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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[Eleven. Pretty Please]


As much as Jiyong hated to act this way, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, mirroring Dara’s gesture as they face each other in one of the private practice rooms of the music department. He had never been here before, but was sure that Dara was no stranger to this quiet space adorned with elegant bulbs that resemble upside-down tulips dangling from the ceiling and wooden panels on all six surfaces of the room. A part of him wanted to snicker out loud at how they look like they belong to some K-drama, a romantic date stolen between the leading couple. The genre would be a school-themed, twisted forbidden love, he secretly thought to himself. Right now, the only obstacle between them was a magnificent grand piano, its polished surface gleaming boastfully, ignorant of the tension between the two people in the room. Even the reflections of Dara and Jiyong on the piano are quite pretty. Wearing a laid-back white t-shirt paired with ripped denim jeans and sneakers, Dara had drew even more curious and admiring looks from students today. Although her style of dressing was famous for being random and diverse, it was still hard to take in how a girl could look as much of a goddess in simple casual clothes as when she was wearing summer dresses and bikinis. No overexposed skin, no tight-fitting spots, but equally eye-catching. Jiyong, pleased with himself at the coincidental “couple wear”, was wearing the same, except with a gray hoodie pulled over the white tee that would show off his skinny but fit body. Again, nothing over the top or abnormal, but had the identical effect of standing out like neon lights in midst of black and white. That was them, he supposes, two people made to stand out. Realizing his mind had already began to flutter away, Jiyong pulled himself back to reality to face the girl in front of him, who was obviously displeased about something. If there should be anyone displeased, it should be him over the fact that Dara was wearing a name tag friendship necklace that Youngbae had given her years ago when she should’ve wore something that Jiyong got for her on their matching sibling clothes shopping spree. A lot of people would assume that Youngbae and Dara are dating, which was something Jiyong cannot take. But as upset and jealous as he was over the matter, Jiyong did not mention this to Dara, knowing that it would only get her angry at him. Not getting why Dara was being so reluctant when she could’ve easily refused Professor Yang’s odd request, and even more puzzled at why Dara is acting like this when she was the one who had took the initiative to start their first lesson, Jiyong told himself that he will not be the one who backed down first.


“So.” Dara pursed her lips, tapping her flats impatiently on the wooden floor, a tad annoyed at how Jiyong was not bowing down to her like he should be. After all, getting private lessons from the Sandara Park was not something that happened on a daily basis, and anyone who received such a chance has such major -up to do, regardless of the facts that it was due to Professor Yang’s request and it was Dara who wanted to start first. It could also be the fact that she was still uncomfortable being civilized to Jiyong.


“So.” Jiyong mimicked the foot-tapping moment playfully. Adding quickly, if not slyly, “noona.”


“Show me what’s so special that had Professor Yang running to me to teach you songwriting,” Dara commanded, a bit condescendingly. Yes, anyone can love music, anyone can make music, but proving to be different from the rest is hard. Being praised by Professor Yang won’t make Kwon Jiyong any special to her if he’s like anyone else that dips a little in knowledge of music but acts like they are already legends. If anything, it would only make her despise him more if he proves to be as worthless as the people she can’t stand.


“Like...what?” Jiyong arched his eyebrow, but inside he was feeling uneasy. Music was, of course, an area where Dara reigned, and there would be no chances of him taking shortcuts to awe her. It was either what he got impresses her...or does not.


“Whatever you feel comfortable doing.” Dara walked gracefully towards the windows, peering at the sight before her eyes. The room she picked had a majestic view, one of the reasons why she was willing to spend so many hours inside the room, practicing endlessly until she was satisfied with her own performance. Directly below, she could watch ant-sized figures of professors and students rushing to and fro from the music department building to other corners of the campus. On rainy days, they would be replaced with colorful umbrellas of every pattern and color, which was a magical scene for her. There was also a student café that would be full of students and professors alike. If she looked diagonally across from where she stood, she could see the bridge that linked the fifth floor of the music department and the high and mighty social science department’s ancient building of Victorian architecture. Not many people use that way, but it was intriguing for Dara how and why such an odd thing could exist, linking buildings of two very different department together, in the form of a glass bridge, which had a dreamy, unrealistic characteristic that did not fit it with the history-emphasizing style of one, nor did it look good with the completely contemporary and modernistic feel of the other. It would always lead her mind to different topics, and then drifting back to the fact that it is just merely life’s many surprises how completely unrelated things and people can be linked with the most unlikely possibilities. She and Jiyong could be one of the bizarre examples. “Sing a song you like. Play a piece on the piano. Surprise me.”


When Dara finished speaking, silence fell upon the room, followed by a small, but still audible sigh from Jiyong. Half-triumphant, Dara thought that he would give up, confess that he had gone through troubles to beg Professor Yang, and tell her that he does not know anything about music. Turning around, ready to retort her “I-knew-it” in the most hateful way possible, the words were about to tumble out of when Jiyong started playing an unfamiliar piece on the piano. It sounded as good as any melody played by Dara, she was shocked to find. After the first chords, which sounded jazzy and relaxed with a good rhythm, the tune then started to pick up speed, becoming more rapid and desperate. Awed by how much feeling was put into it, as well as the techniques that were hard to believe were performed by an amateur, Dara was into the song. That’s when Jiyong started to sing.


“You’re my heart, heart, heart, heart, heartbreaker,” he sang, in a gentle but firm voice. It sounded like the depressed voice of a heartbroken man, semi-driven to insanity desperation. However, it sounded so beautiful and harmonic to Dara’s ears. “What did I do wrong...You’re my heart, heart, heart, heart, heartbreaker...No way...No way.” Then his voice turned malicious, not losing the perfect tempo and tune he had. “I’m say I’m leaving, I’m really going...To see if you can live well, without me...“ He was good. There was no denying it. Dara was surprised to find that his voice sounded very, very attractive to her, which was a first for her to realize that after talking to Jiyong every day, his voice could sound so pleasurable to the ears. The final notes pounded with finality, and Jiyong stood up from the piano bench, staring into Dara’s eyes with an unfathomable expression. Dara thought he was done with his performance, and was scrambling for something suitable to say without making herself look like a fool when he started beat-boxing and rapping. What the- “I said, what’s the reason you don’t want me...Tell me all about your confident expressions, do it sadly...Even if I say alright or ask for a chance...I don’t like the cold look in your eyes when you turn around...” Dara cannot rap very well, she knows it, and she cannot imagine herself rapping and beat-boxing as confidently as what Jiyong is doing at the moment. Jiyong’s tone had transformed completely, becoming boosting with confidence and power, beating with a strong, unbreakable tempo. Even though she has seen her fair share of talented rappers-to-be, and Youngbae is also not bad at it, Jiyong was a natural. He felt like it was where he belong, the music is him. “Surprised now, noona?” Dara woke from her temporary reverie to find Jiyong had already walked in front of her, eyes asking for her criticism and praise.


“That was...Jiyong, you never told me you could...” Dara had a hard time deciding what to say. She had to give it to him; not many people can impress her. At the same time, she had a difficult time confessing that she had underestimated him.


“You never asked.” Jiyong looked at her in half-amusement. So he had impressed her. Thank god. “How was it? Not bad?”


“It wasn’t...bad. Your pitch is okay, didn’t make too many mistakes.” Who was she kidding, it was one of the best performances she had seen! Besides being awed, Dara suddenly had felt threatened. Here she was, learning music for so many years and majoring in it, but Jiyong had the charisma and gift that made her wonder if she was even as good as he was. Masterpiece of the Year...Jiyong definitely had a shot getting into the top three. It made her thrilled and upset at the same time. “Whose song was it? I never heard it before.”


“Of course you’ve never heard it, it is a song I wrote myself,” Jiyong chuckled, making Dara’s jaw drop. Just when she thought that he had ran out of tricks, more surprises sprout up like mushrooms. “Why are you looking at me like that? It is quite normal for people to have hobbies and interests. I met Tablo because we both shared a passion for music and rapping, and that’s how I got to work at YG Club. Besides working part-time, I’d also make some music there, since Jinu and Sean gives me the space and equipment to do that. It’s no big deal.” He might as well have said it was no big deal to ride elephants to school, because Dara had a hard time controlling how bewildered she was at this different and unusual side to Jiyong she had discovered.


“How did Professor Yang knew about how great you are? I mean, even I don’t know that!” Dara’s voice sounded a bit offended. Jiyong shrugged, indicating he did not know, and Dara suppose that’s possible, because Professor Yang was the type of person that knows things without giving anything away, like how he knows what students who handed their composition late have been doing last Friday night. It was kind of creepy in a way, but Dara found that it was something worth respecting. “Anyway, I’m not sure what I can teach you. You seem to know a lot, more than what’s needed to submit a piece for Masterpiece of the Year-“


“Didn’t Professor Yang say that you could help me with my songwriting?” Jiyong blurted out quickly, biting his lips nervously for how rash he was acting. What Dara said threw him off-track, making him anxious that she’s considering not teaching him because he was better than she thought. It would make his plan backfire immediately. “I’ve been unable to write songs lately, because I’m running out of inspiration for good lyrics. That’s why I had refused when Professor Yang had asked me previously if I wanted to enter my composition for the competition.” When Dara remained silent, Jiyong become distressed, deciding to push his limits. “Come on, noona. Professor Yang thinks highly of you, and said your songwriting skills are superb. How can you not help me? Even if you do not want to help me, you have already said yes to Professor Yang.”


“I know, I’ll do it,” Dara muttered in defeat, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. If it had been anyone else, she would’ve done it too, she tried to convince herself as she sat down in front of the piano. It was hard to refuse when she was shown such unbelievable talent. “Well, my own habit is to always carry pen and paper to jot down inspiration from lyrics. Write down every word and feeling I can think of the subject, and...”




For the next few weeks, the days seemed to be flying past. Besides the usual classes and assignments, Dara has Jiyong’s lessons on her priority list, which was becoming their routine. In those afternoons and evenings spent, they would go over songs that Jiyong had written before, and Dara would give him advice on how to change and improve the lyrics. Sometimes, if they had more time or felt like it, they would start randomly coming up with different ideas and even creating new songs together. In between, they would also joke around and talk like friends. It was surprising to Dara how comfortable she had become in the presence of Jiyong. Even after their lessons, they would go to ice cream shops or shopping together, having a good time like normal friends would after school. After much bickering, Dara would usually relent and let Jiyong buy clothes for her, even though she was feeling foolish as if she was a human-sized Barbie for him to play dress-up with. When they go out to eat at exotic restaurants, Dara would argue for Jiyong to learn it so they can make it at home next time, much to Jiyong’s horror. Once a week, they would go check the CD section of every mall in Seoul, seeing who was on the top twenty charts and criticize over each detail about the artists. At home, they would also watch dramas together, arguing over how good-looking the leading characters were (Jiyong had learned not to scoff at Won Bin in front of Dara, but he still does not get what Dara sees in him), and cook ramen for their midnight snack. This was how it feels like to have a dongsaeng. Dara enjoy the feeling. It was a strange but fantastic change that she had Jiyong to share things with. They did everything together, spending almost twenty four hours a day under the same roof. It was like being born a twin, having someone there for her, rain or shine. It was as if their previous encounters had not happened, and they had been siblings all their life.


Dara could never get over how Jiyong can amaze her every time, showing her works that seem to be better than the ones before. He was equally talented in writing beautiful melodies as well as handling piano and guitar. Bragging that his music would sound even better if given the DJ equipment at YG Club, Jiyong offered to show Dara once she comes to visit him on one of his shifts. On a Friday night, that’s what she did, and as she sat there in full-out club-wear with Bom and Youngbae, sipping cocktail after cocktail, Dara felt a surge of pride as she sat in the plush seats in the background, watching Jiyong as he performed for the cheering crowd remix after remix of his songs. It had a different flair from the acoustic version he played for her before, with its hip-hop swag and addictive beat. He spotted her in the crowd, and found himself more energized than ever, throwing winks and smiles in her direction, never taking his eyes away from her.


“Whoa, whoa, lover boy is soooo y when he’s doing that,” Bom, clad in a daring dress of silver silk and beads, shouted in Dara’s ears as they watch Jiyong perform his song “Breathe”, singing with an expression that he was enjoying himself in his world of music. “Sandara, doesn’t he look so yummy? I never knew he had such a hot voice!” Dara only smiled as she turned her eyes back to Jiyong. He was improving at an incredible speed. She had also helped him improve some of his singing techniques, but there was nothing she could do about rapping, as she was inexperienced as well. With an idea dawning on her, she quickly turned to Youngbae, who was bobbing his head with the beat pumping from the speakers.


“Bae, I have a question,” Dara said, mouth close to his ear. “What are some ways to impr

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so heartbreaking..it made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time permits..at least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.