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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[Eight. White Valentine's]


After Jiyong and Dara saw Dongwook and Byul, who blew them kisses as she followed Dongwook to the boarding gates, off at the airport, the two sat in silence on the car ride back home, with the radio blasting the latest Maroon 5 song. There were many times Jiyong opened his mouth, wanting to make conversation with the girl sitting passively on the passenger seat, but he decided against it. She had completely forgotten his existence ever since the incident last week when Aunt Gummy had accidentally witnessed Jiyong’s crazy obsession for Dara...not that she even remembers a thing. Chances are, she won’t ever recall it. However, Jiyong knew better than to point this out whiningly to Dara, who had apparently blamed him for acting out of line and punished him by acting like an ice queen. OK, so I did break the rules of the adorable dongsaeng-noona relationship, Jiyong admitted sheepishly to himself, but she should know that there will never be a dongsaeng-noona relationship! It is only a peace treaty where I will play along with her act in front of Byul and the old man, while she has to go along whatever I say when we’re alone! They don’t have to know a thing about whatever happens between us. Pouting slightly, he glanced at her once in a while, but the emotionless face of hers stayed unchanged. He could guess that inside her mind, she was shrieking every profanity at the fact that she’s stuck with him, alone, for the two whole weeks Byul and Dongwook would be away. Even so, he wanted to be able to read her every thought clearer. Why did she hate him so much? Was there anything she wanted that he did not have? Last time he checked, he was an athletic, well-built, good-looking, wealthy, popular guy who had a car, confidence, intelligence, and an abnormal crush on her. What more could a girl ask for?


“Jagiya...” He could not help himself from getting her attention after he had parked the Bentley at the basement of their apartment. Dara did not give him so much as a glance, but she had slammed the door with extra force, giving away the fact that she did hear him calling her. Stalking quickly to the elevator despite wearing high-heeled boots, Dara did not wait to see if Jiyong had followed her, and was ready to close the door when Jiyong sprinted in just in time before the gap closed completely.


“What was that for?!” Jiyong could not help raising his voice slightly. Crossing her arms in front of her chest aggressively, Dara only arched one of her eyebrows at him in a way that mocked him, Do you honestly expect me to answer that?


Jiyong willed himself to be patient and counted to ten before continuing. “Jagiya-“


“Noona!” Dara thundered back at him, her silky voice loud enough to make the glass mirror of the elevator vibrate.


“Noona,” Jiyong corrected himself, “I apologize for what happened the day of the wedding. It was unnecessary-“


“It was not just unnecessary, you brat, it was vulgar.” Every syllable that came out of Dara dripped with venom. “I thought we had an agreement? I am your noona, and you will respect and treat me properly like one!” The elevator door opened, and Jiyong followed Dara out, not saying a word as she angrily unlocked the door and strutted towards her room. Upon hearing Jiyong’s small chuckle, Dara spun on her heels and glared at him. “What is so funny about what I said?”


“Nothing.” Jiyong grinned good-naturedly at her. “I am just glad you’re talking to me again. It made me quite sad that you were avoiding me.”


Dara rolled her eyes. He was so weird. “Whatever, dongsaeng. My point-“


Jiyong cut her off immediately. “No, noona, listen to me for once. Not everything is going to go your way. The world does not revolve around you.” Dara’s jaw dropped open gracefully. What did he just say? Did he just...Even though Dara knew he acted nice towards her for god-knows-what reason, she cannot help but be shocked every time the real Jiyong appears. Satisfied with Dara’s silence, Jiyong chanted on as if reciting a story. “Here is the truth: the agreement was that Jiyong will be the perfect dongsaeng for Dara when they are around Byul and the old man, as well as other people who need to be convinced that they are a pair of happy step-cousins. However, Jiyong will not tolerate it when Dara does not comply with whatever Jiyong says when they are out of the eyes of those people...especially when they are alone. When Dara does not play along with Jiyong, Jiyong has every right to destroy the peaceful life of the family, and ruin Dara’s life.” Jiyong tilted his head to the side cutely. “Got that?”


“It is quite hard not to, once you put it that way,” Dara politely returned, while she was boiling with infuriation inside. Jiyong’s smile widened, and linked his arm with her arm.


“Glad we sorted that misunderstanding out. I hate it when I get into arguments with my beautiful noona.” Dara closed her eyes. Screw you, Kwon Jiyong, to the deepest pits of hell. “Now, what should we do today? We have the whole day ahead of us-“


“I thought you had basketball practice in the afternoon?” Dara reminded, trying to ignore the fact that they were touching, arm to arm, as she walked inside her room. Trying not to be too obvious, she pulled her arm away to open her laptop. “I have plans, anyway.”


The smile on Jiyong’s angelic face immediately vanished. “What plans? I was thinking of ditching basketball practice to spend time with you-“


“There is no need, seeing as I will be busy,” Dara interrupted, looking up recipes of how to make cookies on the internet, already used to ignoring Jiyong’s presence. “Do not drive your Bentley too fast. Goodbye, dongsaeng, have fun at practice.” A few minutes later, Dara heard Jiyong’s footsteps out, then the slam of the front door. Finally, the nuisance was out of the way. If Jiyong knew what she was doing, he would no doubt throw a fit, and start an argument all over again. She then proceeded on to check out the recipes, trying to find something perfect to make for White Valentine’s Day.




Closing his eyes, Jiyong savored the feeling of cold water trickling down his throat after the exhausting basketball practice. For the upcoming game, he has to make sure he’s in good shape. Before, he only wanted to win, to bask in the feeling of being a champion. But now, he has a far more enticing motivation: Dara. He wants her to see him at his best, winning game after game and being worshipped as a hero. Unknowingly, a childlike, genuine smile surfaced on his handsome features as he thought about the possibilities Dara may greet him happily after he’s hailed as the MVP...all of them very alluring...


“Hey, did you see the picture of Sandara Park uploaded by Dong Youngbae?” Sang Hyun nudged Mir knowingly. “Being your number one best friend, I downloaded it for you. But man, you gotta save your hopes for someone else. Sandara is way outta your league, bro.”


“What do you mean?” Mir argued, grabbing Sang Hyun’s phone to send the file to his. “I know she is pretty much a goddess, but that does not mean I don’t have a chance, right...”Wrong, you nerd, Jiyong wanted to gloat in their faces, because Sandara Park is mine.


“My dear, misled bro,” Sang Hyun sighed. “You did not know? Youngbae hyung told me that, for Valentine’s Day, Choi Seunghyun sent her a banquet of twenty one roses. Apparently it’s Sandara’s favorite number or something. Anyway, it was the hottest topic last month, and almost everyone in the music department thinks it’s only a matter of time before they got together.” He shrugged in indifference. “They look good together.” What. The. Hell. Jiyong had to control himself from screaming in anger. Why did I not know that! Why didn’t Dara say anything about it? Then again, Jiyong thought bitterly, why would she? She hates him. Hate. The word cut through Jiyong, but he forced himself to smile. At least he existed in her eyes. She was the only person who knew what Kwon Jiyong was truly like. However, it was not enough for him. The thought of Dara accepting Choi Seunghyun was like a hard punch in the stomach for him. He did not give a damn whether or not they would be happy together, or if they look good together. The facts are, Sandara Park is his, and he will not give up what belongs to him.


“Man, that ,” Mir groaned in disbelief. “I guess there is really no hope for me then.” He grimaced. “I was still hoping against hope that she would notice that I’d always bow to her when we meet in the hallways, and that she would make me something for White Valentine’s, an

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so heartbreaking..it made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time permits..at least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.