Twenty Four

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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[ Twenty Four. Danger ]


The victory of winning the championships called for a night of celebration. Even though Bom had wanted to go partying at YG Club, Jiyong had somehow talked her out of it and suggested going to the karaoke place downtown instead. Jiyong values his teammates like comrades in war, but he was not comfortable with the idea the team intruding into his “other life” and mixing his two very different social circles together. It was as if he was leading a double life, living both as Kwon Jiyong and G-Dragon. To him, it could only mean chaos when he loses control over the strict borders that separates the two worlds apart. With the persuasion of all-you-can-eat pizza and beer, Bom finally relented, and it was soon decided that everyone would meet up there. The guys from the team were surrounded by numerous admiring fans, with most of them dying for a selfie or autograph from Jiyong, so Dara decided to leave first with Bom, even though Jiyong did not like the idea of separation at all.


“Stop being such a big baby,” Dara snorted, half in annoyance and amusement when Jiyong yanked her hoodie to prevent her from leaving. Some of Jiyong’s fans sighed in admiration at this sweet interaction of the couple and snapped pictures quickly while others scowled in jealousy. The other guys of the team paused in their action of mingling with their fans to engage in a series of pumping fists, chuckles and eye rolling upon seeing the usually ruthless leader of their team to be so needy in front of his girlfriend.


“Don’t go without me!” He pouted pitifully, eyes looking woefully at Dara. “I just confessed to you in front of everyone, and you’re abandoning me already?” He clutched at his chest in exaggeration. “Did you hear that? My poor heart just broke into pieces.”


“Stop being such a drama queen. Your adoring fans are waiting, and it’s the least you can do for them after shocking them with the fact that you are no longer single,” Dara pointed out reasonably, glancing at the large cue of people lining up impatiently for their moment with Jiyong. She does not know why, but that moment was fuzzy and oddly familiar to her, like a déjà vu. It was a similar scene to when Jiyong announced to his groupies at YG Club that she was his girlfriend. Even though Dara would rather die than admit it, Jiyong has her completely wrapped around his little finger with these actions. Dara values her pride way too much than to nag or demand her boyfriend to act romantically, but inside she’s secretly a die-hard romantic. Not sure if it was by coincidence or done on purpose, Jiyong does all of those things automatically without any hints or words from Dara, even when Dara puts on an act of not caring and being embarrassed. He openly displays his love for her and wanted the whole world to know it, not ashamed in any way.


“Ah, young love, young love. How nauseating,” Bom declared cheerfully as she stepped in to tug Dara away from Jiyong, not forgetting to wave triumphantly back at the latter. She got tired of waiting around for everyone, and would rather get to the karaoke to warm up. It was her time to shine in front of those handsome athletes and she was not going to take risks by neglecting the necessary vocal warm-ups.  “See you in a bit, Jiyong. Make sure that all of the hunks on your team are coming too!” Dara giggled as she walked out of the gym with Bom, not missing the dark mutters coming from the scowling Jiyong. Typical Bom. As high and mighty as Jiyong can be sometimes, even he was helpless when against Park Bom.


“Loverboy will always be loverboy,” Bom sighed enviously as she swerved the car onto the highway while Dara fiddled with the radio, trying to find her favorite channel. “Anyone can see he’s completely head over heels for you. Wait, can I use that phrase when loverboy doesn’t wear heels? Anyways, anyways, not the point. You get what I mean! You are honestly so lucky to have him, Sandara.”


“Bommie, you’re such a traitor. As my best friend, shouldn’t you be saying how lucky Kwon Jiyong is to have me?” Dara asked teasingly as she swayed to the reggae beat of the song playing on the radio.


“Whoever you choose is lucky to have you, Sandara. That goes without saying,” Bom said solemnly in a tone that was unlike the comical, entertaining voice she usually uses. She focused her large orbs earnestly on Dara. “You, on the other hand, are lucky to have Jiyong because he makes you happy. And as your best friend, there is nothing better than knowing that you found the person you were meant to be with.” Their friendship was one where there was no need for much explanations. It was rare for them to have serious talks, or even mention serious matters going on in their lives, but it does not mean that they’re not close. They simply do not need words to know what the other is feeling. Even though Dara rarely talks about her feelings about Jiyong, Bom could see for herself the love between them.


Although Bom’s words were simple, Dara’s heart warmed at how genuine and sincere they were. It meant a lot to Dara that Bom approved of their relationship. “Thanks, Bommie. You’ll find ‘the one’ soon, too.”


“I already found him, but he just does not know it yet,” Bom howled, back to being her usual loud and melodramatic self. She pounded the wheel in frustration as she threw a dissatisfied look at Dara. “Just when I thought I was making such good progress with Seunghyun, I am once again proven that I’m wrong. We’ve been texting back and forth for a while now, and you know how rare that is for someone so not into social networking as Seunghyun! We even went out a couple of times for dates, like going to the movies and shopping! Okay, okay, so I was the one who asked him out, but he agreed to come, so that must mean something, right? Right? But then I found out that he’s leaving for an exchange program! And he did not even tell me!” Bom huffed loudly in dismay, messing up her carefully straightened-out bangs.


“Seunghyun’s leaving for an exchange program?” Dara said in surprise. “When? He did not tell me either.”


“Apparently he’s going to Vienna in the next semester. I saw his application being approved when I was organizing the files for the dean,” Bom replied glumly, shoulders slumping. “Just when I thought that there could finally be a chance of us getting together! Can you believe that?”


“How long is he going to be gone? Will he be back for graduation?” Dara realized that it’s been a while since she has caught up with Seunghyun. It would be a shame if they could not graduate at the same time together. Now that she thinks of it, they are slowly approaching the end of their days at Seoul University.


“Oh, oh! I know, I know! Text him and all the others to come meet up with us at the karaoke!” Bom snapped her fingers as she came up with the brilliant idea. “He can explain to everyone himself! Besides, there’s no way that In Na would forgive us if she finds out that we’re hogging all the hunks of the basketball team to ourselves.”


Following Bom’s request, Dara hurriedly sent messages to their friends, notifying them of the gathering taking place at the karaoke. As she was waiting for their reply, Bom continued complaining about how clueless Seunghyun is, but then she got distracted by the song that came on the radio. “Omo, omo! This is absolutely my fave jam at the moment! Too bad we’re not going to YG Club, or else I would have totally danced my off to this beat…” Dara snickered, but the verse caught her attention immediately. It was supposed to be a club anthem song, and yet to her it sounded so sorrowful and bitter.


Dearly beloved, if this love only exists in my dreams…don’t wake me up.




“Hello, Dongwook?” Gummy held the phone in one hand as she took the cup of latte she ordered at the airport café with the other. Her eyebrows knitted when she received a reply from a woman’s voice, obviously not Dongwook. “Ah, Byul? Yes, it’s Gummy speaking. So Dongwook is busy at the moment? No, there is no need for him to come to the phone. I am just calling to remind him that I’m boarding my plane in an hour and that I’ll be taking a taxi to the hotel.” She paused, a bit miffed at being interrupted, but her expression softened after hearing the other person’s words. “No, dear, no need for you to come pick me up at the airport. We can all meet up at the hotel, and have dinner together nearby. Yes, with the kids too. How are they lately? Did they attend the luncheon with you and Dongwook?” The answer she received was negative, but followed by enthusiastic explanations that caught Gummy’s attention immediately. “Oh really? I never knew they were so close…” The person on the other end laughed, going on about how the two kids were practically joined at the hip.


Furrowing her brows, Gummy felt suspicious, but before she could inquire any more on the matter, she was forced to end the phone call hastily when the other end excused herself for having to attend to some matters. As she walked into the VIP waiting room of the airport, she slowly processed the information she just received in her head. Something seemed off.


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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.