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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.


[Thirteen. Crooked] 


“Absolutely bull.” Chaerin threw the newspaper hard on the table in disgust. Gaining no attention whatsoever from her companion, she looked curiously at his expression. It wasn’t furious or irritated as she expected, but blank and void of any emotions. He was so hard to read sometimes, Chaerin sighed silently to herself. Just like how he always dresses so flamboyantly. Today, he was wearing a highly fashion-risky leopard-printed dress shirt with tight black leather jeans, held together by a cowboy-styled buckle and belt. What was he even thinking? However, Chaerin cannot stop herself from being impressed by him. She had always been in awe of the fact that he can be so queer and yet it comes so natural to him as if it’s the norm.


“Yah, Kwon Jiyong. You should at least say something about this!” Chaerin, shaking with anger, pointed at the offensive article. Ahn Sohee had done a special report on the Masterpiece of the Year...or rather, the people involved in the competition. A background check had been done on Lee Donghae, saying that he was the rich heir to SM Entertainment, and had studied at Princeton before deciding to transfer to Seoul University, staying in Korea to get to know the Korean branch better. Choi Seunghyun was already a musical genius known to have come from a family of similar traits. It was mainly full of fan-girling bull that emphasized on the fact that they were y, rich, and single. The explosive part of the article was revealing that Kwon Jiyong was Choi Dongwook’s only son. The article not only questions at why there are two different surnames, but also at how Jiyong got first place. A law student, cannot be seen to be related to music in any way, got first place...and his dad is the principal of the university. In addition, Sandara Park was revealed to be the step-niece of Dongwook, since her aunt had married the principal this year. The article also raises suspicion at the fairness of this competition, hinting at the two may have pulled strings to get first and second in this competition.


Anyone who knew the two personally would be upset about this wrong accusation. It was straight-out telling the whole world they had cheated in the competition by using connections. Even Chaerin is completely furious at how absurd it was. She had expected Jiyong to be a hundred times angrier about the matter, especially since that clueless reporter got Dara involved as well, but it was the complete opposite. There wasn’t a crack that let Jiyong’s emotions show on his face. Chaerin guessed that he saves that for Dara only. Sometimes she wonders what was so great about Dara that had Jiyong behaving like this. 


“Your brother may have more to say on this,” Jiyong commented with slight distain, taking his coffee. Chaerin, surprised at the sudden mentioning of her brother, had to confirm what he said, thinking she had heard wrong.


“Look over there.” Jiyong pointed at where everyone was whispering about: Dara’s table. Dara, looking as calm and unaffected by the article, had been peacefully eating her lunch earlier, accompanied by Bom, Youngbae, and Minzy. Then, there stood Lee Donghae, wearing a tailored suit like Prince Charming, bowing in greeting to Dara, with Seunghyun by his side. Immediately spotting the two, Bom had stopped chomping on her corn to elbow Dara slightly.


“Miss Sandara Park, I’m Lee Donghae.” Donghae threw a gentle smile in her direction, earning recognition when Dara remembers that he was the guy who had rang the doorbell and left without seeing Jiyong. Bom gulped when she recognized that was the name of the person who had tied first with Jiyong. Recently, Dara does not like anything related to the Masterpiece of the Year. This guy appeared at the wrong time. What was Seunghyun doing here, Bom groaned to herself. It’s like adding the icing on the cake called disaster. “I’m also Seunghyun’s long-time friend. Would it be okay if we join your table for lunch today?”


“Uh, okay,” Dara replied slowly, not sure why this strange person addressed only her when there were other people at the table. He might not have noticed it, but it seemed a bit haughty of him to do that. “Sit down. Call me Dara. These are my friends Bom, Bae, and Minzy.”


“Nice to meet you, I’m Lee Donghae, from the business administration department.” He bowed to them politely before sitting between Minzy and Youngbae, directly across from Dara. Minzy and Bom looked wide-eyed at this handsome stranger while Youngbae continued eating his lunch, furrowing his eyebrows as if trying to figure something out.


“I knew Donghae since we were kids, and he told me he wanted to greet you properly in person, Dara,” Seunghyun explained, sitting down besides Bom, who hesitantly smiled at him. “He’s also the future heir to SM Entertainment, and transferred here.”


“You mean THE SM Entertainment?” Minzy squeaked, and covered in humiliation when she found out she said that out loud in front of Donghae. She thought it may have been just rumors, but evidently it was true. Truth be told, she cannot stop but admire Donghae. SM Entertainment was the dream company every music department student wanted to get into. Once a student signed with SM, it would mean stardom. Personal stylists, endless endorsements, the best agents, always being on the front pages of magazines, and nothing less. When you were a part of SM, all doors are opened to you. 


“I’m guessing what the article says about you is true,” Youngbae mused. Dara arched her eyebrow. It seems like a harmless statement, but somehow she gets the feeling that it was coming out a bit catty from Youngbae. Obviously, he does not like Donghae at all.


“You mean the school article?” Donghae smiled, not offended at the least. “Well that sort of thing is often mentioned in various articles. I don’t really pay attention to any of that.”


“It may not mean a thing to you, but it has more impact than you think on other people.” Youngbae wasn’t even hiding his disapproval and anger, glaring into Donghae’s confused eyes. “To you it’s just another article about how great you are, but to others? Do you know how unfair those accusations are? Just because Dara and Jiyong are tied to the principal, they are suspected to have cheated, but you? Isn’t that more suspicious? The only heir to SM Entertainment seems much more important, doesn’t it? We all know how powerful and dominant SM is.”


“Youngbae, that’s...” Seunghyun looked uneasy. It was clear Youngbae thinks Donghae is the person behind that article, when it was him who had put that idea in Sohee. He doesn’t regret it, since he still holds his opinion about Jiyong, but it was unexpected that Sohee had pulled Dara into this. He wanted to apologize, but at the same time, his pride was on the line. If Dara knew it was him, she may never forgive him. It was not helping that Youngbae was getting angry over it. “You shouldn’t say that when you don’t have proof...”


“Youngbae’s right. There’s no truth in what the newspaper say about unni and oppa either!” Minzy piped up. “Why is that?”


“Guys, let’s not talk about this anymore-“ Bom tried to stop things from getting out of hand. It was so unusual for Youngbae to get worked up over something he was not directly involved in. But it had to do with Dara, so it only makes sense that he is mad. On the other hand, he’s lashing out at Seunghyun’s friend with no proof. The atmosphere was getting tense, and more people were noticing.


“I’m taking it that you suspect I had used my status to win, and then tell the newspaper that Dara cheated? I don’t know what people think, but I believe Dara’s not the kind of person to pull strings,” Donghae answered sincerely, staring straight into Dara’s eyes without feeling embarrassed. “I’ve heard her piece for the Masterpiece of the Year, and it is truly wonderful. That’s why I’m hoping she would give me a chance to sign with SM Entertainment.”


“What, what?!” Bom turned around to face Dara gleefully. Dara does not get what was happening. One thing they were arguing about the article, the next she was offered a contract with SM Entertainment, the biggest and best company in the showbiz? Unbelievable. “Oh, oh! That’s such good news! Sanda

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.