Thirty Nine

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Credits go to kurogane, for this amazing poster.

[ Thirty Nine. Unrequited ]


Dara was fully concentrated on the TV screen as she plopped down on the couch in the living room, turning up the volume with the remote control. Jiyong had left early in the morning to resume his music video shooting, informing her gently that he was leaving by himself so that she can get some rest. She vaguely remembers wanting to go with him, but her need to sleep overcame any other thought. After so many things happening yesterday, leaving her mind and soul in a complete mess, she had originally planned to sleep in later than usual until she received a text message from Seunghyun telling her that he was going ahead with his plans of holding a live press conference to formally address the rumors about him dating Dara himself. As tired as she was, she felt the need to watch the conference herself, feeling slightly apprehensive for her friend as he faced the media alone.


The room was overcrowded with eager reporters desperate to get first-hand news and a close-up glimpse at the dashing actor. Usually the task of denying rumors were handled by the media department of the agency, to spare the celebrities from being harassed by unnecessary questions and attention. But Seunghyun had insisted on holding a conference himself, feeling that it was a way to respect his fans as he was declaring such big news. Right on schedule, Seunghyun walked into the meeting room, and reporters gathered even closer to get a better shot of him. He was wearing a formal suit but appeared visibly relaxed, considering the circumstances. Without further delay, he took the microphone handed to him, and addressed the reporters politely before getting to the topic that everyone was dying to hear about.


“The purpose of this conference was to address the recent rumors concerning Miss Sandara Park and me. Although it is true that Sandara and I were classmates in university and have remained close friends ever since, we are not dating, nor have we dated in the past.” This part was partially expected. After all, there was hardly anything to be gained for a well-loved celebrity to admit of being in love. Fans would feel betrayed, media would expose every detail of the relationship, and companies would not agree to endorsement and other contracts to avoid being affected by the negative impact. “However, I feel it is my duty, not only as a public figure and idol to many people, but also to my girlfriend, that I should announce publicly that I am now dating Park Bom.”


Instantly, the room went into an uproar. Everyone was clearly thrown away by this unexpected piece of news offered by the star himself. Flash went off simultaneously as every photographer desperately captured this moment. The view of the TV screen shown a close-up of Seunghyun’s face, reflecting the cameraman’s eagerness to expose this news to the audience.


“We have been in a relationship for some time now, and we are both very happy. We are also the best of friends and label mates that support each other.” Seunghyun gave a smile, which also brought a smile to Dara’s lips. “I hope that everyone will give us their good wishes as well as some space. I know that our fans may find it difficult to take in this news, but I hope that you will all be happy for us. We will still strive to bring you our best work, and reach your expectations as idols. Thank you for your support.”


With a deep bow at the reporters, Seunghyun proceeded to leave the room, chased by reporters that fought to get more exclusive remarks from him. Dara immediately called Bom, who answered the call within a heartbeat. Before she could ask the latter anything, Bom’s voice boomed from her phone.


“Omo, omo! Sandara, did you see him? Did you see him?! Did you hear what he said? About us?” The giddiness from her voice was all that was needed to assure Dara that this was something that Bom wanted as well. “How can I not fall in love with him?! I mean, how cool is that?! He said on nationwide television that we were officially together! Wah! I think I’m going to die of happiness right now!!!”


Dara had a hard time keeping in her laughter. “I saw it. Congratulations, Bommie. I’m happy for you.”


“Isn’t he such a gentleman?” Bom gushed shamelessly. “Here I had been thinking that he was afraid of exposing our relationship when he was the one that wanted to announce it publicly! Oh my, oh my. I could just marry that guy!”


“Well, when you do, make sure to invite me.” Dara giggled. Bom’s good mood was practically overflowing, spilling over to Dara’s end of the line.


“It’s also a good thing for you! Nobody would dare say anything bad about you, now that it’s been settled that you’re not dating Seunghyun.”


“Yeah, and I’m thankful that you guys did this for me.” Dara silently wished for the fandoms of both of her friends to give them their blessings. She would feel horrible if they did this to divert the public’s attention away from her scandal to receive malicious treatment from their own fans.


“Come on, come on. It’s not like we’re risking anything to protect you.” Bom seemed to have read her thoughts. “We’re doing this because we both feel it’s the right time to come out about our relationship. It happened to be good timing that we are able to steer the attention away from your so-called scandal, that’s all. It’s a good thing, Sandara. Don’t worry too much.” Bom attempted to change the subject. “Where are you? Are you visiting the set of Jiyong’s music video shooting?”


“No, I was too tired so I stayed at home.”


“By home, you mean Jiyong’s place?” The teasing in Bom’s voice was evident, and Dara blushed. Since when did she consider Jiyong’s apartment to be her home?


“I meant to say Jiyong’s apartment.” It suddenly came to Dara’s attention that their living arrangements were not necessary. She no longer had the obligation to work on songs with him on such a tight schedule as before, therefore there was no need for her to stay at his place. Even if Jiyong wanted her to accompany him during his schedule, she could still do that living somewhere else. Yet Jiyong never brought it up to change their arrangement, and she continued to live in his apartment and sleep in his bed (alone) every night. She was comfortable with it, but it occurred to her that if others, especially his fans or the media, get a word of this, it would definitely bring more chaos than before.


“I’m so jealous. I’d do anything to live together with Seunghyun.” Bom sighed in envy.


“It’s not like that between Jiyong and me,” Dara protested.


“Yeah, right!” Dara could imagine Bom giving her a dramatic roll of her doe-like eyes this moment. “Then what is going on between the two of you?”


“I like him, but I’m not sure if he feels the same way about me,” Dara replied in a small voice. There are times when she looks into Jiyong’s eyes and believes that she is the only one he sees. But she wonders if it is only an illusion. After all, he was Jiyong, G-Dragon. He could have any girl in the world. There is nothing special about her, aside from the fact that she was his first love. Not to mention, her first love that broke his heart.


“Oh, oh, he does.” Bom said cheerfully.


“Wait, hold on.” Another call was coming in. It was Chaerin of all people. Dara furrowed her eyebrows. What could Chaerin possible contact her for? “Chaerin’s calling me. I think I have to take this.”


Bom frowned. She had a bad feeling about Chaerin ever since she found out what she told her was false. She did not buy her excuse of being drunk. Bom was slightly tipsy at the party, but she was positive that Chaerin wasn’t. “Take the call. I’ll call you later.”


Dara assured her that she will, and hurriedly press the button so that she would pick up Chaerin’s call. “Chaerin?”


“Dara? Are you busy now?”


“No. Is anything wrong?” Dara wondered what could be the reason for this call. She could not come up with a reason. Unless… Her safest guess was that it had to do with her brother. Her thoughts went to their meeting, the one that was caught by the photos splashed over the major newspapers of Korea. Did Donghae tell Chaerin that Dara admitted to him that she was still in love with Jiyong? If that was the case, then Dara has to prepare herself for whatever Chaerin has in store for her.


“Remember when I told you that I wanted a slow song for my album? Would you be able to come to the company to work on it with me?”


Surprised, Dara had little choice but to agree to head to the company soon. Hanging up, she walked to Jiyong’s closet, where he had cleared out a section to hang her clothes. Going into YG company would mean being photographed by the media and fans outside. She preferred casual, boyish clothes for working and hated having to consider so many things, but she cannot afford taking a risk. If Jiyong’s fans sees more instances of her wearing identical clothes as Jiyong, it might affect Jiyong’s comeback. She has to be extra cautious, now that she was in the public’s eye. So much for my peaceful life as a songwriter. From the few items of clothing she had brought to Jiyong’s place, she picked out a -colored dress that had jewels lining the collar. It was a bit over the top to wear to work, but this will have to do. There was no way that Jiyong’s fans would be able to accuse them of sharing a closet when seeing her wear this.




Walking into Teddy’s studio, Dara found Chaerin in the spot where Teddy usually sits in, typing words earnestly on the computer. Like usual, Chaerin shown off her curves and slender legs with her bold outfit,

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Chapter 49: It's a Ride or Die DG story indeed.. so much fun and emotion I felt reading this. Thank you so much til next DG stories from you. Hengshoooo!
Chapter 48: How I wish it will happen in real life..ahahah soon please!
Chapter 46: If I were Dara ..k would sag NO.
Chapter 39: Poor Dara.
Chapter 28: This is so made cry a river really..but its all indeed for the best, besides they can be together if the time least no one was opposed to their love.
Chapter 27: Oh,oh..Aunt Gummy is really a pain in the
Chapter 21: Awwww ..aaccckk!
Chapter 16: Why did you kill YB authornim. He's the only one person on Jiyongs side. Waaaaeee!!
Chapter 16: Oh my god Youngbaeeeee!!!
Chapter 13: Dogwood is strict..but he's a good father to Jiyong. Maybe they just need to talk it out ..communication is what's lacking them. They are both very awkward towards each other.