Between the Bae [Part 1]

Book of Visual Couple
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[Original title: My dear Jung Soo.... - Part 1]

This is the story that I choose from Krystae Story Collection. I remake it for Seulrene story. Enjoy!

With love, Mulgikizary

“Seulgi!” a blonde girl ran towards her girlfriend whose leaning against the car, waiting for her in front of the boutique

“Don’t run, you’ll trip”

“I miss you~” she clings on her lover neck like a koala

“We just met during lunch and now you miss me this bad?”


“Let go home now” the blonde enter the car as her girlfriend open the door for her


Seulgi and Wendy met 4 years ago through their friends. Seulgi worked at the café while Wendy at the boutique 5 shops away from the bakery. They dated for 2 years ago. Their same age also make them easily comfortable with each other

“Babe, how was your day today?” Wendy ask when they have dinner at their shared apartments

“Not busy day as yesterday since customers not really pack”

“Glad to hear that. You looked drained yesterday”

“But I like it, you know. It’s fun and yesterday we also discovered that our customers like our new recipe. Solar unnie and Jisoo looked so happy when they told me about it”

“I know you’re the new boss there but don’t work too much” Wendy worry about her girlfriend since she love coffee and she express all her love in her job as barista since she start working at Sunshine Café then she promoted few months ago

“Don’t worry honey, I know my limit and I worked hard for us so that you not lack of anything” Seulgi stare at her girlfriend lovingly

“Seulgi, I never felt a lack of anything since we’re together. We plan to have a simple life so everything is complete now. Besides, my salary also enough for our household when it combined with yours”

“Okay honey, I just worry sometimes you know. You used to live in luxury life before and I don’t want this kind of life make you uncomfortable”

Wendy sighs “If I don’t want this kind of life, I’ll not risk myself to leave the wealth!” Wendy slammed her hands on the table and left her girlfriend. Seulgi felt bad for bringing up Wendy 's past. She cleans the dishes and go to bedroom to comfort her lover

Wendy lay on the bed and back facing Seulgi side. She feel the load at the other side and she know that is her girlfriend

“Honey, I’m sorry” Seulgi prop her elbow on the bed and lean to Wendy “Seungwan-ah, I don’t mean to bring up your past. Please forgive me”

Wendy turned her body and hugged Seulgi “Seulgi-ah, I know you didn’t mean it but I really don’t want to talk about my family and my past life before I meet you. You promise to Sooyoung that you’ll take care of me and I know you keep your promise. I don’t want you to work so hard. Think about your health even if the work is not that heavy but still you need rest. What we have now is enough for me. We have a car, an apartment and my life is complete with you. Seriously, I’m happy with you”

“Okay honey. I also happy with you” Seulgi kissed Wendy forehead

“I love you” Wendy peck Seulgi lips

“I love you too”

“Let sleep”

“Goodnight baby”


It is a typical day at Sunshine Cafe and all the workers are busy with their customers who come to enjoy their coffee. Seulgi prepare herself to go back since she plan to work half-day

“Byul unnie” Seulgi called her best friend and she walk to her

“Yes Seul”

“I’ll work half-day today”

“Oh, why did you suddenly work half-day?”

“Seungwan caught a fever and I want to take her to the clinic. She said she don’t have appetite to eat the food that I prepare this morning”

“Aigoo, poor Wendy. Don’t worry, just take her to the clinic, okay? I and Yong unnie will take care of the cafe besides it’s not too busy today”

“What happened to Wendy?” Solar approached them while fold her shirt sleeves

“She’s fever this morning and I want to take her to the clinic. That why I work half-day today” Seulgi explained

“Aigoo, is it worse?”

“No, don’t worry. Just regular fever”

“I’ll pay visit this evening” Moonbyul said

“I also come with you” Solar said

“Okay” both of them grins

“Alright, I have to go now”

“Take care Seul”

Little did they know, certain red-haired girl caught their conversation and the girl wonder if they talk about the person that she’s looking for


“Baby, please stop running” Seulgi hold bottle of medicine to give it to Wendy but the blonde refuse to eat it so they end up running around their apartment

“Seulgi, I don’t want” Wendy whined after Seulgi caught her arm and dragged her back to their bedroom

“You need to eat this to recover quickly”

“Seulgi~” Wendy covered

“Okay, if you say so. I’ll sleep at living room tonight” Seulgi put the pill back to the bottle

“SEUL!!” Wendy glare at Seulgi

“What?” Seulgi show innocent face

“Don’t you dare to sleep somewhere without me”

“But you don’t want to listen to me”

“Seul, its taste bitter” Wendy pouted

“You need to eat this or you want me to call Lisa and Joy so that they’ll force you to eat it. What do you want?”

“Okay, I eat it” Wendy slump her shoulder and make sad face

“Okay, that’s my baby girl,” Seulgi smiled and caressed Wendy's hair. Finally Wendy eat the meds

“Now, rest here. I need to wash dishes first” Seulgi tugged the blanket after Wendy laid her back on the bed

“Don’t take too long”

“Okay” Seulgi kissed Wendy forehead and leaves the room


Sunshine Cafe

“Good morning, may I take your order?” Solar smiled politely to their customer as she duty at the counter

“I want blueberry croissant and iced coffee”

“Eat here or take out?”

“Eat here”

“Okay, you can wait at table number 3 and your order will serve soon”

“Okay, thanks” the customer sit at the table that Solar told her and after few minutes a waitress comes with her order

“Excuse me”

“Yes ma’am, what can I do for you?”

“Is there someone here named Seul…gi?”

“Seulgi? Kang Seulgi?”


“She’s Head of Barista here, you want to see her?”

“Yes, can you call her to come for a while?”

“Sure ma’am”

“Thanks” the waitress leaved

Seulgi walked to the front after her fellow worker told her that someone wanted to see her. She wondered who that person is since everyone at the café knows all of her friends including her girlfriend, Wendy. She walked slowly to the table where a red-haired girl with slim figure waiting for her

“Excuse me, are you looking for me?” Seulgi asked politely and she’s shocked as the girl face resembles her girlfriend

“Are you Seulgi?”

“Yes, I’m Seulgi, Kang Seulgi” both of them shake hands

“Can you spare some time with me? I have something to ask you”


“Have a seat” Seulgi sat in front of the red-haired “So, what is it?”

“Do you know this person?” the girl gives her phone to Seulgi and it was Wendy picture that she showed

“Yes…I know her” Seulgi said hesitantly “Who are you?”

“I’m Bae Yerim. You can call me Yerm. I’m Bae Wendy’s younger sister”

“Oh I see” Seulgi nods her head

“Do you know where she is now?”

“She…she stays with me” Seulgi doesn't know whether she should answer the red-haired question honestly or just lie to her. If she tells the truth, Wendy may be angry at her because she doesn't want any of her family to know where she is but if she lies, she feels sorry for the younger girl. Part of her saying that she should just tell the truth and face whatever Wendy do to her later

“Can you bring me to see her?” Yerim said with pleading tone

“But I’m not sure either she want to see you or not”

“It’s okay, I’m ready to face any consequences when I meet her later. I beg for your kindness. This is only way I can see my sister” Yerim said and it make Seulgi more sympathy to her

“Okay, I’ll help you” Seulgi said after thinking for a while

“Thank you!!” Yerim's eyes lit up in happiness “When I can see her?”

“Emmm, if you’re free today…meet me here again at 2 PM. I’ll bring you to see her. She work half-day today because their boss have important event to attend”

“Okay, I’ll see you here this evening”

“But promise me one thing”

“Just say whatever, I’ll grant it”

“Even if you know where our house is after this, you can’t just come anytime you want if she doesn't give permission. It is our private and personal space so if you want to come, tell me or her beforehand” Seulgi said in serious tone

“Sure, don’t worry. I’ll come here to see you first if I want to visit or I’ll give a call”

“Okay, if there nothing else, I have to back to work again”

“Okay, see you this evening,” Yerim smiled happily. Seulgi bowed her head before go

“Seul, who is that?” Solar whispers as Seulgi returns back from meeting Yerim. Solar and Moonbyul wonder who that is since they don’t know Seulgi other friends

“That is Wendy sister”

“Her younger sister?” Moonbyul asked

“Yes, she’s Bae Yerim”

“Oh, no wonder her face looked like Wendy” Solar tapped her chin

“Why did she suddenly see you?” asked Moonbyul while her eyes still at the red-head who enjoy her food happily

“She wants to see Seungwan and ask for my help”

“Do you think Wendy will want to see her?”

“I also don’t know” Seulgi sighs

Few while later, they dismiss and back to their work


Yerim waits for Seulgi in front of the bakery and she’s excited to see her unnie. Wendy left their home around 4 years ago because of some problems. Yerim and her family try hard to find her sister everywhere they could but fail until she comes to this place and hears something suspicious related to her sister.

“Hey Yeri” Seulgi cut Yerim train of thought

“Oh hey unnie” Yerim grin

“Sorry for take too long”

“It’s okay”

“Shall we go now?”


“Do you ride with me or not?”

“I’ll follow your car”

“Okay, let go” Seulgi walk to her car and Yerim car parked beside hers



“What is your relationship with Seungwan unnie?” Yerim asked boldly

“She is…my girlfriend” Seulgi stutters and blushing

Yerim face glowing and smile spread across her face “Oh, I see”

“Are you okay with it?”

Yerim shrugs “Of course I don’t mind. I’m open-minded person”

“Glad to hear that” Seulgi sigh relieve

Both of them enter their car and head to Seulgi apartment that is 20 minutes from the café.

They ride elevator to 22nd floor where Seulgi & Wendy apartment located and Yerim suddenly felt nervous to see her sister

“Come in” Seulgi said then she close the door after Yerim enter

“Where is unnie?” Yerim asked as she don’t saw her sister inside

“Maybe she’s at living room, she not go somewhere before telling me”

“Okay” Yerim follows Seulgi to living room

“Honey!” Seulgi yell, Yerim smiled at that sweetness

“Honey, I’m here,” Wendy answered from the living room. Yerim is getting nervous

“Let go there” Seulgi said and the younger Bae tailing

“Hey honey” Wendy hugged Seulgi without notice someone behind

“Miss me?” Seulgi kissed Wendy's forehead. Wendy nods her head while still in Seulgi embrace

“Oh honey, someone want to see you” Seulgi said as she remember that someone come with her

“Who is it?” Wendy pulled back from hug

“Your…sister” Seulgi move a bit to unblock Wendy sight from Yerim

“Yerm?” Wendy gasps and her eyes widened

“Unnie” Yerim eyes teary and her chin trembling, her tears threatened to fall down

“What are you doing here?” Wendy asked coldly

“I miss you, unnie” Yerim said tearfully

“Honey, I go to our room” Seulgi excuse herself since she thinks that it’s not appropriate for her to hear the conversation between The Bae



“How did you know I’m here?” Wendy asked in firm tone

“I've been looking for you since before and last week I overheard Seulgi unnie talk with her friends and she said your Korean name. I’m curious and this morning I asked her about you. I’m happy that you’re the one she talked about”

“That Seulgi” Wendy balled her fist and curse

“Don't be angry at her unnie. I’m the one who begged her to tell me about you and ask her to bring me to see you. You know begging is not my style but today I have no choice but do it just to see you”

“Why did you suddenly look for me? Isn’t it advantageous to you and Joohyun unnie since I’m leaving and our parents give everything to both of you? You two are apple of their eyes and I’m nothing to them” Wendy said bitterly as she talked about past

“We missed you unnie and we searched for you the day after you ran away. Even if they give all your property to us, we’ll give them back to you because you deserve it more than us. Mom and dad looked for you but they failed and lost hope. I and unnie believe that sooner or later we know we’ll find you. Joohyun unnie doesn't want to hire a private investigator to find you because she wants to look for you herself. Every weekend or holiday or when we travel overseas, we’ll use little time to look for you. Now I’m the Deputy CEO of our company and acting COO of our company. I need you to come back and be our COO. That position supposed to be yours, unnie”

“Why don't you fill both of them? Dad trust you to sit on that place” Wendy talk with sarcasm

“Of course dad wanted me to be the COO to replace you but I’m not the one who was supposed to have it. It was yours. Joohyun unnie doesn't want anyone else to be COO of our company. She wants you. To be honest, you are supposed to be deputy CEO but we can’t wait for too long so I take that position. Our former COO retired last year and unnie decide to keep that position for you”

“See, daddy trusts you more than me even though I do my best to impress them. I study hard at school and college to get good results. Every exam I get first ranking and I stabilize myself on academics and sport but still they don’t see my effort. Every time they are always proud of you and unnie. They never see me. They don’t allow me to be friends with Joy because they said she brings bad influence to me and I obey because I don’t want to be a disobedient child but what do I get in return? They said that I’m not friendly to everyone and that it's not good for the future. I’m not jealous of you and unnie, I am proud instead but their words make me feel useless that's why I leave. I get hurt enough because of my parents. I’m lucky that I found Joy again and she brings me here to live with her, then she helps me to get a job at her workplace. She’s not a bad person as mom and dad said'' Wendy spill out all loads in her heart and the reason why she leave their house before

“I’m sorry for that unnie but please come back at least for me and Joohyun. With all the power I have now, I’ll give back everything you deserve. No one can stop me even dad because he already give all authority to me and Joohyun unnie to make decision for our company and our properties”

“I’m sorry, Yerim but I’m happy with my life now. I have a lot of friends and my adorable girlfriend who stands with me through thick and thin. I’m comfortable living a happy life with them. Everything is simple and not stressing like I used to feel when I still stay at our house”

“Forgive me unnie” Yerim finally let her tears flow down

“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. I also missed you and Joo Hyun unnie”

“Thank you unnie” Yerim sobbing

“Come hug me” Wendy said and Yerim hugged her tightly

“Unnie, I can always see you after this, right?” Yerim ask after they broke their hug

“Of course but I don’t want to go back to our house. Call me first if you want to come so that I will cook a lot for you” Wendy caressed Yerim cheek

“Okay unnie” Irene smiled happily “What if Joo Hyun unnie, mom and dad want to see you?”

“I welcome Joo Hyun unnie anytime but mom and dad, I’m not sure” Wendy sighs

“Okay” Yerim check her watch “Unnie, I need to go back now”

“It’s quite late now. Why don't you just sleep here? Tomorrow is Saturday, I think you not working on weekend”

“Can I?” Yerim grins

Wendy nods while caressing her sister hair gently “Sure”

“I just go to the office on weekends if I’m really busy. Besides, I’m alone at home because mom and dad out for business trip to New Zealand while Joo Hyun unnie still at Swiss”

“So just spend weekend here”

“But my clothes…” Yerim pout

“You can wear mine. I’ll introduce you to my new friends tomorrow”

“Okay” Yerim nods her head “Did Seulgi unnie don’t mind if I stay here? She looked cold earlier” Yerim said worriedly

“Don’t worry, she is cold to you because she worries about me. You don’t have any idea how dorky she can be when you know her more. Don’t worry, she’s good person”

“No wonder you fall for her”

“Yea, I fell deeply and I don’t want to get out of it” Both of them giggled “You sit here first; I’ll get clothes for you. It’s not fancy like you used to wear but I hope you don’t mind”

“Don’t worry unnie” Yerim winked.

Wendy leaves to the bedroom while Yerim waits for her. The younger girl can’t help but smile after reuniting with her dearest sister. She really hopes her sister won't disappear like 4 years ago. Whatever happens in future, she promises that she’ll stand for Wendy. She doesn’t mind if Wendy doesn’t want to go back to their house, at least she can always visit her when she’s free.


3 of them have breakfast together before Seulgi off to work. First, Seulgi worried if Yerim didn't want to eat what they eat since she always eats fancy food but seeing the younger girl enjoy it so much, she felt relieved.

“Seul, you go to work today?” Wendy asked

“Yea, this week is my turn to work on weekend”

“It's just for half-day, right?”

“Yes, do you want to go somewhere?”

“I want to bring Yerim to meet our friends on lunch time”

“Okay, want me to fetch you here?”

“No, I’ll ride with her. We’ll see you at food court”

“Alright, I'm going now. See you two later” Seulgi peck Wendy lips and grabbed her phone and backpack

“Bye honey, drive carefully” Wendy walk Seulgi to front door

“Bye, love you”

“Love you too” Wendy close the door after Seulgi enter the elevator and she back to dining table, joining her sister

“She’s good person” Yerim said after she wipe her lips with tissue

“I told you. She’s the one who guides me to learn about life as ordinary people and she is always patient with my antics. You know sometimes my mood swings but she doesn't mind. From that I know she’s the one for me” Wendy smiled widely

“Aigoo, someone is in love struck now I see” Yerim sister and they giggles

“Hey, is unnie still dating her boyfriend?” Wendy change their topic

Yerim shakes her head “No, they're breaking up already. That guy only take advantage on her”

“Glad that they're breaking up. I know he is not a good man from the start” Wendy groan

“Unnie was really mad when she found him cheating. They breakup immediately. Since then, unnie never dating again”

“Hope she will find someone better” Yerim nods in agreement


Bae sisters are waiting for the girls arrival and they will meet at the food court where they always hangouts

“Yerimie, I hope you are comfortable with this place. There is a fancy restaurant here but everyone loves it here. Your tongue need to get used to eat the foods that they eat” Wendy said

“Don’t worry unnie, I’ll cope with the new place. If you can, why not me” Yerim smiled assurance

“Glad to hear that” Wendy ruffled her sister hair

Later, the girls come one by one and Seulgi also comes after end with her work

“Guys, this is my baby sister, Bae Yerim” Wendy introduce her sister to her friends and the younger Bae bowed her head

“Hi Yerim” the girls chirped happily

“Nice to meet you all, unnie” Irene smiled. She likes her unnie friends since they’re so lively

“Yerm, this is Moonbyul unnie, Krystal, Solar unnie, Rose, Jisoo, Joy and Lisa” Wendy introduce her friends to her sister

“And I am Seulgi” Seulgi said jokingly

“Don’t fooling around” Wendy glare at her girlfriend

“Okay” Seulgi pouts

“Joy unnie, right?” Yerim lean her elbow on the table

“Yes I am” Joy nods and curious

“Thanks unnie” Yerim offers a handshake and Joy accepts hesitantly. She looked at Wendy and their minds suddenly connected. Both of them end up shrugging their shoulders

“Oh, you’re welcome” Joy flashes her big smile even she don’t know why Yerim thank her because the younger girl not saying anything else

“Guys, what’s our plan for tomorrow? Tomorrow everyone is off” Rose asked

“I want to rest, my body hurt here and there” Moonbyul whined

“I’ll go to the spa tomorrow. Want to have sauna” Lisa said

“Joy drag me and Krystal to go shopping with her tomorrow” Solar said

“Yerm will go back tomorrow so Seulgi and I can’t go somewhere” Wendy said

“You hangouts with me tomorrow, we go karaoke” Jisoo pats Rose head

“Okay!” Rose munching her food

“You’ll go back tomorrow?” Moonbyul asked

“Yes unnie, I have a meeting in Canada this Tuesday. That's why I can’t stay here long. My secretary said I can’t skip it so I don’t have choice but I’ll visit you all again soon” Yerim said

“Okay” They continue talking while eating their food.



“Yes Seul” Wendy rest her head on Seulgi chest as they cuddle on the couch watching kdrama

“I thought you’ll mad when I bring Irene back”

“I planned to mad but I cancel it” Wendy grin

“Thanks God”

“No need to thank God, you just lucky that I’m not mad because I missed my sister so much”

“So you miss her already?”

“Yea, yesterday she teary before go back”

“Poor her”

“Yerim is still crybaby because spoiled by Joohyun unnie and me” Wendy smile as she think about her sisters

“She’s good girl and cheerful”

“She's a really good girl, capable and multi-talented, which is why my parents are always proud of her. She even takes the highest position in the company”

“She’s the CEO now?”


“Still your father?”


“Then who?”

“She said that she’s only Deputy CEO and the CEO is Joohyun Unnie, our older sister. She has full authority in the company and no one can oppose her decision even my parents. If I join the company, I will be COO”

“You’ll go back one day?” Seulgi ask quietly

Wendy takes a few seconds to answer “I’m not planning to go back. I want to be with you”

“Oh” was all Seulgi can say

“If I go back to them one day, I’ll bring you along. I won’t let my soul mate here alone”

“What if your parents don’t want me?”

“If they want me, they must want you too so no one can oppose my decision. They can try to separate us if they want to see I stop breathing at the moment they take me away from you”

“Don’t kill yourself” Seulgi pinch Wendy cheek

“I just say what I will do if I don’t have you around me”

“What if I need to go somewhere then?”

“That is different case” Wendy bite Seulgi arm and she yelp

“Honey, its hurt”

“Serve your right” Wendy snorted and Seulgi tightened her embrace then kissed Wendy 's face. The blonde giggles like little kid


Few weeks later…

Moonbyul was busy wiping the table when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and grins happily


“Moonbyul unnie, how are you?” Yeri asked

“I’m fine, how are you?”

“I’m fine too”

“You come alone again?”

“No, I came with my mom and dad,'' Yerim said and moved her body a little bit. Then Moonbyul saw Yerim’s parents there. She bowed politely

“Have a seat”

“Okay” The Bae seat at the unoccupied table

“May I take your order?”

“It’s okay, unnie, actually we want to meet Seulgi unnie. Can you call her?”

“Sure, wait a minute” Moonbyul walk to the kitchen and looking for Seulgi

Few minutes later, Seulgi comes nervously to the table where Yerim and her parent wait for her

“Hi…” Seulgi greet nervously and bow

“Hi unnie, have a sit” Seulgi sit at the empty chair beside Yerim

“Mom, dad this is Kang Seulgi. Seungwan unnie girlfriend” Mr. and Mrs. Bae smiled to Seulgi

“So you’re Seulgi?” Mr. Bae asked with friendly tone

“Yes…Mr. Bae”

“Can we talk with you about our daughter?” Mrs. Bae asked

Seulgi checks her watch “Actually I’m a bit busy now. Can we meet at lunch time since it’s around 10 minutes more?”


“Let meet at Han’s Restaurant at the front there” Seulgi pointed to the restaurant in front of their café

“Okay, see you later unnie”

“Alright” Seulgi back to her work and the Bae go to the restaurant

On lunch time, Seulgi quickly go to the restaurant to meet Yerim and her parent

“Hi Seulgi noona!” the waiter greet her soon as she open the door

“Hi Jaehyun, how was your day?” Seulgi walk to Yerim and her parent table followed by Jaehyun

“It is fine day today noona”

“It’s good then” Seulgi grin like a dork

“Sorry, I’m late” Seulgi said as she joins the family

“It’s okay unnie”

“Did you all take your order already?”

“We wait for you” Mr. Bae said

“Okay” Seulgi looked at Jaehyun “Menu book”

“Here” Jaehyun give 2 menu books to Seulgi and she gives it to Bae family

“Mine as usual” Seulgi said and Jaehyun jotted it down

“Where is the other noona?” Jaehyun asked while waiting for the orders

“She’s off-day today”

“No wonder Joy noona looked drained when I send her food earlier” they giggles

“Where is Lisa?”

“Joy noona said she’s go to bank with their boss”

Seulgi nods her head “I see”

Bae made their order and Jaehyun left for the kitchen. After the waiter left, Mrs. Bae initiated their conversation “Seulgi, where can we meet Seungwan?”

“Today is her off-day so you all can meet her at our apartment”

“Can you bring us there?”

“Sure, I’ll get permission to go back after this”

“Thank you” Mrs. Bae smiled

“When did you know my daughter?” asked Mr. Bae

“Since 4 years ago, my friend Joy introduce her to us after they come from Seoul”

“You dated her since that moment?”

Seulgi shake her head “No, it start around 2 years”

“You know about her background and status?”

“Yea, I know. She told us everything about herself”

“You’re sincerely stay with her or do you have something behind your sleeves?” Mr. Bae asking unexpected question making his wife and daughter looked at him in disbelief

Seulgi leaned against the chair and answered calmly “Actually Mr. Bae, all of my friends know about her and we never once have the intention to take advantage. We are not from a rich family and we work hard to earn money to support ourselves. We or I exactly never take advantage of her because of her status or whatever she has. I've sincerely loved her and been her friend ever since Joy came to us and introduced Wendy to us. We welcome her warmly and glad that there are rich people willing to befriend people like us. I really hope that none of your family members misjudge us for becoming friends with Wendy. We’re not rich in money but we have our pride and it’s not a joke if anyone comes and steps on it” Seulgi said in a serious tone. The Bae speechless, especially Mr. Bae after they heard what Seulgi said. Even though she's calm, she’s no joke.

“Sorry for his words” Mrs. Bae said apologetically and glared at her husband. She nudging Mr. Bae to apologize

“Sorry Seulgi” Mr. Bae said regret

“It’s okay Mr. Bae but I hope this scene won’t happen again especially in front of my friends and Wendy. It’ll make things hard for all of you to approach her”


“Did she trouble you a lot?” Mrs. Bae asked

“Not really. It’s true that she had hard times to cope with her new environment in the early days but now she’s okay. She never complain about living like us, at least she never say it in front of us”

“Glad to hear that. We can’t wait to see her”

“She changed a lot I think. You know it’s been 4 years since she leaved but I hope she welcome you and Mr. Bae nicely”

“We also hope like that” Mr. Bae sighs

“Thanks for take care of her all this while” Mrs. Bae said in motherly tone

“No problem” Seulgi smiled sweetly


After finish their lunch, Seulgi and Bae family go to Seulgi apartment

“Come in” Seulgi open the door widely for them

“Where is Seungwan?” Mrs. Bae asked

“Sleeping probably” Seulgi chuckled

“That sleepyhead” Mr. Bae shook his head lightly

After closing the door, Seulgi walked them to the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Bae is awed by the ambiance at the apartment. It’s so simple, tidy and cozy.

“Unnie might be sleeping” Yerim said as they sit on the couch

“I’ll call her” Seulgi said

Seulgi goes to the kitchen but her girlfriend is not there. She walked to the bedroom after don’t finding Wendy anywhere. Seulgi opened their bedroom door and she saw Wendy sleeping soundly on the bed. She walked to the sleeping beauty and sat on the bed edge beside her. Seulgi lean in and kissed Wendy lips

“Hmm” Wendy whined when her sleep disturbed

“Honey, I’m home” Seulgi kissed Wendy again

“Why so early, Seul?” Wendy yawns and checks the clock

“I have surprise for you”

“What is it?”

“Let go to living room” Seulgi help Wendy to sit up

“I wash my face first” Wendy peck Seulgi cheek and go to bathroom while Seulgi change her clothes

“You’re ready?” Seulgi asked as Wendy stepped out of the bathroom. She looked fresh with her hair tie to ponytail


“Let go” Seulgi intertwine their hand and go out of room

They walked to living room with Seulgi face plastered with wide smile while the girlfriend with bored face

“Unnie!!” Yerim jump from her seat and hugged Wendy tightly

“Yerm, what are you doing here?” Wendy still in a daze

“We come to visit you”

“We?” Wendy frown

“Me, mom and dad” Yerim lips tugged upwards and pointed at their parents at the couch

“Mom, dad” Wendy said in low tone

“Seungwan” Mrs. Bae stared at her daughter with teary eyes

“What are you two doing here?” Wendy voice turned cold

“Honey, don’t talk like that to your parents” Seulgi said

“Kang Seulgi, go to the bedroom now!” Wendy commands and Seulgi pouts then walks to the bedroom. Yerim is amused by Seulgi's adorable pout face but pity for her at the same time. Yerim follow her sister walk to living room

“Seungwan, we come to see you. Why can't you talk nicely to us?” Mr. Bae asked with unsatisfied voice

“It’s more than nice already” Wendy said nonchalantly “Have a seat”

“Seungwan, we come to apologize for what happened before. Yerim already told us everything and we realized our fault. We’re really sorry Seungwan-ah”

“I live in a struggle at our house more than I felt since I arrived here mom, dad. Everything I did was wrong. Every move I made was never impressive and never good in your eyes. You keep saying that I’m disappointing, failed in my life, not make you two proud and much more. At first I think I can bear it but things are getting worse so I just surrender and get up on everything I had. Everything is so hard for me, even my face never shows it. Sometimes I cried myself to sleep when I feel so down” Wendy shut her eyes and heaved heavy sigh

“At first I did it just to trained you to work hard for a better future but then I guessed I used to it and I’m not realize that I go over-limit” Mr. Bae said

“Again, we’re sorry for what happen, Seungwan-ah” Mrs. Bae pleads

“It’s okay mom. I forgive you and dad long time ago”

“Thanks dear” Mrs. Bae finally smiled

“Will you come back to us again?” ask Mr. Bae

“I’m not thinking of go back for now”

“Please Seungwan-ah”

“If I go back, I’ll bring Seulgi with me” Wendy say firmly

“Sure, we don’t mind” Mrs. Bae said happily and her husband agree too

“Just say whatever you want and we’ll grant it as long as you return to us and company” Mr. Bae said eagerly

Wendy tapped her chin and suddenly an invisible bulb appeared in her mind “Ahaaaa!!” Wendy snapped her finger

“What is it, unnie?” Yerim excitedly ask

“I want 8 good positions in our company for my friends based on their qualifications. Everyone are capable” Wendy smirked

“Are you sure unnie?” Yerim asked

“101% sure” Wendy looked at her father

“Joohyun is the authority figure in the company now. I’m sure she will agree” Mr. Bae said


“Don’t worry unnie, I guarantee a good position to them. I will inform unnie about it too. I just need their personal details” Yerim said

“Sure, I’ll ask them to prepare as soon as possible”

“So you agree to go back?” Mr. Bae smiled to his daughter

“If my wish fulfilled, I also do the same to your wish dad, mom”

“Thanks dear”

“No problem”

“Seungwanie, we have to go back now” Mrs. Bae said

“Don’t want to stay overnight?”

“We have to attend an event tomorrow so we can’t”

“Okay mom” Wendy pouts

“Unnie, don’t pout. I’ll spend my weekend here until Monday” Yerim pats Wendy head


“Yes” Yerim nods vigorously

“What about your car?” Mr. Bae asked his younger daughter

“You bring it back then ask Mr. Lee to pick me up on Monday”

“Okay then”

“Don’t forget to come home Seungwan, our house is waiting for you. Don’t tell me you don’t miss your room. Your unnie also look forward to see you” Mrs. Bae said jokingly

“Sure mom” Wendy gives V sign to her mom “Say hi to unnie”

Mrs. Bae nods her head “Say thanks to Seulgi and say goodbye to her”


Mr. and Mrs. Bae leaved and the Bae sister back to living room, continue chit-chatting with each other

“When do you need my friends’ resume?” Wendy asked to her sister

“Tomorrow, if they can give it quickly. Earlier is better to make the process start early. I’m not really busy next 2 weeks so I can handle it myself and choose where is can put them”

“Okay, I’ll tell them”

Wendy grabbed her phone and made an announcement on their group chat ‘Prepare your resume and bring it to me tomorrow. Meet at my apartment by tomorrow at 2 PM. It’s urgent!’


The girls gather at Seulgi and Wendy's apartment as Wendy commanded. Everyone brings their file containing their personal details and they wonder why Wendy suddenly asks for it. Once they sit in the living room, Wendy still doesn’t tell them why she needs it. Seulgi also don’t have idea

Yerim read the details about each of the girls in their file. She smiles and occasionally nods her head. The other girls still watching her curiously

“Girls, actually I ask you all to prepare all of this is to help you all to get job at our company”

“Sorry?” Lisa asked confusedly, the other girls also looked confuse

“My parents asked me to return to our house and work at the company. So in exchange, I want them to provide a decent job for all of you so that we all can work under the Four Seasons Group. It is my little gratitude to all of you for take care of me for this 4 years” Wendy explain

“Is it that easy?” Rose still disbelief

“With this Deputy CEO handle everything, it’ll be really easy” Wendy smiled while wrapped hers arm around Yerim shoulder

“Aigoo, I still can’t believe it” Moonbyul said

“You must learn to believe the drastic change of environment, unnie” Wendy grin “I hope everyone accept it whole-heartedly”

“Thanks a lot,” the girls said and smiled warmly. Everything was too good to be true for them

“Thanks honey” Seulgi whispers

“Anything for you babe” Wendy peck her lips

Yerim clear as she put the file on the table and it’s belong to Rose

“After I reviewed your education background and I found that all of you have a good achievement, everyone got your degree already. I assumed that luck for a good job hasn’t come to all of you before. Did you all go to any interview at any companies?”

“We apply when we found job vacancy but as you said our luck hasn’t comes yet” Seulgi answer

“After this no need to worry about job because I’ll give a decent job for all of you” Yerim pick one of the files on the table and it was Moonbyul “We have 5 business subsidiary so one or two of you will be given a position based on your qualification”

“Wow unnie! You’re a sports science student” Yerim exclaimed with wide eyes “Unnie, you’ll work at the fitness Centre that is located at our hotel. One of the staff at the fitness Centre resigned last week and now vacancies are open. I’ll tell my secretary to close the vacancy”

“Wow!” was all Moonbyul can say

“You know unnie” Yerim tapped Wendy forearm “Recently I opened my personal gym at our hotel on the 24th floor and I am looking for a trainer. I think it’s not bad if you be my personal trainer at the same time”

“You have a personal gym now? At the hotel?” Wendy asked in disbelief

“Yes unnie, I owned the whole floor and I renovated the place to be my personal place and also my gym. I have wide game room too”

“Mom and dad know it?”

“Yea, they know”

“How do they react?”

“They disagree at first but there is nothing they can do because I told them after renovating the whole place. Besides I use my own money to buy the whole floor and stuff. Joohyun unnie also invested in the renovation that’s why mom and dad are unable to oppose it. No one can against Bae Joohyun. She is my ultimate card” Yerim wiggle her brows

“Your brain is brilliant” Wendy sighs

“Byul unnie, you agree to be my trainer?” Yerim turned her face to Moonbyul

“Sure, no problem” Moonbyul nods happily

“Thanks unnie, allowance also provided. It is not often, just twice a week because I’m a busy person and rarely have time for it. Since I have trainer, I’ll try to arrange my schedule”

“Okay then” Moonbyul gives 2 thumbs up

“Are there any requests or something you all want me to prepare?” Yerim looked at the girls one by one

“No” they answered

“You give us more than we need and we’re grateful” Seulgi said

“Okay” Yerim turned to her sister “Unnie”


“You must go back to Seoul with me this Monday. Joohyun unnie wants to meet with you. She called me this morning saying that she wants you to come as soon as possible. This is order, unnie” Yerim stated


“To introduce you as COO of Four Seasons Group”

“Isn’t it too soon?” Wendy puzzled

“It is too late unnie”

“But Seul…” Wendy looked at her girlfriend

“Just for a day, it doesn't take too long. Joohyun unnie not accept any excuse. I’ll send you back after finishing everything at the company. She is not asking you to start working; you need to learn more about company structure because things change a lot now after unnie takes over it. I’ll guide you from a little thing that nobody ever knows about the company until the biggest things that everyone sees. Count on me” Wendy just stares blankly at her younger sister and the younger Bae sighs

“I’m not betraying you unnie. If I say it just for a day, I mean it. Look, yesterday early in the morning I landed in Seoul from Berlin after attending the World Tourism Summit. Then I suddenly remembered that I wanted to bring mom and dad here to see you. Mom says it can wait because I’m really tired but I don’t want to because I'm not the type to break a promise so we ended up here yesterday afternoon. Trust me, I never cheat on you unnie”

“Okay then” finally Wendy give in and follow her sister order


“What should I do?”

“Just attend a press conference and meeting with our workers” Wendy face suddenly grumpy

“Unnie, what with that face” Jisoo curious

“I don’t know” Wendy massaged her temple

“Nothing to worry, Joohyun unnie will be your spokesperson. Just follow what she said and everything will be okay. Your friend’s future is in your hands. If you give cooperation to her, it’ll be easy for me to handle the rest but if you’re still hard to get, I’m not guaranteeing anything. You don’t know how strict our big sister can be. She will not accept excuses without proper reason. Joo Hyun unnie is still overseas today, don’t make her fly back tonight and come here just to bring you back to Seoul. Unnie is not the same as you saw 4 years ago. She is very restless. I badly need you to come back so that I can help her after you take over your position”

“Okay, I’ll follow your orders” Wendy say after hearing Yerim complaints

“Alright” Yerim smiled satisfied at her capability in persuading her hard-headed and rebel sister to join their company

Yerim grabbed her phone from the table. “I want to make phone calls so silent for a while” everyone nods. They can hear it since Irene use loudspeaker

“Hello Miss. Bae”

“Hello Ms. Im, I need you to do something”

“What is it?”

“Please inform our CEO that I want to see her this Monday. Make sure you clear her schedule for the rest of the day. After that, arrange a press conference at executive conference room”

“Why is it so sudden?”

“We will introduce the COO of Four Seasons Group; she’ll come in person to the press conference”

“She comes in person?!”

“Yes and make a line up in front of the main entrance to welcome her. Tell the entire staff to get ready before we arrive and I don’t want anyone to come later than me. Make sure everything is clean and call the best interior designer to design her office as she wants. Before the press conference, we will meet with our CEO first. She will introduce our COO to the press”

“Sure Ms. Bae, I’ll make everything perfect to welcome our COO. Everyone will get excited when they know it later”

“Glad to hear that Ms. Im and thanks”

“Okay, you’re welcome”

Both of them hang up and Yerim sighs satisfied. The older girls conclude that Yerim is no joke and a very good leader despite her young age.

“You heard it yourself unnie, everyone excited waiting for you to join us and so do us”

“I’ll not disappoint you and unnie” Wendy said proudly to her sister

“After you join us, I plan to take leave maybe for few days”

“Where are you going?”

Yerim sighs heavily “I want to rest. You see, nowadays I get eye bags and dark circles due to not enough sleep and rest. My previous boyfriend gives up on me because I don’t spend time for him and I’m sadly single woman until now” they laughed

“You can look for boyfriend after Wendy join the company” Solar said teasingly

“I think so, unnie but I want to rest first. Last few months my body has not been in good condition because I always stay up late at night to do work or attend meetings here and there. Irene unnie also had a migraine. She passed out often due to overwork”

“You two must rest properly after this but make sure you keep guiding me” Wendy ruffle Yerim hair

“No worry, I’ll monitor you even if I'm on the other side of the world. Irene unnie also will help you whenever she has a chance. Our unnie is the most hardworking woman I have ever know” everyone laughed at Yerim's remark. She’s kind behind her serious expression

Suddenly Yerim's phone rings and she picks it up. When she listens to the phone, her face frowns, everyone stares curiously at her “What? Now! ... Can it be postponed? I’m not in the mood to talk about work now…*sigh* okay then…alright”

“What happened?” Wendy ask after Yerim tossed her phone on the couch

“I have teleconference with investor an hour from now” Yerim sighs


“How I hope that you can replace me for a while and I rest here. Sometimes my holiday also really annoying, you know. There is few times where I just see mom, dad and unnie only for 30 minutes in a day or sometimes we don’t meet at all either a day or a week because of really busy. Mom always nagging about me and unnie working like there is no tomorrow but what can we do, its job demand. 5 months ago, I diagnosed high blood pressure and luckily it’s normal now. Irene unnie also go through the same situation since last year. After several times being rushed to hospital, she was diagnosed with hypertension. She was advised to bed rest for a month and still follow up now”

“Aigoo” Wendy sigh sadly

“You’re really healthy now?” Moonbyul showed her worry face

“Yes unnie, I had a medical check-up earlier this month and the doctor said I’m in good condition. Only our big sister still need monitor” Yerim give assurance smile to Moonbyul

“You two should take a good rest” Krystal said

“Okay, I have to prepare my documents now”

“Okay” Yerim leaved to her room to prepare herself for her task

“They are such a hardworking girls” Joy smiled

“And kind” Solar added

“But kind of scary” Seulgi said

“You all have to be ready to work under our big sister. You see and hear from Yerim how she interacts with her workers and commands them. I think everyone will be really scared of her if she’s angry” say Wendy

“We must do our best” Krystal said

“Absolutely” Wendy agree

“Will you be that scary too?” Seulgi ask her girlfriend

“Maybe, remember I’m her sister and I might be her shadow” Wendy said and she saw everyone gulp “Yah, don’t be so afraid. I haven’t worked and you all already have this worry. I’ll deal with situation first and I’ll decide how I react” Wendy laughed and her friends glare at her


Yerim and Wendy on their way to Four Seasons Group HQ for the press conference. They go straight to the office before going to their house. Yerim looked at her sister and she noticed that Wendy looked nervous

“Unnie, are you nervous?” Yerim broke the silence

“A little bit” Wendy heart beating faster than the moment she fell in love with Seulgi before

“Did you text Seulgi unnie?”

“She text me early this morning and wish good luck”

“We’re here unnie” Yerim said as they enter the gateway of Four Seasons Group HQ

Wendy saw all employees of the company line up at the entrance, waiting for them. Soon as the car stop, 2 men jogged to their car and open the door for them

“Good morning Miss. Bae”

“Good morning” Wendy and Yerim said

When they stood in front of the workers, everyone bowed 90 degrees. After that, a woman in a navy blue suit walked up to them. She looked around Yerim age

“Good morning Ms. Yerim, I already prepare everything that you asked for and the conference will start in 1 hour”

“Good, we will meet with our CEO first. You already clear her schedule, don’t you?” Yerim ask her assistant

“Yes ma’am, CEO Bae is waiting for both of you in her office”

“Unnie, this is Ms. Im Nayeon. She’s my assistant” Yerim introduces her assistant to Wendy

“Good day Ms. Im” Wendy smiled politely

“Yea, good day to Miss. Bae” Ms. Im bow her head and smile

After giving a short speech, Wendy and Yerim walked to Irene’s office. As she enter the building, Wendy scan the entire place and not much changing, she thought


Sunshine Café

Seulgi and her friends gather at the table to wait for a live press conference on TV. Everyone excited to see Wendy appear on screen

“Is it still long?” Joy whined

“Around 5 minutes more” Seulgi said

Suddenly the entire programs at TV stop for a while to give a space for live press conference from Four Seasons Group building

“That’s it!” Krystal pointed at the TV

CEO Irene Bae entered the hall followed by Wendy and Yerim. They showered by camera flashes from the reporters that were invited. Tons of bodyguards are inside the hall and in front of the stage to ensure the safety of Bae sisters

“Wendy and her sisters are so gorgeous and charismatic” Solar praised while Seulgi non-stop smiling watching her beautiful girlfriend appear on TV. Everyone in the café also focuses their eyes on TV. Some of them murmured that they saw the girls around and some workers said that she’s Seulgi unnie/noona girlfriend

[Press Conference]

“Good morning everyone, I am Irene Bae, CEO of Four Seasons Group. Today we held a press conference to introduce the COO of Four Seasons Group. I am with honors introducing my second sister, Wendy Bae, the new COO of Four Seasons Group” Wendy bowed to the camera “Here, I will answer every question about her whereabouts all this while. Everyone knows that the owner of Four Seasons Group has 3 daughters but only 2 are known by the public. Our COO stayed in another city to prepare herself before joining the company. She learns a lot of things so that she can do the best to make the company soaring upwards. I also heard from certain people that she was disowned by our family because of her wrongdoings and now I officially denied it even though I never said anything about the rumors. If after this I hear about those nonsense rumors, I’ll not hesitate to drag you all to the court and destroy anything you have in a blink of an eye. Hereby I on behalf of the Four Seasons Group family, welcoming our honorable Chief Operating Office, Wendy Bae to Four Seasons Group. To all my people, please give full cooperation to her like all of you gave to me and my younger sister, Bae Yerim. That’s all for now. Thank you very much” everyone in the hall clapped their hand

“Ms. Wendy, can you say something?” the MC said

Wendy cleared “Thanks MC. First of all I want to thank my family for giving me a chance to join our company even though I think I’m not capable enough for this but they still fully trust me to be the COO. Thanks a lot mom and dad. I’m sorry for whatever mistake I had done and hurting both of you. I promise I will make both of you proud. Thank you very much to my older sister, Irene Bae, for trusting me to be the COO and welcoming me warmly to the company. Thanks to my younger sister, Bae Yerim, the Deputy CEO and acting COO for representing me to do my duty. I owe her very much. I felt sorry for her for abandoning her teen time to work hard at this younger age but I’ll make sure she enjoys her time after this. Besides that, I gladly thanked my best friends and my loved one for always being by my side through thick and thin and also never giving up on supporting me to cope with the new environment these entire 4 years. Lastly, for the Four Seasons Group staff, I hope everyone will give cooperation to me and we will make good teamwork. I know all of you have never disappointed us since my dad built this company in my sister's era. I hope the positive vibes always flow in our company. That’s all I want to say. Thank you very much”

The Bae sisters bow again and they leave the hall escorted by their bodyguards.


“Wow, Wendy speech is so touching and she thanked us too” Solar said proudly

“What do you all think about Irene-ssi words about why Wendy left?” Moonbyul asked

“Maybe it just to cover the problem, just take it as a fact why she come here to see us” Jisoo said positively

“Jisoo is right, think positive. No way she will expose her family issue to public since there is no one who know about it” Seulgi said

“We also should thank them for changing our life 360 degrees. We’re so lucky to know them” Lisa said

“I can’t wait to work at new place” Joy said dreamily

“I also same” Krystal grin

After that, they go back to their own workplace.


Wendy’s friends gather at the restaurant waiting for her arrival. Few minutes after they arrive, the door opens and Wendy enters followed by 2 men and a woman in a black suit. Wendy walked to her friends table and everyone at the café looked at her. Some of them murmured something about her appeared at TV yesterday but she passed by them coolly

“Hi everyone!” she greet them with bright smile

“Hi” they waved happily.

Then Wendy turned her body to the people behind her “You all can go back now”

“But Ms. Irene command us to you until home” the woman said

“It's okay, I’ll go back with my friends. I’ll tell her about it later, don’t worry”

“Okay Ms. Bae” both of them bowed and left. Wendy took seat beside Seulgi

“Honey, how was everything yesterday?” Seulgi asked

“Everything is going smoothly so far. Joohyun unnie dragged me here and there with her. I’m tired like hell but she said she still okay” Wendy complain

“Wannie, you looked gorgeous yesterday” Solar flashed her big smile

“Aishh unnie” Wendy blushing

“What are you doing after the press conference, unnie?” Joy ask excitedly

“I attend many meetings with Joohyun unnie. She introduced me to a lot of people. I sit like dumb person in that meeting since I don’t know what to say” everyone chuckled

“And I think you also sleepy” Seulgi said and she gain a smack on her arm

“Guys, I want you all to prepare your resignation letter at least the day after tomorrow. After that, pack your stuff because we’ll move to Seoul this weekend. Today is Wednesday so it is not too early for all of you to resign. I’ll resign too, immediately” Wendy stated

“Girls, why don’t we resign together? I mean on same day” Solar suggest

“Not bad” Joy said

“Let resign together tomorrow” Wendy added

“Okay” everyone said together


Next Monday, everyone is ready at their own place and waiting for transport to pick up their stuff. They will ride their own car while their stuff will be bring by transport that prepared by Yerim

“Honey, are you ready?” Wendy asked as she dragged her suitcases to front door

“Yes honey” Seulgi answer and her expression looked sad

“Honey, are you okay?” Wendy approach her girlfriend

“I’m okay honey, I just feel sad to leave this place” Seulgi wipe her tears

“It okay honey, I’m here” Wendy cooed and hugging Seulgi

“Unnie, is everything ready?” Yerim popped out from nowhere. Her eyes widened as she saw the couple hugging in the living room. She mouthed ‘what happened’ to her sister and Wendy shook her head. She carries the suitcases out to the transport that is waiting at the parking.

Yerim prepared 3 vans for their stuff. Everyone leaves their house with a heavy heart but there is nothing they can do because it is for their own future.


After a 2 hours journey to Seoul, they arrived at Bae mansion. The mansion is so big and security is tight.

“Welcome home, Ms. Seungwan” the butler welcome them soon as they arrive

“Thanks Mr. Park” Wendy and Yerim said

“Is this house or palace?” Rose whispers to Jisoo

“Just behave or they will throw us out from this mansion” Jisoo said

They were hypnotized by the view around the mansion. The place is so huge, clean and beautiful.

“Girls, let's enter the house. Mom, dad unnie is waiting inside” Wendy said and they follow Bae sister walk inside the mansion. 6 maids line-up at the entrance and bowed to them

“Hey girls, welcome to our house” Mr. Bae said happily as the girl walk to living room while Yerim excuse herself to upstairs to look for her older sister

“Have a seat everyone” Mrs. Bae said and everyone take place at the luxury couch at huge living room

“Girls, please make yourself at home. Don’t be shy. Just call our maids if you need anything” Mr. Bae said

“Okay Mr. Bae” they respond

“Oh, just call me uncle. Don’t be so formal” Mr. Bae said

“And call me aunty” Mrs. Bae grin showing her white teeth

“Mom, did they prepare their rooms already?” Wendy asked

“Yes, everything is ready. Mdm. Ho will show the room to you later. You just need 3 rooms, right”

“Yes mom” Wendy nods her head “Where is unnie?”

“Your unnie is in her office room. She is waiting for you all. Yerim will bring you all to see her later” say Mrs. Bae

“Okay mom”

“We have to go out for now, to attend my friend’s son's wedding. We’re sorry that we need to leave you all” Mr. Bae said apologetically

“It’s okay uncle” Joy said

“See you all maybe on dinner” Mrs. Bae get her purse from the table then they leave

“Seungwan-ah, the room is ready, do you want me to show it now?” the middle age maid said

“Oh yes, let go” Wendy said and everyone follow her


They arrived at the first room and everyone's eyes widened as they saw the room is 3 times bigger than their apartment. Mdm. Ho pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. It is the list that Yerim made for the room distribution. After bringing the girls to their room, Mdm. Ho go back to the kitchen

“Hey everyone” Yerim show up at the doorway of the room where Jisoo and Rose sleep

“Where have you been before?” Wendy asked

“I talked to Irene unnie” Yerim grins widely “Let go to meet unnie at her office room” Yerim said then everyone followed her to the other side of the mansion where their office room was located.

Yerim, Irene and Mr. Bae have their respective rooms for them to do their work at home. Mrs. Bae does not allow her husband and daughter to do their work in the bedroom because it is only for rest and sleep. They also are not allowed to stay in that area after 11:30 PM unless they have urgent work to do. On Saturday, she only allows them to be there from 9 AM until 12 PM while it is a totally restricted area on Sunday. She will ask her staff to lock the door if someone sneaks inside after the time that she set for work at home. She has been strict ever since Irene was diagnosed with hypertension. She doesn't want it to happen again. Everyone must eat and rest properly

Yerim knocks the door then opens it for them after receiving permission from her sister. The newcomer was amazed by the luxury decoration of the office. It is so big and filled with expensive furniture. Irene picture hang at the wall inside the big golden frame

On the big table, Bae Joohyun or Irene, the honorable CEO of Four Seasons Group is busy with the documents. Today is Saturday but her work seem like not giving her a chance to rest. However, since she have visitor, Irene decide to stop for a while and spare time for them

“Have a seat everyone” says the CEO and she also joins them. She sit on her lavish chair

Meanwhile, Yerim goes to the work table at the other side of the room and takes a file. Then she sat on the chair across from Irene. Everyone nervously waits for what will happen next. The aura in the room feels cold but calm at the same time. Wendy introduces her friends to her unnie. Irene happily welcomes them to their house. She also asked them to call her unnie when they are at home

“Yerim, you already revised the document that I told you, right?”

“Yes unnie, I already make it like you wanted” say the maknae

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
260 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
260 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute