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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[Two. Inception]


If looks could kill, Sandara Park’s ability to stare people down would be declared a worldwide security disaster more deadly than massive nuclear weapons. If the receiver happened to be Kwon Jiyong, he’d be dead on the floor in one millisecond with Dara’s glare of wrath directed at him. Good thing for Jiyong, looks cannot kill, but Dara was wishing with all her might that it could. Ever since the fateful night at Bom’s birthday party, Kwon Jiyong had been stalking her for weeks…




On the first day back to school from the exhausting weekend, Dara found him waiting patiently by her locker (thanks to Bom, who Dara wanted to hunt down also), smiling brightly and innocently like a little boy in line to buy candy, a complete contrast to the y, bad-boy Jiyong Dara met at the night club. Wearing a light blue denim shirt with pearly white buttons and a pair of black skinny jeans, he had been attracting the curious and smitten glances of the people in the music department, which consisted mainly of females who had never seen this cute eye-candy before on their territory.


“Jagiya!” He shouted in excitement the moment he spotted her. Dara’s jaw dropped open at this unexpected move as people started to notice her, and whispered in hushed tones about this sudden discovery of new gossip. Sandara Park was famous in her department, though nowhere as admired as Choi Seunghyun or popular as Park Bom. But she was someone everyone knew by sight and by name, and now she was connected to a new topic of gossip-the cute guy in the light blue shirt. Shocked, Dara was unable to react when Jiyong skipped to her happily, and linked one of his arms around hers, being unbearably close to her and rudely invading her personal bubble of space. “Jagiya, I missed you. Why were you late?”


“What-?” Dara sputtered, pulling away from him quickly, regaining her composure and having enough sense to put some distance between them. “What are you doing here?” Dara then deemed the question as unimportant. It does not matter to her why he is here, what matters is what he is doing.


“I came here to find you, jagiya,” Jiyong pouted cutely, earning the sighs and squeals from passersby. “Aren’t you glad to see me? I came all the way from the law department to see you.”


“Listen, Kwon, I do not know what you want to achieve by this, nor do I want to know, but it is not going to work,” Dara hissed angrily, forcefully tugging her arm back from his grasp. “Stop this act, and leave me alone. Let me say it again. I, Sandara Park, am not interested. Do not make me repeat myself.” She then spun on her heels and headed to her first class without getting her textbooks from her locker. During her first class, she wasn’t paying attention to the lesson, but spacing out to ponder about what happened. A part of her felt horrible for being so mean to Jiyong, since he technically did not do anything to deserve such harsh treatments. He was just another of those clueless fan boys who were under the illusion that they were madly in love with her, eventually able to get over their so-called heartbreak sooner or later. However, especially when she overheard her classmates gossiping about “the adorable guy waiting in front of Sandara Park’s locker” while criticizing how cruel Dara had been to him, distinguishing different tones of their voices as being jealous, gossipy, silly, and even outraged, she felt her sympathy ebbing away, and her anger returning. How dare he. It doesn’t matter what people think, but it disturbs her to know that a simple gesture by Kwon Jiyong can have this much impact, even to the point of disturbing her perfectly peaceful life. His little stunt that day had taken her off guard, and this was not something that happened very often, nor does she like it. The unfamiliar feeling of the unknown was not something she welcomed with open arms. After class ended, she had headed out with a sigh, making a mental note to find Bom in third period to complain about this ordeal and how she should never give strange guys the information of where her locker is. However, before she could plan out how to tell Bom without sounding like she actually thought it was a big deal (which she insists it isn’t), Jiyong had appeared right in front of her once again, his big smile unaffected by Dara’s previous little speech. Dara scowled. The nerves of some people. Tch. His lower lip trembled when she refused to look at him. Unfortunately, as she walked past, determined to ignore him, the guy burst into tears.


“Jagiya! What did I do for you to do this to me?” He howled in pain, making everyone in the hallway turn around to see what was the matter. Dara froze, not believing it was happening until she felt Kwon Jiyong’s strong arms wrapped around her legs, stopping her from escaping. “I know I’m not good enough for you, but I still love you! Why can’t you accept me?”


“L-L-Let go of me!” Dara stammered, but Jiyong refused to move an inch and clung to her like a lifeboat. People were already staring and whispering, most likely already piecing together a woeful and dramatic story of the music department’s beauty, Sandara Park, dumping her so-cute boyfriend and refusing to take him back. This was not good. Dara tried every way to escape from Jiyong’s clutches, but to no avail.


“Jagiya, if you want to avoid further embarrassment, you better play along with me,” Jiyong suddenly advised earnestly to Dara quietly, still in a ridiculously childish manner, but no trace of the heartbroken lover-boy everyone was seeing. Dara seethed in anger. He wasn’t mentally unstable or a love-sick puppy after all, but a cunning actor who knew what kind of responses he would get from his audience. There was no way that her, Sandara Park, would play along.


“Not going to happen,” Dara hissed back while in the middle of a tug-of-war over her legs with Jiyong. She suddenly found that her attire that day was used entirely against her; she was wearing tight jean shorts and 8-cm high-heeled boots that limited her movement. Luck was not being on her side. “What did I say, leave me alone.”


“Not going to happen,” Jiyong mocked back, clinging on tighter on Dara’s thin legs. “I want you to accept willingly and nicely that you’re mine, jagiya, and if you refuse to play along, I’ll just have to make you.”


“You are a nuisance,” Dara growled, getting impatient and losing her cool. “Let go of me, I have class!”


“Only if you agree.” Jiyong looked up innocently. Dara wanted to slap the living daylights out of him, but she refused to lose control. Tch. He’s not worth it. Dara quickly formulated a plan in her brains. Go along with him, give him what he wants…or at least, let him think he got what he wants. Dara quickly decided that the safest way would be to let him do what he want, tag along with her or whatever, and she will ignore him. After a while, he’ll get bored and find some other unfortunate girl as his next target. If she continue to let him make her appear like a fool, or rather a heartless girlfriend, in front of everyone, not only will she have a lot of explaining to do, but there will be unnecessary fuss, and she will be in great danger of losing her head. That, she does not want. Plus, she has never been late to her classes, and she was not going to let some weirdo like Kwon Jiyong let her break her rules and ruin her schedule. She has to be in control of her emotions, her life.




However, not all things go according to plan. The following weeks proved that Jiyong had not gotten tired of this never-ending game, and continued to follow Dara everywhere like a puppy. Today was no exception.


Jiyong lo

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.