28 Reasons

The Life of the Sixth Member

"Eli-ah, " Seulgi greeted softly, though you could detect the exhaustion clearly in her voice.

You smiled, hoping it would cheer up the main dancer. "Hi, Unnie. How are you? 

Seulgi chuckled. "Tired, I'm still at the studio," she glanced at the clock and her eyes widened at the time shown, "yah, why are you still awake?!" 

"Unnie," the older can hear the mirth in your voice, "you're awake too, why are you so surprised?" 

She stuttered, "B-but I'm recording my debut album, what are you doing?"

"Ooh, how's that going?" You used her answer as a distraction and it seemed to work as she went to explain. 

"It's been going okay, though I'm particularly frustrated right now." She went on to heave a sigh and you grew sympathetic. You knew how hard it could be to debut on your own, especially coming from a group as prestigious as Red Velvet that's known for their vocals, so you knew Seulgi had her doubts and struggles. 

"What's up, Unnie?" 

It was silent for a little while and you figured she was trying to come up with coherent thoughts, as many were going through her mind. "I can't seem to get the note right, I still have a few songs left to record and I'm not sure how that's going to do, and I just... I'm struggling without any of you here," her voice turned shaky on the other line and you furrowed your brows in concern. 

"Hey, it's okay Unnie," you tried to calm her down, "it's all going to be okay. Do you trust me?" 

"Yes," she eventually answered after a few seconds. 

You smiled. "Then trust me when I say that you'll get through this just like you did many times before. I know you're frustrated but you are a perfectionist, I think we all are, and you're probably doing better than you think," you gave her a few moments to take it all in, "try a few more times but if you still can't get it right, then get some rest. It's late, you're tired from all your practices, all the others are probably tired as well. Ask if it's okay if you all take a good break and continue late in the morning. I say late so you all get a nice sleep in. 

"I understand that doing solo stuff can be lonely, especially a solo album. I know Seungwan-unnie and Sooyoung-unnie felt the same way. Do you want me to accompany you tomorrow? My filming's been postponed since someone got COVID, so I'll be free until next week," you offered, knowing there's no other solution to her loneliness. You were filming a new drama you've been casted in since you were preparing for the group comeback and two weeks in and someone already got the virus. Oh well, now you could be there for your older sister. 

"Really?" you could hear how touched she was at the offer, "you'd do that even though I'll probably record until late?" 

You grinned. "Well, maybe that can be your motivation to finish not so late so we can grab dinner together, maybe with Hyun-unnie and Yerimmie as well. I know Sooyoung-unnie and Seungwan-unnie are busy tomorrow." 

"Call!" you could hear the excited grin in her voice, "but do you mind if dinner is only for the two of us? I want to spend time with you, I feel like it's been so long since we've done that," her voice turned soft at the end and you smiled. Your older sister's adorable you couldn't wait to hug her. 

You subconsciously nodded. "Of course, Unnie. I'll bring some lunch okay? What would you like?" 

"Whatever you get is fine with me. Thank you, dongsaeng-ah, I love you."

Your smile widened at the declaration. Seulgi rarely expressed her emotions like that, so you knew this was something that meant a lot to her. "I love you too, Unnie. Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." 

"See you, Eli-ah! You're the best!" 

She hung up the call and you couldn't help but chuckle, all the while shaking your head in amusement. Now that you knew how much she was struggling, you were going to make it your mission to help her out as best as you can, no matter what it takes. She would've and had done the same for you, it's a chance for you to do the same for her. 


True to your words, you had your manager accompany you buying lunch and helping you bring everything up to the recording room Seulgi was in. You bought lunch not only for the two of you but for the staff and your manager as well, even though she would leave you once you were in Seulgi's care since you told her you would be coming home with the dancer. She had made you promise to tell her if there was any change of plans. 

"Hello," you greeted everyone with a bow the second you walked in and everyone turned towards the door, bowing back as Seulgi's gasp could be heard from inside the booth. 

"Eli-ah, you're here!" she exclaimed and everyone chuckled at her cuteness. 

You giggled. "I'm here and I brought lunch for everyone!" 

It was announced that all of them would have a lunch break as one by one took the food from the pile, all the while bowing towards you in thanks. 

"Thank you so much for the food, Eli-ssi." 

You nodded your head, eyes crinkling as a sign of your smile. "I know how nice all of you are but please take care of Seulgi-unnie." 

They just chuckled at your request but nodded in agreement, knowing how serious you were being. They've worked with Red Velvet for a while now and knew each member cared about the other a lot and respected everyone who worked with them, so they demand the same kind of respect. 

"Unnie!" you greeted your older sister with a beaming smile, having taken off your mask. She replied with a bear smile of her own before engulfing you in a warm hug, causing you to wrap your arms around her waist as you bent down slightly to accommodate the embrace. 

"I've missed you a lot," she mumbled against your shoulder and you cooed, tightening your hold on her slim but toned figure. 

"So have I. I'm here, Unnie. How do you feel?" You pulled back from the hug slightly so you could see her, though you chuckled at the whine she produced while you ran your hand through her hair in affection. 

The smile on her face softened at your gesture. "Much better than yesterday. Thank you for calming me down and although I hate that you were still awake so late last night, I'm glad you were."

You gave her your signature warm smile before bringing her into another warm embrace, this time her face near your chest as you stood at your full height. You knew she loved your hugs like this so you made sure she could feel your warmth. 

"Thank you for calling me and trusting me, Unnie. Let me know how I can help, okay? You've been there for me since I was a trainee, so I want to do the same for you when you need me."

Seulgi whined as she pulled back from the hug, a cute scrunch on her face. "Why are you so sweet, huh? Are you trying to make me cry?" she playfully scolded, causing you to laugh loudly. 

"I'm sorry, I mean every word I said though, Unnie. I hope you know that." Your gaze turned serious, though Seulgi could detect the immense love you have for her in your eyes. 

She smiled again, this time looking and feeling much lighter because she knew she was never going to be lonely with you by her side. "I know," she replied softly before kissing you lightly on the cheek, the slight blush decorating her cheeks making you chuckle. 

"Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold!" You let her drag you to the sofa and watched lovingly as she prepared the food for the both of you. What you didn't realise was numerous cameras had been capturing the moment and later on, the fans were grateful the company decided to show the footage as it captured the love and care you had for each other. After the behind the scenes were posted, the fans, especially Seulgi's fans, flooded your SNS accounts to thank you for taking care of their Seulgi. You later replied that she was your Seulgi too and that you would take care of each other for as long as you could. 


For Seulgi's solo debut, you really went all out in supporting her. Between your drama filming, you made sure to visit her whenever you could. You even went to the extent of being with her for the album jacket shoot, though it was not the way she thought it'd be. 

"Eli-ah," your manager called out to you as you both made your way back to Seoul after filming, "I heard from Seulgi's manager that she would have someone in a bunny costume for her album jacket. Wouldn't it be funny if you were the one in it?" she jokingly asked as she giggled at the thought. She was honestly a bit out of it since it was so late and you both had lacked sleep as of late, so she really had no filter in what she was saying. 

You looked away from the window and gave her a contemplating stare before eventually nodding in agreement. "When's the filming? Will my schedule allow it?" 

Your manager almost stopped the car at your answer, looking at you with wide eyes between driving. "Wait, you're serious? I was only joking!" 

Her comical reaction caused you to giggle, lifting up some of the tiredness you were feeling. "Why not? It seems fun and she's going to be surprised for sure," there's a mischievous gleam in your eyes now and your manager only shook her head at your childish tendencies, "I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out!" 

"You and your pranks, Eli, I swear," your manager affectionately scolded, causing you to pout, "I'll contact her manager and coordinate everything with him. Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked and you knew she was seriously asking this time. 

You looked at her with determination in your tired eyes. "I'm sure, Unnie. I know Seulgi-unnie's been really tired and lonely, maybe this can cheer her up."

Your manager softened at your answer. "I'm sure your presence will help her a lot, Eli-ah. You're too good for this world, I swear."

"Unnie!" you sputtered, "where did that come from? And weren't you just scolding me for my pranks?!" 

Your manager just laughed as she drove the two of you home, heart feeling full at her client's thoughtful characteristics. She was grateful she ended up as your personal manager. 

When the fateful day came, you arrived on set much earlier than Seulgi herself to prepare for everything. When you entered the room, you could hear gasps coming from the staff already on standby. 

"Eli-ssi!" you heard the head of the art team exclaim. 

You gave all of them a 90-degree bow, giving them a warm smile. "Good morning everyone, I'm Red Velvet's Eli here to help with Seulgi-unnie's shooting." 

"Wah, I really thought Manager-nim was joking when he said you'd be the one in the costume," she explained with surprise still evident in her face and voice. 

You chuckled and a blush covered your cheeks, causing some of the staff to coo at the sight. Some of them had never worked with you or Red Velvet in general, so this was the first time they had a glimpse of you up close and you're even lovelier in person. 

"My manager jokingly offered and I thought it was a good idea. Plus, I want to support and support Seulgi-unnie before I get busy with my filming again, so I thought this was a great idea!" excitement poured out of you as you explained and the people around you couldn't help but think how thoughtful you were to support someone like that. The bond between the members must've been deeper than they thought and it was really touching to see. 

The art director giggled at your excitement. "Right, we appreciate you being here, Eli-ssi. We'll help you get into the costume now if that's okay with you." 

You nodded immediately. "Of course. Do you think she'll recognise me at all?" 

"Hmm," she hummed thoughtfully, "we'll convince her you're the youngest member of the art team and maybe you can take off the head after I give you a signal?" 

You grinned at the plan. "Sounds good, let's do it!" 

After you got all dressed up and ready, you took a picture to send to your soulmate as a heads-up for your surprise. You hadn't told her what you were doing, so this would be a surprise for her too. 

'Yah, what is this?! What are you doing?' The text read and you chuckled before replying, 'a heads up of what I'm doing for Unnie's jacket album shooting. Don't tell her anything.'

You could imagine the leader shaking her head in exasperation at your antics. She knew you were busy between filming for your drama and all of you had started the talk for a group comeback in late November, so she thought you'd be resting on your day off. Turns out, you were destressing by doing something else entirely. 

'Make sure someone is filming so I can see her reaction' she replied and you laughed out loud this time, though still trying to keep it down so Seulgi wouldn't be aware of your presence. 

'Oh, the team definitely will.' 

"Eli-ssi," one of the members of the art team called you softly, "it's time." 

You nodded and immediately put on the head part of the costume with her help, getting ready to pretend you were not you in front of your older sister. Well, you're an idol actor for a reason, right? 

"We've told her that you probably wouldn't talk to conserve your breath underneath the mask, so you don't have to say anything until the team leader gives you the signal, okay?" 

You tried to give her a thumbs-up as best as you could and she giggled, a blush covering her cheeks. She couldn't believe her luck of working with two of her favourite idols, even if you're not looking like you at the moment.

You entered the stage and gave your bow towards the singer, all the while trying not to squeal at how good your older sister looked.

"Oh, hello!" Seulgi bowed back in respect before looking at you, or rather your costume, with wonder in her eyes, "thank you so much for doing this. I hope it isn't too uncomfortable for you." 

You shook your head in response while giving her a thumbs up. She giggled cutely before nodding and turning her attention towards the team again. 

"We're ready!" 

You did all kinds of poses with her; you and her back-to-back, her sitting on your knee, even with her in your arms as you held her bridal style. You were glad you go to the gym regularly so you could hold her with little to no difficulty. 

Throughout the interaction, you hoped you weren't acting too much like Eli so she would notice. She had known you for ten something years now so she did know your quirks. Seulgi didn't seem to suspect a thing, though she did wonder why she felt so comfortable with your figure, someone who she had never met before. It didn't cross her mind that all was a ruse and that the team had lied to her, saying you were one of the youngest members of the team and the strongest to be able to do all kinds of poses with her. She had just accepted their explanation readily. 

After everything was done, Seulgi bowed to you while saying, "Thank you for so much for your help! You've worked hard." 

You bowed back before she walked towards the camera while you were surrounded by the art team for the grand reveal. 

"She's the youngest of the team," you could hear her saying as she smiled widely, "thank you so much for your help."

You couldn't help but coo what you had heard. Seulgi's just too pure for this world sometimes you just wanted to wrap in your arms and protect her from the world. 

"Seulgi-ssi, how's working with the bunny?" the team leader asked while glancing at you. 

Seulgi nodded enthusiastically. "It's great! I thought I was going to feel a little awkward but it was very comfortable so I'm grateful."

The team leader then nodded to you before turning her attention towards the singer again with her eyes almost closed, showing that she was smiling. 

"Maybe that's because you know her." 

Seulgi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I don't think so? Wait, you told me she's-" before she could continue her sentence, the leader nodded towards your direction as a signal for Seulgi to turn around. 

As she did, a loud gasp left as she took in the sight of you with hair all sweaty and cheeks all pink from being inside the costume. "YAH!"

You threw your head back as you laughed out loud, causing everyone on set to laugh along with you. They were all in on it. 

"Elizabeth, what the hell?!" The curse left and you laughed even louder at the apology that came out of immediately afterwards. 

"I'm sorry," you were still in a fit of giggles, "I hope you get that on video, director-nim. I need to show that to my members."

She nodded with a chuckle as she watched Seulgi march up to you and wrap her arms around your waist in an affectionate embrace, though she saw the singer slap your back a few times in retaliation for the prank. 

"What is this?! How are you even doing this?" Seulgi asked as pulled back from the hug, affectionately wiping the sweat that was decorating your flawless face. 

You looked at her with so much love in your eyes that Seulgi swore she could melt. The other staff around both of you apparently thought the same as they cooed and giggle at the interaction. 

"Your manager and mine joked that it would be funny if I were to be the one inside the costume and I agreed, so here I am," you smiled sheepishly, "though I did it because I haven't been able to see you lately and I know how lonely it can get, so this is to make up for that." 

Your older sister looked at you with warm eyes, touched to the core at how thoughtful you were. She's forever grateful to have someone like you in her life. 

"You don't have to make up for anything and you should've spent your day off by resting, Eli-ah, not working for me," she chuckled as she playfully chastised you. 

An adorable pout formed on your lips and Seulgi got reminded of the younger you, pouting at her whenever you felt sad or you couldn't get a dance right. 

"But you're happy I'm here, right? I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand, I wanted to surprise you." 

She sighed while shaking her head in amusement. "Of course I am. I'm thankful that you're here, dongsaeng-ah. Thank you for the surprise as well, it really made my day." 

She watched as a wide smile made its way onto your face, making you shine. "I'm glad. I'm so proud of you, Unnie, all the members are. I hope you know that there are more than 28 reasons why you're so loved."

"Yah~" she whined cutely as you laughed out loud at the cheesy line, "why are you so cheesy, oh my God. You're turning into Seungwannie, I swear." 

You couldn't help but wink. "I learn from the best." 

"But thank you, really," Seulgi stared at you with love and relief, "you being here means a lot and it's been hard, but with the constant support from you and the other members really helped me get through everything and just enjoy the ride. I love you a lot, Eli-ah, please always be by my side." 

You gave her a warm smile before kissing her forehead lovingly. "I love you too, Unnie. Thank you for being in my life." 

That day ended with Seulgi treating you to food and calling the other members to let them know what you had done. She knew no matter how lonely she gets, she'll always have her members to make her feel less lonely. Always. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙