she had to say. "How do you move on?" 

You knew this question would come sooner and later, and you knew you had to be careful with your words. 

"When I first lost a friend, they didn't die they just didn't want to be my friend anymore, my Mum said that I had to move on from her eventually. I didn't know what that meant to I asked her how I could move on from someone and her words ring true to me until now." You looked at her in the eyes, taking in the exhaustion and palpable sadness she excluded, though gorgeous all the same. 

"Moving on is not about forgetting about them. Moving on is knowing that they might not be physically there with you anymore but they're always in your heart and in every step you take, supporting you through everything," you ended it with a smile that turned mischievous afterwards. "I know my friend literally left me because she didn't want to be friends with me anymore," Taeyeon chuckled tearily at this, finding it a talent that you could make her laugh while comforting her. "But moving on, for me back then, was remembering the good times we had and how it made me happy. I always wondered why she left but moving on meant I didn't have ill feelings towards her," you shrugged, leaning your head on your hand. 

You could tell she processing your words so you made sure your last words were spoken softly albeit firmly. "Everyone moves on in their own pace, Unnie, no one can ever force it no matter how much they try. Just know that you have your family and your friends that are here for you no matter what. Your dad only wants the best for you and for you to be happy. One day, you'll be able to move on too. One day, you'll be happy without feeling guilty too." 

By the time you finished, you were sitting next to her just in case she wanted a comforting hug. You put your hand on top of hers and gave her your signature warm smile, no traces of pity can be seen from your eyes. She smiled back, holding back her tears, before leaning forward to put her head on your chest to let go of her tears. She felt relieved somehow, like the weight that had been on her chest was lifted (well, some of it) and she felt... lighter. She knew it would take time, maybe a long one, for her to feel genuinely happy again but she knew her dad would always be in her heart and mind in every decision she makes, and she felt comforted by that. 


When the time to meet up comes, you walked into the cafe with excited steps. You hadn't seen Taeyeon in a while and Tiffany for even longer, so you had been looking forward to this day for a while now. Yeri pouted when she found out you were going to see them but knew she couldn't tag along because she wanted to let the three of you talk. 

Tiffany haad let you know that she'd reserved the seat near the back so you made your way there immediately, spotting the two best friends almost immediately. Taeyeon, who was looking at the direction of the door, spotted you and a warm smile lit up on her face, beckoning you to come closer. 

"Unnies, I have missed you so much!" They stood up from their seats to greet you with warm hugs, Tiffany hugging you first. 

"Hey, Eli, it's been a while!" You hugged her tighter before pulling back, giving her a wide smile which was similar to hers, eyes turning to crescents. 

"I'm so happy you're here for a while, Tiff! Now we actually have time to catch up," you gave her a teasing wink and she whined, slapping your shoulder in retaliation. 

You pinched her cheek before moving to the smaller Unnie, your gaze turning soft. "Tae-unnie, how are you? I've missed you a lot!" 

You wrapped her in your embrace and she giggled, hugging you back with her arms around your waist and head on your chest. She's so tiny it reminded you of Irene. 

"Eli-ah! Stay at my house and play with Zero! He's been missing his noona!" She'd always welcome your warm greetings and appreciated you for never treating her any different no matter what she'd been through. 

"Really?" You pulled back to look at her in the eyes, eyes full of wonder. "Can I really stay at your house? I'm currently free of schedules and the members are all back home, so I'm alone at the dorm." 

You all sat down in seats with you in front of your two mentors, them leaning closer on the table. "You're alone? Why didn't you say something earlier, I would've forced Taeyeon to take you in!" 

"Yah! I would've taken her willingly, thank you very much." Their bickering always made you laugh and this time was no different. 

"It's okay, Unnies, I think it's time for me to experience living alone anyway. Joohyun-unnie stays once in a while so I've never been completely alone," you shrugged dismissively but the older girls can read between the lines. 

They looked at each other, having a silent conversation, before nodding and turning back towards you with determination in their eyes. "Since I'm here for a while, we can hang out a lot more and you can stay at my house!"

Taeyeon agreed to her bestfriend's claims, also stating, "You should stay at my house sometimes too, I want to spend time with my favourite dongsaeng too!" 

You gasped jokingly, hand on your mouth and eyes wide in mock surprise. "Does this mean I beat Yerimmie in being your favourite? I have to tell her, this is great news!" 

"Yah don't you dare!" Taeyeon interjected with wide eyes filled with horror. "She'd have my head and I'll never hear the end of it!" 

You and Tiffany could only laugh at her panic, shaking your heads in amusement. 

Taeyeon then whined, leaning forward to slap your arm a little. "Eli, don't give your Unnie a heart attack, please! Is this what Joohyun has to deal with for almost a decade?" 

Her statement made all of you burst into another bout of laughter, genuine happiness radiating from everyone.

Oh, how grateful you were to have such great, caring people in your life. You were blessed. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙