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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[Fourteen. Black]


Walking back and forth behind the granite bar anxiously, Seungri could only wait for Chaerin. A group of girls that seem like minors that sneaked in without ID were giggling and pointing at him with interest, and he winked back in return. The wink did not quite reach his usually sparkling eyes. Minutes later, she appeared, wearing her typical party-wear: a zebra-printed long skirt and fur sweater. It had only been weeks after Jiyong introduced this mysterious girl to YG Club, but already Seungri could notice the metamorphosis in Chaerin. She was experimenting with more bold, odd styles, both with her appearance and attitude. When she first arrived, bowing ninety degrees with sincerity and manners, Seungri knew she wasn’t like the party animal she is judged to be. Doing some DJ-ing alongside Jinu and Sean, Chaerin had gained confidence and charisma from the wild crowd that came to see her. YG Club was now not only known for Tablo and Jiyong’s underground hip-hop music, but also for Chaerin-or, as she like people to call her by her stage name, CL-and Jinusean’s wild remixes. Business has never been better. Seungri does not know her very well, but he heard rumors while bartending that Chaerin comes from a filthy-rich family. He does not find it weird; almost everyone in YG Club are pretty well-off and don’t need depend on the income they get here, unlike Seungri. He has to work part-time at YG Club and other places to support himself. At YG, they were a family, and many times people offered to lend money to Seungri, but he point-out refused. He already thanked the heavens for giving him the opportunity to work at such an astounding place with these people who are closer to him than kin.


“She’s not here,” was the short reply Seungri got from Chaerin, immediately resulting in Seungri’s slumped shoulders in defeat.


“If this keeps up, Chaerin, Ji hyung be broken beyond repair. It’s his birthday.” Seungri nervously fumbled with the cocktail shaker. The thought of Jiyong pushing himself further down the path of destruction was alarming to the maknae of YG. Jiyong was the big brother he admired and looked up to. “If Dara noona forgot about it, he’s going to go nuts.” 


“That is not what I’m worried about.” Chaerin took a shot of whiskey without hesitation. Chaerin knows the reason why Jiyong wanted his party at YG; he wanted to some place to scream and let out his anxiety, but at the same time he’s hoping against hope that Dara would come save him, giving him a sign that she cares about him. What an idiot.Wrinkling his nose slightly, Seungri filled it up again for Chaerin. He knows she’s a good drinker when in her “working mode”. After all, she was the toughest female at YG. Though that is true, and Seungri has definitely seen countless girls downing alcohol while bartending, he still hated the sight of girls drinking. “He can’t fool around like this any longer, or else he’ll be closed to getting kicked out of Seoul University and disowned by Dongwook. It will only be a matter of time before Jinu and Sean makes him leave.”


“What?! They can’t do that!” Seungri widened his eyes in horror.


“Let’s face the facts here, Lee. Jiyong has been either smoking, wasted, or both. Not working. The only thing keeping Jinu and Sean from firing him is that they know he’s going through a difficult time and have no place to go.” That was Chaerin, being down-right realistic. “Wait, Dara’s calling me.” Picking up her cell phone calmly, she answered. “Hello? Dara? Yes, it’s me, Chaerin. Goddess D, I was looking for you everywhere! Yes, I’m at YG Club, where else? Today is Jiyong’s birthday, and I strongly suggest you come here and drag him home. Don’t you have a family trip tomorrow? If Jiyong continues partying like this, he’ll be thrown to rot in the streets tomorrow morning.” Seungri waited expectantly until Chaerin finally hung up. “She’s coming.” Both of them sighed in relief simultaneously.


Sean, dressed in an all-velvet burgundy suit, was walking up the stairs towards YG Hotel when Dara crashed into him. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t see you...” Dara apologized sincerely, bowing. Intrigued, Sean eyed the girl in front of him. He vaguely remembers her as the person whose picture Jiyong was showing Tablo and Jinu one day, when they had closed the club. Jinu had been whistling, thoroughly impressed, and Jiyong was smiling giddily and proudly, not a trace of the bad boy image he gets in the club.


“Looking for Jiyong?” guessed Sean. Dara nodded vigorously. “He’s up in the VIP room.” He gave Dara the directions, and excused himself to manage hotel matters. Dara, although she was a bit scared at the thought of having to face Jiyong along, bravely walked through the throngs of crazy dancing people, spotting the VIP room at last. The door was not closed completely, so she swung the door open. Wrong move. Couples she doesn’t recognized as being Seoul University students were making out passionately, some on the floor. Aside from the purple LED lights on the floor and scattered on the walls, there were candles on every small table, kind of like a scene from a religious ritual. On one of the plush velvet sofas, Dara saw Jiyong with a blond girl sitting on his lap, batting her fake eyelashes. Tch, what a Barbie. Jiyong did not seem to mind it in the least, smiling seductively at her.


What was I even doing here? Dara racked her brains, half-way ready to run out the door when Jiyong spotted her. Too late. Jiyong brightened up immediately at the sight of Dara, and pushed the blond off his lap. “Noona...” Dara noticed his slur, as well as his stagger as he moved across the room towards her. “Where’s my present? Huh?”


“Jiyong, you’re drunk. Let’s go home.” Despite the strong stench of alcohol and smoke that was suffocating her, she tried to make an effort to coax Jiyong.


Instead of quietly obeying her like Dara thought he would, Jiyong pouted in dissatisfaction. “My present! It’s my birthday today, and I want my present!” Jiyong’s tantrums are officially back, tch. He was obviously not in his right mind. What could she do if he wanted to party hard and make out with girls on his birthday? Why should she be begging him to come home like a neglected wife? She already regretted coming here. It was no use trying to talk sense to Jiyong when his mind was not even straight.


“Whatever, Kwon. Have it your way and get yelled at by Dongwook when he finds out you stayed out partying all night.” Dara turned to leave, trying to act indifferent to how much Jiyong has changed, when Jiyong suddenly lunged at her, grabbing her legs and causing both of them to crash onto the floor. “What the hell is wrong with you!?” The couples began to stop making out and stare at them. Dara’s head start to hurt; she did not come here to make a scene.


“It’s my birthday! And you’ve forgotten all about me! You don’t even give a damn about my existence!” Jiyong shouted, flushed with anger. These past weeks had been hell. He doesn’t even like smoking, partying, or drinking that much. But he had to concentrate on something else to get his mind off Dara. Why can’t she see his efforts? It was the only day I wish for her to be kind to me, and she even forgot?


“Then give me my old Jiyong back, and stop being like this,” she replied icily without filtering her words in her brain. Oh whatever, it’s not like Jiyong will remember, being so wasted. Prying Jiyong’s hands off her, she walked out proudly. Fed up with the loud music and gangs of people, she found the way up to YG Hotel. Spotting Sean, who nodded at her, she took it as a sign that she was allowed inside. Like YG Club, YG Hotel was up-class as well. Its interior looks like the extravagant underground train station at Moscow, with gold ornaments, crystal chandeliers, vintage wallpaper, polished floors draped with a lining of red carpet. Not even sure what she was doing, she went up the elevator and got out at a random floor. A part of her wanted to leave Jiyong for dead. She hated people who give up, especially on themselves. What Jiyong was doing was not only giving up on his musical dream, on her, but also on the entire family, on his future, his own life. But...there was no way she would go home without Jiyong. Byul and Dongwook would definitely go crazy if Jiyong does not come home tonight, since they have a family trip tomorrow.


“Beautiful noona, you’re mine tonight. You’re not going anywhere.” Somebody grabbed her hand, pulling her backwards. Jiyong. He had followed her upstairs to the hallway of an unknown floor. She had been too caught up in her thinking to hear his footsteps. Dara gasped at how Jiyong’s childish words did not change a bit when his tone and behavior was completely unfamiliar.


“L-L-Let go of me, Jiyong!” She tried to yank her hand back, but Jiyong pushed her roughly against the wall, narrowing missing a huge painting. It had never occurred to her until now that Jiyong was a man, not the immature little

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.