Twenty Two

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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[ Twenty Two. Don’t Leave Me ]


“Dara noona!” Seungri stopped in his tracks to make sure that he was not hallucinating, and made his way to the table where Dara was sitting at. He could feel the gaze of other people as he sat next to Dara, no doubt becoming the envy of the ones who were politely rejected moments before. Even though Seungri knows that Jiyong’s preparing for his upcoming performance backstage, his eyes still darted around worriedly to see if Jiyong was close by. It was rare for Dara to be sitting alone in YG Club by herself, without Jiyong guarding like a watch dog by her side.


“Seungri,” Dara greeted warmly, glad to find someone to chat with. “I haven’t seen you for so long. How are you recently?”


“I’m better than ever. Business has never been better, and I’ve been saving up a lot of money! Noona, how have you been?” Seungri looked at Dara cautiously. It has been a while since Dara has visited YG Club, the last time being Jiyong’s disastrous birthday. Having heard from Jiyong about Dara’s best friend’s death, Seungri had thought that he would not be able to see Dara appear at YG Club for a long time. From the looks of it, though, Dara seems to be fine, even more radiant than ever. Wearing a sleek black mini dress with a one-shoulder long sleeve and a strap of glitzing rhinestones, Dara looked unbelievably sophisticated and smoking y at the same time.  Seungri had to carefully avert his eyes when he noticed how the tight fabric hugged Dara’s every curve, deciding to focus his eyes on her white leather high heels instead. He wouldn’t want to be caught ogling at Dara by Jiyong.


Getting that Seungri was carefully hinting at the events that had caused her sudden disappearance from the club, Dara smiled slightly. “I’ve gotten better now. I’m sorry to have caused you to worry. Thank you for caring.” Clearing to lighten the atmosphere of the conversation, Dara changed the subject. “Aren’t you busy during your shift? Am I taking up your time?”


“It’s okay, Dara noona. I’ve been working the early shift, and I’m on my break now.” Seungri explained. Beckoning to one of the other bartenders, Seungri quickly gave his orders for drinks to be served to their table, and soon Dara was surrounded by multiple alcoholic drinks of every color as well as fried appetizers. “Noona, you’re here to watch Ji hyung perform, right? He must not know you’re here.”


“How did you know?” When Jiyong had left basketball practice early to get ready for his performance at YG Club, he had first dropped off Dara at the apartment before heading over to the club by himself. Dara thought to come here by herself to give him a surprise. It has been a while since she has visited YG Club, and she missed the place as well as Jiyong’s outstanding performances. Even though he has been pressured by the upcoming semi-finals game, he still made time for music, writing songs and putting on shows at YG Club. Besides, it would be her first time supporting him as his girlfriend, and Dara smiled widely at imagining how pleasantly surprised and happy he would be.


“If Jiyong hyung knew you’d be here and looking like that, then he would not be quietly waiting backstage,” Seungri chuckled, clinking his drink to Dara’s glass before gulping it down.


The lights dimmed and Tablo announced that CL would be opening up for tonight’s show, earning applause and howls of approval from the crowd. Blaring loud music roared to life as Chaerin took the stage like a boss, dancing with born swag as she rapped to her song “Gizibe”. It has been a while since Dara has seen Chaerin in person, and she was taken aback by the metamorphosis she had gone through. She seemed to have lost weight, gaining a curvaceous figure that was flaunted by her outfit. Wearing a white leather swimsuit embellished with gold that was cut boldly in all the right places, paired with outrageously huge golden accessories, Chaerin topped it off with heavy makeup and spiked golden heels. She had that bossy confidence that was frightening and alluring at the same time. What was more was that her music sounded upbeat, demanding, and fresh. The crowd went crazy, bouncing along with the beat as they screamed and clapped. Dara was about to comment to Seungri that Chaerin looked amazing when she caught the strange stare in Seungri’s eyes. It was only after Chaerin’s performance was finished when she spoke up.


“You like Chaerin, don’t you?”


Shocked that his little secret was discovered, Seungri turned towards Dara so fast that he hurt his neck. Massaging it, he laughed nervously as he downed another martini. “Nothing escape your eye, Dara noona. I bet you’re the first person to find out, and you’ve only been around for a bit. You really are something, noona. No wonder Jiyong hyung is so fascinated with you.”


“Does she know how you feel?” Dara pressed. She thought that Seungri was a hard-working, pure, and optimistic guy that would be perfect for the strong and bold Chaerin.


“Even if she does, it does not even matter a bit to her, since all she sees is Jiyong hyung,” Seungri said resignedly, a hint of bitterness in his usually tender voice. Now her turn to be shocked, Dara raised her eyebrows at this unexpected piece of news. Chaerin likes Jiyong? Realizing a beat too late that he had said something he shouldn’t have, Seungri smacked his forehead. “Oh no, I shouldn’t have said that. Noona, forget what I said.” Dara did not answer him, but drank her cosmopolitan slowly instead. Eying Dara’s fathomless expression tensely, Seungri added, “Ji hyung is unfazed by that though. He is crazy about you that he does not have time to notice anything else, let alone Chaerin.”


“He doesn’t know that Chaerin likes him?”


“I don’t know.” Seungri scratched his head, puzzled. “If he does, he doesn’t show it. They’re only friends now, that I’m sure of. After all, Chaerin has been helping him get on your good terms from the start. When Jiyong first met you, he was bombarding Chaerin with all these questions, wanting to know where to find you and all sorts of things about you. Chaerin was the one to get the information for him. That’s how he found out about your horoscope, birthday, blood type and-“ Seungri stopped talking when it dawn upon him that he was, again, saying way too much. Dara laughed out loud at his ashamed face, finding Seungri so pure and adorable.  


“What’s so funny, Goddess D?” Chaerin asked as she sank into the sofa on the other side of Seungri, causing the two to look at her in surprise. Drinking a vodka line in one go, she fanned herself. “What, can’t I be here and hang out with my friends after my performance is done?”


“You absolutely killed it, Chaerin,” Dara complimented sincerely. No matter what is the relationship between Chaerin and Jiyong, she cannot deny that Chaerin is a great, charismatic artist. Seungri was about to say something when the music of the next act started playing.


“Get your crayon…get your crayon…” Everyone in the club held their breath in anticipation as Jiyong sauntered onto the stage. Recognizing the catchy tune, the audience soon started chanting along while jumping wholeheartedly. There was never a dull moment. Even though there was only Jiyong on the stage, he made sure to move to every corner of the stage, fulfilling the audience with contentment. Dara noticed that there was no sign of the playful and mischievous Jiyong anymore. Rather, in his place was the Jiyong she saw on the basketball court; his eyes full of nothing but determination and dedication, with a hint of coldness and haughtiness. After the song was over, he bowed respectfully, earning the shrieks and thunderous applause of everyone in the club.


“Hello, I’m G-Dragon,” he said, using his stage name. “I hope you liked my new song, ‘Crayon’.” Stopping abruptly when he spotted Dara in the crowd, his mouth fell open in surprise. Dara gave him an encouraging smile, and one appeared on his face as well. “It has been an honor and pleasure performing tonight at YG Club.” With yet another courteous bow, he walked off directly off the stage, and joined them at their table. Jiyong did not even have a chance to say a word as he was crowded by some girls that pleaded for autographs and selfies.


“I may be the one that killed it on the stage, but as expected, it’s Jiyong that pleases the crowd the most,” Chaerin remarked sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She was about to take another drink when she realized that there was nothing but empty glasses on the table. “Yah, Lee, why did you order so little alcohol?”


“I didn’t know you and Jiyong hyung would be joining us,” Seungri said defensively, putting his hands up as if to surrender.


 “Well, sorry that Jiyong and I ruined your little date with Dara,” Chaerin huffed, not sounding sorry at all.


“You shouldn’t drink that much anyways. It’s bad for your health to drink so much,” Seungri could not help but to add, even though he knows that Chaerin would not listen to him.


“This coming from a bartender,” Chaerin scoffed.


Just as Seungri was about to fire back another reply, Dara stood up. “Stop arguing already, you two. You sound as if you’re in elementary school.” She laughed good-naturedly as the two lowered their eyes in shame. Their interaction was like a cat and mouse game, with Chaerin being the cat attacking ferociously and Seungri being the rat that scampers away in fright. “Chaerin, I’ll go order some more drinks.”


Avoiding the line-up of the people waiting for a chance to talk to Jiyong, Dara was just about to leave when a pair of strong arms hugged her tightly from behind. It was Jiyong, giving her a back hug in front of everyone around them. The romantic gesture took Dara’s breath away, not quite believing that it was really happening. Seungri gapped in surprise, and then turn to Chaerin to see her reaction, which was strangely calm.


“Where do you think you’re going, jagiya?” Jiyong questioned, mouth barely inches away from Dara’s ears. The warmness of his breath tickled her ears, and she shivered slightly. People around them, girls and guys alike, gasped and soon everyone was buzzing about them.


“Did G-Dragon call her jagiya?”


“Is she his girlfriend?”


“Omo, she’s such a beauty! I bet they’ve been together for a long time!”


“Wah, I can’t believe that G-Dragon is taken!!”


Dara was the one to break away from their embrace, not sure how to react with so many people watching them closely. How awkward. “Uh, I was just going to order more drinks.” She turned around to leave, but was stopped by Jiyong tugging on her hand.


Lacing his fingers through hers, Jiyong smiled winningly. “Then I’ll go with you!” Turning around to face his fans, he announced, “And yes, this is my girlfriend. Aren’t we cute together?” He tilted his head cutely to the side, and all of his groupies squealed and agreed they were indeed cute in unison.


“Kwon Jiyong! Honestly!”

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
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