Can you hear me? [Part 1]

Book of Visual Couple
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P.s I recommend you guys to listen to Taeyeon song, Can You Hear Me, before or while reading this story because I listen to that song to get the feeling before start writing. Enjoy!

Incheon Airport

[On the phone]

Someone: Babe, my brother is on the way to pick you up

Irene: Babe…I don’t even know your brother. How can I look for him? What if I follow the wrong person?

Someone: Calm down babe. I already show him your picture that you send before you depart. He will recognize you. Just wait, okay? He will approach you. He wear red T-shirt and denim jean. He is a bit taller than me and muscular

Irene: Fine, if he not arrive within 10 minutes, I will lea…S-Seulgi?

[Call ended]

Irene froze when she saw a very familiar figure stand in front of her. That person is Kang Seulgi, her ex-boyfriend that she leaved 3 years ago. Seulgi stare at her with empty eyes while she not believe that currently she meeting Seulgi as her future brother-in-law

After few minutes staring at each other, Seulgi speak up with cold voice “Hi, Ms. Bae. So you are my brother’s fiancé?”

Irene speechless, no words could come out from her “I…how?” she stutter badly

Seulgi smirk “Surprised? Me too” he smirk “After you left me hanging 3 years ago, now you are here in front of me as my brother soon-to-be wife. This world is so small that finally we meet again and you will change your surname to Kang as in KANG SEUNGWAN wife”

The girl look down to her feet as she fill with guilt “Seulgi, I’m sorry” she said almost whisper

“Save it. Just be happy with him. I always said that your happiness is my happiness. Don’t worry, I won’t betray you and I will not get on his way. He don’t need to know our past” Seulgi sighs “Let’s go home” Seulgi turn around and walk away. Irene quickly grab her luggage and follow Seulgi to car park

Both of them just silent along the way to Kang residence. Seulgi keep his straight face while Irene gaze out of the window. It feel really awkward inside the car. Irene hoping that they quickly arrive at home so she can run away from the awkwardness. However, she know she will meet with Seulgi every day because they will stay at same house. Seungwan ask her to stay with them and don’t need to find apartment. Since she don’t know Seungwan is Seulgi brother, she agree with the idea but now she totally regret it

After one hour of suffocating ride, they finally arrive. Seulgi offer to bring her luggage into their house and she obey. Seulgi lead them to their house and calling her parents

“Darling, we’re at living room” Mrs. Kang answer excitedly

Both of them walk to living room to meet the elder “Mom, pops, Irene is here” said Seulgi

Mrs. Kang stand up immediately follow by Mr. Kang. Both of them welcoming Irene warmly “Aigooo my daughter-in-law, you are getting prettier and gorgeous since last I saw you”

Irene chuckle “Mom, I still the same. Nothing change in me”

“Hey, you really change a lot. You look glowing and radiant now, right honey?” Mrs. Kang looking at her husband

“True, you must be happy that finally you can stay close with Seungwan, don’t you?” Mr. Kang teasing Irene

“Yes dad” Irene caught a glimpse of Seulgi looking away when his father mention Seungwan name

“No worry honey, you can spend more time with him after this. Both of you can plan your wedding too”

“I look forward to it too mom. We already plan a bit of our wedding” Irene swallow bitter saliva when she noticed Seulgi shut his eyes tightly. She wonder why Seulgi not leaving when the conversation killing him mercilessly

Mr. Kang speak afterwards “By the way Seulgi, do you introduce yourself to Irene already?” he looking at his son

Seulgi scratching his forehead “Yes pops, I told her that I am family chauffeur”

The elder burst out their laugh “Yah Kang Seulgi, you not quit joking even this is first time you meet with Irene” Seulgi faking his smile when his father teasing him

Mrs. Kang turn to Irene again “Rene, this Kang Seulgi. He is Seungwan twin brother. He is older than Seungwan by 11 minutes so that make him oldest son of Kang. They are non-identical twin so lot of people don’t know that that they are twin brother. Even their attitude also different”

“Noted mom”

That telling why Irene don’t recognize Seungwan as brother of Seulgi because their face have no similarity at all. Seulgi take after both his parents while Seungwan more after their mom.

As Mrs. Kang said, their attitude also different from each other aside from their maturity. Seulgi is serious type, thoughtful, a bit introvert, full of tenderness and caring. Meanwhile Seungwan is friendly, easy going, talkative, tend to have short-temper and cheerful. Different from when she is with Seulgi, she often being independent when she is with Seungwan. He only join helping him when needed. He often visit Irene at New York but his presence only make her tired by attending him all the time. Even they just fiancé, Irene already doing wife duty

However, Seulgi is very helpful and independent. He can take care of himself and don’t need assist in his daily needs. When they visited each other apartment, Seulgi will help her preparing food even just chopping veggies and meat because he can’t cook. He also always offer to wash dishes since Irene cooked for them. His place also neat and tidy unlike certain guy place. They totally different from each other in their way of living. Seulgi love to stay at home while Seungwan love hanging out and having fun.

Mr. Kang voice cutting Irene thoughts and she focus on the conversation “Seul, where is your brother? Why he send you to pick up his fiancé?”

“He said he is busy dad”

“What make him busy? Today is Saturday and we not working. I thought he go to airport when he leave early in the morning”

Seulgi shrugs “Maybe play golf. He seem busy when he called me this morning”

“Seungwan really. He can abandon his friends for Irene. He meet them every day though”

Irene interrupt “Dad, it okay. I arrived safely already so it doesn’t matter”

“You really go easy on him, Rene. Don’t let him free going out here and there with his friends. He should realize that he will be a husband”

“I will talk to him later dad”


“Mom, where is Yerim?” Seulgi asking when he realize that his younger sister is not around

“She going out with Sooyoung. They are watching movie today” said Mrs. Kang

“No wonder she ask for money last night. I thought she want to buy books”

“Well, she don’t get it from your dad so she go to you. She know Seungwan will not give her”

“She complain when I don’t want to give her money. This morning she not talking to me” Mr. Kang cackle

“Serve your right” Seulgi laughing at his dad

“Seul, can you walk Irene to her room?” Mrs. Kang asked

Seulgi frown “Where she will sleep?”

“At Seungwan room, of course. No way she will sleep at your room unless you want to sleep at other room” Mrs. Kang joking

Seulgi face contort because of his mother innocent answer “Not funny mom”

Irene try hard to suppress her laugh. Seulgi annoyed face always make her laughing because he look cute when annoying. She love to annoy him just to see his cute face. According to her, Seulgi is cute without trying even he always denied it

“Alright, I’m sorry. Walk her upstairs now” Mrs. Kang give command to her son then she turn to Irene “Rene, you can rest. I know you are tired after long flight”

“Okay mom”

Seulgi stand up and walk away while Irene follow behind with her luggage. They stop in front of the door then Seulgi open it

“This is your fiancé room” Seulgi back to flat voice unlike when he is talking with his parent

“Seulgi” Irene looking at Seulgi face


“Please be good to me” Irene plead “I only comfortable with you here”

“Hey, I don’t think you feel uncomfortable with Seungwan. He is your future husband. What would everyone think if you are too close to me?” Seulgi sighs “I will treat you not more than sister-in-law. Don’t expect more from me because I will never do it. We totally a stranger even you are part of family, you got it?”

“Okay, I’m sorry” Irene said faintly then she walk inside


Seulgi and his father sit on the stool at kitchen counter while Mrs. Kang busy preparing dinner. They offer to help but Mrs. Kang not allow so she make juice and snack for them to make them sit

“Mom, you cooked a lot today. Any special occasion?” Seulgi asking while munching sandwich

“Nothing, we just have dinner to welcome Irene, that’s all” Mrs. Kang said while chopping carrot

“Is she stay here permanently?”

“Yes, Seungwan want her to stay with us so she don’t need to purchase apartment. After married, she will stay here though”

‘I’m doom!’ Seulgi though in his mind. He not yet move on from Irene and now he will face her every day and witness her with his brother. If he want to move out, his parent will not agree because none of them allow to stay away unless they work at other city. Their mom not trust them to take care of themselves even all of them are not kid anymore. She more comfortable seeing her children around and taking care of them personally

“Seul” Mr. Kang tap his son arm

“Yes dad”

“When you want to introduce your girlfriend to us?”

Seulgi scratch his head “I also haven’t introduced to my girlfriend” he answered innocently

“What does that mean?” his parents both looking at him

“I don’t have girlfriend” Seulgi laughing

“Ayy this kid” Mrs. Kang groaning

“What about Sunmi? Both of you are close to each other like so clingy. We thought she is your girlfriend” Mr. Kang stated and his wife agree with him

“Don’t you like Sunmi? She is good woman. Your dad and I like her for you” Mrs. Kang added

Seulgi just smile shortly “No for now mom, dad. I still scare to fall in love again. Fall in love is hurt than fall from stairs”

“Son, no all women are same. Maybe you are not meant-to-be with your past girlfriend that’s why both of you break up. Open your heart for other woman, maybe Sunmi or someone else. We know you having hard time after the break up but it should be healed by now. It like 3 years already”

“Move on in harder than I think dad. Until now that feeling still lingering in my heart. She broke my heart to pieces but the pieces still loving her” if only his parents know the woman that they talked about is Irene. Seulgi don’t know what will happen if his family know that his twin brother will marry his ex-girlfriend

“I guess you need someone to heal you from your past lover. Do you want mommy to find a girl for you?” asked Mrs. Kang

“Ayy, I don’t want mom. It enough that you and dad find a wife for Seungwan. I don’t want it. We promised that I and Yerim will find our own partner”

Mrs. Kang pouting “I already thought of proposing Sunmi for you”

“I know right” Seulgi rolled his eyes

They conversation stop when Seungwan arrive “Hello” he smiling

“Kang Seungwan, come here you!” Mrs. Kang calling her son

Seungwan skipped to the kitchen “Yes my pretty mom”

“Where are you going earlier?”

“I…meeting my friends” Seungwan said innocently

“You know your fiancé arrived today and this is first time she come here but you send Seulgi to pick her up instead of yourself. You prioritize your friend more than Irene. What’s with your brain, Seungwan?”

“Mom, calm down” Seulgi said from the counter

“Shut up Seulgi, I talk with your brother. You and your father can’t interrupt” Mrs. Kang said sternly “Answer me Seungwan”

Seungwan scare of his mom more than everything in this world “I’m sorry mom. I don’t mean to abandon her but this is very important meeting”

Mrs. Kang rolled her eyes “Go upstairs and apologize to her. Don’t ever abandon her again. She is your priority for now. You can’t act like single anymore. Remember that you are engaged. Irene need your attention”

“Okay mom”

“Now go upstairs”

Seungwan immediately run upstairs leaving his family. Even he is naughty but he obey to his parents and his brother. He respect them a lot. He also love his younger sister the most since she is only girl sibling. Yerim is very close to him and Seulgi. Seulgi is very loving and dependable brother to both of them. He always protect him and Yerim from every danger. His love to them never change since they are toddler until now.

Few minutes later, Yerim also arrived with their cousin, Park Sooyoung. Both girls well-known as very close since both of them only daughter in their family

“Hi girls” Mr. Kang greet the girls

“Hi dad, hi oppa” Yerim chirped

“Hi uncle and oppa” Sooyoung follow suit

“Welcome home” Seulgi and his dad said together

Mrs. Kang clear from the kitchen “Just arrived?”

“Yes mom” Yerim answered

“Aunty, this is fruits that you requested. We bought it at fruit stall where you always go. The fruits are all fresh” Sooyoung put the plastic bags that filled with various type of fresh fruits

“Thanks Sooyoungie, how much is it?”

“It is my treat aunty, don’t worry”

“Okay then” said Mrs. Kang “Sooyoung, come here for dinner later. We have welcoming dinner for Irene”

“Alright aunty, I have to go home and change my clothes. I will come again later”

“Okay” Sooyoung leaving after excuse herself

Yerim look around but she don’t see anyone except her family “Mom, where is Irene unnie?”

“She is inside their room, resting. She looked very tired after long flight”

“Their room as in Seungwan oppa room?”

“Of course” the answer make Yerim gasped

“What’s wrong Yerim?” asked Mr. Kang

“Mom, dad, you two not afraid if something happen?”

The elder laughing then Mrs. Kang speak “No, if she pregnant then we will rush their wedding”

“Okay then” Yerim shrug her shoulder “I go upstairs to change my clothes”

“Come again and help me” said Mrs. Kang

“Mom~” Yerim whine

“No excuse” Yerim go to her room lazily


Seungwan enter his room quietly so that he not waking up his fiancé. He smile warmly when he saw Irene sleep peacefully on his bed that become their bed now. It has been few months since both of them meet each other. Last month Irene said she will transfer to Korea. He is happy that finally he don’t need to go abroad to meet his fiancé. He also offer Irene to stay at their house to make sure she is safe. His parents also not argue about it since they are engaged

He lean down and kiss Irene forehead softly. Irene stir up from her sleep and open her eyes slowly. She smile seeing Seungwan in front of her

“Am I disturbing my sleeping beauty?” Seungwan asked softly


“Sleep again, you look very tired”

“I don’t want to sleep anymore”

“Are you sure?” Irene nods softly “What do you want to do now?”

Irene pull Seungwan collar and crash their lips together. The kiss lead to make out as they hungrily kiss each other. Seungwan straddle Irene on the bed and both of them moan. They part away after long make out

“Miss me?” Seungwan wink seductively


“So…shall we celebrate your arrival?” Seungwan whisper to Irene ear while ing his shirt

“Remember protection and no marks”

“Okay babe” both of them kissed “Feel free to moan. This room is soundproof” Seungwan hover on top of his fiancé without waiting for her respond

After 3 rounds, they decide to stop since they don’t want to look exhausted during dinner later. They cuddle on the bed covered with blanket since they not put on their clothes

“Where are you going earlier?” Irene asking

“I meet with my friend”

“Boy or girl?”

“Boy of course” Seungwan pinch Irene cheek “Jealous much?”

“Just feel insecure”

“Don’t worry, I not playing around. I only have you” Seungwan kiss Irene lips

Irene tighten her hug around Seungwan bare torso and rest her head on Seungwan chest “I will start working this Monday. Accompany me to my office, okay?”

“Sure, I will drive you until you get your car. You have all of me of your first day in Korea branch”

“Thank you” Irene kissing Seungwan jawline

“I thought you want to rest for a week before working again”

“I want but dad said they need replacement immediately so I can’t help it”

“It’s okay, you can rest whole day tomorrow and get ready to work”

“Don’t go out tomorrow, okay? Stay with me” Irene show puppy eyes

“Of course I will stay at home to accompany my baby” Seungwan giggle


“I love you honey”

“Love you too”


Seulgi, Seungwan and their father lounge at living room watching TV while Mrs. Kang and the girls busy at the kitchen. Sooyoung also arrived a while ago and join the others at the kitchen. Doorbell ringing distracting everyone

“Seulgi, open the door!” Mrs. Kang said from dining table

“Mom, I’m lazy to walk. Ask Yerim to go open it”

“It is surprise for you. Go now sweetie”

“Okay” Seulgi lazily walk to open the door

Soon as he open the door, his eyes turn wide seeing a gorgeous and y woman stand in front of him

“Sunmi noona?”

“Yes darling, why do you look so shock? Is this our first meet?” Sunmi joking around

“No…you look very pretty and…y” Seulgi smirk like a ert while looking at Sunmi cleavage

Sunmi lean closer to Seulgi “On for some fun tonight?” she seducing Seulgi

“Really needed” Seulgi smiling “I need to release my stress”

“What bothering my baby bear?”

“I will tell you later” Seulgi whisper “Prepare for wild night”

“On your service master”

Seulgi cupped Sunmi face and kiss her passionately. Before pull away, he bit Sunmi lips to

“Ouch!” Sunmi hissed

“Just kidding” Seulgi laugh

“You’re lucky that I not wear red lipstick tonight”

“No lipstick stained, right?” Seulgi wiping his mouth

“Of course”

“Let get inside before we got suspicious and make my parents think that we’re really dating” Seulgi grab Sunmi hand and enter

Both of them walk to dining table where everyone already gathered. Seungwan and Mr. Kang already siting on their place

“I thought you two already leaving us since you took forever to come in” said Mr. Kang

“She suddenly get phone call that’s why we take a bit longer” Seulgi lying as he take a sit on his dad right side while Sunmi beside him

“Sunmi-ah, aunty want to introduce you to Seungwan fiancé. Her name is Irene” said Mrs. Kang “Rene, this is Sunmi. She is Seulgi…close friend”

“Nice to meet you” Irene bow her head politely

“Nice to meet you too” Sunmi answer with sweet smile

“Correction mom…she is Seulgi future girlfriend” said Seungwan

“Hey!” Seulgi protest

“Don’t deny it oppa. We know something going on” Yerim smirk evilly together with Sooyoung

“We are just close friend” Seulgi stated

“We look forward for good news from both of you” Mr. Kang join teasing his son

“Sunmi, we’re just kidding” said Mrs. Kang

“No worry aunty, you all teased us a lot. I don’t take it to my heart” Sunmi said

“See that Seul, Sunmi noona also don’t if you date her” Seungwan joking

Seulgi decide to pay back to his twin “At least I still have chance to play around unlike certain someone. No more night out” he laughing heartily followed by the others. Seungwan only glare at his brother

“Guys, enough with the joke. Let eat our food before it get cold” Mrs. Kang stop everyone from joking


After dinner, everyone gather at living room. They talked about random topics. Sometimes they teasing Irene and Seungwan. Not to forget, they also teasing Seulgi and Sunmi

Seulgi just faking his laugh when his family teasing Seungwan and Irene. It killing him whenever the couple act lovey dovey with each other. Seungwan not hesitate to peck Irene cheek when his family teasing them while Irene just smile shyly. She also clingy to Seungwan arm from time to time. Seulgi try to avoid that sight but he can’t. He regret choosing the sit right in front of them. He seriously breaking the already broken pieces of his heart now

As for Irene, she not comfortable seeing Sunmi too clingy with Seulgi and she look very care of him. She always get everything ready for Seulgi when he need it. For example during their dinner, she give a glass of water to Seulgi when she saw Seulgi need his drink. She alert whenever Seulgi need more food and she will scoop it for him. She also grab tissue for Seulgi after he finish his eating. Sunmi totally attend Seulgi with care. Irene only can dream that she is the one that sit on Sunmi place. She thought she get over Seulgi but she is wrong. Even after 3 years of engage with Kang Seungwan, Kang Seulgi still hold the highest and deepest place in her heart. Seungwan still can’t replace Seulgi. She not deny that she is happy with Seungwan but it still can’t beat when she still with Seulgi. The feeling is totally different. Now she realize that she still in love with Seulgi

Whenever their eyes meet, it reflect nothing but longing to each other. Both of them know it well but they can’t reach each other, not anymore. They are separated by big thick wall that stopping them to express the feeling even just once. No one able to break that wall even how hard they trying.

“Mom” Seulgi gain everyone attention

“Yes sweetie”

“I will sleep at my penthouse tonight”


“I leave some document there yesterday so I need to get it” Seulgi giving excuse

“You can go tomorrow, don’t you?”

“I have to look for it. You know I forgot where I put that file. I want to search tonight and will be back tomorrow so I can start working soon as I arrive at home” Seulgi try convincing his mother

“Okay, you can go”

“Thanks mom” Seulgi grinning

After got signal from Seulgi, Sunmi excuse herself to go home “Aunty, I have to go now since it late already”

“Okay then, thank you for coming tonight” Mrs. Kim brushed her cheeks with Sunmi

“Thanks for delicious foods too”

“Drive carefully, Sunmi” said Mr. Kang

“Okay uncle”

“Seulgi, since your penthouse is same way with Sunmi apartment, her until she reach her place” Mr. Kang said to his son

Hearing his father suggestion that look like helping him, Seulgi agree in no time “No problem dad. I will her until she enter her house”


“We should go now”

“Goodnight everyone” said Sunmi


Seulgi giving Sunmi signal that they will go to Sunmi house and the girl immediately understand


After Seulgi and Sunmi leaving, the others also dismiss to their bedroom. Sooyoung decide to sleepover since she lazy to drive late night even her house is just few block away<

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute