Forty Six

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Credits go to hungry- (from  affamé graphic shop), for this amazing poster.

[ Forty Six. Knot ]


“Quite a large and famous crew overlooking your photoshoot, Miss Park,” the photographer commented to Dara as she took her position by the swimming pool. She spotted her group of friends on the other side of the pool, sipping cocktails and enjoying the heat. Seungri caught her eye and waved before going back to applying lotion onto Chaerin’s back. She scanned the area briefly for Jiyong, who was filming everything around him with his phone casually. My fiancée, soon-to-be husband. The thought made her dizzy with excitement.


“They couldn’t resist tagging along when they heard I was coming to Bali for a photoshoot,” Dara laughed lightly before concentrating hard on the camera in front of her. The talkative photographer became silent and captured Dara’s various poses and expressions. Even under the scorching sun, Dara aimed for perfection. Out of all the offers she received, she was more confident about magazine photoshoots, even though it was nowhere as rewarding as songwriting. She had been offered the leading role of a drama starring Kim Woobin, but Jiyong shown his disapproval at once and Dara herself was not comfortable with the thought of starting an acting career.


“That should be more than enough, Miss Park.” The photographer announced with satisfaction, and assistants hurriedly led Dara inside the air-conditioned villa suite. At once, Ahn Sohee stood up to greet her with a hug. She was the editor of the magazine that had pestered the YG company non-stop for Dara’s appearance in their summer edition.


“Dara! Long time no see! You look gorgeous, of course. Thank you for agreeing to this photoshoot! I know how demanded you are these days, and I could not thank you enough for gracing us this opportunity.” Sohee smiled widely. Since their university days, Sohee has climbed up fast in the circle of fashion magazines. “Do you have time to answer a few quick questions for us? I’m sure our readers are dying to know more about you!”


Bom walked inside, frowning in disapproval as she threw on a beach cover-up over her bikini. “I thought it was settled before. No interviews, only a photoshoot for two spreads of your magazine. Is this how you people work?”


Dara put up a hand to signal that she was fine with it. “It’s okay, Bom. I’d be more than happy to answer a few questions for an old friend from university.” She smiled civilly at Sohee, and the latter caught her meaning at once. Dara was willing to exchange the chance of an exclusive interview for Sohee to not blab about Dara’s past. “However, please understand that there are some questions that I will not be comfortable answering.”


“Fantastic!” Sohee squealed, snapping her fingers as they both sat down. The photographer stood up to snap pictures of the interview, and make-up artists applied a few touch-ups before leaving. Bom watched Sohee like a hawk from her seat, sipping her water gracefully. Soo Joo quietly slipped inside, a mojito in her hand. “Aside from the songs you composed for G-Dragon, CL, and Bom, you have also wrote many tracks for the debut albums of popular new idol groups, iKON and Winner. How do you feel about it?”


“The boys are like little brothers to me. I had the chance to get to know them personally while working with them on their debut albums, so I’m proud of their talent and hard work.”


“Not only have you won the Song Writer award and written so many popular songs, but you have proven that your abilities are beyond songwriting and composing. Your previous photoshoot with model Park Hyeongseop and appearance as the leading lady for G-Dragon’s music video has sparked everyone’s interests! Are you thinking of adding more to your career, such as acting and modeling?”


“At the moment, I want to concentrate on bringing people good music. Composing is something I have great confidence in, but modeling and acting are beyond me. I only step out of my comfort zone when forced by my friends.” Dara shot a look at Soo Joo, who shrugged innocently in response. If it weren’t Soo Joo insisting that this photoshoot would greatly boost Xin’s new brand, Dara would not have agreed to it so quickly.


“I’m sure many of our readers would disagree with you after seeing the amazing pictures in our magazine! Anyways, you mentioned your group of friends, and I have to say that your crew is very well-known. Everyone’s envious of how a group of such extremely gorgeous and talented people are so supportive of each other. For example, you were seen to attend many of G-Dragon’s concerts on his world tour. Mind sharing with us your thoughts on that?”


Bom glared warningly at Sohee, but Dara answered calmly, “As his friend and co-producer for many of his songs, I am very proud of him. It’s one thing to work on a song, but another to see it performed onstage by an artist. Actually, many of our other friends, such as CL, Xin, Bom, Seunghyun, etc., have also attended his concerts as well, and I’m sure that we are all equally impressed with the good performances he gives to his fans. I enjoyed every one of his concerts.”


Sohee’s smile widened. “How sweet of you. There has been a growing number of G-Dragon’s fans that have noticed the two of you share the same taste in clothes. Some are wondering if you two are wearing couple clothes-“


“That I cannot answer,” Dara cut her off.


“Alright then. What about sharing with us your ideal type?” Sohee tried a different approach.


“I don’t think I have any strict standards. I like younger men who are good at cooking and share the same interests as me, like music. Someone who’s into fashion.” Before Dara could give away too much details, someone coughed loudly to catch her attention. Dara looked up, and her eyes locked with Jiyong’s. He was leaning slightly against the door frame, listening to her every word with an impossibly loving gaze. Blushing slightly, Dara resisted the urge to hurl herself into his arms and kiss the man that will soon be her husband, and instead excused herself to change out of her clothes before Sohee could get another answer out of her.


“Sorry to interrupt, but anyone apart from the guests of this villa resort have to leave now,” Jiyong announced. Because their crew consisted of so many high-profile guests, the resort has agreed to strictly control those that enter and leave to protect the privacy of their guests. Sohee nodded unwillingly, and shuffled out of the suite with her team after giving Jiyong a suspicious, lingering look.


“I’m not sure about what she’ll actually write for the interview, but I bet that by the end of tonight, the news that we’re here in Bali will be all over the internet.” Bom snorted as Chaerin, Teddy and Minzy walked inside.


“No matter what, they would never guess in a million years that they were the last ones to see Jiyong and Dara before they become Mr. and Mrs. Kwon,” Minzy giggled.


“Even we didn’t see this coming,” Teddy grumbled. “I had a bet with Choice that a wedding would come after GD finishes his world tour.”


“Why wait any longer when I know Dara’s the one?” Jiyong grinned boyishly. The day he received Dara’s answer, he had stayed up with his fiancée all night to plan their wedding. After much discussion, they have decided to only invite their closest friends and family to a small, private wedding that would take place on a three-day break Jiyong had from his world tour.


“You two are too cute for words,” Minzy gushed enviously.


“I’m going to make sure everything’s ready, double-check with the security and remind everyone else to get ready,” Jiyong told them as he got up to leave. “I’m leaving Dara in your care.”


“You can trust us not to give her any last-minute thoughts about leaving you at the altar.” Chaerin grinned teasingly, earning Jiyong’s warning frown. “Oh, come on, why so serious? Is this a thing where the groom loses his ego before the wedding? Even if we dragged her out of here, she would claw her way back.”


Dara stepped out of the bathroom in casual t-shirt and shorts after Jiyong left, and immediately Teddy grabbed her hand roughly to examine the engagement ring closely. “I never got the chance to see the ringa linga ling.”


The ring caught the light, sparkling brightly. The pave set engagement ring had a beautiful milgrain edge and tiny diamonds that shows off the center diamond, which was of a considerable size. Chaerin, Minzy and Soo Joo sighed enviously and took turns admiring it.


“Teddy, out you go,” Bom commanded, already pushing Teddy forcefully out of the room before the latter could voice out his complaints. “We girls have some serious stuff to do, and you have to go get the other boys ready! Keep an eye on Daesung! He is not allowed to disappear with any girl before the ceremony is finished! Everything has to be perfect for my best friend’s wedding, and that means no delays!”




“How do I look?” Jiyong asked, turning away from the full-length mirror to face his friends. He knew how good he looked in a suit, but it was the day of his wedding. His insecurity and excitement was building up by the second, and he needed some assurance.


“Horrible,” Teddy yawned, pouring himself a drink from the table without looking at Jiyong. Although Jiyong and Dara had announced that their wedding was to be unconventional and easy-going, Teddy still wore a tuxedo.


“I custom-made that suit for you, so of course you’re looking sharp,” Danny Lee smirked arrogantly.


“Who cares how you look? You’re getting married, GD.” Daesung scrutinized himself in the mirror, straightening his tie from the hundredth time. He had his hair dyed silver from blond to avoid sharing the same hair color as Jiyong for the wedding. “I, on the other hand, is y, rich, and single. I should be the one most concentrated on looking good for the ladies out there.”


“What are you talking about, Dae? It’s a small, private wedding. Every woman attending already knows you,” Xin snorted, and Yanggaeng exchanged a high-five with him.


“Not Gong Minzy.” Daesung sang out gleefully, throwing his arms wide open in a gesture of victory.


“This is so heartwarming,” Jiyong said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Seungri, you have the rings, right?”


“Yup. Ji hyung, you’ve asked me that fifteen times already.” Seungri shoved a beer in Jiyong’s hands. “You need this to calm down, or you’re going to drive all of us insane before the wedding starts.”


Seunghyun put a hand on Jiyong’s shoulder. “I’ll go check on Bom and the girls. You guys should head out now.” Seunghyun then made his way to the suite where Dara was getting ready with the girls. He barely knocked twice when the door flung open, revealing Chaerin in a dramatic dress of gold.


“Seunghyun’s here!” Chaerin bellowed, her heels clacking loudly on the floor as she walked back inside the suite. Soo Joo and Minzy, already in their lavender bridesmaid dresses, were bobbing their heads to the loud music playing from someone’s phone.


“You look beautiful.” Seunghyun planted a tender kiss on Bom’s cheeks, sliding his arm around her waist. As the maid of honor, Bom was dressed in the same shade of la

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.