Thirty One

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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[ Thirty One. I Don't Care ]


“Is it okay?” Chaerin asked in concern when she came out of the recording room, done with recording the parts for the song. She knew that it was unsatisfactory even before she asked; her strong voice did not suit the smooth heartbreaking song. Jiyong did not say anything, his full attention on the computer screen as he replayed Chaerin’s previous recordings. Hearing her own voice made Chaerin cringe. It sounded so off although she had tried her best to soften her voice and sing her heart out to the emotions Jiyong was trying to portray with the lyrics. She did not want to wreck her first time featuring on Jiyong’s song. She could not tell what Jiyong is thinking from his expressionless face, so she turned to Teddy for feedback instead.


“I think Sandy’s version of the song was more fitting,” Teddy pointed out as he shot Chaerin an apologetic look. “No offense, Chaerin. Your voice does not sound good in this song.”


“What do you mean? Dara has recorded for this song, too?” Chaerin inquired, expecting to hear Jiyong deny it but only receiving silence. She cannot believe this. She had been ecstatic upon receiving a text message from Jiyong yesterday, asking her to come into the studio to feature on one of the songs on his second album. Knowing Jiyong and his high standards when it comes to his music, Chaerin was honored that he would give her this rare chance. It meant that he believed in her abilities. Now, it came crashing down as the truth was, she was only a replacement. Dara’s replacement.


“She did, but I decided to let you feature instead,” Jiyong replied lazily.


“Why?” Chaerin demanded. “Why give the part to me when she had already finished recording? Dara’s soft voice is perfect for this song.” Seeing Jiyong had no intentions of answering her anything made Chaerin absolutely livid. He did not think that she had any rights to demand an explanation from him, thinking that she will go along with anything he says. It had always been like this between them. He took whatever he got from her, but when she asked for something from him, he turns away like a stranger. “You’re using me to make her jealous, aren’t you? Using featuring on your song as a bait and trying to reel her in deeper. Isn’t that what you’re doing? Playing mind games with her?”


“Don’t talk as if you know everything, Chaerin,” Jiyong barked, finally turning around to face Chaerin. His eyes flashed dangerously, warning her not to go on. Chaerin, however, laughed mockingly. That was the way of Jiyong, ignoring her as if she was invisible unless Dara was involved. She was sick of it. When is he going to stop taking her for granted?


“You think you’ve changed into G-Dragon, but that is a big lie. You have never stopped being Kwon Jiyong, at least not to her. You’re acting like this to get her attention. Face it, Jiyong, your feelings towards her hasn’t even changed one bit after all these years of waiting-“


“Shut the up!” Jiyong snarled, getting up from his seat.


“Alright, that’s enough!” Teddy stepped in between them quickly before things got out of hand. Jiyong then stomped out of the room, banging the door loudly before leaving. Chaerin breathed out forcefully. “Chaerin, why did you have to say that?”


“He is using me, Teddy oppa!” Chaerin cried out, her entire body shaking from anger.


Teddy sighed. “I know how you feel about him, but we both know that you will only get hurt at the end. Maybe you shouldn’t work with him for the time being.”


“And what, let him work with Dara?!”


“There is nothing wrong with Jiyong working with Dara.” Teddy told her calmly. “In fact, I think it is a good idea. They can sort out whatever misunderstandings they had in the past. It is the only way for them to put the past behind them and move on.”


“You’re wrong,” Chaerin whispered fiercely, fumbling in her bag for her phone. In no time she called her brother. “Oppa, are you busy?”


“Kiddo, I was just thinking of you!” Donghae said cheerfully on the other line. “What is the special occasion? You rarely call me lately.”


“I was just wondering, did Dara tell you that she’s working on G-Dragon’s new album?”




Sitting by herself once again, in the most inconspicuous corner of the YG cafeteria, Dara absentmindedly stirred the strawberry-flavored yogurt in front of her. She had been sitting here for almost the entire morning, showing no signs of eating the bowl of yogurt. The ladies at the cafeteria had protested loudly when she asked them for a small portion of yogurt, but after nearly fifteen minutes of pleading, she finally got what she wanted instead of the full fried chicken meal they had insisted on giving her. Out of the corner of her eyes, Dara could spot the cafeteria ladies shaking their heads in disapproval while speaking in hushed tones to each other, perhaps coming up with a plan to force her to eat the food they want to give her next time.


She came to YG, thinking she was going to work on Chaerin’s album. Then she finds out it was Jiyong who wanted to work with her. But after she confronted him, he had given her part of his song to Chaerin. Now, what should she do? She was a songwriter that no one wanted to work with.


“Guess what?” The same group of trainees that Dara bumped into before came into the cafeteria. “I was at Choice37 hyung’s studio this morning, and overheard Chaerin noona and G-Dragon hyung’s conversation about the new songwriter!”


Dara’s hands froze in mid-movement. The trainees did not seem to have noticed that she was sitting there as they lined up impatiently to grab food. Chaerin and Jiyong were talking about her after she left? She desperately looked around for something that can keep her from the view of the trainees. If they saw her, she won’t be able to know what Chaerin and Jiyong had said about her. But there was nothing in sight, so she turned her head slightly to the side, letting her long hair cover her face from them.


“What were they saying?”


“I only caught one or two sentences, because I was afraid of getting caught listening to their conversation. But I think G-Dragon hyung had let that Dara girl feature on one of his songs, but then gave the part to Chaerin noona!”


“Whoa! Why is that?”


“I don’t know. I did not hear the rest of their conversation.”


“Maybe it’s because G-Dragon hyung found out that the girl can’t even sing? That is why he asked Chaerin noona afterwards?”


“Haha! I would not be surprised if she at singing. Didn’t you see her the other day? She looked like those typical SM artists, only good visually and nothing else. I bet the music she supposedly composed were bought from oversea indie composers that do the work for her.”


“Yeah, she does not look like someone who can make music.”


“What was her name again? Doris?”


“No, I think it’s Dara.”


“Wait, you guys! I think that’s her, the one sitting at the table over there.”


“Whatever. I don’t care if she heard everything. It’s the truth anyways. She should know her place here. What right does she have to be at YG if she doesn’t have any talent?”


“B.I.!” A new, loud female voice drew the attention of everyone, including Dara, who looked up in surprise. It was no one other than Park Bom, who was heading their way with a scary look on her face. She was wearing a white tight minidress cut open at the waist and white lacey platforms that made her tower over the trainees. “Who taught you to talk like that to your sunbaes!”


The boy named B.I., who was the one that Dara thought looked like Jiyong a lot, blushed as he hung his head low in embarrassment. The other trainees also mumbled their apologies as they bowed politely to Bom.


“Dara, come here!” Bom ordered, and Dara got up from her seat uncertainly, walking towards them. Putting an arm protectively around Dara’s shoulders, Bom turned to the boys sternly. “Boys, this is my best friend from the music department of Seoul University, Sandara Park. She is also your sunbae in this company, and I will not tolerate any rude behavior towards her! I will let it go this time, but if I find out there’s a next time…”


“There won’t be a next time, Bom noona,” B.I. stammered before Bom finishes her threat, obviously scared of the consequences.


“Good. Apologize to her.” Bom commanded.


“Bommie, it’s fine. He doesn’t have to-“ Dara started, and Bom widened her eyes in disbelief.


“What do you mean ‘it’s fine’?! If Jiyong knew about this-“


“Sandara noona, I’m sorry for saying those things. There won’t be a next time. Please forgive me for being so rude.” B.I. bowed in apology towards Dara, and the other boys copied him.


“It’s really fine,” Dara assured them as she pulled Bom, who opened to scold them further, forcefully away fr

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.