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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[Six. Dongwook's Son]


“I should’ve known happiness was not meant for me.”


Scrutinizing the reflection of herself in the wide mirror in front of her, the young lady could not force an answer out of the cold, unfeeling image of her, especially not with her fragile whisper. Thank goodness, the women’s washroom of the swanky hotel was empty, or else others might deem her as a lunatic for talking to her reflection and expecting a reply. She looks young for her age, but if anyone observed closely, they could see the haggardness that represented the amount of hardships she went through. Wearing one of her best dresses, a navy floral print dress that brought out her copper skin tone, her simplicity stood out in the grandiose luxury of the five-star hotel. That, if possible, made her more upset as streaks of tears ran down her face, meeting each other as they dripped slowly down to the sink.


The funny thing was, she had braced herself for this. It did not happen out of the blue, and she knew it would come to this eventually. And yet again, here she was, feeling so vulnerable, like a spooked deer caught by the blinding headlights of a truck that’s milliseconds away from hitting the life out of it. Was what she wanted so rare and impossible to ask for? Why does she feel as if she was rejected at the slamming door that made it clear she did not deserve the happy ending she wants?


The door swung open abruptly, and Dara barged in, stopping in her hurried tracks once she saw Byul’s tear-stained face. Their eyes met, and a moment passed as they stare at each other. Dara was the first one to move as she sprinted to Byul’s side at once, cooing and her hair like a mother would do to her child who had fell on the concrete sidewalk and skinned her knee. “Oh gosh, Byul...”


Sobbing louder and more hysterically, Byul rested her head on Dara’s shoulder as the tears continued to stream from her eyes. Hiccups and whimpers made her sentences hard to understand. “ sorry, Dee... should have known...I won’t...”


“Hush, you don’t have to say anything. Everything is going to be fine,” Dara assured, continuing to comfort Byul. Her heart was aching badly for what she was seeing; she hated when the good-natured Byul was in pain. Usually, she would not show her negative emotions that easily, so on the rare occasions that she does, it breaks Dara’s heart in two. She doesn’t deserve this at all, a voice inside of Dara hissed savagely.


“’s...not...” Byul cried harder. “You hate Dongwook’s two won’t get along...It’s selfish of me for wanting to get married when it’s obvious you hate him...I’ll call off the wedding right away...I knew I didn’t deserve someone as wonderful as Dongwook either...I should’ve known...happiness was not here to stay...”


Dara watched the weeping woman in front of her, whom she had valued more than her own life, in silence. Just minutes ago, she had arrived in the fancy restaurant in the best hotel in town with the cheerful Byul, who was skipping like a school girl. Although Dara thought she looked quite silly for a woman in her forties that’s prancing around, obviously silly in love, it lifted her mood considerably, despite her discomfort at the upcoming agenda of meeting Dongwook and his son. They were led to the best table, by the gigantic glass windows that were framed with red velvet curtains. Only one of the four seats around the table was occupied, by a man in a black suit who Dara could only assume was the amazing Dongwook.


“Dongwook!” Byul squealed in excitement as she raced into Dongwook’s arms. Dara hung back quietly, observing the man closely. So far, not bad. The way his serious face lit up when he saw Byul was enough assurance that he truly cared about Byul, and that was the most important thing of all. Plus, he looked like a man of intelligence, wealth, manners, and looks. He was a very handsome man for his age, with sandy brown hair and a straight-edged nose that many celebrities would kill for, and the air of someone well-educated and brought up properly by parents who told him to put “thank you” and “please” in every sentence. Though his features were somehow pokerfaced and made it hard for most people to approach him, Dara could tell that he was actually a soft-hearted and kind person. He had the same large, shining bright eyes as Byul, and Dara feel that he was perhaps the kindred spirit for Byul, her soulmate. However, unlike Byul, he seemed more stable, realistic, and rational, which was a relief for Dara, since Byul needed someone to hold her back like Dara did. Or, Dara thought with a bittersweet smile, someone like Dongwook.


He turned to Dara, and nodded politely with a small smile on his face, not taking his arm away from Byul, a gesture that Dara did not miss, and would usually be smirking at, but decided against it as it would seem rude. “Sandara. A lady as beautiful as her name. So wonderful to finally be able to meet you in person. Byul always talks about you, and it seems as if you are indeed the perfect daughter.”


“Niece,” Dara pointed out, shaking hands formally with Dongwook. “Nice to meet you, Mr...”


“Call me Dongwook,” Dongwook immediately corrected. “Yes, I know you are Byul’s niece by blood and law, but she treats you like a daughter, and I will see you as mine as well.” Dara smiled as a surge of warmth flooded through her veins. Perhaps Dongwook was only saying this for Byul's sake, but nevertheless, the words meant so much to Dara. She was having a real family, with a mom, and a dad...The prospect of this was heartwarming. Byul seemed to think so as well, beaming proudly.


“Where’s your-“ Byul started to ask when she noticed it was only the three of them.


“I apologize, he’s coming in rather late,” Dongwook answered apologetically. Dara realized they were talking about Dongwook’s son, who had not shown up. “He is quite busy, not just with his law studies, but also with various activities. He mentioned something about the school basketball team practice this morning, but promised to be here as fast as he can...” Dara did not hear the rest of Dongwook’s words as her mind suddenly drifted elsewhere. Law team...Somehow this sounds too familiar. A frown surfaced subconsciously on Dara’s face as she racked her brains for who that may be. She soon become face-to-face with the biggest shock of her life, as Kwon Jiyong stalked into the restaurant and headed their way. His face was cold and haughty, and did not notice Dara, let alone her jaw-dropping face.




Dara shut her eyes. She must be imagining things. It could not be him. It must be the excessive time she has been in his company that caused such a laughable mirage.


“This is my son, Jiyong.” Dongwook stood up as Jiyong lazily strolled over. “Jiyong, greet Byul and Sandara.” The expression on Jiyong’s face froze as he stopped in his tracks upon hearing the name Sandara. Disbelief was apparent on his face as he stared at Dara, who could only do the same back. “Now, now, Jiyong, greet them properly. Your step-sister is a real beauty, but please don’t stare so rudely at-“


“She can’t be my step-sister, you old man!” Jiyong yelled at Dongwook, the first of the two to break the staring contest and come to his senses. If Dara was the daughter of his future step-mom, that would make her his step-sister. No. Jiyong’s mind reeled. Dara already refused to see him as a man, her man to be exact, and becoming her little step-brother was not going to help! This was surreal to the fullest. “Damn it, this cannot happen!”


“What are you doing here?!” Dara pointed her finger shakily at Jiyong. Her future family consisting of Kwon Jiyong was enough to make her want to go insane. He was already ruining her life, now he’s going to be living under the same roof as her, being around her twenty four hours a day? As her brother? The warm feeling of having a family evaporated, leaving Dara cold and dizzy, enough to pass out.


“You two know each other?” Byul looked at Jiyong, then at Dara, back and forth in confusion. Dongwook frowned.


“Of course we know each other, Dara’s my-“


“I hate his guts!” Dara turned to Byul so fast, her hair made whishing sounds. “He is the most horrid thing alive! You never told him he was Dongwook’s son! I am not going to live under the same roof as him!”


“Neither am I. Old man, I don’t care who you marry or divorce, but I can’t accept Dara as any sort of relative,” Jiyong scoffed, a bit miffed at Dara’s reaction as if he was infected with some contagious disease. “There is no way on earth that I will let her b

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.